blob: 1e5d31fb09182c2faa44f44e0a8fcc335916a3cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "android/main-kernel-parameters.h"
#include "android/base/StringFormat.h"
#include "android/emulation/GoldfishDma.h"
#include "android/emulation/ParameterList.h"
#include "android/emulation/SetupParameters.h"
#include "android/featurecontrol/FeatureControl.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "android/utils/dns.h"
#include "android/version.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
using android::base::StringFormat;
// Note: The ACPI _HID that follows devices/ must match the one defined in the
// ACPI tables (hw/i386/acpi_build.c)
static const char kSysfsAndroidDtDir[] =
static const char kSysfsAndroidDtDirDtb[] =
// Note: defined in platform/system/vold/model/Disk.cpp
static const unsigned int kMajorBlockLoop = 7;
char* emulator_getKernelParameters(const AndroidOptions* opts,
const char* targetArch,
int apiLevel,
const char* kernelSerialPrefix,
const char* avdKernelParameters,
const std::vector<std::string>* verifiedBootParameters,
AndroidGlesEmulationMode glesMode,
int bootPropOpenglesVersion,
uint64_t glFramebufferSizeBytes,
mem_map ramoops,
const int vm_heapSize,
bool isQemu2,
bool isCros) {
android::ParameterList params;
if (isCros) {
std::string cmdline(StringFormat(
"ro noresume noswap loglevel=7 noinitrd root=/dev/sda3 no_timer_check"
"cros_legacy cros_debug console=%s",
opts->show_kernel ? "ttyS0" : ""));
return strdup(cmdline.c_str());
bool isX86ish = !strcmp(targetArch, "x86") || !strcmp(targetArch, "x86_64");
// We always force qemu=1 when running inside QEMU.
// Disable apic timer check. b/33963880
isQemu2 ? "ranchu" : "goldfish");
std::string myserialno(EMULATOR_VERSION_STRING);
std::replace(myserialno.begin(), myserialno.end(), '.', 'X');
params.addFormat("androidboot.serialno=EMULATOR%s", myserialno.c_str());
// TODO: enable this with option
// params.addFormat("androidboot.logcat=*:D");
if (isX86ish) {
// b/67565886, when cpu core is set to 2, clock_gettime() function hangs
// in goldfish kernel which caused surfaceflinger hanging in the guest
// system. To workaround, start the kernel with no kvmclock. Currently,
// only API 24 and API 25 have kvm clock enabled in goldfish kernel.
&params, nullptr, apiLevel, targetArch, kernelSerialPrefix, isQemu2,
opts->show_kernel, opts->logcat || opts->shell, opts->shell_serial);
params.addIf("android.checkjni=1", !opts->no_jni);
params.addIf("android.bootanim=0", opts->no_boot_anim);
// qemu.gles is used to pass the GPU emulation mode to the guest
// through kernel parameters. Note that the ro.opengles.version
// boot property must also be defined for |gles > 0|, but this
// is not handled here (see vl-android.c for QEMU1).
int gles;
switch (glesMode) {
case kAndroidGlesEmulationHost: gles = 1; break;
case kAndroidGlesEmulationGuest: gles = 2; break;
default: gles = 0;
params.addFormat("qemu.gles=%d", gles);
// To save battery, set the screen off timeout to a high value.
// Using int32_max here. The unit is milliseconds.
params.addFormat("qemu.settings.system.screen_off_timeout=2147483647"); // 596 hours
if (isQemu2 && android::featurecontrol::isEnabled(android::featurecontrol::EncryptUserData)) {
// If qemu1, make sure GLDMA is disabled.
if (!isQemu2)
android::featurecontrol::GLDMA, false);
// OpenGL ES related setup
// 1. Set opengles.version and set Skia as UI renderer if
// GLESDynamicVersion = on (i.e., is a reasonably good driver)
params.addFormat("qemu.opengles.version=%d", bootPropOpenglesVersion);
if (android::featurecontrol::isEnabled(
android::featurecontrol::GLESDynamicVersion)) {
params.addFormat("qemu.uirenderer=%s", "skiagl");
// 2. Calculate additional memory for software renderers (e.g., SwiftShader)
const uint64_t one_MB = 1024ULL * 1024ULL;
int numBuffers = 2; /* double buffering */
uint64_t glEstimatedFramebufferMemUsageMB =
(numBuffers * glFramebufferSizeBytes + one_MB - 1) / one_MB;
// 3. Additional contiguous memory reservation for DMA and software framebuffers,
// specified in MB
const int Cma =
2 * glEstimatedFramebufferMemUsageMB +
(isQemu2 && android::featurecontrol::isEnabled(android::featurecontrol::GLDMA) ? 256 : 0);
if (Cma) {
params.addFormat("cma=%" PRIu64 "M@0-4G", Cma);
if (opts->logcat) {
std::string param = opts->logcat;
// Replace any space with a comma.
std::replace(param.begin(), param.end(), ' ', ',');
std::replace(param.begin(), param.end(), '\t', ',');
params.addFormat("androidboot.logcat=%s", param);
if (opts->bootchart) {
params.addFormat("androidboot.bootchart=%s", opts->bootchart);
if (opts->selinux) {
params.addFormat("androidboot.selinux=%s", opts->selinux);
if (opts->dns_server) {
int dnsCount = android_dns_get_servers(opts->dns_server, ips);
if (dnsCount > 1) {
params.addFormat("ndns=%d", dnsCount);
if (isQemu2 &&
android::featurecontrol::isEnabled(android::featurecontrol::Wifi)) {
// Enable multiple channels so the kernel can scan on one channel while
// communicating the other. This speeds up scanning significantly.
const bool isDynamicPartition = android::featurecontrol::isEnabled(android::featurecontrol::DynamicPartition);
if (isQemu2 && isX86ish && !isDynamicPartition) {
// x86 and x86_64 platforms use an alternative Android DT directory that
// mimics the layout of /proc/device-tree/firmware/android/
(android::featurecontrol::isEnabled(android::featurecontrol::KernelDeviceTreeBlobSupport) ?
kSysfsAndroidDtDirDtb : kSysfsAndroidDtDir));
if (isQemu2) {
if (android::featurecontrol::isEnabled(android::featurecontrol::SystemAsRoot)) {
// If verifiedBootParameters were added, they will provide the root
// argument which corresponds to a mapped device.
if (!verifiedBootParameters || verifiedBootParameters->empty()) {
// Enable partitions on loop devices.
// This is used by the new "virtual disk" feature used by vold to help
// debug and test storage code on devices without physical media.
params.addFormat("loop.max_part=%u", kMajorBlockLoop);
if (avdKernelParameters && avdKernelParameters[0]) {
if (verifiedBootParameters) {
for (const std::string& param : *verifiedBootParameters) {
// Configure the ramoops module, and mark the region where ramoops lives as
// unusable. This will prevent anyone else from using this memory region.
if (ramoops.size > 0 && ramoops.start > 0) {
params.addFormat("ramoops.mem_address=0x%" PRIx64, ramoops.start);
params.addFormat("ramoops.mem_size=0x%" PRIx64, ramoops.size);
params.addFormat("memmap=0x%" PRIx64 "$0x%" PRIx64, ramoops.size, ramoops.start);
if (vm_heapSize > 0) {
char temp[64];
snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%dm", vm_heapSize);
params.addFormat("qemu.dalvik.vm.heapsize=%s", temp);
// User entered parameters are space separated. Passing false here to prevent
// parameters from being surrounded by quotes.
return params.toCStringCopy(false);