blob: e3719b37e4a712fbab110e18b47cedf0218b2a17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "android/metrics/StudioConfig.h"
#include "android/base/ArraySize.h"
#include "android/base/files/PathUtils.h"
#include "android/base/Optional.h"
#include "android/base/memory/LazyInstance.h"
#include "android/base/memory/ScopedPtr.h"
#include "android/base/misc/StringUtils.h"
#include "android/base/StringView.h"
#include "android/base/system/System.h"
#include "android/base/Version.h"
#include "android/emulation/ConfigDirs.h"
#include "android/metrics/MetricsPaths.h"
#include "android/utils/debug.h"
#include "android/utils/dirscanner.h"
#include "android/utils/path.h"
#include "android/version.h"
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using android::base::LazyInstance;
using android::base::Optional;
using std::string;
#define E(...) derror(__VA_ARGS__)
#define W(...) dwarning(__VA_ARGS__)
#define D(...) VERBOSE_PRINT(init, __VA_ARGS__)
// These consts are replicated as macros in StudioHelper_unittest.cpp
// changes to these will require equivalent changes to the unittests
#ifdef __APPLE__
static const char kAndroidStudioDir[] = "AndroidStudio";
#else // ! ___APPLE__
static const char kAndroidStudioDir[] = ".AndroidStudio";
static const char kAndroidStudioDirInfix[] = "config";
#endif // __APPLE__
static const char kAndroidStudioDirSuffix[] = "options";
static const char kAndroidStudioDirPreview[] = "Preview";
namespace {
// StudioXML describes the XML parameters we are seeking for in a
// Studio preferences file. StudioXml structs are defined statically
// in functions that call parseStudioXML().
struct StudioXml {
const char* filename;
const char* nodename;
const char* propname;
const char* propvalue;
const char* keyname;
} // namespace
using android::ConfigDirs;
using android::base::c_str;
using android::base::PathUtils;
using android::base::strDup;
using android::base::stringLiteralLength;
using android::base::StringView;
using android::base::System;
using android::base::Version;
using android::studio::UpdateChannel;
namespace android {
namespace studio {
// Find latest studio preferences directory and return the
// value of the xml entry described in |match|.
static Optional<string> parseStudioXML(const StudioXml* const match);
static std::string findLatestAndroidStudioDir() {
System* sys = System::get();
// Get path to .AndroidStudio
std::string studio = sys->envGet("ANDROID_STUDIO_PREFERENCES");
if (!studio.empty()) {
return studio;
const std::string appDataPath =
#ifdef __APPLE__
#endif // __APPLE__
if (appDataPath.empty()) {
return {};
return latestAndroidStudioDir(appDataPath);
Version extractAndroidStudioVersion(const char* const dirName) {
if (dirName == NULL) {
return Version::invalid();
// get rid of kAndroidStudioDir prefix to get to version
if (strncmp(dirName, kAndroidStudioDir,
stringLiteralLength(kAndroidStudioDir)) != 0) {
return Version::invalid();
const char* cVersion = dirName + stringLiteralLength(kAndroidStudioDir);
// if this is a preview, get rid of kAndroidStudioDirPreview
// prefix too and mark preview as build #1
// (assume build #2 for releases)
auto build = 2;
if (strncmp(cVersion, kAndroidStudioDirPreview,
stringLiteralLength(kAndroidStudioDirPreview)) == 0) {
cVersion += stringLiteralLength(kAndroidStudioDirPreview);
build = 1;
// cVersion should now contain at least a number; if not,
// this is a very early AndroidStudio installation, let's
// call it version 0
if (cVersion[0] == '\0') {
cVersion = "0";
// Create a major.micro.minor version string and append
// a "2" for release and a "1" for previews; this will
// allow proper sorting
Version rawVersion(cVersion);
if (rawVersion == Version::invalid()) {
return Version::invalid();
return Version(rawVersion.component<Version::kMajor>(),
rawVersion.component<Version::kMicro>(), build);
std::string latestAndroidStudioDir(const std::string& scanPath) {
if (scanPath.empty()) {
return {};
const auto scanner = android::base::makeCustomScopedPtr(
dirScanner_new(scanPath.c_str()), dirScanner_free);
if (!scanner) {
return {};
std::string latest_path;
System* system = System::get();
Version latest_version(0, 0, 0);
for (;;) {
const char* full_path = dirScanner_nextFull(scanner.get());
if (full_path == NULL) {
// End of enumeration.
char* name = path_basename(full_path);
if (name == NULL) {
Version v = extractAndroidStudioVersion(name);
// ignore files, only interested in subDirs
if (!v.isValid() || !system->pathIsDir(full_path)) {
if (latest_version < v) {
latest_version = v;
latest_path = full_path;
return latest_path;
std::string pathToStudioXML(const std::string& studioPath,
const std::string& filename) {
if (studioPath.empty() || filename.empty())
return std::string();
// build /path/to/.AndroidStudio/subpath/to/file.xml
std::vector<std::string> vpath;
#ifndef __APPLE__
#endif // !__APPLE__
return PathUtils::recompose(vpath);
base::Version lastestAndroidStudioVersion() {
const auto studio = findLatestAndroidStudioDir();
if (studio.empty()) {
return {};
StringView basename;
PathUtils::split(studio, nullptr, &basename);
return extractAndroidStudioVersion(c_str(basename));
struct UpdateChannelInfo {
UpdateChannel updateChannel = UpdateChannel::Unknown;
bool initialized = false;
static LazyInstance<UpdateChannelInfo> sUpdateChannelInfo =
UpdateChannel updateChannel() {
// Only interact with other files if
// a) this is the first time calling updateChannel()
// b) a previous call to updateChannel() did not succeed
if (!sUpdateChannelInfo->initialized) {
static const StudioXml channelInfo = {
.filename = "updates.xml",
.nodename = "option",
.propname = "name",
.propvalue = "UPDATE_CHANNEL_TYPE",
.keyname = "value",
const auto channelStr = parseStudioXML(&channelInfo);
if (!channelStr) {
return UpdateChannel::Unknown;
static const struct NamedChannel {
StringView name;
UpdateChannel channel;
} channelNames[] = {
{"", UpdateChannel::Canary}, // this is the current default
{"eap", UpdateChannel::Canary},
{"release", UpdateChannel::Stable},
{"beta", UpdateChannel::Beta},
{"milestone", UpdateChannel::Dev}};
const auto channelIt =
std::find_if(std::begin(channelNames), std::end(channelNames),
[&channelStr](const NamedChannel& channel) {
return == *channelStr;
if (channelIt != std::end(channelNames)) {
sUpdateChannelInfo->initialized = true;
sUpdateChannelInfo->updateChannel = channelIt->channel;
return channelIt->channel;
return UpdateChannel::Unknown;
} else {
return sUpdateChannelInfo->updateChannel;
// Recurse through studio xml doc and return the value described in match
// as a string, if one is set. Otherwise, return an empty string
static std::string eval_studio_config_xml(xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr root,
const StudioXml* const match) {
xmlNodePtr current = NULL;
xmlChar* xmlval = NULL;
std::string retVal;
for (current = root; current; current = current->next) {
if (current->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if ((!xmlStrcmp(current->name, BAD_CAST match->nodename))) {
xmlChar* propvalue =
xmlGetProp(current, BAD_CAST match->propname);
int nomatch = xmlStrcmp(propvalue, BAD_CAST match->propvalue);
if (!nomatch) {
xmlval = xmlGetProp(current, BAD_CAST match->keyname);
if (xmlval != NULL) {
// xmlChar* is defined as unsigned char
// we are simply reading the result and don't
// operate on it, soe simply reinterpret as
// as char * array
retVal = std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(xmlval));
retVal = eval_studio_config_xml(doc, current->children, match);
if (!retVal.empty()) {
return retVal;
// Returns:
// - An empty Optional to indicate that parsing failed.
// - Optional("") to indicate that we found the file, but |match| failed.
// - Optional(matched_vaule) in case of success.
static Optional<string> parseStudioXML(const StudioXml* const match) {
std::string studio = findLatestAndroidStudioDir();
if (studio.empty()) {
return {};
// Find match->filename xml file under .AndroidStudio
std::string xml_path = pathToStudioXML(studio, match->filename);
if (xml_path.empty()) {
D("Failed to find %s in %s", match->filename, studio.c_str());
return {};
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(xml_path.c_str(), NULL, 0);
if (doc == NULL)
return {};
// At this point, we assume that we have found the correct xml file.
// If we fail to match within this file, we'll return an empty string
// indicating that nothing matches.
xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
Optional<string> retval = eval_studio_config_xml(doc, root, match);
return retval;
// This is a simple ad-hoc JSON parser for the currently present values of the
// Android Studio metrics configuration file.
// Function doesn't try to be format-compliant or even implement more than we
// currently need, it just allows one to parse basic name:value pairs and pass
// a callback to handle the "value" part
// |name| - the key to extract value for, without quotes
// |extractValue| - a functor that's called with a whole rest of the current
// line as an argument, starting with the first non-whitespace character after
// ':'. E.g.:
// "key" : "value","otherkey":11
// ^-------------------^
// |linePart|, inclusive.
template <class ValueType, class ValueExtractor>
static Optional<ValueType> getStudioConfigJsonValue(
StringView name,
ValueExtractor extractValue) {
const std::string configPath = android::metrics::getSettingsFilePath();
std::ifstream in(configPath.c_str());
if (!in) {
return {};
// Parse JSON to extract the needed option
std::string line;
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
// All names start from a double quote character, so start with finding
// one.
for (auto it = std::find(line.begin(), line.end(), '\"');
it != line.end();
it = std::find(it + 1, line.end(), '\"')) {
auto itName = it + 1;
if (itName == line.end()) {
// Check if this is the right key...
if (strncmp(&*itName,, name.size()) != 0) {
auto itNameEnd = itName + name.size();
if (itNameEnd == line.end() || *itNameEnd != '\"') {
auto itNext = itNameEnd + 1;
// Skip the spaces before the colon...
while (itNext < line.end() && isspace(*itNext)) {
// ... the colon itself...
if (itNext == line.end() || *itNext != ':') {
// ... and spaces after it.
while (itNext < line.end() && isspace(*itNext)) {
if (itNext == line.end()) {
// The value has to be somewhere in the remaining part of the line,
// pass it to someone who knows how to extract it.
auto val = extractValue(StringView(&*itNext, line.end() - itNext));
return val;
return {};
bool getUserMetricsOptIn() {
return getStudioConfigJsonValue<bool>(
[](StringView linePart) -> bool {
static constexpr StringView trueValues[] = {"true", "1"};
auto it = linePart.begin();
for (const auto& trueVal : trueValues) {
if (strncmp(, &*it, trueVal.size())) {
it += trueVal.size();
// make sure the value ends here
if (it == linePart.end()) {
return true;
if (it < linePart.end() &&
(isspace(*it) || ispunct(*it))) {
return true;
return false;
std::string getAnonymizationSalt() {
return getStudioConfigJsonValue<std::string>(
[](StringView linePart) -> std::string {
if (linePart.empty()) {
return {};
auto it = linePart.begin();
if (*it == '\"') {
// This is a quoted string.
// BTW, it doesn't support escaping as there was no
// need yet.
auto itEnd = it;
while (itEnd != linePart.end() && *itEnd != '\"') {
return std::string(it, itEnd);
} else {
// No quotes, just parse till the end of the value.
auto itEnd = it;
while (itEnd != linePart.end() && !isspace(*itEnd) &&
*itEnd != ',') {
return std::string(it, itEnd);
// Forward-declare a function to use here and in the unit test.
std::string extractInstallationId();
namespace {
// A collection of cached configuration values - these aren't supposed to change
// during the emulator run time, so we don't need to re-parse them on every
// call.
struct StaticValues {
std::string installationId;
StaticValues() {
installationId = extractInstallationId();
static LazyInstance<StaticValues> sStaticValues = {};
} // namespace
// This is to be able to unit-test the implementation without hacking into the
// LazyInstance<> code.
std::string extractInstallationId() {
auto optionalId = getStudioConfigJsonValue<std::string>(
"userId", [](StringView linePart) -> std::string {
if (linePart.empty()) {
return {};
auto it = linePart.begin();
if (*it == '\"') {
// This is a quoted string.
// BTW, it doesn't support escaping as there was no need
// yet.
auto itEnd = it;
while (itEnd != linePart.end() && *itEnd != '\"') {
return std::string(it, itEnd);
} else {
// No quotes, just parse till the end of the value.
auto itEnd = it;
while (itEnd != linePart.end() && !isspace(*itEnd) &&
*itEnd != ',') {
return std::string(it, itEnd);
return optionalId.valueOr({});
const std::string& getInstallationId() {
return sStaticValues->installationId;
} // namespace studio
} // namespace android