blob: acb378b232e5d175ec6ba9c2c873e68b444b0eaf [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
// sensor_session_playback.h
// SensorSessionPlayback provides apis to load/replay the sensor files generated
// by sensor record apk. Sensor files are proto binary, proto is defined in
// android/android-emu/android/emulation/proto/sensor_session.proto
// The sensor records are not sorted in the proto binary, they will be sorted in
// LoadFrom function.
// Human readable example:
// session_metadata {
// unix_timestamp_ms: 1599769231274
// version {
// major: 0
// minor: 1
// patch: 0
// }
// name: "Thu Sep 10 20:20:31 GMT 2020"
// car_property_configs {
// key: 356516106
// value {
// access: 1
// area_type: 3
// change_mode: 0
// max_sample_rate: 0
// min_sample_rate: 0
// supported_areas {
// area_id: 0
// area_config {
// min_int32_value: 0
// max_int32_value: 0
// }
// }
// type: "java.lang.Integer"
// }
// }
// subscribed_sensors {
// key: "android.sensor.accelerometer_Invensense Accelerometer"
// value {
// name: "Invensense Accelerometer"
// vendor: "Invensense"
// version: 1
// type: 1
// max_range: 39.2266
// resolution: 0.0011971008
// power_ma: 0.5
// min_delay_us: 2000
// fifo_reserved_event_count: 0
// fifo_max_event_count: 0
// string_type: "android.sensor.accelerometer"
// max_delay_us: 250000
// id: 0
// reporting_mode: 0
// highest_direct_report_rate_level: 0
// direct_channel_memory_file_supported: false
// direct_channel_hardware_buffer_supported: false
// wake_up_sensor: false
// dynamic_sensor: false
// additional_info_supported: false
// }
// }
// sensor_records {
// timestamp_ns: 101682689
// sensor_events {
// key: "android.sensor.gyroscope_uncalibrated_Invensense Gyroscope"
// value {
// values: 0.010652378
// values: -0.025566613
// values: -0.005326588
// values: 0.011530399
// values: -0.025104554
// values: -0.005609416
// accuracy: 3
// }
// }
// }
// example use:
// // Load proto
// sensorSessionPlayback->LoadFrom(path);
// // Register the callback
// sensorSessionPlayback->RegisterCallback(
// [](emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord record) {
// // Add user's desired responses here
// });
// // Start the playback
// sensorSessionPlayback->StartReplay();
// // Stop the playback
// sensorSessionPlayback->StopReplay();
// // Move the start point to a specific time
// sensorSessionPlayback->SeekToTime(timestamp);
// See sensor_session_playback_unittest.cpp
#pragma once
// TODO: (b/120444474) rename ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION & remove this undef
#include "aemu/base/synchronization/ConditionVariable.h" // for Conditio...
#include "aemu/base/synchronization/Lock.h" // for Lock
#include "aemu/base/synchronization/MessageChannel.h" // for MessageC...
#include "aemu/base/threads/FunctorThread.h" // for FunctorT...
#include "google/protobuf/repeated_field.h"
#include "sensor_session.pb.h"
namespace android {
namespace sensorsessionplayback {
class SensorSessionPlayback {
typedef int64_t DurationNs;
explicit SensorSessionPlayback();
virtual ~SensorSessionPlayback();
// Loads a sensor session file into memory. This method blocks if called
// while playback is running.
bool loadFrom(std::string filename);
// Sets playback to begin at a specified point in time. Given duration is
// relative to session start time.
bool seekToTime(DurationNs time);
// Returns the current sensor data.
emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord getCurrentSensorData() const {
return mCurrentSensorAggregate;
// Register a callback to be run whenever a new event occurs.
void registerCallback(
std::function<void(emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord)> fn) {
mCallback = fn;
// Begins sensor playback.
bool startReplay(float multiplier = 1);
// Pauses sensor playback.
void stopReplay();
// Metadata accessors.
inline emulator::SensorSession::SessionMetadata metadata() const {
return mSession.session_metadata();
// Return the duration of current session
inline DurationNs sessionDuration() const {
return mSession.sensor_records().empty()
? 0
: mSession.sensor_records().rbegin()->timestamp_ns();
// Return the event count of current session
inline int eventCount() const { return mSession.sensor_records().size(); }
// Split the whole session by internal
// Return the event count in each interval
std::vector<int> getSensorRecordTimeLine(DurationNs interval);
// The main playback function used in playback thread
void playSensor();
void sensorRecordsSort(google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<
emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord>* array) {
std::sort(array->pointer_begin(), array->pointer_end(),
// Return current system time in ns
DurationNs getUnixTimeNs();
static bool sensorComparator(
const emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord* z,
const emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord* y) {
return z->timestamp_ns() < y->timestamp_ns();
// Currently loaded session data. Need lock protection.
emulator::SensorSession mSession;
// Tracks currently elapsed time during playback.
DurationNs mCurrentElapsedTime = 0;
// Tracks current position in data during playback.
const emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord>::iterator
// Collection of current sensor data.
emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord mCurrentSensorAggregate;
// Function to be called when data is available. Set with
// RegisterCallback().
std::function<void(emulator::SensorSession::SensorRecord)> mCallback;
// SensorSessionPlayback is neither copyable nor movable.
SensorSessionPlayback(const SensorSessionPlayback&) = delete;
SensorSessionPlayback& operator=(const SensorSessionPlayback&) = delete;
// Playback thread
std::unique_ptr<base::FunctorThread> mPlayThread;
base::ConditionVariable mCarVhalReplayCV;
base::Lock mCarVhalReplayLock;
base::MessageChannel<float, 4> mCarVhalReplayMultiMsg;
base::MessageChannel<int, 2> mCarVhalReplayMsg;
} // namespace sensorsessionplayback
} // namespace android