blob: 08eda74e9a6a996d3bbc730a28acbd1b64e0b7a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "aemu/base/memory/ScopedPtr.h"
#include "android/cmdline-option.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
TEST(CmdLineOptions, parsePort) {
struct {
const char* input;
bool expectSuccess;
int expectConsolePort;
int expectAdbPort;
} kData[] = {
{"5554", true, 5554, 5555},
{"5555", true, 5555, 5556}, // Odd port.
{"5552", true, 5552, 5553}, // Port below lower bound of 5554.
{"5553", true, 5553, 5554}, // Port below lower bound of 5554.
{"6000", true, 6000, 6001}, // Port above upper bound.
{"6001", true, 6001, 6002}, // Even port above range
{"foo", false, 0, 0},
{"5554trailingText", false, 0, 0},
{"", false, 0, 0},
{nullptr, false, 0, 0},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
int consolePort = 0;
int adbPort = 0;
bool result = android_parse_port_option(data.input, &consolePort,
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectSuccess, result)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectConsolePort, consolePort)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectAdbPort, adbPort)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";
TEST(CmdLineOptions, parsePorts) {
struct {
const char* input;
bool expectSuccess;
int expectConsolePort;
int expectAdbPort;
} kData[] = {
{"5554,5555", true, 5554, 5555},
{"1,200", true, 1, 200}, // No restrictions on ports
{"65000,7", true, 65000, 7},
{"-2,5555", false, 0, 0}, // No negative values
{"5554,-42", false, 0, 0}, // No negative values
{" 5554, 5555", true, 5554, 5555}, // Leading spaces are fine
{"5554 ,5555", false, 0, 0}, // But not trailing spaces
{"5554,5555 ", false, 0, 0}, // But not trailing spaces
{"5554,5555trailingText", false, 0, 0},
{"5554trailingtext,5555", false, 0, 0},
{"345,", false, 0, 0},
{",678", false, 0, 0},
{"123", false, 0, 0},
{"123 456", false, 0, 0},
{"0,234", false, 0, 0}, // No ports below 1
{"234,0", false, 0, 0},
{"65536,234", false, 0, 0}, // No ports above 65535
{"234,65536", false, 0, 0},
{nullptr, false, 0, 0},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
int consolePort = 0, adbPort = 0;
bool result = android_parse_ports_option(data.input,
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectSuccess, result)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectConsolePort, consolePort)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectAdbPort, adbPort)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";
TEST(CmdLineOptions, validatePorts) {
struct {
int consolePortInput;
int adbPortInput;
bool expectSuccess;
} kData[] = {
{5554, 5555, true},
{5553, 5554, false},
{5552, 5553, false},
{5584, 5585, true}, // At least 16 port combinations are supported.
{5555, 5556, false}, // Odd ports not allowed.
{5552, 5553, false}, // Port below lower bound.
{5553, 5554, false}, // Port below lower bound.
{6000, 6001, false}, // Port above upper bound.
{6001, 6002, false}, // Port above upper bound.
for (const auto& data : kData) {
bool result = android_validate_ports(data.consolePortInput,
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectSuccess, result)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.consolePortInput
<< "," << data.adbPortInput << ")";
TEST(CmdLineOptions, parseDebug) {
struct {
const char* option;
bool parseAsSuffix;
bool expectedResult;
uint64_t initialFlags;
uint64_t parsedFlags;
} kData[] = {
{ NULL, false, false, 0, 0 },
{ NULL, true, false, 0, 0 },
{ "", false, 0, 0 },
{ "all", false, true, 0, -1ull },
{ "-all", false, true, 1, 0 },
{ "all", true, true, 0, -1ull },
{ "-all", true, false, 1, 1 },
{ "no-all", false, true, 1, 0 },
{ "noall", false, false, 1, 1 },
{ "init", false, true, 0, 1 },
{ "init", true, true, 0, 1 },
{ "-init", true, false, 1, 1 },
{ "all,no-init", false, true, 0, -1ull & ~1 },
{ "all,no-init", true, false, 0, 0 },
{ "init,blah,-foo,no-bar", false, true, 0, 1 },
{ "init,blah,-foo,no-bar", true, false, 0, 0 }
// Make sure the android_verbose debug flags are restored even if any test
// case fails.
auto oldFlags = get_verbosity_mask();
auto restoreFlags = android::base::makeCustomScopedPtr(&oldFlags,
[](const uint64_t* oldFlags) { set_verbosity_mask(*oldFlags); });
for (const auto& data : kData) {
bool result = android_parse_debug_tags_option(data.option,
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectedResult, result)
<< "Failed on test case: ("
<< (data.option ? data.option : "null") << ")";
EXPECT_EQ(data.parsedFlags, get_verbosity_mask())
<< "Failed on test case: ("
<< (data.option ? data.option : "null") << ")";
TEST(CmdLineOptions, parseModemSimulatorPort) {
struct {
const char* input;
bool expectSuccess;
int expectModemSimulatorPort;
} kData[] = {
{"10000", true, 10000},
{"0", false, 0}, // No ports below 1
{"65536", false, 0}, // No ports above 65535
{"foo", false, 0},
{"5554trailingText", false, 0},
{"", false, 0},
{nullptr, false, 0},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
int modemSimulatorPort = 0;
bool result = modem_simulator_parse_port_option(data.input, &modemSimulatorPort);
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectSuccess, result)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectModemSimulatorPort, modemSimulatorPort)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";
TEST(CmdLineOptions, validateUserModeNetworkingOption) {
struct {
const char* input;
bool expectSuccess;
} kData[] = {
{"ipv6=off,host=,dhcpstart=", true},
{"ipv6=off,host=,dns=", false},
{"", true},
{"ipv6=", false},
{",,", false},
for (const auto& data : kData) {
bool result = android_validate_user_mode_networking_option(data.input);
EXPECT_EQ(data.expectSuccess, result)
<< "Failed on test case: (" << data.input << ")";