blob: e2fd90e0b3ec0099c3912312fa0b47e9e119b679 [file] [log] [blame]
Android Emulator Windows Development
In order to develop the android emulator under windows you will need to have access to:
- Have a bit9 exception http://go/bit9
- Have admin privileges on your machine.
- Our repository of sources:
1. Use a windows version of repo to access the sources (RECOMMENDED)
2. Use the linux subsystem to get access:
- Currently not working due to issues with symlinking between WSL and NTFS
- Abysmal performance due to file system translation
- A Compiler toolchain to compile the sources, in this case Visual Studio 2017
# Using repo for windows
Install the following:
- [Visual Studio 2017]( We will need the compiler toolchain with the latest windows sdk, as we need the WHPX headers.
- [Python]( You only need this if your version of visual studio does not come with python.
- [Cmake]( You only need this if your version of visual studio does not come with cmake.
- [Git]( Make sure that the install updates your path, so git will be on the path.
- Add %USERPROFILE%\bin to the [path](
Once you have installed these open a cmd prompt. Make sure your account has **[SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege](**. The easiest way to make sure you have this is to open this with administrator privileges.
1. First check that all dependencies are on the path:
C:\> where git && where python
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
2. The next step is to obtain a copy of [git-remote-sso.exe](, and place it in the git\cmd directory (or anywhere else on the PATH). **Optional, you can live without**
C:> copy %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\git-remote-sso.exe "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\"
3. Now we need to obtain a copy of repo for [windows](
C:> cd %USERPROFILE% && mkdir src && cd src
C:> git clone -b windows-port-stable sso://user/rpaquay/git-repo-windows
4. Make sure we have a repo launcher somewhere on the path.
C:> echo @call python "%USERPROFILE%\src\git-repo-windows\repo" %* > "%USERPROFILE%\bin\repo.cmd"
C:> repo help
usage: repo COMMAND [ARGS]
repo is not yet installed. Use "repo init" to install it here.
The most commonly used repo commands are:
init Install repo in the current working directory
help Display detailed help on a command
For access to the full online help, install repo ("repo init").
You now should have repo on the path, and should be able to initialize a repo. Which we will do next:
5. Initialize the repository:
C:> cd %USERPROFILE%\src && mkdir emu-master-dev && cd emu-master-dev
C:> repo init -u -b emu-master-dev
***Note:** we are not using persistent-https to initialize the repo*
6. Sync the repo (and get some coffee, or a have a good nap.)
C:> cd %USERPROFILE%\src\emu-master-dev && repo sync -f --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune
7. Congratulations! You have all the sources you need. Now run:
C:> cd %USERPROFILE%\src\emu-master-dev\external\qemu && android\rebuild
8. Setup git cookies so you can repo upload by following this link: [](
## Using Debian.
**NOTE: Currently does not work due symlinks not being visible in NTFS**
We will use debian with git & repo to access our source repository. You will have to use this approach if you do not have access to a windows version of repo. Installing debian can be done from [PowerShell:](
**Make sure you have a bit9 exception before you start!**
First we need to enable the windows subsystem feature:
PS C:> Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
Next we need to obtain the debian subsystem. You can obtain it from microsoft as follows
PS C:\> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile ~/ -UseBasicParsing
You will now have a zipfile that contains the debian subsystem. Simply unzip it:
PS C:\> Expand-Archive ~/ -DestinationPath ~
And install/launch
PS C:> ~/Debian.exe
You now should have a debian shell. First thing we have to do is install a set of dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python git curl vim wget byobu
In theory you should now be able to use the standard repo tools to obtain a copy of all the sources.