blob: eca5c6ff3e3b3cb6f1c4f4344e8e045c38273b01 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2015 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "android/gps.h"
#include "android/emulation/serial_line.h"
#include "android/gps/PassiveGpsUpdater.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "android/utils/stralloc.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
using android::emulation::PassiveGpsUpdater;
CSerialLine* android_gps_serial_line;
// Set to true to ping guest for location updates every few seconds
static bool s_enable_passive_location_update = true;
static bool s_enable_gps_signal = true;
static bool s_enable_gnssgrpcv1 = false;
static std::mutex s_set_location_mutex;
std::unique_ptr<PassiveGpsUpdater> s_updater;
// Last state of the gps, initial coordinates point to Googleplex.
double s_latitude = 39.237256;
double s_longitude = -123.150032;
double s_metersElevation = 0;
double s_speedKnots = 0;
double s_headingDegrees = 0;
int s_nSatellites = 4;
#define D(...) VERBOSE_PRINT(gps, __VA_ARGS__)
typedef void (*android_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea_func)(const char*, int);
static android_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea_func s_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea = NULL;
void android_gps_send_nmea(const char* sentence) {
if (sentence == NULL)
D("sending '%s'", sentence);
if (android_gps_serial_line == NULL) {
D("missing GPS channel, ignored");
if (s_enable_gnssgrpcv1) {
if (s_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea) {
s_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea(sentence, strlen(sentence));
android_serialline_write(android_gps_serial_line, (const uint8_t*)sentence,
android_serialline_write(android_gps_serial_line, (const uint8_t*)"\n", 1);
void android_gps_send_gnss(const char* sentence) {
if (sentence == NULL)
if (android_gps_serial_line == NULL) {
D("missing GPS channel, ignored");
D("sending '%s'", sentence);
char temp[1024];
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "$GPGNSSv1,%s", sentence);
if (s_enable_gnssgrpcv1) {
// TODO: handle gnss input
android_serialline_write(android_gps_serial_line, (const uint8_t*)temp,
android_serialline_write(android_gps_serial_line, (const uint8_t*)"\n", 1);
// must match
static void send_location_to_device_gnssrpcv1(double latitude,
double longitude,
double metersElevation,
double speedKnots,
double headingDegrees,
const struct timeval* time) {
constexpr double kAccuracyMeters = 1;
constexpr double kAccuracySpeed = .5;
constexpr double kAccuracyHeading = 2;
constexpr int kUnused = 0;
const double speedMetersPerSecond = speedKnots / 1.94384;
char buf[128];
const long long int tMs = time->tv_usec / 1000 + time->tv_sec * 1000LL;
const int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
latitude, longitude, metersElevation,
speedMetersPerSecond, kAccuracyMeters,
headingDegrees, tMs,
kAccuracySpeed, kAccuracyHeading,
if (s_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea) {
s_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea(buf, len);
Sends the current location to the device. Callers should have the
@param latitude The current latitude, in decimal degrees.
@param longitude The current longitude, in decimal degrees.
@param metersElevation The current elevation, in meters.
@param speedKnots The current speed, in knots.
@param headingDegrees The current heading, in degrees.
@param nSatellites The number of satellites being used to calculate the location.
@param time The current time.
static void send_location_to_device_internal(double latitude,
double longitude,
double metersElevation,
double speedKnots,
double headingDegrees,
int nSatellites,
const struct timeval* time) {
char* elevStrPtr;
int latDeg, latMin, latFraction;
int lngDeg, lngMin, lngFraction;
char hemiNS, hemiEW;
int hh = 0, mm = 0, ss = 0;
// GPGGA format overview:
// time of fix 123519 12:35:19 UTC
// latitude 4807.038 48 degrees, 07.038 minutes
// north/south N or S
// longitude 01131.000 11 degrees, 31. minutes
// east/west E or W
// fix quality 1 standard GPS fix
// satellites 1 to 12 number of satellites being tracked
// HDOP <dontcare> horizontal dilution
// altitude 546. altitude above sea-level
// altitude units M to indicate meters
// diff <dontcare> height of sea-level above ellipsoid
// diff units M to indicate meters (should be <dontcare>)
// dgps age <dontcare> time in seconds since last DGPS fix
// dgps sid <dontcare> DGPS station id
// time->tv_sec is elapsed seconds since epoch, UTC
hh = (int)(time->tv_sec / (60 * 60)) % 24;
mm = (int)(time->tv_sec / 60) % 60;
ss = (int)(time->tv_sec) % 60;
stralloc_add_format(msgStr, "$GPGGA,%02d%02d%02d", hh, mm, ss);
// Latitude
hemiNS = 'N';
if (latitude < 0) {
hemiNS = 'S';
latitude = -latitude;
latDeg = (int)latitude;
latitude = 60 * (latitude - latDeg);
latMin = (int)latitude;
latFraction = 10000 * (latitude - latMin);
stralloc_add_format(msgStr, ",%02d%02d.%04d,%c", latDeg, latMin,
latFraction, hemiNS);
// Longitude
hemiEW = 'E';
if (longitude < 0) {
hemiEW = 'W';
longitude = -longitude;
lngDeg = (int)longitude;
longitude = 60 * (longitude - lngDeg);
lngMin = (int)longitude;
lngFraction = 10000 * (longitude - lngMin);
stralloc_add_format(msgStr, ",%02d%02d.%04d,%c", lngDeg, lngMin,
lngFraction, hemiEW);
// Bogus fix quality (1), satellite count, and bogus dilution
stralloc_add_format(msgStr, ",1,6,");
// Altitude (to 0.1 meter precision) + bogus diff
// Make sure elevation is formatted with a decimal point instead of comma.
// setlocale isn't used because of thread safety concerns.
stralloc_add_format(elevationStr, "%.1f", metersElevation);
for (elevStrPtr = stralloc_cstr(elevationStr); *elevStrPtr; ++elevStrPtr) {
if (*elevStrPtr == ',') {
*elevStrPtr = '.';
stralloc_add_format(msgStr, ",%s,M,0.,M", stralloc_cstr(elevationStr));
// Bogus rest and checksum
stralloc_add_str(msgStr, ",,,*47");
// Send it
// Free it
// GPRMC format overview:
// GPRMC,220516,A,5133.82,N,00042.24,W,173.8,231.8,130694,004.2,W*70
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
// 1 220516 Time Stamp
// 2 A validity - A-ok, V-invalid
// 3 5133.82 current Latitude
// 4 N North/South
// 5 00042.24 current Longitude
// 6 W East/West
// 7 173.8 Speed in knots
// 8 231.8 True course
// 9 130694 Date Stamp (13 June 1994)
// 10 004.2 Variation
// 11 W East/West
// 12 *70 checksum
// Time
stralloc_add_format(rmcStr, "$GPRMC,%02d%02d%02d,A", hh, mm, ss);
// Latitude
stralloc_add_format(rmcStr, ",%02d%02d.%04d,%c", latDeg, latMin,
latFraction, hemiNS);
// Longitude
stralloc_add_format(rmcStr, ",%02d%02d.%04d,%c", lngDeg, lngMin,
lngFraction, hemiEW);
// Speed in knots, course
if (headingDegrees < 0.0)
headingDegrees += 360.0;
stralloc_add_format(rmcStr, ",%.2f,%.2f", speedKnots, headingDegrees);
// Date
time_t ttTime = time->tv_sec;
struct tm* pTm = gmtime(&ttTime);
stralloc_add_format(rmcStr, ",%02d%02d%02d", pTm->tm_mday, pTm->tm_mon + 1,
(pTm->tm_year) % 100);
if (s_enable_gnssgrpcv1) {
// TODO: fix checksum
stralloc_add_format(rmcStr, ",,,W*47");
} else {
// Magnetic variation, cksum (both bogus)
stralloc_add_format(rmcStr, ",0.0,W*47");
// Send it
if (s_enable_gps_signal) {
// Free it
int android_gps_get_location(double* outLatitude,
double* outLongitude,
double* outMetersElevation,
double* outVelocityKnots,
double* outHeading,
int* outNSatellites) {
// Note: This does not retrieve the gps state from the actual device
// which means that it is possible to observe a gps state that is
// different from what is actually reported in the device.
// 2 cases:
// - Someone managed to fake the gps coordinates from inside the device
// - Android itself has not yet sampled this value. (Usually 1hz)
if (outLatitude)
*outLatitude = s_latitude;
if (outLongitude)
*outLongitude = s_longitude;
if (outMetersElevation)
*outMetersElevation = s_metersElevation;
if (outVelocityKnots)
*outVelocityKnots = s_speedKnots;
if (outHeading)
*outHeading = s_headingDegrees;
if (outNSatellites)
*outNSatellites = s_nSatellites;
return 0;
// android_gps_send_location
// Send a GPS location to the AVD using an NMEA sentence
// Inputs: latitude: Degrees
// longitude: Degrees
// metersElevation: Meters above sea level
// speedKnots: Speed in knots
// headingDegrees: Heading -180..+360, 0=north, 90=east
// nSatellites: Number of satellites used
// time: UTC, in the format provided
// by gettimeofday()
void android_gps_send_location(double latitude,
double longitude,
double metersElevation,
double speedKnots,
double headingDegrees,
int nSatellites,
const struct timeval* time) {
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(s_set_location_mutex);
s_latitude = latitude;
s_longitude = longitude;
s_metersElevation = metersElevation;
s_speedKnots = speedKnots;
s_headingDegrees = headingDegrees;
s_nSatellites = nSatellites;
if (s_enable_gnssgrpcv1) {
send_location_to_device_gnssrpcv1(latitude, longitude, metersElevation,
speedKnots, headingDegrees, time);
} else {
send_location_to_device_internal(latitude, longitude, metersElevation,
speedKnots, headingDegrees, nSatellites,
void android_gps_refresh() {
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(s_set_location_mutex);
timeval timeVal = {};
gettimeofday(&timeVal, nullptr);
if (s_enable_gnssgrpcv1) {
s_latitude, s_longitude, s_metersElevation, s_speedKnots,
s_headingDegrees, &timeVal);
} else {
s_latitude, s_longitude, s_metersElevation, s_speedKnots,
s_headingDegrees, s_nSatellites, &timeVal);
void android_gps_set_passive_update(bool enable) {
s_enable_passive_location_update = enable;
if (enable) {
// Start updater.
s_updater = std::make_unique<PassiveGpsUpdater>(android_gps_refresh);
} else {
void android_gps_enable_gnssgrpcv1() {
s_enable_gnssgrpcv1 = true;
bool android_gps_get_passive_update() {
return s_enable_passive_location_update;
void android_gps_set_send_nmea_func(void* fptr) {
android_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea_func myf =
s_gnssgrpcv1_send_nmea = myf;
bool android_gps_get_gps_signal() {
return s_enable_gps_signal;
void android_gps_set_gps_signal(bool enable) {
s_enable_gps_signal = enable;