blob: 85899a44858e55b801d6bd7f43a9c8442f8ceaff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/emulation/AndroidPipe.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// This is a utility class that can help implement simple
// request/reponse type of remote calls between guest and host
// guest side:
// send the request Message
// host side:
// handle the reqeust message, generate response message
// send it back;
// Message {
// int32_t length_of_payload;
// uint8_t payload[1];
// };
// examples are: gatekeeper/keymaster
// how to use it:
// 1. provide a function that read request payload, generate response payload
// VERY IMPORTANT: this function runs on a QEMU's CPU thread while BQL is
// locked. This means the function _must_ be quick and may not rely on anything
// that might need to also lock the BQL (e.g. main QEMU loop, or other pipe
// services)
// void MyXYZDecodeAndExecute(const std::vector<uint8_t> &input,
// std::vector<uint8_t> *output) {
// // do stuff
// 2. register the service
// void registerMyXYZService() {
// android::AndroidPipe::Service::add(new
// android::AndroidMessagePipe::Service("MyXYZService",
// MyXYZDecodeAndExecute));
namespace android {
class AndroidMessagePipe : public AndroidPipe {
// message header length: 4 bytes int; guest should put
// the payload length into int and send it over
// to host
static constexpr int kMessageHeaderNumBytes = 4;
using DataBuffer = std::vector<uint8_t>;
using DecodeAndExecuteFunction =
std::function<void(const DataBuffer&, DataBuffer*)>;
// The pipe service class for this implementation.
class Service : public AndroidPipe::Service {
Service(const char* serviceName, DecodeAndExecuteFunction cb)
: AndroidPipe::Service(serviceName), m_cb(cb) {}
bool canLoad() const override { return true; }
virtual AndroidPipe* load(void* hwPipe,
const char* args,
base::Stream* stream) override {
return new AndroidMessagePipe(hwPipe, this, m_cb, stream);
virtual AndroidPipe* create(void* mHwPipe, const char* args) override {
return new AndroidMessagePipe(mHwPipe, this, m_cb, nullptr);
DecodeAndExecuteFunction m_cb;
AndroidMessagePipe(void* hwPipe,
android::AndroidPipe::Service* service,
DecodeAndExecuteFunction cb,
base::Stream* loadStream = nullptr);
void onSave(base::Stream* stream) override;
void onGuestClose(PipeCloseReason reason) override {
delete this;
unsigned onGuestPoll() const override;
int onGuestRecv(AndroidPipeBuffer* buffers, int numBuffers) override;
int onGuestSend(const AndroidPipeBuffer* buffers, int numBuffers) override;
void onGuestWantWakeOn(int flags) override {}
void resetRecvPayload(DataBuffer&& buffer);
void resetToInitState();
void loadFromStream(base::Stream* stream);
void switchGuestWaitingState();
size_t copyData(uint8_t** bufdatap, size_t* bufsizep, bool fromBufdata);
bool readyForGuestToReceive() const;
bool readyForGuestToSend() const;
void setOffset(uint32_t myoffset);
uint32_t getOffset() const;
enum class GuestWaitingState {
GuestWaitingState mGuestWaitingState = GuestWaitingState::SendMesgLength;
int32_t mSendLengthBuffer;
DataBuffer mSendPayloadBuffer;
int32_t mRecvLengthBuffer;
DataBuffer mRecvPayloadBuffer;
int32_t m_expected = 0;
uint8_t* m_curPos;
DecodeAndExecuteFunction m_cb;
void registerAndroidMessagePipeService(
const char* serviceName,
android::AndroidMessagePipe::DecodeAndExecuteFunction cb);
} // namespace android