blob: b1f020257cc15d84b7ae53833e8251874c7b0d65 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ColorBuffer.h"
#include "emugl/common/mutex.h"
#include "FbConfig.h"
#include "RenderContext.h"
#include "render_api.h"
#include "TextureDraw.h"
#include "WindowSurface.h"
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <map>
#include <stdint.h>
// Type of handles, a.k.a. "object names" in the GL specification.
// These are integers used to uniquely identify a resource of a given type.
typedef uint32_t HandleType;
struct ColorBufferRef {
ColorBufferPtr cb;
uint32_t refcount; // number of client-side references
typedef std::map<HandleType, RenderContextPtr> RenderContextMap;
typedef std::map<HandleType, std::pair<WindowSurfacePtr, HandleType> > WindowSurfaceMap;
typedef std::map<HandleType, ColorBufferRef> ColorBufferMap;
// A structure used to list the capabilities of the underlying EGL
// implementation that the FrameBuffer instance depends on.
// |has_eglimage_texture_2d| is true iff the EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image
// extension is supported.
// |has_eglimage_renderbuffer| is true iff the EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image
// extension is supported.
// |eglMajor| and |eglMinor| are the major and minor version numbers of
// the underlying EGL implementation.
struct FrameBufferCaps {
bool has_eglimage_texture_2d;
bool has_eglimage_renderbuffer;
EGLint eglMajor;
EGLint eglMinor;
// The FrameBuffer class holds the global state of the emulation library on
// top of the underlying EGL/GLES implementation. It should probably be
// named "Display" instead of "FrameBuffer".
// There is only one global instance, that can be retrieved with getFB(),
// and which must be previously setup by calling initialize().
class FrameBuffer {
// Initialize the global instance.
// |width| and |height| are the dimensions of the emulator GPU display
// in pixels. |useSubWindow| is true to indicate that the caller
// will use setupSubWindow() to let EmuGL display the GPU content in its
// own sub-windows. If false, this means the caller will use
// setPostCallback() instead to retrieve the content.
// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
static bool initialize(int width, int height, bool useSubWindow);
// Setup a new sub-window to display the content of the emulated GPU
// on-top of an existing UI window. |p_window| is the platform-specific
// parent window handle. |x|, |y|, |width| and |height| are the dimensions
// in pixels of the sub-window, relative to the parent window's coordinate.
// Note that |width| and |height| can be different from the dimensions
// used to initialize the framebuffer (in which case scaling will be
// applied automatically). |zRot| is a rotation angle in degrees,
// (clockwise in the Y-upwards GL coordinate space).
// Return true on success, false otherwise.
// NOTE: This can return NULL for software-only EGL engines like OSMesa.
bool setupSubWindow(FBNativeWindowType p_window,
int x, int y,
int width, int height, float zRot);
// Remove the sub-window created by setupSubWindow(), if any.
// Return true on success, false otherwise.
bool removeSubWindow();
// Finalize the instance.
void finalize();
// Return a pointer to the global instance. initialize() must be called
// previously, or this will return NULL.
static FrameBuffer *getFB() { return s_theFrameBuffer; }
// Return the capabilities of the underlying display.
const FrameBufferCaps &getCaps() const { return m_caps; }
// Return the emulated GPU display width in pixels.
int getWidth() const { return m_width; }
// Return the emulated GPU display height in pixels.
int getHeight() const { return m_height; }
// Return the list of configs available from this display.
const FbConfigList* getConfigs() const { return m_configs; }
// Set a callback that will be called each time the emulated GPU content
// is updated. This can be relatively slow with host-based GPU emulation,
// so only do this when you need to.
void setPostCallback(OnPostFn onPost, void* onPostContext);
// Retrieve the GL strings of the underlying EGL/GLES implementation.
// On return, |*vendor|, |*renderer| and |*version| will point to strings
// that are owned by the instance (and must not be freed by the caller).
void getGLStrings(const char** vendor,
const char** renderer,
const char** version) const {
*vendor = m_glVendor;
*renderer = m_glRenderer;
*version = m_glVersion;
// Create a new RenderContext instance for this display instance.
// |p_config| is the index of one of the configs returned by getConfigs().
// |p_share| is either EGL_NO_CONTEXT or the handle of a shared context.
// |p_isGL2| is true to create a GLES 2.x context, or false for a GLES 1.x
// one.
// Return a new handle value, which will be 0 in case of error.
HandleType createRenderContext(
int p_config, HandleType p_share, bool p_isGL2 = false);
// Create a new WindowSurface instance from this display instance.
// |p_config| is the index of one of the configs returned by getConfigs().
// |p_width| and |p_height| are the window dimensions in pixels.
// Return a new handle value, or 0 in case of error.
HandleType createWindowSurface(int p_config, int p_width, int p_height);
// Create a new ColorBuffer instance from this display instance.
// |p_width| and |p_height| are its dimensions in pixels.
// |p_internalFormat| is the pixel format. See ColorBuffer::create() for
// list of valid values. Note that ColorBuffer instances are reference-
// counted. Use openColorBuffer / closeColorBuffer to operate on the
// internal count.
HandleType createColorBuffer(
int p_width, int p_height, GLenum p_internalFormat);
// Call this function when a render thread terminates to destroy all
// the remaining contexts it created. Necessary to avoid leaking host
// contexts when a guest application crashes, for example.
void drainRenderContext();
// Call this function when a render thread terminates to destroy all
// remaining window surfqce it created. Necessary to avoid leaking
// host buffers when a guest application crashes, for example.
void drainWindowSurface();
// Destroy a given RenderContext instance. |p_context| is its handle
// value as returned by createRenderContext().
void DestroyRenderContext(HandleType p_context);
// Destroy a given WindowSurface instance. |p_surcace| is its handle
// value as returned by createWindowSurface().
void DestroyWindowSurface(HandleType p_surface);
// Increment the reference count associated with a given ColorBuffer
// instance. |p_colorbuffer| is its handle value as returned by
// createColorBuffer().
int openColorBuffer(HandleType p_colorbuffer);
// Decrement the reference count associated with a given ColorBuffer
// instance. |p_colorbuffer| is its handle value as returned by
// createColorBuffer(). Note that if the reference count reaches 0,
// the instance is destroyed automatically.
void closeColorBuffer(HandleType p_colorbuffer);
// Equivalent for eglMakeCurrent() for the current display.
// |p_context|, |p_drawSurface| and |p_readSurface| are the handle values
// of the context, the draw surface and the read surface, respectively.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
// Note: if all handle values are 0, this is an unbind operation.
bool bindContext(HandleType p_context,
HandleType p_drawSurface,
HandleType p_readSurface);
// Attach a ColorBuffer to a WindowSurface instance.
// See the documentation for WindowSurface::setColorBuffer().
// |p_surface| is the target WindowSurface's handle value.
// |p_colorbuffer| is the ColorBuffer handle value.
// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool setWindowSurfaceColorBuffer(
HandleType p_surface, HandleType p_colorbuffer);
// Copy the content of a WindowSurface's Pbuffer to its attached
// ColorBuffer. See the documentation for WindowSurface::flushColorBuffer()
// |p_surface| is the target WindowSurface's handle value.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool flushWindowSurfaceColorBuffer(HandleType p_surface);
// Bind the current context's EGL_TEXTURE_2D texture to a ColorBuffer
// instance's EGLImage. This is intended to implement
// glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES() for all GLES versions.
// |p_colorbuffer| is the ColorBuffer's handle value.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool bindColorBufferToTexture(HandleType p_colorbuffer);
// Bind the current context's EGL_RENDERBUFFER_OES render buffer to this
// ColorBuffer's EGLImage. This is intended to implement
// glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES() for all GLES versions.
// |p_colorbuffer| is the ColorBuffer's handle value.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool bindColorBufferToRenderbuffer(HandleType p_colorbuffer);
// Read the content of a given ColorBuffer into client memory.
// |p_colorbuffer| is the ColorBuffer's handle value. Similar
// to glReadPixels(), this can be a slow operation.
// |x|, |y|, |width| and |height| are the position and dimensions of
// a rectangle whose pixel values will be transfered to the host.
// |format| indicates the format of the pixel data, e.g. GL_RGB or GL_RGBA.
// |type| is the type of pixel data, e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.
// |pixels| is the address of a caller-provided buffer that will be filled
// with the pixel data.
void readColorBuffer(HandleType p_colorbuffer,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
GLenum format, GLenum type, void *pixels);
// Update the content of a given ColorBuffer from client data.
// |p_colorbuffer| is the ColorBuffer's handle value. Similar
// to glReadPixels(), this can be a slow operation.
// |x|, |y|, |width| and |height| are the position and dimensions of
// a rectangle whose pixel values will be transfered to the GPU
// |format| indicates the format of the pixel data, e.g. GL_RGB or GL_RGBA.
// |type| is the type of pixel data, e.g. GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE.
// |pixels| is the address of a buffer containing the new pixel data.
// Returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool updateColorBuffer(HandleType p_colorbuffer,
int x, int y, int width, int height,
GLenum format, GLenum type, void *pixels);
// Display the content of a given ColorBuffer into the framebuffer's
// sub-window. |p_colorbuffer| is a handle value.
// |needLock| is used to indicate whether the operation requires
// acquiring/releasing the FrameBuffer instance's lock. It should be
// false only when called internally.
bool post(HandleType p_colorbuffer, bool needLock = true);
// Re-post the last ColorBuffer that was displayed through post().
// This is useful if you detect that the sub-window content needs to
// be re-displayed for any reason.
bool repost();
// Return the host EGLDisplay used by this instance.
EGLDisplay getDisplay() const { return m_eglDisplay; }
// Change the rotation of the displayed GPU sub-window.
void setDisplayRotation(float zRot) {
m_zRot = zRot;
// Return a TextureDraw instance that can be used with this surfaces
// and windows created by this instance.
TextureDraw* getTextureDraw() const { return m_textureDraw; }
// Used internally.
bool bind_locked();
bool unbind_locked();
FrameBuffer(int p_width, int p_height, bool useSubWindow);
HandleType genHandle();
bool bindSubwin_locked();
static FrameBuffer *s_theFrameBuffer;
static HandleType s_nextHandle;
int m_x;
int m_y;
int m_width;
int m_height;
bool m_useSubWindow;
emugl::Mutex m_lock;
FbConfigList* m_configs;
FBNativeWindowType m_nativeWindow;
FrameBufferCaps m_caps;
EGLDisplay m_eglDisplay;
RenderContextMap m_contexts;
WindowSurfaceMap m_windows;
ColorBufferMap m_colorbuffers;
ColorBuffer::Helper* m_colorBufferHelper;
EGLSurface m_eglSurface;
EGLContext m_eglContext;
EGLSurface m_pbufSurface;
EGLContext m_pbufContext;
EGLContext m_prevContext;
EGLSurface m_prevReadSurf;
EGLSurface m_prevDrawSurf;
EGLNativeWindowType m_subWin;
TextureDraw* m_textureDraw;
EGLConfig m_eglConfig;
HandleType m_lastPostedColorBuffer;
float m_zRot;
bool m_eglContextInitialized;
int m_statsNumFrames;
long long m_statsStartTime;
bool m_fpsStats;
OnPostFn m_onPost;
void* m_onPostContext;
unsigned char* m_fbImage;
const char* m_glVendor;
const char* m_glRenderer;
const char* m_glVersion;