blob: 0e78282e5888f8702dc0e328a798b4b6c28f4d9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// FfmpegRecorder.h
// a ffmpeg based muxer, webm container format, VP9 video format and VORBIS
// audio format. This class is a one-time use object. You must create a new
// recorder for each new recording.
// example use:
// // Create a ffmpeg_recorder instance
// auto recorder = FfmpegRecorder::create(fbWidth, fbHeight, filename,
// containerFormat);
// // Add audio/video tracks
// recorder->addVideoTrack(std::move(videoProducer), myVideoCodec);
// // audio is optional
// recorder->addAudioTrack(std::move(audioProducer), myAudioCodec);
// // Start the recording
// recorder->start();
// // Stop the recording
// recorder->stop();
// See android/recording/screen-recorder.cpp for an example.
#pragma once
#include "android/base/StringView.h"
#include "android/recording/Frame.h"
#include "android/recording/Producer.h"
#include "android/recording/codecs/Codec.h"
extern "C" {
#include "libswresample/swresample.h"
#include "libswscale/swscale.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace android {
namespace recording {
// Class to record audio and video from the emulator. This class is thread safe,
// so one can encode audio and video frames on separate threads.
class FfmpegRecorder {
// Returns whether the recorder is valid and can be used. The recorder is
// valid if, in the constructor, the output context was created successfully
// and the recording has either not started or is in progress. If the
// recorder is invalid, then either the output context failed to initialize
// or the recording has been stopped. Once the recorder has become invalid,
// it is no longer usable.
virtual bool isValid() = 0;
// Starts the recording. Must, at the minimum, have a video track added
// before starting.
virtual bool start() = 0;
// Stops the recording. Returns true iff recording has started and there was
// at least one video frame encoded, otherwise returns false. Note: if a
// recording has started and then stop() is called, the recorder will be set
// to an invalid state.
virtual bool stop() = 0;
// Add an audio track.
// params:
// producer - The audio producer. The recorder will take ownership of the
// producer.
// codec - The codec helper used to create the audio codec and
// resampling contexts.
// returns:
// true if the audio track was successfully added, false otherwise.
virtual bool addAudioTrack(std::unique_ptr<Producer> producer,
const Codec<SwrContext>* codec) = 0;
// Add a video track. A video track must be
// supplied in order to start the recording.
// params:
// producer - The video producer. The recorder will take ownership of the
// producer.
// codec - The codec helper used to create the video codec and
// rescaling contexts.
// returns:
// true if the video track was successfully added, false otherwise.
virtual bool addVideoTrack(std::unique_ptr<Producer> producer,
const Codec<SwsContext*>* codec) = 0;
virtual ~FfmpegRecorder() {}
// Creates a FfmpegRecorder instance.
// Params:
// fb_width - the framebuffer width (must be > 0)
// fb_height - the framebuffer height (must be > 0)
// filename - the output filename
// containerFormat - the output container format. This will be used to
// determine which container to use for the output format, and not the
// filename.
// returns:
// null if unable to create the recorder.
static std::unique_ptr<FfmpegRecorder> create(
uint16_t fbWidth,
uint16_t fbHeight,
android::base::StringView filename,
android::base::StringView containerFormat);
FfmpegRecorder() = default;
} // namespace recording
} // namespace android