blob: 2591555065c06b06fac2076523ec2f9fe6f265e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include <functional> // for function
#include <memory> // for unique_ptr
#include <string> // for string
#include <vector> // for vector
#include "android/base/Compiler.h" // for DISALLOW_COPY_ASSIGN_...
#include "android/base/StringView.h" // for StringView
#include "android/base/synchronization/Lock.h" // for Lock
#include "android/base/system/System.h" // for System, System::Duration
#include "android/metrics/MetricsWriter.h" // for MetricsWriter, Metric...
#include "android/metrics/metrics.h" // for MetricsStopReason
namespace android_studio {
class AndroidStudioEvent;
} // namespace android_studio
namespace android {
namespace metrics {
// MetricsReporter - the main interface for metrics reporing in the emulator.
// To report a metric, call the report() method with a callback that will fill
// the passed |event| object with the metric values. E.g.
// Screen screen = ...;
// screen.DrawAFrame();
// int frameTime = screen.GetFrameDrawingTime();
// MetricsReporter::get().report([frameTime](AndroidStudioEvent* event) {
// event->mutable_emulator_details()->set_frame_time(frameTime);
// });
// This callback might be invoked either synchronously or asynchronously on a
// different thread, so it should capture all pieces of data it might need.
// It might even be never called at all - if metrics reporting is disabled -
// so make sure your code doesn't rely on that in any way.
// If you are aggregating metrics that you wish to report you can register a
// callback that will be invoked upon closing the emulator.
// int counter = ....
// MetricsReporter::get().reportOnExit(
// [&counter](android_studio::AndroidStudioEvent* event) {
// event->mutable_emulator_details()->...
// }
// counter++;
// There is one advanced method, reportConditional(): it expects a different
// type of callback, one that returns |true| if it logged anything or |false| if
// it didn't and the metric message should be discarded. This is useful when
// metric reporting requires some long-running operation, and one doesn't want
// to run it on the same thread or to run it at all if metrics are disabled,
// but based on the outcome one might decide not to report it at all.
// Anyway, if even reportConditional() is not for you, you can call
// isReportingEnabled() to see if it makes sense at all to report the metrics.
class MetricsReporter {
using Ptr = std::unique_ptr<MetricsReporter>;
using Callback = std::function<void (android_studio::AndroidStudioEvent*)>;
using ConditionalCallback =
std::function<bool (android_studio::AndroidStudioEvent*)>;
static void start(const std::string& sessionId,
base::StringView emulatorVersion,
base::StringView emulatorFullVersion,
base::StringView qemuVersion);
static void stop(MetricsStopReason reason);
static MetricsReporter& get();
virtual ~MetricsReporter();
virtual void reportConditional(ConditionalCallback callback) = 0;
// Wait for all pending reports to be finished.
virtual void finishPendingReports() = 0;
void report(Callback callback);
// Report the metric before exiting
void reportOnExit(Callback callback);
// Checks if the metrics reporting is enabled for the current reporter
// instance.
bool isReportingEnabled() const;
// Returns a unique identifier of the current emulator run (or session in
// Android Studio terms).
const std::string& sessionId() const;
// Returns an anonymized copy of |s| string, using the Android Studio's
// salt value + some hashing algorithm.
std::string anonymize(base::StringView s);
// Returns the start time.
const base::System::Duration getStartTimeMs();
MetricsReporter(bool enabled, MetricsWriter::Ptr writer,
base::StringView emulatorVersion,
base::StringView emulatorFullVersion,
base::StringView qemuVersion);
void sendToWriter(android_studio::AndroidStudioEvent* event);
std::string salt();
const MetricsWriter::Ptr mWriter;
const bool mEnabled = false;
const base::System::Duration mStartTimeMs;
const std::string mEmulatorVersion;
const std::string mEmulatorFullVersion;
const std::string mQemuVersion;
base::Lock mSaltLock;
base::System::Duration mSaltFileTime = 0;
std::string mSalt;
std::vector<Callback> mOnExit;
} // namespace metrics
} // namespace android