blob: 2457a2582caeb3d6d3dffef2a46917d58aed059f [file] [log] [blame]
from collections import namedtuple
import re
from unittest import TestCase, main, mock
from typing import Any
from typing import TypeVar, T, KT, VT, AnyStr
from typing import Union, Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Callable
from typing import Generic
from typing import Undefined
from typing import cast
from typing import get_type_hints
from typing import no_type_check, no_type_check_decorator
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import IO, TextIO, BinaryIO
from typing import Pattern, Match
import typing
class ConstantsTests(TestCase):
def test_py23(self):
assert isinstance(typing.PY2, bool)
assert isinstance(typing.PY3, bool)
assert typing.PY3 == (not typing.PY2)
def test_poswin(self):
assert isinstance(typing.POSIX, bool)
assert isinstance(typing.WINDOWS, bool)
assert typing.POSIX == (not typing.WINDOWS)
class Employee:
class Manager(Employee):
class Founder(Employee):
class ManagingFounder(Manager, Founder):
class AnyTests(TestCase):
def test_any_instance(self):
self.assertIsInstance(Employee(), Any)
self.assertIsInstance(42, Any)
self.assertIsInstance(None, Any)
self.assertIsInstance(object(), Any)
def test_any_subclass(self):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Employee, Any))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(int, Any))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(type(None), Any))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(object, Any))
def test_others_any(self):
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Any, Employee))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Any, int))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Any, type(None)))
# However, Any is a subclass of object (this can't be helped).
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Any, object))
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(Any), 'typing.Any')
def test_errors(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
issubclass(42, Any)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Any[int] # Any is not a generic type.
def test_cannot_subclass(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class A(Any):
def test_cannot_instantiate(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_cannot_subscript(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class TypeVarTests(TestCase):
def test_isinstance(self):
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T)
self.assertIsInstance(b'b', AnyStr)
self.assertIsInstance('s', AnyStr)
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, AnyStr)
def test_issubclass(self):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(T, Any))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(int, T))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(bytes, AnyStr))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(str, AnyStr))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(T, T))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(AnyStr, AnyStr))
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(T), '~T')
self.assertEqual(repr(KT), '~KT')
self.assertEqual(repr(VT), '~VT')
self.assertEqual(repr(AnyStr), '~AnyStr')
def test_no_redefinition(self):
self.assertNotEqual(TypeVar('T'), TypeVar('T'))
self.assertNotEqual(TypeVar('T', int, str), TypeVar('T', int, str))
def test_subclass_as_unions(self):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(TypeVar('T', int, str),
TypeVar('T', int, str)))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(TypeVar('T', int), TypeVar('T', int, str)))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(TypeVar('T', int, str),
TypeVar('T', str, int)))
A = TypeVar('A', int, str)
B = TypeVar('B', int, str, float)
self.assertTrue(issubclass(A, B))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(B, A))
def test_cannot_subclass_vars(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class V(TypeVar('T')):
def test_cannot_subclass_var_itself(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class V(TypeVar):
def test_cannot_instantiate_vars(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_bind(self):
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T) # Baseline.
with T.bind(int):
self.assertIsInstance(42, T)
self.assertNotIsInstance(3.14, T)
self.assertTrue(issubclass(int, T))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(T, int))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(float, T))
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T) # Baseline restored.
def test_bind_reuse(self):
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T) # Baseline.
bv = T.bind(int)
with bv:
self.assertIsInstance(42, T) # Bound.
self.assertNotIsInstance(3.14, T)
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T) # Baseline restored.
# Reusing bv will work.
with bv:
self.assertIsInstance(42, T) # Bound.
self.assertNotIsInstance(3.14, T)
# Reusing bv recursively won't work.
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with bv:
self.assertFalse("Should not get here")
# Rebinding T explicitly will work.
with T.bind(float):
self.assertIsInstance(3.14, T)
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T)
# Now the previous binding should be restored.
self.assertIsInstance(42, T)
self.assertNotIsInstance(3.14, T)
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T) # Baseline restored.
def test_bind_fail(self):
# This essentially tests what happens when __enter__() raises
# an exception. __exit__() won't be called, but the
# VarBinding and the TypeVar are still in consistent states.
bv = T.bind(int)
with mock.patch('typing.TypeVar._bind', side_effect=RuntimeError):
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
with bv:
self.assertFalse("Should not get here")
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T)
with bv:
self.assertIsInstance(42, T)
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, T)
class UnionTests(TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
u = Union[int, float]
self.assertNotEqual(u, Union)
self.assertIsInstance(42, u)
self.assertIsInstance(3.14, u)
self.assertTrue(issubclass(int, u))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(float, u))
def test_union_any(self):
u = Union[Any]
self.assertEqual(u, Any)
u = Union[int, Any]
self.assertEqual(u, Any)
u = Union[Any, int]
self.assertEqual(u, Any)
def test_union_object(self):
u = Union[object]
self.assertEqual(u, object)
u = Union[int, object]
self.assertEqual(u, object)
u = Union[object, int]
self.assertEqual(u, object)
def test_union_any_object(self):
u = Union[object, Any]
self.assertEqual(u, Any)
u = Union[Any, object]
self.assertEqual(u, Any)
def test_unordered(self):
u1 = Union[int, float]
u2 = Union[float, int]
self.assertEqual(u1, u2)
def test_subclass(self):
u = Union[int, Employee]
self.assertIsInstance(Manager(), u)
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Manager, u))
def test_self_subclass(self):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Union[KT, VT], Union))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Union, Union[KT, VT]))
def test_multiple_inheritance(self):
u = Union[int, Employee]
self.assertIsInstance(ManagingFounder(), u)
self.assertTrue(issubclass(ManagingFounder, u))
def test_single_class_disappears(self):
t = Union[Employee]
self.assertIs(t, Employee)
def test_base_class_disappears(self):
u = Union[Employee, Manager, int]
self.assertEqual(u, Union[int, Employee])
u = Union[Manager, int, Employee]
self.assertEqual(u, Union[int, Employee])
u = Union[Employee, Manager]
self.assertIs(u, Employee)
def test_weird_subclasses(self):
u = Union[Employee, int, float]
v = Union[int, float]
self.assertTrue(issubclass(v, u))
w = Union[int, Manager]
self.assertTrue(issubclass(w, u))
def test_union_union(self):
u = Union[int, float]
v = Union[u, Employee]
self.assertEqual(v, Union[int, float, Employee])
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(Union), 'typing.Union')
u = Union[Employee, int]
self.assertEqual(repr(u), 'typing.Union[%s.Employee, int]' % __name__)
u = Union[int, Employee]
self.assertEqual(repr(u), 'typing.Union[int, %s.Employee]' % __name__)
def test_cannot_subclass(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class C(Union):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class C(Union[int, str]):
def test_cannot_instantiate(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
u = Union[int, float]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_optional(self):
o = Optional[int]
u = Union[int, None]
self.assertEqual(o, u)
self.assertIsInstance(42, o)
self.assertIsInstance(None, o)
self.assertNotIsInstance(3.14, o)
def test_empty(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class TypeVarUnionTests(TestCase):
def test_simpler(self):
A = TypeVar('A', int, str, float)
B = TypeVar('B', int, str)
assert issubclass(A, A)
assert issubclass(B, B)
assert issubclass(B, A)
assert issubclass(A, Union[int, str, float])
assert issubclass(Union[int, str, float], A)
assert issubclass(Union[int, str], B)
assert issubclass(B, Union[int, str])
assert not issubclass(A, B)
assert not issubclass(Union[int, str, float], B)
assert not issubclass(A, Union[int, str])
def test_var_union_subclass(self):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(T, Union[int, T]))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(KT, Union[KT, VT]))
def test_var_union(self):
TU = TypeVar('TU', Union[int, float])
self.assertIsInstance(42, TU)
self.assertIsInstance(3.14, TU)
self.assertNotIsInstance('', TU)
with TU.bind(int):
# The effective binding is the union.
self.assertIsInstance(42, TU)
self.assertIsInstance(3.14, TU)
self.assertNotIsInstance('', TU)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with TU.bind(str):
self.assertFalse("Should not get here")
def test_var_union_and_more_precise(self):
TU = TypeVar('TU', Union[int, float], int)
with TU.bind(int):
# The binding is ambiguous, but the second alternative
# is strictly more precise. Choose the more precise match.
# The effective binding is int.
self.assertIsInstance(42, TU)
self.assertNotIsInstance(3.14, TU)
self.assertNotIsInstance('', TU)
with TU.bind(float):
# The effective binding is the union.
self.assertIsInstance(42, TU)
self.assertIsInstance(3.14, TU)
self.assertNotIsInstance('', TU)
def test_var_union_overlapping(self):
TU = TypeVar('TU', Union[int, float], Union[float, str])
with TU.bind(int):
# The effective binding is the first union.
self.assertIsInstance(42, TU)
self.assertIsInstance(3.14, TU)
self.assertNotIsInstance('', TU)
with TU.bind(float):
# The binding is ambiguous, but neither constraint is a
# subclass of the other. Choose the first match.
# The effective binding is the first union.
self.assertIsInstance(42, TU)
self.assertIsInstance(3.14, TU)
self.assertNotIsInstance('', TU)
with TU.bind(str):
# The effective binding is the second union.
self.assertNotIsInstance(42, TU)
self.assertIsInstance(3.14, TU)
self.assertIsInstance('', TU)
class TupleTests(TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
self.assertIsInstance((42, 3.14, ''), Tuple)
self.assertIsInstance((42, 3.14, ''), Tuple[int, float, str])
self.assertIsInstance((42,), Tuple[int])
self.assertNotIsInstance((3.14,), Tuple[int])
self.assertNotIsInstance((42, 3.14), Tuple[int, float, str])
self.assertNotIsInstance((42, 3.14, 100), Tuple[int, float, str])
self.assertNotIsInstance((42, 3.14, 100), Tuple[int, float])
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Tuple[int, str], Tuple))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str]))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(int, Tuple))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Tuple[float, str], Tuple[int, str]))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Tuple[int, str, int], Tuple[int, str]))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, int]))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(tuple, Tuple))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Tuple, tuple)) # Can't have it both ways.
def test_tuple_subclass(self):
class MyTuple(tuple):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(MyTuple, Tuple))
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(Tuple), 'typing.Tuple')
self.assertEqual(repr(Tuple[()]), 'typing.Tuple[]')
self.assertEqual(repr(Tuple[int, float]), 'typing.Tuple[int, float]')
def test_errors(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
issubclass(42, Tuple)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
issubclass(42, Tuple[int])
class CallableTests(TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
c = Callable[[int, float], str]
def flub(a: int, b: float) -> str:
return str(a * b)
def flob(a: int, b: int) -> str:
return str(a * b)
self.assertIsInstance(flub, c)
self.assertNotIsInstance(flob, c)
def test_self_subclass(self):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Callable[[int], int], Callable))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Callable, Callable[[int], int]))
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Callable[[int], int], Callable[[int], int]))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Callable[[Employee], int],
Callable[[Manager], int]))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Callable[[Manager], int],
Callable[[Employee], int]))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Callable[[int], Employee],
Callable[[int], Manager]))
self.assertFalse(issubclass(Callable[[int], Manager],
Callable[[int], Employee]))
def test_eq_hash(self):
self.assertEqual(Callable[[int], int], Callable[[int], int])
self.assertEqual(len({Callable[[int], int], Callable[[int], int]}), 1)
self.assertNotEqual(Callable[[int], int], Callable[[int], str])
self.assertNotEqual(Callable[[int], int], Callable[[str], int])
self.assertNotEqual(Callable[[int], int], Callable[[int, int], int])
self.assertNotEqual(Callable[[int], int], Callable[[], int])
self.assertNotEqual(Callable[[int], int], Callable)
def test_with_none(self):
c = Callable[[None], None]
def flub(self: None) -> None:
def flab(self: Any) -> None:
def flob(self: None) -> Any:
self.assertIsInstance(flub, c)
self.assertIsInstance(flab, c)
self.assertNotIsInstance(flob, c) # Test contravariance.
def test_with_subclasses(self):
c = Callable[[Employee, Manager], Employee]
def flub(a: Employee, b: Employee) -> Manager:
return Manager()
def flob(a: Manager, b: Manager) -> Employee:
return Employee()
self.assertIsInstance(flub, c)
self.assertNotIsInstance(flob, c)
def test_with_default_args(self):
c = Callable[[int], int]
def flub(a: int, b: float = 3.14) -> int:
return a
def flab(a: int, *, b: float = 3.14) -> int:
return a
def flob(a: int = 42) -> int:
return a
self.assertIsInstance(flub, c)
self.assertIsInstance(flab, c)
self.assertIsInstance(flob, c)
def test_with_varargs(self):
c = Callable[[int], int]
def flub(*args) -> int:
return 42
def flab(*args: int) -> int:
return 42
def flob(*args: float) -> int:
return 42
self.assertIsInstance(flub, c)
self.assertIsInstance(flab, c)
self.assertNotIsInstance(flob, c)
def test_with_method(self):
class C:
def imethod(self, arg: int) -> int:
self.last_arg = arg
return arg + 1
def cmethod(cls, arg: int) -> int:
cls.last_cls_arg = arg
return arg + 1
def smethod(arg: int) -> int:
return arg + 1
ct = Callable[[int], int]
self.assertIsInstance(C().imethod, ct)
self.assertIsInstance(C().cmethod, ct)
self.assertIsInstance(C.cmethod, ct)
self.assertIsInstance(C().smethod, ct)
self.assertIsInstance(C.smethod, ct)
self.assertIsInstance(C.imethod, Callable[[Any, int], int])
def test_cannot_subclass(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class C(Callable):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class C(Callable[[int], int]):
def test_cannot_instantiate(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
c = Callable[[int], str]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_callable_varargs(self):
ct = Callable[..., int]
def foo(a, b) -> int:
return 42
def bar(a=42) -> int:
return a
def baz(*, x, y, z) -> int:
return 100
self.assertIsInstance(foo, ct)
self.assertIsInstance(bar, ct)
self.assertIsInstance(baz, ct)
XK = TypeVar('XK', str, bytes)
XV = TypeVar('XV')
class SimpleMapping(Generic[XK, XV]):
def __getitem__(self, key: XK) -> XV:
def __setitem__(self, key: XK, value: XV):
def get(self, key: XK, default: XV = None) -> XV:
class MySimpleMapping(SimpleMapping):
def __init__(self): = {}
def __getitem__(self, key: str):
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value):[key] = value
def get(self, key: str, default=None):
except KeyError:
return default
class GenericTests(TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
X = SimpleMapping[str, Any]
Y = SimpleMapping[AnyStr, str]
X[str, str]
Y[str, str]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
X[int, str]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
Y[str, bytes]
def test_repr(self):
__name__ + '.' + 'SimpleMapping[~XK, ~XV]')
__name__ + '.' + 'MySimpleMapping[~XK, ~XV]')
A = TypeVar('A', str) # Must be a subclass of XK.
B = TypeVar('B')
class X(SimpleMapping[A, B]):
self.assertEqual(repr(X).split('.')[-1], 'X[~A, ~B]')
def test_errors(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
B = SimpleMapping[XK, Any]
class C(Generic[B]):
def test_repr_2(self):
class C(Generic[T]):
assert C.__module__ == __name__
assert C.__qualname__ == 'GenericTests.test_repr_2.<locals>.C'
assert repr(C).split('.')[-1] == 'C[~T]'
X = C[int]
assert X.__module__ == __name__
assert X.__qualname__ == 'C'
assert repr(X).split('.')[-1] == 'C[int]'
class Y(C[int]):
assert Y.__module__ == __name__
assert Y.__qualname__ == 'GenericTests.test_repr_2.<locals>.Y'
assert repr(Y).split('.')[-1] == 'Y[int]'
def test_eq_1(self):
assert Generic == Generic
assert Generic[T] == Generic[T]
assert Generic[KT] != Generic[VT]
def test_eq_2(self):
class A(Generic[T]):
class B(Generic[T]):
assert A == A
assert A != B
assert A[T] == A[T]
assert A[T] != B[T]
def test_multiple_inheritance(self):
class A(Generic[T, VT]):
class B(Generic[KT, T]):
class C(A, Generic[KT, VT], B):
assert C.__parameters__ == (T, VT, KT)
def test_nested(self):
class G(Generic):
class Visitor(G[T]):
a = None
def set(self, a: T):
self.a = a
def get(self):
return self.a
def visit(self) -> T:
return self.a
V = Visitor[typing.List[int]]
class IntListVisitor(V):
def append(self, x: int):
a = IntListVisitor()
assert a.get() == [1, 42]
class UndefinedTest(TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
x = Undefined(int)
x = Undefined(Any)
x = Undefined(Union[int, str])
x = Undefined(None)
def test_errors(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
x = Undefined(42)
u = Undefined(int)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
{u: 42}
def test_repr(self):
self.assertEqual(repr(Undefined(Any)), 'typing.Undefined(typing.Any)')
class CastTest(TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
assert cast(int, 42) == 42
assert cast(float, 42) == 42
assert type(cast(float, 42)) is int
assert cast(Any, 42) == 42
assert cast(list, 42) == 42
assert cast(Union[str, float], 42) == 42
assert cast(AnyStr, 42) == 42
assert cast(None, 42) == 42
def test_errors(self):
# Bogus calls are not expected to fail.
cast(42, 42)
cast('hello', 42)
class ForwardRefTest(TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
class Node(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, label: T):
self.label = label
self.left = self.right = None
def add_both(self,
left: 'Optional[Node[T]]',
right: 'Node[T]' = None,
stuff: int = None,
self.left = left
self.right = right
def add_left(self, node: Optional['Node[T]']):
self.add_both(node, None)
def add_right(self, node: 'Node[T]' = None):
self.add_both(None, node)
t = Node[int]
both_hints = get_type_hints(t.add_both)
assert both_hints['left'] == both_hints['right'] == Optional[Node[T]]
assert both_hints['stuff'] == Optional[int]
assert 'blah' not in both_hints
left_hints = get_type_hints(t.add_left)
assert left_hints['node'] == Optional[Node[T]]
right_hints = get_type_hints(t.add_right)
assert right_hints['node'] == Optional[Node[T]]
def test_union_forward(self):
def foo(a: Union['T']):
self.assertEqual(get_type_hints(foo), {'a': Union[T]})
def test_tuple_forward(self):
def foo(a: Tuple['T']):
self.assertEqual(get_type_hints(foo), {'a': Tuple[T]})
def test_callable_forward(self):
def foo(a: Callable[['T'], 'T']):
self.assertEqual(get_type_hints(foo), {'a': Callable[[T], T]})
def test_syntax_error(self):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
def test_delayed_syntax_error(self):
def foo(a: 'Node[T'):
with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError):
def test_name_error(self):
def foo(a: 'Noode[T]'):
with self.assertRaises(NameError):
def test_no_type_check(self):
def foo(a: 'whatevers') -> {}:
th = get_type_hints(foo)
self.assertEqual(th, {})
def test_meta_no_type_check(self):
def magic_decorator(deco):
return deco
self.assertEqual(magic_decorator.__name__, 'magic_decorator')
def foo(a: 'whatevers') -> {}:
self.assertEqual(foo.__name__, 'foo')
th = get_type_hints(foo)
self.assertEqual(th, {})
class OverloadTests(TestCase):
def test_overload_exists(self):
from typing import overload
def test_overload_fails(self):
from typing import overload
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
def blah():
class CollectionsAbcTests(TestCase):
def test_hashable(self):
assert isinstance(42, typing.Hashable)
assert not isinstance([], typing.Hashable)
def test_iterable(self):
assert isinstance([], typing.Iterable)
assert isinstance([], typing.Iterable[int])
assert not isinstance(42, typing.Iterable)
def test_iterator(self):
it = iter([])
assert isinstance(it, typing.Iterator)
assert isinstance(it, typing.Iterator[int])
assert not isinstance(42, typing.Iterator)
def test_sized(self):
assert isinstance([], typing.Sized)
assert not isinstance(42, typing.Sized)
def test_container(self):
assert isinstance([], typing.Container)
assert not isinstance(42, typing.Container)
def test_abstractset(self):
assert isinstance(set(), typing.AbstractSet)
assert not isinstance(42, typing.AbstractSet)
def test_mutableset(self):
assert isinstance(set(), typing.MutableSet)
assert not isinstance(frozenset(), typing.MutableSet)
def test_mapping(self):
assert isinstance({}, typing.Mapping)
assert not isinstance(42, typing.Mapping)
def test_mutablemapping(self):
assert isinstance({}, typing.MutableMapping)
assert not isinstance(42, typing.MutableMapping)
def test_sequence(self):
assert isinstance([], typing.Sequence)
assert not isinstance(42, typing.Sequence)
def test_mutablesequence(self):
assert isinstance([], typing.MutableSequence)
assert not isinstance((), typing.MutableSequence)
def test_bytestring(self):
assert isinstance(b'', typing.ByteString)
assert isinstance(bytearray(b''), typing.ByteString)
def test_list(self):
assert issubclass(list, typing.List)
assert isinstance([], typing.List)
assert not isinstance((), typing.List)
t = typing.List[int]
assert isinstance([], t)
assert isinstance([42], t)
assert not isinstance([''], t)
def test_set(self):
assert issubclass(set, typing.Set)
assert isinstance(set(), typing.Set)
assert not isinstance({}, typing.Set)
t = typing.Set[int]
assert isinstance(set(), t)
assert isinstance({42}, t)
assert not isinstance({''}, t)
def test_mapping_views(self):
# TODO: These tests are kind of lame.
assert isinstance({}.keys(), typing.KeysView)
assert isinstance({}.items(), typing.ItemsView)
assert isinstance({}.values(), typing.ValuesView)
def test_dict(self):
assert issubclass(dict, typing.Dict)
assert isinstance({}, typing.Dict)
assert not isinstance([], typing.Dict)
t = typing.Dict[int, str]
assert isinstance({}, t)
assert isinstance({42: ''}, t)
assert not isinstance({42: 42}, t)
assert not isinstance({'': 42}, t)
assert not isinstance({'': ''}, t)
class NamedTupleTests(TestCase):
def test_basics(self):
Emp = NamedTuple('Emp', [('name', str), ('id', int)])
assert issubclass(Emp, tuple)
joe = Emp('Joe', 42)
jim = Emp(name='Jim', id=1)
assert isinstance(joe, Emp)
assert isinstance(joe, tuple)
assert == 'Joe'
assert == 42
assert == 'Jim'
assert == 1
assert Emp.__name__ == 'Emp'
assert Emp._fields == ('name', 'id')
assert Emp._field_types == dict(name=str, id=int)
class IOTests(TestCase):
def test_io(self):
def stuff(a: IO) -> AnyStr:
return a.readline()
a = stuff.__annotations__['a']
assert a.__parameters__ == (AnyStr,)
def test_textio(self):
def stuff(a: TextIO) -> str:
return a.readline()
a = stuff.__annotations__['a']
assert a.__parameters__ == (str,)
def test_binaryio(self):
def stuff(a: BinaryIO) -> bytes:
return a.readline()
a = stuff.__annotations__['a']
assert a.__parameters__ == (bytes,)
class RETests(TestCase):
# Much of this is really testing _TypeAlias.
def test_basics(self):
pat = re.compile('[a-z]+', re.I)
assert isinstance(pat, Pattern)
assert isinstance(pat, Pattern[str])
assert not isinstance(pat, Pattern[bytes])
assert issubclass(type(pat), Pattern)
assert issubclass(type(pat), Pattern[str])
mat ='12345abcde.....')
assert isinstance(mat, Match)
assert isinstance(mat, Match[str])
assert not isinstance(mat, Match[bytes])
assert issubclass(type(mat), Match)
assert issubclass(type(mat), Match[str])
p = Pattern[Union[str, bytes]]
assert isinstance(pat, p)
assert issubclass(Pattern[str], Pattern)
assert issubclass(Pattern[str], p)
m = Match[Union[bytes, str]]
assert isinstance(mat, m)
assert issubclass(Match[bytes], Match)
assert issubclass(Match[bytes], m)
def test_errors(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
# Doesn't fit AnyStr.
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
# Can't change type vars?
m = Match[Union[str, bytes]]
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
# Too complicated?
def test_repr(self):
assert repr(Pattern) == 'Pattern[~AnyStr]'
assert repr(Pattern[str]) == 'Pattern[str]'
assert repr(Pattern[bytes]) == 'Pattern[bytes]'
assert repr(Match) == 'Match[~AnyStr]'
assert repr(Match[str]) == 'Match[str]'
assert repr(Match[bytes]) == 'Match[bytes]'
if __name__ == '__main__':