blob: 364695d28c4f232974b62b3ba0990a5d6e9de4b7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2007-2017 The Android Open Source Project
** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
* Android emulator control console
* this console is enabled automatically at emulator startup, on port 5554 by default,
* unless some other emulator is already running. See (android_emulation_start in android_sdl.c
* for details)
* you can telnet to the console, then use commands like 'help' or others to dynamically
* change emulator settings.
#include "android/console.h"
#include "android/console_internal.h"
#include "android/android.h"
#include "android/avd/BugreportInfo.h"
#include "android/automation/AutomationController.h"
#include "android/base/StringView.h"
#include "android/base/misc/StringUtils.h"
#include "android/cmdline-option.h"
#include "android/console_auth.h"
#include "android/crashreport/crash-handler.h"
#include "android/emulator-window.h"
#include "android/emulation/QemuMiscPipe.h"
#include "android/featurecontrol/FeatureControl.h"
#include "android/globals.h"
#include "android/hw-events.h"
#include "android/hw-sensors.h"
#include "android/network/constants.h"
#include "android/network/control.h"
#include "android/network/globals.h"
#include "android/network/wifi.h"
#include "android/recording/screen-recorder-constants.h"
#include "android/shaper.h"
#include "android/tcpdump.h"
#include "android/telephony/modem_driver.h"
#include "android/utils/bufprint.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "android/utils/eintr_wrapper.h"
#include "android/utils/http_utils.h"
#include "android/utils/ipaddr.h"
#include "android/utils/looper.h"
#include "android/utils/sockets.h"
#include "android/utils/stralloc.h"
#include "android/utils/string.h"
#include "android/utils/utf8_utils.h"
#include "config-host.h"
#include <atomic>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include "msvc-posix.h"
#include "msvc-getopt.h"
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define DEBUG 1
#if 1
# define D_ACTIVE VERBOSE_CHECK(console)
# define D(x) do { if (D_ACTIVE) ( printf x , fflush(stdout) ); } while (0)
# define D(x) do{}while(0)
#define DINIT(...) do { if (VERBOSE_CHECK(init)) dprint(__VA_ARGS__); } while (0)
typedef struct ControlGlobalRec_* ControlGlobal;
typedef struct ControlClientRec_* ControlClient;
typedef struct {
int host_port;
int host_udp;
unsigned int guest_ip;
int guest_port;
} RedirRec, *Redir;
typedef int Socket;
typedef const struct CommandDefRec_* CommandDef;
typedef struct ControlClientRec_
struct ControlClientRec_* next; /* next client in list */
Socket sock; /* socket used for communication */
// The loopIo currently communicating over |sock|. May change over the
// lifetime of a ControlClient.
LoopIo* loopIo;
ControlGlobal global;
char finished;
char buff[ 4096 ];
int buff_len;
CommandDef commands;
} ControlClientRec;
typedef struct ControlGlobalRec_
// Interfaces to call into QEMU specific code.
#define ANDROID_CONSOLE_DEFINE_FIELD(type, name) type name ## _agent [1];
/* IO */
Looper* looper;
LoopIo* listen4_loopio;
LoopIo* listen6_loopio;
/* the list of current clients */
ControlClient clients;
/* the list of redirections currently active */
Redir redirs;
int num_redirs;
int max_redirs;
} ControlGlobalRec;
static inline const QAndroidVmOperations* vmopers(ControlClient client) {
return client->global->vm_agent;
//////////// Module level globals //////////////////////////
static ControlGlobalRec _g_global;
// Some commands may be controlled by a feature flag, so we need to check it.
namespace {
using android::featurecontrol::Feature;
typedef struct CmdFeatureFlag_
const char* name;
Feature feature;
} CmdFeatureFlag;
const CmdFeatureFlag command_flags[] = {
{"screenrecord", android::featurecontrol::ScreenRecording},
{"wifi", android::featurecontrol::WifiConfigurable},
{NULL, android::featurecontrol::Feature_n_items}};
} // namespace
static bool
isCommandEnabled(const char* command_name) {
if (command_name == nullptr) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; command_flags[i].name != nullptr; ++i) {
if (!strcmp(command_name, command_flags[i].name)) {
return android::featurecontrol::isEnabled(
// If passed a command that doesn't have a feature flag,
// just enable it.
return true;
static int
control_global_add_redir( ControlGlobal global,
int host_port,
int host_udp,
unsigned int guest_ip,
int guest_port )
Redir redir;
if (global->num_redirs >= global->max_redirs)
int old_max = global->max_redirs;
int new_max = old_max + (old_max >> 1) + 4;
auto new_redirs = (Redir)realloc( global->redirs, new_max*sizeof(global->redirs[0]) );
if (new_redirs == NULL)
return -1;
global->redirs = new_redirs;
global->max_redirs = new_max;
redir = &global->redirs[ global->num_redirs++ ];
redir->host_port = host_port;
redir->host_udp = host_udp;
redir->guest_ip = guest_ip;
redir->guest_port = guest_port;
return 0;
static int
control_global_del_redir( ControlGlobal global,
int host_port,
int host_udp )
int nn;
for (nn = 0; nn < global->num_redirs; nn++)
Redir redir = &global->redirs[nn];
if ( redir->host_port == host_port &&
redir->host_udp == host_udp )
memmove( redir, redir + 1, ((global->num_redirs - nn)-1)*sizeof(*redir) );
global->num_redirs -= 1;
return 0;
/* we didn't find it */
return -1;
/* Detach the socket descriptor from a given ControlClient
* and return its value. This is useful either when destroying
* the client, or redirecting the socket to another service.
* NOTE: this does not close the socket.
static int
control_client_detach( ControlClient client )
int result;
if (client->sock < 0)
return -1;
client->loopIo = NULL;
result = client->sock;
client->sock = -1;
return result;
static void
control_client_destroy( ControlClient client )
ControlGlobal global = client->global;
ControlClient *pnode = &global->clients;
int sock;
D(( "destroying control client %p\n", client ));
sock = control_client_detach( client );
if (sock >= 0)
for ( ;; ) {
ControlClient node = *pnode;
if ( node == NULL )
if ( node == client ) {
*pnode = node->next;
node->next = NULL;
pnode = &node->next;
delete client;
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Different write callbacks used to report back to the client.
static bool send_chunk(int sock, const char* buff, int len) {
while (len > 0) {
int ret = HANDLE_EINTR(socket_send(sock, buff, len));
if (ret < 0) {
if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN) {
return false;
} else {
buff += ret;
len -= ret;
return true;
static void control_control_write(ControlClient client, const char* buff, int len)
if (len < 0)
len = strlen(buff);
// Terminal requires an explicit \r\n symbol pair for newlines, and most of
// the clients use \n alone. Make sure we insert missing \r characters
// before each \n while sending.
int offset = 0;
for (;;) {
const char* pos = buff + offset;
auto newline = (const char*)memchr(pos, '\n', len - offset);
if (!newline) {
// Done, send the rest as a single chunk.
send_chunk(client->sock, buff + offset, len - offset);
if (newline == buff || // The very first character is '\n'.
newline[-1] != '\r') { // Previous character is not '\r'.
if (!send_chunk(client->sock, pos, newline - pos) ||
!send_chunk(client->sock, "\r\n", 2)) {
} else {
// The correct '\r\n' is there.
if (!send_chunk(client->sock, pos, newline - pos + 1)) {
offset += newline - pos + 1;
static int control_vwrite( ControlClient client, const char* format, va_list args )
static char temp[1024];
int ret = vsnprintf( temp, sizeof(temp), format, args );
temp[ sizeof(temp)-1 ] = 0;
control_control_write( client, temp, -1 );
return ret;
static int control_write( ControlClient client, const char* format, ... )
int ret;
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
ret = control_vwrite(client, format, args);
return ret;
static int control_write_out_cb(void* opaque, const char* str, int strsize) {
auto client = (ControlClient)opaque;
control_control_write(client, str, strsize);
return strsize;
static int control_write_err_cb(void* opaque, const char* str, int strsize) {
int ret = 0;
auto client = (ControlClient)opaque;
ret += control_write(client, "KO: ");
control_control_write(client, str, strsize);
return ret + strsize;
// forward declaration
static void control_client_read(void* opaque, int fd, unsigned events);
typedef const struct CommandDefRec_* CommandDef;
typedef struct CommandDefRec_ {
const char* names;
const char* abstract;
const char* description;
void (*descriptor)(ControlClient client);
int (*handler)(ControlClient client, char* args);
CommandDef subcommands; /* if handler is NULL */
} CommandDefRec;
namespace {
extern const CommandDefRec main_commands[]; /* forward */
extern const CommandDefRec main_commands_preauth[]; /* forward */
} // namespace
static ControlClient
control_client_create( Socket socket,
ControlGlobal global )
auto client = new ControlClientRec();
if (client) {
socket_set_nodelay( socket );
socket_set_nonblock( socket );
client->commands = main_commands_preauth;
client->finished = 0;
client->global = global;
client->sock = socket;
client->loopIo =
loopIo_new(global->looper, socket, control_client_read, client);
client->next = global->clients;
global->clients = client;
return client;
static CommandDef
find_command( char* input, CommandDef commands, char* *pend, char* *pargs )
int nn;
char* args = strchr(input, ' ');
if (args != NULL) {
while (*args == ' ')
if (args[0] == 0)
args = NULL;
for (nn = 0; commands[nn].names != NULL; nn++)
const char* name = commands[nn].names;
const char* sep;
do {
int len, c;
sep = strchr( name, '|' );
if (sep)
len = sep - name;
len = strlen(name);
c = input[len];
if ( !memcmp( name, input, len ) && (c == ' ' || c == 0) ) {
*pend = input + len;
*pargs = args;
return &commands[nn];
if (sep)
name = sep + 1;
} while (sep != NULL && *name);
/* NOTE: don't touch *pend and *pargs if no command is found */
return NULL;
static void
dump_help( ControlClient client,
CommandDef cmd,
const char* prefix )
if (cmd->description) {
control_write( client, "%s", cmd->description );
} else if (cmd->descriptor) {
cmd->descriptor( client );
} else {
control_write( client, "%s\r\n", cmd->abstract );
if (cmd->subcommands) {
cmd = cmd->subcommands;
control_write( client, "\r\navailable sub-commands:\r\n" );
for ( ; cmd->names != NULL; cmd++ ) {
control_write( client, " %s %-15s %s\r\n", prefix, cmd->names, cmd->abstract );
control_write( client, "\r\n" );
static int do_quit(ControlClient client, char* args); // forward
static void control_send_help_prompt(ControlClient client) {
"Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands\r\n");
static void control_client_do_command(ControlClient client) {
char* line = client->buff;
char* args = NULL;
CommandDef commands = client->commands;
char* cmdend = client->buff;
CommandDef cmd = NULL;
// do security checks before executing find_command
size_t line_len = strlen(line);
if (android_http_is_request_line(line, line_len)) {
control_write(client, "KO: Forbidden HTTP request. Aborting\r\n");
do_quit(client, NULL);
} else if (!android_utf8_is_valid(line, line_len)) {
control_write(client, "KO: Forbidden binary request. Aborting\r\n");
do_quit(client, NULL);
cmd = find_command(line, commands, &cmdend, &args);
if (cmd == NULL || !isCommandEnabled(cmd->names)) {
control_write(client, "KO: unknown command, try 'help'\r\n");
for (;;) {
CommandDef subcmd;
if (cmd->handler) {
if ( !cmd->handler( client, args ) ) {
control_write( client, "OK\r\n" );
/* no handler means we should have sub-commands */
if (cmd->subcommands == NULL) {
control_write( client, "KO: internal error: buggy command table for '%.*s'\r\n",
cmdend - client->buff, client->buff );
/* we need a sub-command here */
if ( !args ) {
dump_help( client, cmd, "" );
control_write( client, "KO: missing sub-command\r\n" );
line = args;
commands = cmd->subcommands;
subcmd = find_command( line, commands, &cmdend, &args );
if (subcmd == NULL) {
dump_help( client, cmd, "" );
control_write( client, "KO: bad sub-command\r\n" );
cmd = subcmd;
/* implement the 'help' command */
static int
do_help( ControlClient client, char* args )
char* line;
char* start = args;
char* end = start;
CommandDef cmd = client->commands;
/* without arguments, simply list all commands */
if (args == NULL) {
control_write( client, "Android console commands:\r\n" );
for ( ; cmd->names != NULL; cmd++ ) {
if (isCommandEnabled(cmd->names)) {
control_write( client, " %s\r\n", cmd->names );
control_write( client, "\r\nTry 'help-verbose' for more description"
"\r\nTry 'help <command>' for command-specific help\r\n" );
return 0;
/* with an argument, find the corresponding command */
for (;;) {
CommandDef subcmd;
line = args;
subcmd = find_command( line, cmd, &end, &args );
if (subcmd == NULL || !isCommandEnabled(subcmd->names)) {
/* Not found. Recurse to print the short list of commands. */
do_help(client, NULL);
control_write( client, "\r\nKO: unknown command\r\n" );
return -1;
if ( !args || !subcmd->subcommands ) {
dump_help( client, subcmd, start );
return 0;
cmd = subcmd->subcommands;
/* implement the 'help-verbose' command */
static int
do_help_verbose( ControlClient client, char* args )
CommandDef cmd;
/* Dump all commands */
control_write( client, "Android console command help:\r\n\r\n" );
for (cmd = client->commands; cmd->names != NULL; cmd++) {
if (isCommandEnabled(cmd->names)) {
control_write( client, " %-15s %s\r\n", cmd->names, cmd->abstract );
control_write( client, "\r\ntry 'help <command>' for command-specific help\r\n" );
return 0;
/* implement the 'ping' command */
static int
do_ping( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write( client, "I am alive!\r\n" );
return 0;
static void
control_client_read_byte( ControlClient client, unsigned char ch )
if (ch == '\r')
/* filter them out */
else if (ch == '\n')
client->buff[ client->buff_len ] = 0;
control_client_do_command( client );
if (client->finished)
client->buff_len = 0;
if (client->buff_len >= sizeof(client->buff)-1)
client->buff_len = 0;
client->buff[ client->buff_len++ ] = ch;
static void control_client_read(void* opaque, int fd, unsigned events) {
auto client = (ControlClient)opaque;
unsigned char buf[4096];
int size;
assert(fd == client->sock);
assert((events & LOOP_IO_READ) != 0);
D(( "in control_client read: " ));
size = socket_recv( client->sock, buf, sizeof(buf) );
if (size < 0) {
D(( "size < 0, exiting with %d: %s\n", errno, errno_str ));
if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK && errno != EAGAIN)
control_client_destroy( client );
if (size == 0) {
/* end of connection */
D(( "end of connection detected !!\n" ));
control_client_destroy( client );
else {
int nn;
#ifdef _WIN32
# if DEBUG
char temp[16];
int count = size > sizeof(temp)-1 ? sizeof(temp)-1 : size;
for (nn = 0; nn < count; nn++) {
int c = buf[nn];
if (c == '\n')
temp[nn] = '!';
else if (c < 32)
temp[nn] = '.';
temp[nn] = (char)c;
temp[nn] = 0;
D(( "received %d bytes: %s\n", size, temp ));
# endif
D(( "received %.*s\n", size, buf ));
for (nn = 0; nn < size; nn++) {
control_client_read_byte( client, buf[nn] );
if (client->finished) {
/* this function is called on each new client connection */
static void control_global_accept(void* opaque,
int listen_fd,
unsigned events) {
auto global = (ControlGlobal)opaque;
ControlClient client;
Socket fd;
D(( "control_global_accept: just in (fd=%d)\n", listen_fd ));
// connect()s are mapped to LOOP_IO_READ
assert(events & LOOP_IO_READ);
fd = HANDLE_EINTR(socket_accept(listen_fd, NULL));
if (fd < 0) {
D(( "problem in accept: %d: %s\n", errno, errno_str ));
socket_set_xreuseaddr( fd );
D(( "control_global_accept: creating new client\n" ));
client = control_client_create( fd, global );
if (client) {
char* emulator_console_auth_token_path =
int console_auth_status = android_console_auth_get_status();
switch (console_auth_status) {
client->commands = main_commands;
control_write(client, "OK\r\n");
D(("control_global_accept: new client %p\n", client));
// Note that Studio looks for the first line of this message
// /exactly/
"Android Console: Authentication required\r\n");
"Android Console: type 'auth <auth_token>' to "
"Android Console: you can find your <auth_token> "
"in \r\n'");
control_write(client, emulator_console_auth_token_path);
control_write(client, "'\r\nOK\r\n");
D(("control_global_accept: auth required %p\n", client));
D(("control_global_accept: rejected client\n"));
static void control_global_accept4(void* opaque,
int listen_fd,
unsigned events) {
assert(listen_fd == loopIo_fd(((ControlGlobal)opaque)->listen4_loopio));
control_global_accept(opaque, listen_fd, events);
static void control_global_accept6(void* opaque,
int listen_fd,
unsigned events) {
assert(listen_fd == loopIo_fd(((ControlGlobal)opaque)->listen6_loopio));
control_global_accept(opaque, listen_fd, events);
int android_console_start(int control_port,
const AndroidConsoleAgents* agents) {
ControlGlobal global = &_g_global;
memset( global, 0, sizeof(*global) );
// Copy the QEMU specific interfaces passed in to make lifetime management
// simpler.
#define ANDROID_CONSOLE_COPY_AGENT(type, name) \
global-> name ## _agent [0] = agents-> name [0];
int console_auth_status = android_console_auth_get_status();
if (console_auth_status == CONSOLE_AUTH_STATUS_ERROR) {
// Banners don't get sent reliably in QEMU2 if we disconnect quickly, so
// we output the error message on stderr there. Do the same here.
char* emulator_console_auth_token_path =
"ERROR: Unable to access '%s': emulator console will not "
Socket fd4 = socket_loopback4_server(control_port, SOCKET_STREAM);
Socket fd6 = -1;
// Only try to listen on ipv6 if ipv4 is not supported by system.
// This is another work around for
if (fd4 < 0 && errno == EAFNOSUPPORT) {
fd6 = socket_loopback6_server(control_port, SOCKET_STREAM);
if (fd4 < 0 && fd6 < 0) {
// Could not bind to either IPv4 or IPv6 interface?
return -1;
global->looper = looper_getForThread();
if (fd4 >= 0) {
global->listen4_loopio =
loopIo_new(global->looper, fd4, control_global_accept4, global);
} else {
global->listen4_loopio = NULL;
if (fd6 >= 0) {
global->listen6_loopio =
loopIo_new(global->looper, fd6, control_global_accept6, global);
} else {
global->listen6_loopio = NULL;
return 0;
static int
do_quit( ControlClient client, char* args )
client->finished = 1;
return -1;
/***** ******/
/***** N E T W O R K S E T T I N G S ******/
/***** ******/
static int
do_network_status( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write( client, "Current network status:\r\n" );
control_write( client, " download speed: %8d bits/s (%.1f KB/s)\r\n",
(long)android_net_download_speed, android_net_download_speed/8192. );
control_write( client, " upload speed: %8d bits/s (%.1f KB/s)\r\n",
(long)android_net_upload_speed, android_net_upload_speed/8192. );
control_write( client, " minimum latency: %ld ms\r\n", android_net_min_latency );
control_write( client, " maximum latency: %ld ms\r\n", android_net_max_latency );
return 0;
static void
dump_network_speeds( ControlClient client )
const AndroidNetworkSpeed* speed = android_network_speeds;
const AndroidNetworkSpeed* speed_end = speed + android_network_speeds_count;
const char* const format = " %-8s %s\r\n";
for ( ; speed < speed_end; ++speed ) {
control_write( client, format, speed->name, speed->display_name );
control_write( client, format, "<num>", "selects both upload and download speed" );
control_write( client, format, "<up>:<down>", "select individual upload/download speeds" );
static int
do_network_speed( ControlClient client, char* args )
if ( !args ) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing <speed> argument, see 'help network speed'\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!android_network_set_speed(args)) {
control_write( client, "KO: invalid <speed> argument, see 'help network speed' for valid values\r\n" );
return -1;
netshaper_set_rate( android_net_shaper_in, android_net_download_speed );
netshaper_set_rate( android_net_shaper_out, android_net_upload_speed );
if (android_modem_get()) {
amodem_set_data_network_type( android_modem_get(),
android_parse_network_type( args ) );
return 0;
static void
describe_network_speed( ControlClient client )
control_write( client,
"'network speed <speed>' allows you to dynamically change the speed of the emulated\r\n"
"network on the device, where <speed> is one of the following:\r\n\r\n" );
dump_network_speeds( client );
static int
do_network_delay( ControlClient client, char* args )
if ( !args ) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing <delay> argument, see 'help network delay'\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!android_network_set_latency(args)) {
control_write( client, "KO: invalid <delay> argument, see 'help network delay' for valid values\r\n" );
return -1;
netdelay_set_latency( android_net_delay_in, android_net_min_latency, android_net_max_latency );
return 0;
static void
describe_network_delay( ControlClient client )
control_write( client,
"'network delay <latency>' allows you to dynamically change the latency of the emulated\r\n"
"network on the device, where <latency> is one of the following:\r\n\r\n" );
/* XXX: TODO */
static int
do_network_capture_start( ControlClient client, char* args )
if ( !args ) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing <file> argument, see 'help network capture start'\r\n" );
return -1;
if ( qemu_tcpdump_start(args) < 0) {
control_write( client, "KO: could not start capture: %s", strerror(errno) );
return -1;
return 0;
static int
do_network_capture_stop( ControlClient client, char* args )
/* no need to return an error here */
return 0;
static const CommandDefRec network_capture_commands[] =
{ "start", "start network capture",
"'network capture start <file>' starts a new capture of network packets\r\n"
"into a specific <file>. This will stop any capture already in progress.\r\n"
"the capture file can later be analyzed by tools like WireShark. It uses\r\n"
"the libpcap file format.\r\n\r\n"
"you can stop the capture anytime with 'network capture stop'\r\n", NULL,
do_network_capture_start, NULL },
{ "stop", "stop network capture",
"'network capture stop' stops a currently running packet capture, if any.\r\n"
"you can start one with 'network capture start <file>'\r\n", NULL,
do_network_capture_stop, NULL },
static const CommandDefRec network_commands[] =
{ "status", "dump network status", NULL, NULL,
do_network_status, NULL },
{ "speed", "change network speed", NULL, describe_network_speed,
do_network_speed, NULL },
{ "delay", "change network latency", NULL, describe_network_delay,
do_network_delay, NULL },
{ "capture", "dump network packets to file",
"allows to start/stop capture of network packets to a file for later analysis\r\n", NULL,
NULL, network_capture_commands },
/***** ******/
/***** W I F I C O N F I G U R A T I O N ******/
/***** ******/
static int do_wifi_add(ControlClient client, char* args)
size_t len = strcspn(args, " ");
std::string ssid(args, args + len);
std::string password;
if (args[len] != '\0') {
const char* passwordLocation = args + len + 1;
len = strcspn(passwordLocation, " ");
password.assign(passwordLocation, passwordLocation + len);
return android_wifi_add_ssid(ssid.c_str(),
password.empty() ? nullptr : password.c_str());
static void describe_wifi_add(ControlClient client)
"'wifi add <ssid> [password]' will add a new SSID named <ssid> that will be visible\n"
"on the device. If the optional [password] is provided the SSID will be set up\n"
"with this WPA2-PSK password. If an SSID with the same name already exists\n"
"the password will be updated if different, otherwise nothing will happen.\n");
static int do_wifi_block(ControlClient client, char* args)
return android_wifi_set_ssid_block_on(args, true);
static void describe_wifi_block(ControlClient client)
"'wifi block <ssid>' will block network access on the given SSID. The device\n"
"will still be able to connect to the SSID but will not be able to access the\n"
"internet or any outside network.\n");
static int do_wifi_unblock(ControlClient client, char* args)
return android_wifi_set_ssid_block_on(args, false);
static void describe_wifi_unblock(ControlClient client)
"'wifi unblock <ssid>' will unblock network access on the given SSID. The device\n"
"will have its connection to the outside world restored, undoing\n"
" a previous block command.\n");
static const CommandDefRec wifi_commands[] =
{ "add", "add new WiFi SSID", NULL, describe_wifi_add,
do_wifi_add, NULL },
{ "block", "block network access on SSID", NULL, describe_wifi_block,
do_wifi_block, NULL },
{ "unblock", "unblock network access on SSID", NULL, describe_wifi_unblock,
do_wifi_unblock, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** P O R T R E D I R E C T I O N S ******/
/***** ******/
static int
do_redir_list( ControlClient client, char* args )
ControlGlobal global = client->global;
if (global->num_redirs == 0)
control_write( client, "no active redirections\r\n" );
else {
int nn;
for (nn = 0; nn < global->num_redirs; nn++) {
Redir redir = &global->redirs[nn];
control_write( client, "%s:%-5d => %-5d\r\n",
redir->host_udp ? "udp" : "tcp",
redir->guest_port );
return 0;
/* parse a protocol:port specification */
static int
redir_parse_proto_port( char* args, int *pport, int *pproto )
int proto = -1;
int len = 0;
char* end;
if ( !memcmp( args, "tcp:", 4 ) ) {
proto = 0;
len = 4;
else if ( !memcmp( args, "udp:", 4 ) ) {
proto = 1;
len = 4;
return 0;
args += len;
*pproto = proto;
*pport = strtol( args, &end, 10 );
if (end == args)
return 0;
len += end - args;
return len;
static int
redir_parse_guest_port( char* arg, int *pport )
char* end;
*pport = strtoul( arg, &end, 10 );
if (end == arg)
return 0;
return end - arg;
static Redir
redir_find( ControlGlobal global, int port, int isudp )
int nn;
for (nn = 0; nn < global->num_redirs; nn++) {
Redir redir = &global->redirs[nn];
if (redir->host_port == port && redir->host_udp == isudp)
return redir;
return NULL;
static int
do_redir_add( ControlClient client, char* args )
int len, host_proto, host_port, guest_port;
uint32_t guest_ip;
Redir redir;
if ( !args )
goto BadFormat;
if (!client->global->net_agent->isSlirpInited())
control_write( client, "KO: network emulation disabled\r\n");
return -1;
len = redir_parse_proto_port( args, &host_port, &host_proto );
if (len == 0 || args[len] != ':')
goto BadFormat;
args += len + 1;
len = redir_parse_guest_port( args, &guest_port );
if (len == 0 || args[len] != 0)
goto BadFormat;
redir = redir_find( client->global, host_port, host_proto );
if ( redir != NULL ) {
control_write( client, "KO: host port already active, use 'redir del' to remove first\r\n" );
return -1;
if (inet_strtoip("", &guest_ip) < 0) {
control_write( client, "KO: unexpected internal failure when resolving\r\n" );
return -1;
D(("pattern hport=%d gport=%d proto=%d\n", host_port, guest_port, host_proto ));
if ( control_global_add_redir( client->global, host_port, host_proto,
guest_ip, guest_port ) < 0 )
control_write( client, "KO: not enough memory to allocate redirection\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!client->global->net_agent->slirpRedir(host_proto, host_port, guest_ip, guest_port)) {
control_write( client, "KO: can't setup redirection, port probably used by another program on host\r\n" );
control_global_del_redir( client->global, host_port, host_proto );
return -1;
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: bad redirection format, try (tcp|udp):hostport:guestport\r\n", -1 );
return -1;
static int
do_redir_del( ControlClient client, char* args )
int len, proto, port;
Redir redir;
if ( !args )
goto BadFormat;
len = redir_parse_proto_port( args, &port, &proto );
if ( len == 0 || args[len] != 0 )
goto BadFormat;
redir = redir_find( client->global, port, proto );
if (redir == NULL) {
control_write( client, "KO: can't remove unknown redirection (%s:%d)\r\n",
proto ? "udp" : "tcp", port );
return -1;
client->global->net_agent->slirpUnredir( redir->host_udp, redir->host_port );
control_global_del_redir( client->global, port, proto );
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: bad redirection format, try (tcp|udp):hostport\r\n" );
return -1;
static const CommandDefRec redir_commands[] =
{ "list", "list current redirections",
"list current port redirections. use 'redir add' and 'redir del' to add and remove them\r\n", NULL,
do_redir_list, NULL },
{ "add", "add new redirection",
"add a new port redirection, arguments must be:\r\n\r\n"
" redir add <protocol>:<host-port>:<guest-port>\r\n\r\n"
"where: <protocol> is either 'tcp' or 'udp'\r\n"
" <host-port> a number indicating which port on the host to open\r\n"
" <guest-port> a number indicating which port to route to on the device\r\n"
"\r\nas an example, 'redir tcp:5000:6000' will allow any packets sent to\r\n"
"the host's TCP port 5000 to be routed to TCP port 6000 of the emulated device\r\n", NULL,
do_redir_add, NULL },
{ "del", "remove existing redirection",
"remove a port redirecion that was created with 'redir add', arguments must be:\r\n\r\n"
" redir del <protocol>:<host-port>\r\n\r\n"
"see the 'help redir add' for the meaning of <protocol> and <host-port>\r\n", NULL,
do_redir_del, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** C D M A M O D E M ******/
/***** ******/
static const struct {
const char * name;
const char * display;
ACdmaSubscriptionSource source;
} _cdma_subscription_sources[] = {
{ "nv", "Read subscription from non-volatile RAM", A_SUBSCRIPTION_NVRAM },
{ "ruim", "Read subscription from RUIM", A_SUBSCRIPTION_RUIM },
static void
dump_subscription_sources( ControlClient client )
int i;
for (i = 0;
i < sizeof(_cdma_subscription_sources) / sizeof(_cdma_subscription_sources[0]);
i++) {
control_write( client, " %s: %s\r\n",
_cdma_subscription_sources[i].display );
static void
describe_subscription_source( ControlClient client )
control_write( client,
"'cdma ssource <ssource>' allows you to specify where to read the subscription from\r\n" );
dump_subscription_sources( client );
static int
do_cdma_ssource( ControlClient client, char* args )
int nn;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'cdma ssource <source>'\r\n" );
return -1;
for (nn = 0; nn < sizeof(_cdma_subscription_sources) / sizeof(_cdma_subscription_sources[0]);
nn++) {
const char* name = _cdma_subscription_sources[nn].name;
ACdmaSubscriptionSource ssource = _cdma_subscription_sources[nn].source;
if (!name)
if (!strcasecmp( args, name )) {
amodem_set_cdma_subscription_source( android_modem_get(), ssource );
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: Don't know source %s\r\n", args );
return -1;
static int
do_cdma_prl_version( ControlClient client, char * args )
int version = 0;
char *endptr;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'cdma prl_version <version>'\r\n");
return -1;
version = strtol(args, &endptr, 0);
if (endptr != args) {
amodem_set_cdma_prl_version( android_modem_get(), version );
return 0;
/***** ******/
/***** G S M M O D E M ******/
/***** ******/
static const struct {
const char* name;
const char* display;
ARegistrationState state;
} _gsm_states[] = {
{ "unregistered", "no network available", A_REGISTRATION_UNREGISTERED },
{ "home", "on local network, non-roaming", A_REGISTRATION_HOME },
{ "roaming", "on roaming network", A_REGISTRATION_ROAMING },
{ "searching", "searching networks", A_REGISTRATION_SEARCHING },
{ "denied", "emergency calls only", A_REGISTRATION_DENIED },
{ "off", "same as 'unregistered'", A_REGISTRATION_UNREGISTERED },
{ "on", "same as 'home'", A_REGISTRATION_HOME },
static const char*
gsm_state_to_string( ARegistrationState state )
int nn;
for (nn = 0; _gsm_states[nn].name != NULL; nn++) {
if (state == _gsm_states[nn].state)
return _gsm_states[nn].name;
return "<unknown>";
static int
do_gsm_status( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (args) {
control_write( client, "KO: no argument required\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!android_modem_get()) {
control_write( client, "KO: modem emulation not running\r\n" );
return -1;
control_write( client, "gsm voice state: %s\r\n",
amodem_get_voice_registration(android_modem_get()) ) );
control_write( client, "gsm data state: %s\r\n",
amodem_get_data_registration(android_modem_get()) ) );
return 0;
static void
help_gsm_data( ControlClient client )
int nn;
control_write( client,
"the 'gsm data <state>' allows you to change the state of your GPRS connection\r\n"
"valid values for <state> are the following:\r\n\r\n" );
for (nn = 0; ; nn++) {
const char* name = _gsm_states[nn].name;
const char* display = _gsm_states[nn].display;
if (!name)
control_write( client, " %-15s %s\r\n", name, display );
control_write( client, "\r\n" );
static int
do_gsm_data( ControlClient client, char* args )
int nn;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'gsm data <state>'\r\n" );
return -1;
for (nn = 0; ; nn++) {
const char* name = _gsm_states[nn].name;
ARegistrationState state = _gsm_states[nn].state;
if (!name)
if ( !strcmp( args, name ) ) {
if (!android_modem_get()) {
control_write( client, "KO: modem emulation not running\r\n" );
return -1;
amodem_set_data_registration( android_modem_get(), state );
android_net_disable = (state != A_REGISTRATION_HOME &&
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: bad GSM data state name, try 'help gsm data' for list of valid values\r\n" );
return -1;
static void
help_gsm_voice( ControlClient client )
int nn;
control_write( client,
"the 'gsm voice <state>' allows you to change the state of your GPRS connection\r\n"
"valid values for <state> are the following:\r\n\r\n" );
for (nn = 0; ; nn++) {
const char* name = _gsm_states[nn].name;
const char* display = _gsm_states[nn].display;
if (!name)
control_write( client, " %-15s %s\r\n", name, display );
control_write( client, "\r\n" );
static int
do_gsm_voice( ControlClient client, char* args )
int nn;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'gsm voice <state>'\r\n" );
return -1;
for (nn = 0; ; nn++) {
const char* name = _gsm_states[nn].name;
ARegistrationState state = _gsm_states[nn].state;
if (!name)
if ( !strcmp( args, name ) ) {
if (!android_modem_get()) {
control_write( client, "KO: modem emulation not running\r\n" );
return -1;
amodem_set_voice_registration( android_modem_get(), state );
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: bad GSM data state name, try 'help gsm voice' for list of valid values\r\n" );
return -1;
static int
gsm_check_number( char* args )
int nn;
for (nn = 0; args[nn] != 0; nn++) {
int c = args[nn];
if ( !isdigit(c) && c != '+' && c != '#' ) {
return -1;
if (nn == 0)
return -1;
return 0;
static int
do_gsm_call( ControlClient client, char* args )
/* check that we have a phone number made of digits */
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'gsm call <phonenumber>'\r\n" );
return -1;
if (gsm_check_number(args)) {
control_write( client, "KO: bad phone number format, use digits, # and + only\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!android_modem_get()) {
control_write( client, "KO: modem emulation not running\r\n" );
return -1;
amodem_add_inbound_call( android_modem_get(), args );
return 0;
static int
do_gsm_cancel( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'gsm call <phonenumber>'\r\n" );
return -1;
if (gsm_check_number(args)) {
control_write( client, "KO: bad phone number format, use digits, # and + only\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!android_modem_get()) {
control_write( client, "KO: modem emulation not running\r\n" );
return -1;
if ( amodem_disconnect_call( android_modem_get(), args ) < 0 ) {
control_write( client, "KO: could not cancel this number\r\n" );
return -1;
return 0;
static const char*
call_state_to_string( ACallState state )
switch (state) {
case A_CALL_ACTIVE: return "active";
case A_CALL_HELD: return "held";
case A_CALL_ALERTING: return "ringing";
case A_CALL_WAITING: return "waiting";
case A_CALL_INCOMING: return "incoming";
default: return "unknown";
static int
do_gsm_list( ControlClient client, char* args )
/* check that we have a phone number made of digits */
int count = amodem_get_call_count( android_modem_get() );
int nn;
for (nn = 0; nn < count; nn++) {
ACall call = amodem_get_call( android_modem_get(), nn );
const char* dir;
if (call == NULL)
if (call->dir == A_CALL_OUTBOUND)
dir = "outbound to ";
dir = "inbound from";
control_write( client, "%s %-10s : %s\r\n", dir,
call->number, call_state_to_string(call->state) );
return 0;
static int
do_gsm_busy( ControlClient client, char* args )
ACall call;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'gsm busy <phonenumber>'\r\n" );
return -1;
call = amodem_find_call_by_number( android_modem_get(), args );
if (call == NULL || call->dir != A_CALL_OUTBOUND) {
control_write( client, "KO: no current outbound call to number '%s' (call %p)\r\n", args, call );
return -1;
if ( amodem_disconnect_call( android_modem_get(), args ) < 0 ) {
control_write( client, "KO: could not cancel this number\r\n" );
return -1;
return 0;
static int
do_gsm_hold( ControlClient client, char* args )
ACall call;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'gsm hold <phonenumber>'\r\n" );
return -1;
call = amodem_find_call_by_number( android_modem_get(), args );
if (call == NULL) {
control_write( client, "KO: no current call to/from number '%s'\r\n", args );
return -1;
if ( amodem_update_call( android_modem_get(), args, A_CALL_HELD ) < 0 ) {
control_write( client, "KO: could put this call on hold\r\n" );
return -1;
return 0;
static int
do_gsm_accept( ControlClient client, char* args )
ACall call;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'gsm accept <phonenumber>'\r\n" );
return -1;
call = amodem_find_call_by_number( android_modem_get(), args );
if (call == NULL) {
control_write( client, "KO: no current call to/from number '%s'\r\n", args );
return -1;
if ( amodem_update_call( android_modem_get(), args, A_CALL_ACTIVE ) < 0 ) {
control_write( client, "KO: could not activate this call\r\n" );
return -1;
return 0;
static int
do_gsm_signal( ControlClient client, char* args )
const char* p = args;
int top_param = -1;
int params[ NUM_SIGNAL_PARAMS ];
static int last_ber = 99;
if (!p)
p = "";
/* tokenize */
while (*p) {
char* end;
int val = strtol( p, &end, 10 );
if (end == p) {
control_write( client, "KO: argument '%s' is not a number\n", p );
return -1;
params[++top_param] = val;
if (top_param + 1 == NUM_SIGNAL_PARAMS)
p = end;
while (*p && (p[0] == ' ' || p[0] == '\t'))
p += 1;
/* sanity check */
if (top_param < SIGNAL_RSSI) {
control_write( client, "KO: not enough arguments: see 'help gsm signal' for details\r\n" );
return -1;
int rssi = params[SIGNAL_RSSI];
if ((rssi < 0 || rssi > 31) && rssi != 99) {
control_write( client, "KO: invalid RSSI - must be 0..31 or 99\r\n");
return -1;
/* check ber is 0..7 or 99 */
if (top_param >= SIGNAL_BER) {
int ber = params[SIGNAL_BER];
if ((ber < 0 || ber > 7) && ber != 99) {
control_write( client, "KO: invalid BER - must be 0..7 or 99\r\n");
return -1;
last_ber = ber;
amodem_set_signal_strength( android_modem_get(), rssi, last_ber );
return 0;
static int
do_gsm_signal_profile( ControlClient client, char* args )
char* end;
const char* p = args;
if (!p)
p = "";
int val = strtol( p, &end, 10 );
if (end == p) {
control_write( client, "KO: argument '%s' is not a number\r\n", p );
return -1;
if (val < 0 || val > 4) {
control_write( client, "KO: invalid signal strength - must be 0..4\r\n");
return -1;
amodem_set_signal_strength_profile( android_modem_get(), val );
return 0;
#if 0
static const CommandDefRec gsm_in_commands[] =
{ "new", "create a new 'waiting' inbound call",
"'gsm in create <phonenumber>' creates a new inbound phone call, placed in\r\n"
"the 'waiting' state by default, until the system answers/holds/closes it\r\n", NULL
do_gsm_in_create, NULL },
{ "hold", "change the state of an outbound call to 'held'",
"change the state of an outbound call to 'held'. this is only possible\r\n"
"if the call in the 'waiting' or 'active' state\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_out_hold, NULL },
{ "accept", "change the state of an outbound call to 'active'",
"change the state of an outbound call to 'active'. this is only possible\r\n"
"if the call is in the 'waiting' or 'held' state\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_out_accept, NULL },
static const CommandDefRec cdma_commands[] =
{ "ssource", "Set the current CDMA subscription source",
NULL, describe_subscription_source,
do_cdma_ssource, NULL },
{ "prl_version", "Dump the current PRL version",
do_cdma_prl_version, NULL },
static const CommandDefRec gsm_commands[] =
{ "list", "list current phone calls",
"'gsm list' lists all inbound and outbound calls and their state\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_list, NULL },
{ "call", "create inbound phone call",
"'gsm call <phonenumber>' allows you to simulate a new inbound call\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_call, NULL },
{ "busy", "close waiting outbound call as busy",
"'gsm busy <remoteNumber>' closes an outbound call, reporting\r\n"
"the remote phone as busy. only possible if the call is 'waiting'.\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_busy, NULL },
{ "hold", "change the state of an outbound call to 'held'",
"'gsm hold <remoteNumber>' change the state of a call to 'held'. this is only possible\r\n"
"if the call in the 'waiting' or 'active' state\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_hold, NULL },
{ "accept", "change the state of an outbound call to 'active'",
"'gsm accept <remoteNumber>' change the state of a call to 'active'. this is only possible\r\n"
"if the call is in the 'waiting' or 'held' state\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_accept, NULL },
{ "cancel", "disconnect an inbound or outbound phone call",
"'gsm cancel <phonenumber>' allows you to simulate the end of an inbound or outbound call\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_cancel, NULL },
{ "data", "modify data connection state", NULL, help_gsm_data,
do_gsm_data, NULL },
{ "voice", "modify voice connection state", NULL, help_gsm_voice,
do_gsm_voice, NULL },
{ "status", "display GSM status",
"'gsm status' displays the current state of the GSM emulation\r\n", NULL,
do_gsm_status, NULL },
{ "signal", "set sets the rssi and ber",
"'gsm signal <rssi> [<ber>]' changes the reported strength and error rate on next (15s) update.\r\n"
"rssi range is 0..31 and 99 for unknown\r\n"
"ber range is 0..7 percent and 99 for unknown\r\n",
NULL, do_gsm_signal, NULL },
{ "signal-profile", "set the signal strength profile",
"'gsm signal-profile <strength>' changes the reported strength on next (15s) update.\r\n"
"strength range is 0..4\r\n",
NULL, do_gsm_signal_profile, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** S M S C O M M A N D ******/
/***** ******/
static int
do_sms_send( ControlClient client, char* args )
char* p;
int textlen;
SmsAddressRec sender;
SmsPDU* pdus;
int nn;
/* check that we have a phone number made of digits */
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'sms send <phonenumber> <text message>'\r\n" );
return -1;
p = strchr( args, ' ' );
if (!p) {
goto MissingArgument;
if ( sms_address_from_str( &sender, args, p - args ) < 0 ) {
control_write( client, "KO: bad phone number format, must be [+](0-9)*\r\n" );
return -1;
/* un-escape message text into proper utf-8 (conversion happens in-site) */
p += 1;
textlen = strlen(p);
textlen = sms_utf8_from_message_str( p, textlen, (unsigned char*)p, textlen );
if (textlen < 0) {
control_write( client, "message must be utf8 and can use the following escapes:\r\n"
" \\n for a newline\r\n"
" \\xNN where NN are two hexadecimal numbers\r\n"
" \\uNNNN where NNNN are four hexadecimal numbers\r\n"
" \\\\ to send a '\\' character\r\n\r\n"
" anything else is an error\r\n"
"KO: badly formatted text\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!android_modem_get()) {
control_write( client, "KO: modem emulation not running\r\n" );
return -1;
/* create a list of SMS PDUs, then send them */
pdus = smspdu_create_deliver_utf8( (cbytes_t)p, textlen, &sender, NULL );
if (pdus == NULL) {
control_write( client, "KO: internal error when creating SMS-DELIVER PDUs\n" );
return -1;
for (nn = 0; pdus[nn] != NULL; nn++)
amodem_receive_sms( android_modem_get(), pdus[nn] );
smspdu_free_list( pdus );
return 0;
static int
do_sms_sendpdu( ControlClient client, char* args )
SmsPDU pdu;
/* check that we have a phone number made of digits */
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: missing argument, try 'sms sendpdu <hexstring>'\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!android_modem_get()) {
control_write( client, "KO: modem emulation not running\r\n" );
return -1;
pdu = smspdu_create_from_hex( args, strlen(args) );
if (pdu == NULL) {
control_write( client, "KO: badly formatted <hexstring>\r\n" );
return -1;
amodem_receive_sms( android_modem_get(), pdu );
smspdu_free( pdu );
return 0;
static const CommandDefRec sms_commands[] =
{ "send", "send inbound SMS text message",
"'sms send <phonenumber> <message>' allows you to simulate a new inbound sms message\r\n", NULL,
do_sms_send, NULL },
{ "pdu", "send inbound SMS PDU",
"'sms pdu <hexstring>' allows you to simulate a new inbound sms PDU\r\n"
"(used internally when one emulator sends SMS messages to another instance).\r\n"
"you probably don't want to play with this at all\r\n", NULL,
do_sms_sendpdu, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** P O W E R C O M M A N D ******/
/***** ******/
void do_control_write(void* opaque, const char* args) {
control_write((ControlClient)opaque, args);
static int
do_power_display( ControlClient client, char* args )
client->global->battery_agent->batteryDisplay(client, control_write_out_cb);
return 0;
static int
do_ac_state( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (args) {
if (strcasecmp(args, "on") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "off") == 0) {
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: \"ac on\" or \"ac off\"\n" );
return -1;
static int
do_battery_status( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (args) {
if (strcasecmp(args, "unknown") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "charging") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "discharging") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "not-charging") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "full") == 0) {
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: \"status unknown|charging|discharging|not-charging|full\"\n" );
return -1;
static int
do_battery_present( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (args) {
if (strcasecmp(args, "true") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "false") == 0) {
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: \"present true\" or \"present false\"\n" );
return -1;
static int
do_battery_health( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (args) {
if (strcasecmp(args, "unknown") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "good") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "overheat") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "dead") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "overvoltage") == 0) {
return 0;
if (strcasecmp(args, "failure") == 0) {
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: \"health unknown|good|overheat|dead|overvoltage|failure\"\n" );
return -1;
static int
do_battery_capacity( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (args) {
int capacity;
if (sscanf(args, "%d", &capacity) == 1 && capacity >= 0 && capacity <= 100) {
return 0;
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: \"capacity <percentage>\"\n" );
return -1;
static const CommandDefRec power_commands[] =
{ "display", "display battery and charger state",
"display battery and charger state\r\n", NULL,
do_power_display, NULL },
{ "ac", "set AC charging state",
"'ac on|off' allows you to set the AC charging state to on or off\r\n", NULL,
do_ac_state, NULL },
{ "status", "set battery status",
"'status unknown|charging|discharging|not-charging|full' allows you to set battery status\r\n", NULL,
do_battery_status, NULL },
{ "present", "set battery present state",
"'present true|false' allows you to set battery present state to true or false\r\n", NULL,
do_battery_present, NULL },
{ "health", "set battery health state",
"'health unknown|good|overheat|dead|overvoltage|failure' allows you to set battery health state\r\n", NULL,
do_battery_health, NULL },
{ "capacity", "set battery capacity state",
"'capacity <percentage>' allows you to set battery capacity to a value 0 - 100\r\n", NULL,
do_battery_capacity, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** E V E N T C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
static int
do_event_send( ControlClient client, char* args )
char* p;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: event send <type>:<code>:<value> ...\r\n" );
return -1;
p = args;
while (*p) {
char* q;
char temp[128];
int type, code, value, ret;
p += strspn( p, " \t" ); /* skip spaces */
if (*p == 0)
q = p + strcspn( p, " \t" );
if (q == p)
snprintf(temp, sizeof temp, "%.*s", (int)(intptr_t)(q-p), p);
ret = android_event_from_str( temp, &type, &code, &value );
if (ret < 0) {
if (ret == -1) {
control_write( client,
"KO: invalid event type in '%.*s', try 'event list types' for valid values\r\n",
q-p, p );
} else if (ret == -2) {
control_write( client,
"KO: invalid event code in '%.*s', try 'event list codes <type>' for valid values\r\n",
q-p, p );
} else {
control_write( client,
"KO: invalid event value in '%.*s', must be an integer\r\n",
q-p, p);
return -1;
client->global->user_event_agent->sendGenericEvent(type, code, value);
p = q;
return 0;
static int
do_event_types( ControlClient client, char* args )
int count = android_event_get_type_count();
int nn;
control_write( client, "event <type> can be an integer or one of the following aliases\r\n" );
for (nn = 0; nn < count; nn++) {
char tmp[16];
char* p = tmp;
char* end = p + sizeof(tmp);
int count2 = android_event_get_code_count( nn );;
p = android_event_bufprint_type_str( p, end, nn );
control_write( client, " %-8s", tmp );
if (count2 > 0)
control_write( client, " (%d code aliases)", count2 );
control_write( client, "\r\n" );
return 0;
static int
do_event_codes( ControlClient client, char* args )
int count;
int nn, type, dummy;
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: argument missing, try 'event codes <type>'\r\n" );
return -1;
if ( android_event_from_str( args, &type, &dummy, &dummy ) < 0 ) {
control_write( client, "KO: bad argument, see 'event types' for valid values\r\n" );
return -1;
count = android_event_get_code_count( type );
if (count == 0) {
control_write( client, "no code aliases defined for this type\r\n" );
} else {
control_write( client, "type '%s' accepts the following <code> aliases:\r\n",
args );
for (nn = 0; nn < count; nn++) {
char temp[20], *p = temp, *end = p + sizeof(temp);
android_event_bufprint_code_str( p, end, type, nn );
control_write( client, " %-12s\r\n", temp );
return 0;
static int do_event_mouse(ControlClient client, char* args) {
if (!args) {
"KO: argument missing, try 'event mouse <x> <y> <device> "
return -1;
int x, y, dev, btn, len;
// Note that the returned arg count from sscanf when %n is
// used is not well defined, so we will use strlen to determine
// if we were able to consume all parameters.
sscanf(args, "%d %d %d %d%n", &x, &y, &dev, &btn, &len);
if (len != strlen(args)) {
"KO: Invalid arguments. Make sure you provide 4 integers.\r\n");
return -1;
client->global->user_event_agent->sendMouseEvent(x, y, dev, btn, 0);
return 0;
static int
do_event_text( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: argument missing, try 'event text <message>'\r\n" );
return -1;
unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*) args;
int textlen = strlen(args);
/* un-secape message text into proper utf-8 (conversion happens in-site) */
textlen = sms_utf8_from_message_str( args, textlen, (unsigned char*)p, textlen );
if (textlen < 0) {
control_write( client, "message must be utf8 and can use the following escapes:\r\n"
" \\n for a newline\r\n"
" \\xNN where NN are two hexadecimal numbers\r\n"
" \\uNNNN where NNNN are four hexadecimal numbers\r\n"
" \\\\ to send a '\\' character\r\n\r\n"
" anything else is an error\r\n"
"KO: badly formatted text\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!client->global->libui_agent->convertUtf8ToKeyCodeEvents(p, textlen,
(LibuiKeyCodeSendFunc)client->global->user_event_agent->sendKeyCodes)) {
control_write( client, "KO: device is unable to recieve text input now\r\n" );
return -1;
return 0;
static const CommandDefRec event_commands[] =
{ "send", "send a series of events to the kernel",
"'event send <type>:<code>:<value> ...' allows you to send one or more hardware events\r\n"
"to the Android kernel. You can use text names or integers for <type> and <code>\r\n", NULL,
do_event_send, NULL },
{ "types", "list all <type> aliases",
"'event types' list all <type> string aliases supported by the 'event' subcommands\r\n",
NULL, do_event_types, NULL },
{ "codes", "list all <code> aliases for a given <type>",
"'event codes <type>' lists all <code> string aliases for a given event <type>\r\n",
NULL, do_event_codes, NULL },
{ "text", "simulate keystrokes from a given text",
"'event text <message>' allows you to simulate keypresses to generate a given text\r\n"
"message. <message> must be an utf-8 string. Unicode points will be reverse-mapped\r\n"
"according to the current device keyboard. Unsupported characters will be discarded\r\n"
"silently\r\n", NULL, do_event_text, NULL },
{ "mouse", "simulate a mouse event",
"'event mouse <x> <y> <device> <buttonstate>' allows you to genenarate a mouse event\r\n"
"at x, y with the given buttonstate using the given device. All values are integers.\r\n"
"Where device:\r\n"
" 0 = touch screen\r\n"
" 1 = trackball\r\n"
"And buttonstate is a mask where:\r\n"
" 0 = No buttons\r\n"
" 1 = Left button\r\n"
" 2 = Right button\r\n"
" 4 = Middle button\r\n"
" 8 = Wheel up\r\n"
" 16 = Wheel down\r\n",
NULL, do_event_mouse, NULL},
/***** ******/
/***** S N A P S H O T C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
static int do_snapshot_list(ControlClient client, char* args) {
bool success = vmopers(client)->snapshotList(client, control_write_out_cb,
return success ? 0 : -1;
static int do_snapshot_save(ControlClient client, char* args) {
if (android_cmdLineOptions->read_only) {
"KO: Snapshot save is disabled because \"-read-only\" was specified\n");
return -1;
if (args == NULL) {
"KO: Argument missing, try 'avd snapshot save <name>'\r\n");
return -1;
bool success =
vmopers(client)->snapshotSave(args, client, control_write_err_cb);
return success ? 0 : -1;
static int do_snapshot_load(ControlClient client, char* args) {
if (android_cmdLineOptions->read_only) {
"KO: Snapshot load is disabled because \"-read-only\" was specified\n");
return -1;
if (args == NULL) {
"KO: Argument missing, try 'avd snapshot load <name>'\r\n");
return -1;
bool success =
vmopers(client)->snapshotLoad(args, client, control_write_err_cb);
return success ? 0 : -1;
static int do_snapshot_del(ControlClient client, char* args) {
if (android_cmdLineOptions->read_only) {
"KO: Snapshot delete is disabled because \"-read-only\" was specified\n");
return -1;
if (args == NULL) {
"KO: Argument missing, try 'avd snapshot list <name>'\r\n");
return -1;
bool success =
vmopers(client)->snapshotDelete(args, client, control_write_err_cb);
return success ? 0 : -1;
static int do_snapshot_remap(ControlClient client, char* args) {
bool shared = true;
if (args && strcmp(args, "1") == 0) {
shared = true;
} else if (args && strcmp(args, "0") == 0) {
shared = false;
} else {
"KO: Argument missing, "
"try 'avd snapshot remap <auto-save>'\r\n");
return -1;
bool success = vmopers(client)->snapshotRemap(shared, client,
if (!success) {
"KO: failed to remap ram. "
"wanted shared mode: %d \r\n",
return -1;
return true;
static const CommandDefRec snapshot_commands[] =
{ "list", "list available state snapshots",
"'avd snapshot list' will show a list of all state snapshots that can be loaded\r\n",
NULL, do_snapshot_list, NULL },
{ "save", "save state snapshot",
"'avd snapshot save <name>' will save the current (run-time) state to a snapshot with the given name\r\n",
NULL, do_snapshot_save, NULL },
{ "load", "load state snapshot",
"'avd snapshot load <name>' will load the state snapshot of the given name\r\n",
NULL, do_snapshot_load, NULL },
{ "del", "delete state snapshot",
"'avd snapshot del <name>' will delete the state snapshot with the given name\r\n",
NULL, do_snapshot_del, NULL },
{ "delete", "delete state snapshot",
"'avd snapshot delete <name>' will delete the state snapshot with the given name\r\n",
NULL, do_snapshot_del, NULL },
{ "remap", "remap current snapshot RAM",
"'avd snapshot remap <auto-save>' will activate or shut off Quickboot auto-saving\r\n"
"while the emulator is running.\r\n"
"<auto-save> value of 0: deactivate auto-save\r\n"
"<auto-save> value of 1: activate auto-save\r\n"
"- It is required that the current loaded snapshot be the Quickboot snapshot (default_boot).\r\n"
"- If auto-saving is currently active and gets deactivated, a snapshot will be saved\r\n"
" to establish the last state.\r\n"
"- If the emulator is not currently auto-saving and a remap command is issued,\r\n"
" the Quickboot snapshot will be reloaded with auto-saving enabled or disabled\r\n"
" according to the value of the <auto-save> argument.\r\n"
"- This allows the user to set a checkpoint in the middle of running the emulator:\r\n"
" by starting the emulator with auto-save enabled, then issuing 'avd snapshot remap 0'\r\n"
" to disable auto-save and thus set the checkpoint. Subsequent 'avd snapshot remap 0'\r\n"
" commands will then repeatedly rewind to that checkpoint.\r\n"
" Issuing 'avd snapshot remap 1' after that will rewind again but activate auto-saving.\r\n",
NULL, do_snapshot_remap, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** V M C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
static int
do_avd_stop( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (!(vmopers(client)->vmIsRunning())) {
control_write( client, "KO: virtual device already stopped\r\n" );
return -1;
return vmopers(client)->vmStop() ? 0 : -1;
static int
do_avd_start( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (vmopers(client)->vmIsRunning()) {
control_write( client, "KO: virtual device already running\r\n" );
return -1;
return vmopers(client)->vmStart() ? 0 : -1;
static int
do_avd_status( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write(client, "virtual device is %s\r\n",
vmopers(client)->vmIsRunning() ? "running" : "stopped");
return 0;
static int
do_avd_heartbeat( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write(client, "heartbeat: %d\r\n", get_guest_heart_beat_count());
return 0;
static bool s_rewind_audio_requested = false;
extern "C" int qemu_wav_audio_rewind_input_wave() {
bool ret = s_rewind_audio_requested;
s_rewind_audio_requested = false;
return ret;
static int
do_avd_rewind_audio( ControlClient client, char* args )
s_rewind_audio_requested = true;
return 0;
static int
do_avd_name( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write( client, "%s\r\n", android_hw->avd_name);
return 0;
static int
do_avd_pause( ControlClient client, char* args )
bool success = vmopers(client)->vmPause();
return success ? 0 : -1;
static int
do_avd_resume( ControlClient client, char* args )
bool success = vmopers(client)->vmResume();
return success ? 0 : -1;
static int
do_avd_hostmicon( ControlClient client, char* args )
vmopers(client)->allowRealAudio(true /* pass through host mic data */);
return 0;
static int
do_avd_hostmicoff( ControlClient client, char* args )
vmopers(client)->allowRealAudio(false /* send 0 instead of host mic data */);
return 0;
static int
do_avd_bugreport( ControlClient client, char* args )
android::avd::BugreportInfo bugreport;
std::istringstream input(bugreport.dump());
for(std::string line; std::getline(input, line);) {
control_write(client, "%s\r\n", line.c_str());
return 0;
static const CommandDefRec vm_commands[] =
{ "stop", "stop the virtual device",
"'avd stop' stops the virtual device immediately, use 'avd start' to continue execution\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_stop, NULL },
{ "start", "start/restart the virtual device",
"'avd start' will start or continue the virtual device, use 'avd stop' to stop it\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_start, NULL },
{ "status", "query virtual device status",
"'avd status' will indicate whether the virtual device is running or not\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_status, NULL },
{ "heartbeat", "query the heart beat number of the guest system",
"'avd heartbeat' will report the number of heart beats from guest system running inside this avd\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_heartbeat, NULL },
{ "rewindaudio", "rewind the input audio to the beginning",
"'avd rewindaudio' will rewind the input of audio to beginning(applicable only to wav audio driver)\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_rewind_audio, NULL },
{ "name", "query virtual device name",
"'avd name' will return the name of this virtual device\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_name, NULL },
{ "snapshot", "state snapshot commands",
"allows you to save and restore the virtual device state in snapshots\r\n",
NULL, NULL, snapshot_commands },
{ "pause", "pause the virtual device",
"'avd pause' pauses the virtual device. This is useful for saving system resources\r\n"
"when the virtual device is not immediately needed.",
NULL, do_avd_pause, NULL },
{ "hostmicon", "activate the host audio input device",
"'avd hostmicon' allows real audio to go through the guest microphone input.\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_hostmicon, NULL },
{ "hostmicoff", "deactivate the host audio input device",
"'avd hostmicoff' sends zeroes to the guest microphone input regardless of host microphone signals.\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_hostmicoff, NULL },
{ "resume", "resume the virtual device",
"'avd resume' resumes a previously-paused virtual device.\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_resume, NULL },
{ "bugreport", "generate bug report info.",
"'avd bugreport' will print out bug report information which is used for the filling the template in issue tracker.\r\n",
NULL, do_avd_bugreport, NULL},
/***** ******/
/***** G E O C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
static int
do_geo_nmea( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: NMEA sentence missing, try 'help geo nmea'\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!client->global->location_agent->gpsIsSupported()) {
control_write( client, "KO: no GPS emulation in this virtual device\r\n" );
return -1;
return 0;
static location_qt_settings_writer location_agent_qt_settings_func = 0;
void location_registerQtSettingsWriter(location_qt_settings_writer f) {
location_agent_qt_settings_func = f;
static int
do_geo_fix( ControlClient client, char* args )
const char* p = args;
int top_param = -1;
double params[ NUM_GEO_PARAMS ];
struct timeval tVal;
if (!p)
p = "";
/* tokenize */
while (*p) {
char* end;
double val = strtod( p, &end );
if (end == p) {
control_write( client, "KO: argument '%s' is not a number\n", p );
return -1;
params[++top_param] = val;
if (top_param + 1 == NUM_GEO_PARAMS)
p = end;
while (*p && (p[0] == ' ' || p[0] == '\t'))
p += 1;
/* sanity check */
if (top_param < GEO_LAT) {
control_write( client, "KO: not enough arguments: see 'help geo fix' for details\r\n" );
return -1;
/* check longitude and latitude */
double longitude = params[GEO_LONG];
if (longitude < -180.0 || longitude > 180.0) {
control_write(client, "KO: invalid longitude value. Should be in [-180,+180] range\r\n");
return -1;
double latitude = params[GEO_LAT];
if (latitude < -90.0 || latitude > 90.0) {
control_write(client, "KO: invalid latitude value. Should be in [-90,+90] range\r\n");
return -1;
/* altitude */
double altitude = 0.0;
if (top_param >= GEO_ALT) {
altitude = params[GEO_ALT];
/* check number of satellites, must be integer between 1 and 12 */
int n_satellites = 1;
if (top_param >= GEO_SAT) {
n_satellites = (int) params[GEO_SAT];
if (n_satellites != params[GEO_SAT]
|| n_satellites < 1 || n_satellites > 12) {
control_write( client, "KO: invalid number of satellites. Must be an integer between 1 and 12\r\n");
return -1;
/* velocity */
double velocity = 0.0;
if (top_param >= GEO_VELOCITY) {
velocity = params[GEO_VELOCITY];
memset(&tVal, 0, sizeof(tVal));
gettimeofday(&tVal, NULL);
// Also update the settings.
double heading = 0.0;
if (location_agent_qt_settings_func) {
location_agent_qt_settings_func(params[GEO_LAT], params[GEO_LONG], altitude, velocity, heading);
client->global->location_agent->gpsSendLoc(params[GEO_LAT], params[GEO_LONG],
velocity, heading,
n_satellites, &tVal);
return 0;
static int
do_geo_gnss( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (!args) {
control_write( client, "KO: GNSS sentence missing, try 'help geo gnss'\r\n" );
return -1;
if (!client->global->location_agent->gpsIsSupported()) {
control_write( client, "KO: no GPS emulation in this virtual device\r\n" );
return -1;
control_write( client, "OK: sending %s\r\n", args);
return 0;
static const CommandDefRec geo_commands[] =
{ "nmea", "send a GPS NMEA sentence",
"'geo nema <sentence>' sends an NMEA 0183 sentence to the emulated device, as\r\n"
"if it came from an emulated GPS modem. <sentence> must begin with '$GP'. Only\r\n"
"'$GPGGA' and '$GPRMC' sentences are supported at the moment.\r\n",
NULL, do_geo_nmea, NULL },
{ "fix", "send a simple GPS fix",
"'geo fix <longitude> <latitude> [<altitude> [<satellites> [<velocity>]]]'\r\n"
" allows you to send a simple GPS fix to the emulated system.\r\n"
" The parameters are:\r\n\r\n"
" <longitude> longitude, in decimal degrees\r\n"
" <latitude> latitude, in decimal degrees\r\n"
" <altitude> optional altitude in meters\r\n"
" <satellites> number of satellites being tracked (1-12)\r\n"
" <velocity> optional velocity in knots\r\n"
NULL, do_geo_fix, NULL },
{ "gnss", "send a GNSS sentence",
"'geo gnss <sentence>' sends a GNSS sentence to the emulated device.\r\n"
"<sentence> has fields separated by ',', and it starts with 8 fields\r\n"
"for clock data, 1 field for measurement count, and followed by\r\n"
"count * 9 (each measurement data has 9 fields).\r\n"
"e.g. geo gnss TimeNanos,FullBiasNanos,BiasNanos,BiasUncertaintyNanos,\r\n"
"CarrierFrequencyHz,<more measurements>\r\n",
NULL, do_geo_gnss, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** S E N S O R S C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
/* For sensors user prompt string size.*/
/* Get sensor data - (a,b,c) from sensor name */
static int
do_sensors_get( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (! args) {
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: \"get <sensorname>\"\n" );
return -1;
char buffer[SENSORS_INFO_SIZE] = { 0 };
char sensor[strlen(args) + 1];
if (1 != sscanf( args, "%s", &sensor[0] ))
int sensor_id = android_sensors_get_id_from_name( sensor );
if (sensor_id < 0) {
status = sensor_id;
float a, b, c;
status = android_sensors_get( sensor_id, &a, &b, &c );
if (status != SENSOR_STATUS_OK)
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s = %g:%g:%g\r\n", sensor, a, b, c );
do_control_write( client, buffer );
return 0;
switch(status) {
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "KO: No sensor service found!\r\n" );
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "KO: '%s' sensor is disabled.\r\n", sensor );
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer),
"KO: unknown sensor name: %s, run 'sensor status' to get available sensors.\r\n", sensor );
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "KO: '%s' sensor: exception happens.\r\n", sensor );
do_control_write( client, buffer );
return -1;
/* set sensor data - (a,b,c) from sensor name */
static int
do_sensors_set( ControlClient client, char* args )
if (! args) {
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: \"set <sensorname> <value-a>[:<value-b>[:<value-c>]]\"\n" );
return -1;
char buffer[SENSORS_INFO_SIZE] = { 0 };
int status;
char* sensor;
char* value;
char* args_dup = strdup( args );
if (args_dup == NULL) {
control_write( client, "KO: Memory allocation failed.\n" );
return -1;
char* p = args_dup;
/* Parsing the args to get sensor name string */
while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
if (*p == 0)
sensor = p;
/* Parsing the args to get value string */
while (*p && (! isspace(*p))) p++;
if (*p == 0 || *(p + 1) == 0/* make sure value isn't NULL */)
*p = 0;
value = p + 1;
if (! (strlen(sensor) && strlen(value)))
int sensor_id = android_sensors_get_id_from_name( sensor );
if (sensor_id < 0) {
status = sensor_id;
} else {
float fvalues[3];
status = android_sensors_get( sensor_id, &fvalues[0], &fvalues[1], &fvalues[2] );
if (status != SENSOR_STATUS_OK)
/* Parsing the value part to get the sensor values(a, b, c) */
int i;
char* pnext;
char* pend = value + strlen(value);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, value = pnext + 1) {
pnext=strchr( value, ':' );
if (pnext) {
*pnext = 0;
} else {
pnext = pend;
if (pnext > value) {
if (1 != sscanf( value,"%g", &fvalues[i] ))
status = android_sensors_override_set(
sensor_id, fvalues[0], fvalues[1], fvalues[2] );
if (status != SENSOR_STATUS_OK)
free( args_dup );
return 0;
switch(status) {
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "KO: No sensor service found!\r\n" );
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "KO: '%s' sensor is disabled.\r\n", sensor );
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer),
"KO: unknown sensor name: %s, run 'sensor status' to get available sensors.\r\n", sensor );
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "KO: '%s' sensor: exception happens.\r\n", sensor );
do_control_write( client, buffer );
free( args_dup );
return -1;
control_write( client, "KO: Usage: \"set <sensorname> <value-a>[:<value-b>[:<value-c>]]\"\n" );
free( args_dup );
return -1;
/* get all available sensor names and enable status respectively. */
static int
do_sensors_status( ControlClient client, char* args )
uint8_t id, status;
char buffer[SENSORS_INFO_SIZE] = { 0 };
for(id = 0; id < MAX_SENSORS; id++) {
status = android_sensors_get_sensor_status( id );
snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s: %s\n",
android_sensors_get_name_from_id(id), (status ? "enabled.":"disabled.") );
control_write( client, buffer );
return 0;
/* Sensor commands for get/set sensor values and get available sensor names. */
static const CommandDefRec sensor_commands[] =
{ "status", "list all sensors and their status.",
"'status': list all sensors and their status.\r\n",
NULL, do_sensors_status, NULL },
{ "get", "get sensor values",
"'get <sensorname>' returns the values of a given sensor.\r\n",
NULL, do_sensors_get, NULL },
{ "set", "set sensor values",
"'set <sensorname> <value-a>[:<value-b>[:<value-c>]]' set the values of a given sensor.\r\n",
NULL, do_sensors_set, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** A U T O M A T I O N C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
// Start recording device state changes to the given file.
static int do_automation_record(ControlClient client, char* args) {
using namespace android::automation;
auto result = AutomationController::get().startRecording(args);
if (result.err()) {
std::ostringstream str;
str << "KO: " << result.unwrapErr();
control_write(client, "%s\r\n", str.str().c_str());
return -1;
return 0;
// Stop recording back device state.
static int do_automation_stop_recording(ControlClient client, char* args) {
using namespace android::automation;
auto result = AutomationController::get().stopRecording();
if (result.err()) {
std::ostringstream str;
str << "KO: " << result.unwrapErr();
control_write(client, "%s\r\n", str.str().c_str());
return -1;
return 0;
// Start playing back device state from the given file.
static int do_automation_play(ControlClient client, char* args) {
using namespace android::automation;
auto result = AutomationController::get().startPlayback(args);
if (result.err()) {
std::ostringstream str;
str << "KO: " << result.unwrapErr();
control_write(client, "%s\r\n", str.str().c_str());
return -1;
return 0;
// Stop playing back device state.
static int do_automation_stop_playback(ControlClient client, char* args) {
using namespace android::automation;
auto result = AutomationController::get().stopPlayback();
if (result.err()) {
std::ostringstream str;
str << "KO: " << result.unwrapErr();
control_write(client, "%s\r\n", str.str().c_str());
return -1;
return 0;
// Automation commands for record/playback of device state.
static const CommandDefRec automation_commands[] = {
{ "record", "start recording a macro.",
"'record <filename>': start recording a macro of device state changes to the given file.\r\n",
nullptr, do_automation_record, nullptr },
{ "stop-record", "stop recording a macro.",
"'stop-record': stop the current recording.\r\n",
nullptr, do_automation_stop_recording, nullptr },
{ "play", "playback macro.",
"'play <filename>': start playing back the macro from the given file.\r\n",
nullptr, do_automation_play, nullptr },
{ "stop-play", "stop playing macro.",
"'stop-play': stop the current macro playback.\r\n",
nullptr, do_automation_stop_playback, nullptr },
{ nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }
/***** ******/
/***** P H Y S I C S C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
// Start recording of ground truth to the given file.
static int do_physics_record_ground_truth(ControlClient client, char* args) {
return android_physical_model_record_ground_truth(args);
// Stop the current recording or playback of physical state changes.
static int do_physics_stop(ControlClient client, char* args) {
return android_physical_model_stop_recording();
// Physics commands for record/playback physics state.
static const CommandDefRec physics_commands[] = {
{ "record-gt", "start recording ground truth of the physical model's 6dof poses",
"'record-gt <filename>': start recording of ground truth to the given file.\r\n",
nullptr, do_physics_record_ground_truth, nullptr },
{ "stop", "stop recording ground truth",
"'stop': stop the current recording of ground truth.\r\n",
nullptr, do_physics_stop, nullptr },
{ nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }
/***** ******/
/***** F I N G E R P R I N T C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
static int
do_fingerprint_touch(ControlClient client, char* args )
if (args) {
char *endptr;
int fingerid = strtol(args, &endptr, 0);
if (endptr != args) {
client->global->finger_agent->setTouch(true, fingerid);
return 0;
control_write(client, "KO: invalid fingerid\r\n");
return -1;
control_write(client, "KO: missing fingerid\r\n");
return -1;
static int
do_fingerprint_remove(ControlClient client, char* args )
client->global->finger_agent->setTouch(false, -1);
return 0;
static const CommandDefRec fingerprint_commands[] =
{ "touch", "touch finger print sensor with <fingerid>",
"'touch <fingerid>' touch finger print sensor with <fingerid>.\r\n",
NULL, do_fingerprint_touch, NULL },
{ "remove", "remove finger from the fingerprint sensor",
"'remove' remove finger from the fingerprint sensor.\r\n",
NULL, do_fingerprint_remove, NULL },
/***** ******/
/***** S C R E E N R E C O R D C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
* Parses a string of the form "1280x720".
* Returns true on success.
static bool parseWidthHeight(const char* widthHeight,
uint32_t* pWidth,
uint32_t* pHeight) {
int count = 0;
sscanf(widthHeight, "%" SCNu32 "x%" SCNu32 "%n", pWidth, pHeight, &count);
return widthHeight[count] == '\0';
* Accepts a string with a bare number ("4000000") or with a single-character
* unit ("4m").
* Returns false if parsing fails.
static bool parseValueWithUnit(const char* str, uint32_t* pValue) {
long value;
char* endptr;
value = strtol(str, &endptr, 10);
if (*endptr == '\0') {
// bare number
*pValue = value;
return true;
} else if (toupper(*endptr) == 'M' && *(endptr + 1) == '\0') {
*pValue = value * 1000000; // check for overflow?
return true;
} else {
D(("Unrecognized value: %s\n", str));
return false;
static int do_screenrecord_start(ControlClient client, char* args) {
// kMaxArgs is max number of arguments that we have to process (options +
// parameters, if any, and the filename)
static constexpr int kMaxArgs = 3 * 2 + 1;
static const struct option longOptions[] = {
{"size", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"bit-rate", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"time-limit", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}};
switch (client->global->record_agent->getRecorderState()) {
control_write(client, "KO: Recording has already started\r\n");
return -1;
if (!args) {
control_write(client, "KO: Must provide an output filename\r\n");
return -1;
// Count number of arguments
// Need to get it into a format for getopt_long().
std::vector<std::string> splitArgs;
android::base::split(args, " ", [&splitArgs](android::base::StringView s) {
if (!s.empty() && splitArgs.size() < kMaxArgs + 1)
// Need char** for getopt()
std::vector<char*> sarray;
for (auto& arg : splitArgs) {
// last argument needs to be NULL for getopt().
RecordingInfo info = {};
// Setting optind to 1 does not completely reset the internal state for
// getopt() on gcc, despite what the documentation says. Setting it to 0
// does however, and this setting does not cause any issues on mingw and
// clang.
optind = 0;
while (true) {
int optionIndex = 0;
int ic = getopt_long(sarray.size() - 1,, "", longOptions,
if (ic == -1) {
D(("Got ic=-1\n"));
switch (ic) {
case 's':
D(("Got --%s=[%s]\n", longOptions[optionIndex].name, optarg));
if (!parseWidthHeight(optarg, &info.width, &info.height)) {
"KO: Invalid size '%s', must be width x height\r\n",
return -1;
if (info.width == 0 || info.height == 0) {
"KO: Invalid size %ux%u, width and height "
"may not be zero\r\n",
info.width, info.height);
return -1;
case 'b':
D(("Got --%s=[%s]\n", longOptions[optionIndex].name, optarg));
if (!parseValueWithUnit(optarg, &info.videoBitrate)) {
return -1;
if (info.videoBitrate < kMinVideoBitrate ||
info.videoBitrate > kMaxVideoBitrate) {
"KO: Bit rate %dbps outside acceptable range "
info.videoBitrate, kMinVideoBitrate,
return -1;
case 't':
D(("Got --%s=[%s]\n", longOptions[optionIndex].name, optarg));
info.timeLimit = atoi(optarg);
if (info.timeLimit == 0 || info.timeLimit > kMaxTimeLimit) {
"Time limit %ds outside acceptable range [1,%d]\n",
info.timeLimit, kMaxTimeLimit);
return -1;
D(("getopt_long returned %d\n", ic));
"KO: Invalid arguments (see help screenrecord "
return -1;
if (optind != splitArgs.size() - 1) {
"KO: Must specify output file (see help screenrecord "
return -1;
info.fileName = sarray[optind];
std::string tmpfile = info.fileName;
std::transform(tmpfile.begin(), tmpfile.end(), tmpfile.begin(), ::tolower);
if (!str_ends_with(tmpfile.c_str(), ".webm")) {
control_write(client, "KO: file must have a .webm extension\r\n");
return -1;
bool success = client->global->record_agent->startRecording(&info);
if (!success) {
control_write(client, "KO: Error while trying to start recording\r\n");
return -1;
D(("Recording started\n"));
return 0;
static int do_screenrecord_stop(ControlClient client, char* args) {
switch (client->global->record_agent->getRecorderState()) {
control_write(client, "KO: No recording has been started.\r\n");
return -1;
"KO: Recording already in process of stopping.\r\n");
return -1;
D(("Stopping the recording ...\n"));
return 0;
static int do_screenrecord_screenshot(ControlClient client, char* args) {
return 0;
static int do_screenrecord_webrtc(ControlClient client, char* args) {
// kMaxArgs is max number of arguments that we have to process (options +
// parameters, if any, and the filename)
const int kMaxArgs = 3;
// Count number of arguments
std::vector<std::string> splitArgs;
android::base::split(args, " ", [&splitArgs](android::base::StringView s) {
if (!s.empty() && splitArgs.size() < kMaxArgs + 1)
if (splitArgs.size() == 0) {
control_write(client, "KO: not enough arguments\r\n");
return -1;
if (splitArgs[0] == "start") {
if (splitArgs.size() < 2) {
control_write(client, "KO: Must provide an output filename\r\n");
return -1;
int fps = 60;
if (splitArgs.size() == 3) {
if (sscanf(splitArgs[2].c_str(), "%d", &fps) != 1) {
control_write(client, "KO: Fps not a number\r\n");
return -1;
// Start on the given handle!
return client->global->record_agent->startWebRtcModule(splitArgs[1].c_str(), fps) ? 0 : -1;
} else if (splitArgs[0] == "stop") {
return client->global->record_agent->stopWebRtcModule() ? 0 : -1;
} else {
control_write(client, "KO: expected 'start' or 'stop'\r\n");
return -1;
return 0;
static const CommandDefRec screenrecord_commands[] = {
{"start", "start screen recording",
"'screenrecord start [options] <filename>'\r\n"
"\r\nRecords the emulator's display to a .webm file.\r\n"
" --size WIDTHxHEIGHT\r\n"
" Set the video size, e.g. \"1280x720\". Default is the device's "
" display resolution.\r\n"
" --bit-rate RATE\r\n"
" Set the video bit rate, in bits per second. Value may be "
"specified as\r\n"
" bits or megabits, e.g. '4000000' is equivalent to '4M'. Default "
" --time-limit TIME\r\n"
" Set the maximum recording time, in seconds. Default/maximum is "
"\r\nThe recording will stop with 'screenrecord stop' or when the "
"time limit\r\n"
"is reached\r\n",
NULL, do_screenrecord_start, NULL},
{"stop", "stop screen recording",
"'screenrecord stop' stops the recording if one has already "
NULL, do_screenrecord_stop, NULL},
{"screenshot", "Take a screenshot",
"'screenrecord screenshot <dirname>'\r\n"
"\r\nTakes a single screenshot of emulator's display "
"and saves the resulting PNG in <dirname>.\r\n",
NULL, do_screenrecord_screenshot, NULL},
{"webrtc", "start/stop the webrtc module",
"'screenrecord webrtc [start|stop] [<handle>] [fps]'\r\n"
"\r\nStart or stop the webrtc memory sharing."
"\r\nSharing can happen on only one handle and must "
"be provided on start."
"\r\nAn option framerate can be provided, the default is fps=60",
NULL, do_screenrecord_webrtc, NULL},
/***** ******/
/***** Q E M U C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
static int
do_qemu_monitor( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write(client, "KO: QEMU support no longer available\r\n");
return -1;
static const CommandDefRec qemu_commands[] =
{ "monitor", "enter QEMU monitor",
"Enter the QEMU virtual machine monitor\r\n",
NULL, do_qemu_monitor, NULL },
{ "help|h|?", "print a list of commands", NULL, NULL, do_help, NULL }
{"help-verbose", "print a list of commands with descriptions", \
NULL, NULL, do_help_verbose, NULL}
#define PING_COMMAND \
{ "ping", "check if the emulator is alive", NULL, NULL, do_ping, NULL }
#define QUIT_COMMAND \
{ "quit|exit", "quit control session", NULL, NULL, do_quit, NULL }
#define AVD_COMMAND(sub_commands) \
{ \
"avd", "control virtual device execution", \
"allows you to control (e.g. start/stop) the execution of " \
"the virtual device\r\n", \
NULL, NULL, sub_commands \
/***** ******/
/***** M A I N C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
static void __attribute__((noreturn)) crash() {
crashhandler_die("console-initiated crash");
static int
do_crash( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write( client, "OK: crashing emulator, bye bye\r\n" );
static int
do_crash_on_exit( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write( client, "OK: crashing emulator on exit, bye bye\r\n" );
crashhandler_exitmode("console-simulated crash on exit");
static int
do_kill( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write( client, "OK: killing emulator, bye bye\r\n" );
DINIT("Emulator killed by console kill command.\n");
client->global->libui_agent->requestExit(0, "Killed by console command");
return 0;
static int
do_restart( ControlClient client, char* args )
control_write( client, "OK: restarting emulator, bye bye\r\n" );
DINIT("Emulator restart by console restart command.\n");
client->global->libui_agent->requestRestart(0, "Restarted by console command");
return 0;
static int do_debug(ControlClient client, char* args) {
if (!args) {
control_write(client, "KO: argument missing, try 'debug <tags>'\r\n");
return -1;
if (!android_parse_debug_tags_option(args, /*parse_as_suffix*/false)) {
control_write(client, "KO: bad tags, see command line help for "
"""-debug"" option for a list of valid ones\r\n");
return -1;
return 0;
static int do_rotate_90_clockwise(ControlClient client, char* args) {
return (int)client->global->emu_agent->rotate90Clockwise();
static int do_fold(ControlClient client, char* args) {
return 0;
static int do_unfold(ControlClient client, char* args) {
return 0;
/* NOTE: The names of all commands are listed when the 'help' command
* is received.
* Android Studio uses the 'help' command and requires that the
* response be less than 1024 characters.
* Do not expand the list to the point of breaking Android Studio.
namespace {
extern const CommandDefRec main_commands[] = {
{"automation", "manage emulator automation",
"allows you to record and play back macros for device state "
NULL, NULL, automation_commands},
{"event", "simulate hardware events",
"allows you to send fake hardware events to the kernel\r\n", NULL,
NULL, event_commands},
{"geo", "Geo-location commands",
"allows you to change Geo-related settings, or to send GPS NMEA "
NULL, NULL, geo_commands},
{"gsm", "GSM related commands",
"allows you to change GSM-related settings, or to make a new inbound "
"phone call\r\n",
NULL, NULL, gsm_commands},
{"cdma", "CDMA related commands",
"allows you to change CDMA-related settings\r\n", NULL, NULL,
{"crash", "crash the emulator instance", NULL, NULL, do_crash, NULL},
{"crash-on-exit", "simulate crash on exit for the emulator instance",
NULL, NULL, do_crash_on_exit},
{"kill", "kill the emulator instance", NULL, NULL, do_kill, NULL},
{"restart", "restart the emulator instance", NULL, NULL, do_restart,
{"network", "manage network settings",
"allows you to manage the settings related to the network data "
"connection "
"of the\r\n"
"emulated device.\r\n",
NULL, NULL, network_commands},
{"wifi", "manage wifi settings",
"allows you to manage wifi settings in the device\r\n",
NULL, NULL, wifi_commands},
{"power", "power related commands",
"allows to change battery and AC power status\r\n", NULL, NULL,
{"redir", "manage port redirections",
"allows you to add, list and remove UDP and/or PORT redirection from "
"the "
"host to the device\r\n"
"as an example, 'redir tcp:5000:6000' will route any packet sent to "
"the "
"host's TCP port 5000\r\n"
"to TCP port 6000 of the emulated device\r\n",
NULL, NULL, redir_commands},
{"sms", "SMS related commands",
"allows you to simulate an inbound SMS\r\n", NULL, NULL, sms_commands},
{"qemu", "QEMU-specific commands",
"allows to connect to the QEMU virtual machine monitor\r\n", NULL,
NULL, qemu_commands},
{"sensor", "manage emulator sensors",
"allows you to request the emulator sensors\r\n", NULL, NULL,
{"physics", "manage physical model",
"allows you to record and playback physical model state changes\r\n",
NULL, NULL, physics_commands},
{"finger", "manage emulator finger print",
"allows you to touch the emulator finger print sensor\r\n", NULL, NULL,
{"debug", "control the emulator debug output tags", NULL, NULL,
{"rotate", "rotate the screen clockwise by 90 degrees", NULL, NULL,
do_rotate_90_clockwise, NULL},
{"screenrecord", "Records the emulator's display", NULL, NULL, NULL,
{"fold", "fold the device", NULL, NULL, do_fold, NULL},
{"unfold", "unfold the device", NULL, NULL, do_unfold, NULL},
} // namespace
/***** ******/
/***** A U T H C O M M A N D S ******/
/***** ******/
static int const_time_strcmp(const char* fst, const char* snd, size_t size) {
int result = 0;
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
result |= fst[i] ^ snd[i];
return result; // 0 => fst == snd.
static int do_auth(ControlClient client, char* args) {
if (!args) {
control_write(client, "KO: missing authentication token\r\n");
return -1;
char* auth_token = android_console_auth_get_token_dup();
if (!auth_token) {
"KO: unable to read ~/.emulator_console_auth_token\r\n");
return -1;
/** We want to make timing attacks harder, so we will use a strcmp
* that will compare every character, vs exit early (glibc).
* This will make it harder for attackers to guesstimate how many
* characters are correct so far. The comparison buffer will never
* contain more than auth_token+1 chars.
size_t token = strlen(auth_token) + 1;
size_t args_len = strlen(args) + 1;
char* auth = (char*) calloc(token, 1);
memcpy(auth, args, token <= args_len ? token : args_len);
if (0 != const_time_strcmp(auth_token, auth, token)) {
"KO: authentication token does not match "
return -1;
client->commands = main_commands;
return 0;
static const CommandDefRec vm_commands_preauth[] = {
"query virtual device name",
"'avd name' will return the name of this virtual device\r\n",
/* "preauth" commands are the set of commands that are legal before
* authentication. "avd name is special cased here because it is needed by
* older versions of Android Studio */
namespace {
extern const CommandDefRec main_commands_preauth[] = {
"user authentication for the emulator console",
"use 'auth <auth_token>' to get extended console functionality\r\n",
} // namespace
const char* android_console_auth_banner_get() {
static char s_android_monitor_auth_banner[1024];
static bool s_ready = false;
if (!s_ready) {
// in QEMU2, banners get \n appended when they are output so no trailing
// \n here
// Note that Studio looks for the first line of this message /exactly/
char* emulator_console_auth_token_path =
"Android Console: Authentication required\n"
"Android Console: type 'auth <auth_token>' to authenticate\n"
"Android Console: you can find your <auth_token> in "
s_ready = true;
return s_android_monitor_auth_banner;
const char* android_console_help_banner_get() {
// in QEMU2, banners get \n appended when they are output so no trailing \n
// here
return "Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands"
/***** TESTING ******/
/***** The follow functions should only be used in testing. ******/
/***** ******/
void* test_control_client_create(Socket socket)
auto client = new ControlClientRec();
if (client) {
socket_set_nodelay( socket );
socket_set_nonblock( socket );
// Skip the preauth
client->commands = main_commands;
client->finished = 0;
client->sock = socket;
return client;
void test_control_client_close(void* opaque)
delete (ControlClientRec*)opaque;
void send_test_string(void* opaque, const char* the_string)
ControlClient c = (ControlClient)opaque;
strcpy(c->buff, the_string);