blob: ba931a4c0734865bc38aece3eb21dc4a6f787c14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#pragma once
#include "android/base/async/Looper.h"
#include "android/base/memory/ScopedPtr.h"
#include "android/base/synchronization/Lock.h"
#include "android/base/system/System.h"
#include "android/metrics/MetricsWriter.h"
#include "android/utils/filelock.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace android {
namespace metrics {
// FileMetricsWriter - a MetricsWriter implementation that serializes incoming
// messages into a binary file, using protobuf's writeDelimited() call.
// This is the way Android Studio serializes the messages and how its metrics
// sender expects them to be stored.
// Class also manages the lifetime of the files, rotating them every
// |recordCountLimit| messages or |timeLimitMs| milliseconds (if there was at
// least one message during that time).
// Android Studio's metrics sender monitors the spool directory for .trk files
// and sends them automatically if they aren't locked with Java's FileLock.
// Java implements FileLock in some unspecified 'platform-native' way, so
// instead of trying to mimic that, FileMetricsWriter uses a different approach:
// 1. Create a file with a different extension, .open
// 2. Lock that file with emulator's FileLock instead of the Java's one.
// 3. When finalizing the file (e.g. opening a new one or stopping the writer)
// rename it .open -> .trk and unlock after that.
// 4. Provide a method to collect all 'abandoned' files that are not locked
// but arent .trk yet. This is to detect crashed emulator instances and
// make sure their logs are sent.
// 5. Include the session ID into the log file name to be able to report the
// crashed emulator's sessionID without parsing the file (or if it crashed
// before writing a single message).
// This approach allows emulator to reuse Android Studio's metrics sender
// without relying on its Java-specific implementation.
class FileMetricsWriter final
: public MetricsWriter,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<FileMetricsWriter> {
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<FileMetricsWriter>;
using WPtr = std::weak_ptr<FileMetricsWriter>;
// Creates a new instance of FileMetricsWriter.
// |spoolDir| - a directory to put files into.
// |sessionId| - emulator session (run) ID for metrics logging.
// |recordCountLimit| - create new file after logging this many events.
// Disabled if <=0.
// |looper| - an instance of a |Looper| object to create timed events.
// |timeLimitMs| - create new file after this many milliseconds, if there
// was at least one event logged. Disabled if <=0 or |logger| is NULL.
static Ptr create(base::StringView spoolDir,
const std::string& sessionId,
int recordCountLimit,
base::Looper* looper,
base::System::Duration timeLimitMs);
// Scans the |spoolDir| directory for unlocked non-finalzed log files
// (*.open), renames those to the correct .trk files and returns a set of
// sessions that had such files. Useful for a cleanup or crash reporting
// process.
static AbandonedSessions finalizeAbandonedSessionFiles(
base::StringView spoolDir);
~FileMetricsWriter() override;
// MetricsWriter::write() implementation that writes into the current log
// file.
void write(const android_studio::AndroidStudioEvent& asEvent,
wireless_android_play_playlog::LogEvent* logEvent) override;
// A private constructor to enforce the use of shared_ptr<>.
FileMetricsWriter(base::StringView spoolDir,
const std::string& sessionId,
int recordCountLimit,
base::Looper* looper,
base::System::Duration timeLimitMs);
void finalizeActiveFileNoLock();
void openNewFileNoLock();
bool countLimitReached() const;
// Timer creation needs shared_from_this(), but it isn't available in class
// ctor; that's why we have this function for a lazy timer creation.
void ensureTimerStarted();
void onTimer();
// Runs a requested file operation until it succeeds or up to a predefined
// number of tries.
// |filenameCounter| - a pointer to a counter to increment on each try.
// |op| - operation to run, should be callable with no arguments and
// return |true| when it succeeds.
template <class Operation>
static bool runFileOperationWithRetries(int* filenameCounter, Operation op);
// Increments a passed *|counter|, wrapping it at a predefined limit.
static void advanceFilenameCounter(int* counter);
const std::string mSpoolDir;
const base::System::Duration mTimeLimitMs;
const int mRecordCountLimit;
base::Looper* const mLooper;
// This lock protects all mutable members. It's OK to have a single lock for
// everything as we don't really expect any contention - the idea is that
// most of the methods are called from a single worker thread of
// AsyncMetricsReporter.
base::Lock mLock;
std::unique_ptr<base::Looper::Timer> mTimer;
std::string mActiveFileName;
std::unique_ptr<google::protobuf::io::FileOutputStream> mActiveFile;
base::ScopedCustomPtr<FileLock, decltype(&filelock_release)>
// Number of records logged into the current active file.
int mRecordCount = 0;
// A counter variable that's appended to the file name to make it unique.
// We preserve it as an object state to make sure we start from the next
// counter value every time we perform an open() or rename() - this way
// we have the least number of name clashes, compared to always starting
// from 0.
int mFilenameCounter = 0;
} // namespace metrics
} // namespace android