blob: 1b195d6a7af3a872f1e23f18e8496b49c6575d5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
// This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
// may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
#include "android/base/Compiler.h"
#include "android/base/Log.h"
#include <stddef.h>
namespace android {
namespace base {
// Convenience classes and macros to define generic tail-queue lists.
// Generally speaking, these lists perform poorly on modern CPUs since their
// use can introduce cache trashing at runtime. However, they're still
// efficient if one wants to quickly and often remove liberal items from
// the list in an O(1) way.
// Usage example:
// 1/ The type of each item in the list must have a TailQueueLink<T> field,
// called the 'link', which is used by the implementation to store
// opaque queue-related fields. For example:
// struct Foo {
// Foo() { ... }
// TailQueueLink<Foo> mLink;
// }
// 2/ The type must also have a public Traits structure that provides
// a single function named link() used to return the address of a
// link. One way to define it is to use the macro:
// TAIL_QUEUE_LIST_TRAITS(Traits, Foo, mLink);
// which defines the |Traits| structure that returns the address of
// Foo::mLink inside a Foo instance. If you don't want to use the
// macro, the definition must be:
// struct Traits {
// static inline TailQueueLink<Foo>* link(Foo* foo) {
// return &foo->mLink;
// }
// };
// 3/ Define the tail-queue-list type with:
// typedef TailQueueList<Foo> FooList;
// By default, this relies on Foo::Traits being defined, it is possible
// to give the name of a different Traits structure as a second template
// parameter. This is useful if a single object can actually be
// contained inside two parallel lists, as in:
// class Bar {
// public:
// Bar() { ... }
// TAIL_QUEUE_LIST_TRAITS(Traits1, Bar, mLink1);
// TAIL_QUEUE_LIST_TRAITS(Traits2, Bar, mLink2);
// private:
// TailQueueLink<Bar> mLink1;
// TailQueueLink<Bar> mLink2;
// ...
// };
// typedef TailQueueList<Bar, Traits1> BarList1;
// typedef TailQueueList<Bar, Traits2> BarList2;
// 4/ One can use the link's next() method to get a pointer to the next
// item in the list, or NULL if this is the last item. For example, the
// following can be used to remove all items from a queue if |mLink| is
// a public field.
// FooList* queue = ...;
// Foo* foo = queue->front();
// while (foo) {
// Foo* next = foo->;
// queue->remove(foo);
// foo = next;
// }
// If the field is private, consider adding an appropriate public
// method in the declaration of Foo, as in:
// class Foo {
// public:
// Foo() ...;
// Foo* nextInList() const { return; }
// private:
// TailQueueLink<Foo> mLink;
// ...
// };
// Then use foo->nextInList() within the loop instead of foo->
// Template class for link fields inside objects that belong to a
// tail-queue list.
template <typename T>
class TailQueueLink {
TailQueueLink() : mNext(NULL), mPrevPointer(NULL) {}
~TailQueueLink() {}
T* next() const { return mNext; }
bool inQueue() const { return !!mPrevPointer; }
bool isLast() const { return !mNext; }
// These fields are public to make it easier for TailQueueList<>
// to access them.
T* mNext;
T** mPrevPointer;
// Helper template class for tail-queue list instances.
// |T| is the type of objects that can be added to the list.
// |TRAITS| is the type of a structure that provides a single
// method that is:
// static TailQueueLink<T>* link(T* t) const;
// Do not use this class directly, use the DECLARE_TAIL_QUEUE_LIST_CLASS
// macro instead, as defined below.
// Note that the implementation relies on the fact that the size and field
// layout of a TailQueueList<T,OFFSET> is identical to the one of a
// TailQueueListBase. This considerably reduces template instantiation
// bloat.
template <typename T, typename TRAITS = typename T::Traits>
class TailQueueList {
// Convenience typedef for link types.
typedef TailQueueLink<T> LinkType;
// Default constructor initializes an empty tail-queue list.
TailQueueList() : mHead(NULL), mTail(&mHead) {}
// Default destructor doesn't do anything.
~TailQueueList() {}
// Returns truee iff the list is empty.
bool empty() const {
return mHead == NULL;
// Returns the address of the first item in the list, or NULL if it
// is empty. This does not modify the list.
T* front() const {
return mHead;
// Returns the address of the last item in the list, or NULL if it
// is empty. This does not modify the list.
T* last() const {
// Technical note: mTail points to either a link inside the last
// item, or the mHead. Derefencing the value will point to the
// last item in the tail queue list.
return *(reinterpret_cast<TailQueueList*>(mTail)->mTail);
// Remove the first item from the list and return it to the caller.
// Return NULL if the list was empty.
T* popFront() {
T* result = front();
if (result) {
return result;
// Append a new item to the list. This is a convenience alias for
// insertTail().
void pushBack(T* obj) {
// Prepend a new object |obj| to the list. Note that |obj| cannot be
// NULL or already in another list using the same link.
void insertHead(T* obj) {
LinkType* link = TRAITS::link(obj);
link->mNext = mHead;
if (mHead) {
LinkType* firstLink = TRAITS::link(mHead);
firstLink->mPrevPointer = &link->mNext;
} else {
mTail = &link->mNext;
mHead = obj;
link->mPrevPointer = &mHead;
// Append a new object |obj| to the list. Note that |obj| cannot be
// NULL or already in another list using the same link.
void insertTail(T* obj) {
LinkType* link = TRAITS::link(obj);
link->mNext = NULL;
link->mPrevPointer = mTail;
*mTail = obj;
mTail = &link->mNext;
// Insert a new object |obj| into the list, before object |insert|.
// Note that |obj| and |insert| cannot be NULL, |obj| must not be in
// another list using the same link, and |insert| must already be
// in the list.
void insertBefore(T* insert, T* obj) {
LinkType* link = TRAITS::link(obj);
LinkType* insertLink = TRAITS::link(insert);
link->mPrevPointer = insertLink->mPrevPointer;
link->mNext = insert;
*insertLink->mPrevPointer = obj;
insertLink->mPrevPointer = &link->mNext;
// Insert a new object |obj| into the list, after object |insert|.
// Note that |obj| and |insert| cannot be NULL, |obj| must not be in
// another list using the same link, and |insert| must already be
// in the list.
void insertAfter(T* insert, T* obj) {
LinkType* link = TRAITS::link(obj);
LinkType* insertLink = TRAITS::link(insert);
link->mNext = insertLink->mNext;
if (link->mNext) {
LinkType* nextLink = TRAITS::link(link->mNext);
nextLink->mPrevPointer = &link->mNext;
} else {
mTail = &link->mNext;
insertLink->mNext = obj;
link->mPrevPointer = &insertLink->mNext;
// Remove object |obj| from the list. |obj| cannot be NULL and must
// be in the list.
void remove(T* obj) {
LinkType* link = TRAITS::link(obj);
if (link->mNext) {
LinkType* nextLink = TRAITS::link(link->mNext);
nextLink->mPrevPointer = link->mPrevPointer;
} else {
mTail = link->mPrevPointer;
*link->mPrevPointer = link->mNext;
link->mNext = NULL;
link->mPrevPointer = NULL;
// Return the number of objects in this list. WARNING: O(n) performance.
size_t size() const {
size_t count = 0;
T* item = mHead;
while (item) {
count += 1;
item = TRAITS::link(item)->mNext;
return count;
// Return true iff the list contains object |obj|.
// WARNING: O(n) performance.
bool contains(T* obj) const {
T* item = mHead;
while (item) {
if (item == obj) {
return true;
item = TRAITS::link(item)->mNext;
return false;
// Return the n-th item in the list, where |pos| is its position,
// starting from 0. Return NULL if the position is out of bounds.
// WARNING: O(n) performance.
T* nth(size_t pos) const {
T* item = mHead;
while (item && pos > 0) {
item = TRAITS::link(item)->mNext;
return item;
// The layout of these fields should match TailQueueListBase exactly.
T* mHead;
T** mTail;
#define TAIL_QUEUE_LIST_TRAITS(traits_name, type_name, field_name) \
struct traits_name { \
static inline ::android::base::TailQueueLink<type_name>* \
link(type_name* t) { \
return &(t)->field_name; \
} \
} // namespace base
} // namespace android