blob: 60fff33390b39121dac6aacc4ed3e7a306abb400 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "host-common/MediaVpxVideoHelper.h"
#include "host-common/YuvConverter.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include <cassert>
#define MEDIA_DPRINT(fmt, ...) \
fprintf(stderr, "media-vpx-video-helper: %s:%d " fmt "\n", __func__, \
__LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define MEDIA_DPRINT(fmt, ...)
namespace android {
namespace emulation {
using FrameInfo = MediaSnapshotState::FrameInfo;
using ColorAspects = MediaSnapshotState::ColorAspects;
MediaVpxVideoHelper::MediaVpxVideoHelper(int type, int threads)
: mType(type), mThreadCount(threads) {}
MediaVpxVideoHelper::~MediaVpxVideoHelper() {
void MediaVpxVideoHelper::decode(const uint8_t* data,
size_t len,
uint64_t pts) {
MEDIA_DPRINT("decoding %d bytes", (int)len);
vpx_codec_decode(mCtx.get(), data, len, (void*)pts, 0);
void MediaVpxVideoHelper::flush() {
MEDIA_DPRINT("calling flush");
vpx_codec_decode(mCtx.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
bool MediaVpxVideoHelper::init() {
MEDIA_DPRINT("calling init context");
mCtx.reset(new vpx_codec_ctx_t);
vpx_codec_err_t vpx_err;
vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t cfg;
vpx_codec_flags_t flags;
memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg));
memset(&flags, 0, sizeof(flags));
cfg.threads = 1;
if (mThreadCount > 1) {
cfg.threads = std::min(mThreadCount, 4);
if ((vpx_err = vpx_codec_dec_init(
mType == 8 ? &vpx_codec_vp8_dx_algo : &vpx_codec_vp9_dx_algo,
&cfg, flags))) {
MEDIA_DPRINT("vpx decoder failed to initialize. (%d)", vpx_err);
return false;
MEDIA_DPRINT("vpx decoder initialize context successfully.");
dprint("successfully created libvpx video decoder for VP%d", mType);
return true;
void MediaVpxVideoHelper::deInit() {
if (mCtx != nullptr) {
MEDIA_DPRINT("calling destroy context");
void MediaVpxVideoHelper::copyYV12FrameToOutputBuffer(size_t outputBufferWidth,
size_t outputBufferHeight,
size_t imgWidth,
size_t imgHeight,
int32_t bpp,
uint8_t* dst,
const uint8_t* srcY,
const uint8_t* srcU,
const uint8_t* srcV,
size_t srcYStride,
size_t srcUStride,
size_t srcVStride) {
size_t dstYStride = outputBufferWidth * bpp;
size_t dstUVStride = dstYStride / 2;
size_t dstHeight = outputBufferHeight;
uint8_t* dstStart = dst;
for (size_t i = 0; i < imgHeight; ++i) {
memcpy(dst, srcY, imgWidth * bpp);
srcY += srcYStride;
dst += dstYStride;
dst = dstStart + dstYStride * dstHeight;
for (size_t i = 0; i < imgHeight / 2; ++i) {
memcpy(dst, srcU, imgWidth / 2 * bpp);
srcU += srcUStride;
dst += dstUVStride;
dst = dstStart + (5 * dstYStride * dstHeight) / 4;
for (size_t i = 0; i < imgHeight / 2; ++i) {
memcpy(dst, srcV, imgWidth / 2 * bpp);
srcV += srcVStride;
dst += dstUVStride;
static void convertYUV420Planar16ToYUV420Planar(
uint8_t *dstY, uint8_t *dstU, uint8_t *dstV,
const uint16_t *srcY, const uint16_t *srcU, const uint16_t *srcV,
size_t srcYStride, size_t srcUStride, size_t srcVStride,
size_t dstYStride, size_t dstUVStride,
size_t width, size_t height) {
for (size_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
dstY[x] = (uint8_t)(srcY[x] >> 2);
srcY += srcYStride;
dstY += dstYStride;
for (size_t y = 0; y < (height + 1) / 2; ++y) {
for (size_t x = 0; x < (width + 1) / 2; ++x) {
dstU[x] = (uint8_t)(srcU[x] >> 2);
dstV[x] = (uint8_t)(srcV[x] >> 2);
srcU += srcUStride;
srcV += srcVStride;
dstU += dstUVStride;
dstV += dstUVStride;
void MediaVpxVideoHelper::copyImgToGuest(vpx_image_t* mImg,
std::vector<uint8_t>& byteBuffer) {
size_t outputBufferWidth = mImg->d_w;
size_t outputBufferHeight = mImg->d_h;
size_t mWidth = mImg->d_w;
size_t mHeight = mImg->d_h;
assert(mImg->fmt == VPX_IMG_FMT_I420 || mImg->fmt == VPX_IMG_FMT_I42016);
int32_t bpp = (mImg->fmt == VPX_IMG_FMT_I420) ? 1 : 2;
byteBuffer.resize(mWidth * mHeight * bpp * 3 / 2);
uint8_t* dst =;
MEDIA_DPRINT("*** d_w=%d d_h=%d out_w=%d out_h=%d m_w=%d m_h=%d bpp=%d",
mImg->d_w, mImg->d_h, (int)outputBufferWidth,
(int)outputBufferHeight, (int)mWidth, (int)mHeight, (int)bpp);
const uint8_t* srcY = (const uint8_t*)mImg->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y];
const uint8_t* srcU = (const uint8_t*)mImg->planes[VPX_PLANE_U];
const uint8_t* srcV = (const uint8_t*)mImg->planes[VPX_PLANE_V];
size_t srcYStride = mImg->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y];
size_t srcUStride = mImg->stride[VPX_PLANE_U];
size_t srcVStride = mImg->stride[VPX_PLANE_V];
if (bpp == 2) {
size_t dstYStride = outputBufferWidth;
size_t dstUVStride = dstYStride / 2;
uint8_t *dstY = dst;
uint8_t *dstU = dst + dstYStride * outputBufferHeight;
uint8_t *dstV = dst + (5 * dstYStride * outputBufferHeight) / 4;
convertYUV420Planar16ToYUV420Planar(dstY, dstU, dstV,
(const uint16_t*)(srcY), (const uint16_t*)(srcU), (const uint16_t*)(srcV),
srcYStride>>1, srcUStride>>1, srcVStride>>1,
dstYStride, dstUVStride,
outputBufferWidth, outputBufferHeight
} else {
copyYV12FrameToOutputBuffer(outputBufferWidth, outputBufferHeight,
mImg->d_w, mImg->d_h, bpp, dst, srcY, srcU,
srcV, srcYStride, srcUStride, srcVStride);
void MediaVpxVideoHelper::fetchAllFrames() {
mIter = NULL;
while (true) {
mImg = vpx_codec_get_frame(mCtx.get(), &mIter);
if (mImg == NULL) {
if (mIgnoreDecoderOutput) {
std::vector<uint8_t> byteBuffer;
copyImgToGuest(mImg, byteBuffer);
MEDIA_DPRINT("save frame");
// include/vpx/vpx_image.h
unsigned int color_primaries = 2; // default unspecified
if (mImg->cs == VPX_CS_BT_601) {
color_primaries = 4;
} else if (mImg->cs == VPX_CS_BT_709) {
color_primaries = 1;
// Note: the color primary and range from bitstream seems not trustable
color_primaries = 2; // default unspecified
MEDIA_DPRINT("vpx fetch primary as %d orgcs %d\n", (int)color_primaries,
unsigned int color_range = 0; // default unspecified
if (mImg->range == VPX_CR_FULL_RANGE) {
color_range = 1; // full range
} else if (mImg->range == VPX_CR_STUDIO_RANGE) {
color_range = 2; // limited range
color_range = 0; // default unspecified
MEDIA_DPRINT("vpx fetch color range as %d orgrange %d\n",
(int)color_range, mImg->range);
const unsigned int color_trc = 3; // default 3; don't care for now
const unsigned int colorspace = 2; // unspecified, dont care for now
std::move(byteBuffer), std::vector<uint32_t>{}, (int)mImg->d_w,
(int)mImg->d_h, (uint64_t)(mImg->user_priv),
ColorAspects{color_primaries, color_range, color_trc,
} // namespace emulation
} // namespace android