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pybind11/detail/internals.h: Internal data structure and related functions
Copyright (c) 2017 Wenzel Jakob <>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "../pytypes.h"
// Forward declarations
inline PyTypeObject *make_static_property_type();
inline PyTypeObject *make_default_metaclass();
inline PyObject *make_object_base_type(PyTypeObject *metaclass);
// The old Python Thread Local Storage (TLS) API is deprecated in Python 3.7 in favor of the new
// Thread Specific Storage (TSS) API.
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03070000
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_INIT(var) Py_tss_t *var = nullptr
# define PYBIND11_TLS_GET_VALUE(key) PyThread_tss_get((key))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) PyThread_tss_set((key), (value))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) PyThread_tss_set((key), nullptr)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_FREE(key) PyThread_tss_free(key)
// Usually an int but a long on Cygwin64 with Python 3.x
# define PYBIND11_TLS_KEY_INIT(var) decltype(PyThread_create_key()) var = 0
# define PYBIND11_TLS_GET_VALUE(key) PyThread_get_key_value((key))
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) \
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) \
do { \
PyThread_delete_key_value((key)); \
PyThread_set_key_value((key), (value)); \
} while (false)
# else
# define PYBIND11_TLS_DELETE_VALUE(key) \
PyThread_set_key_value((key), nullptr)
# define PYBIND11_TLS_REPLACE_VALUE(key, value) \
PyThread_set_key_value((key), (value))
# endif
# define PYBIND11_TLS_FREE(key) (void)key
// Python loads modules by default with dlopen with the RTLD_LOCAL flag; under libc++ and possibly
// other STLs, this means `typeid(A)` from one module won't equal `typeid(A)` from another module
// even when `A` is the same, non-hidden-visibility type (e.g. from a common include). Under
// libstdc++, this doesn't happen: equality and the type_index hash are based on the type name,
// which works. If not under a known-good stl, provide our own name-based hash and equality
// functions that use the type name.
#if defined(__GLIBCXX__)
inline bool same_type(const std::type_info &lhs, const std::type_info &rhs) { return lhs == rhs; }
using type_hash = std::hash<std::type_index>;
using type_equal_to = std::equal_to<std::type_index>;
inline bool same_type(const std::type_info &lhs, const std::type_info &rhs) {
return == || std::strcmp(, == 0;
struct type_hash {
size_t operator()(const std::type_index &t) const {
size_t hash = 5381;
const char *ptr =;
while (auto c = static_cast<unsigned char>(*ptr++))
hash = (hash * 33) ^ c;
return hash;
struct type_equal_to {
bool operator()(const std::type_index &lhs, const std::type_index &rhs) const {
return == || std::strcmp(, == 0;
template <typename value_type>
using type_map = std::unordered_map<std::type_index, value_type, type_hash, type_equal_to>;
struct overload_hash {
inline size_t operator()(const std::pair<const PyObject *, const char *>& v) const {
size_t value = std::hash<const void *>()(v.first);
value ^= std::hash<const void *>()(v.second) + 0x9e3779b9 + (value<<6) + (value>>2);
return value;
/// Internal data structure used to track registered instances and types.
/// Whenever binary incompatible changes are made to this structure,
/// `PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION` must be incremented.
struct internals {
type_map<type_info *> registered_types_cpp; // std::type_index -> pybind11's type information
std::unordered_map<PyTypeObject *, std::vector<type_info *>> registered_types_py; // PyTypeObject* -> base type_info(s)
std::unordered_multimap<const void *, instance*> registered_instances; // void * -> instance*
std::unordered_set<std::pair<const PyObject *, const char *>, overload_hash> inactive_overload_cache;
type_map<std::vector<bool (*)(PyObject *, void *&)>> direct_conversions;
std::unordered_map<const PyObject *, std::vector<PyObject *>> patients;
std::forward_list<void (*) (std::exception_ptr)> registered_exception_translators;
std::unordered_map<std::string, void *> shared_data; // Custom data to be shared across extensions
std::vector<PyObject *> loader_patient_stack; // Used by `loader_life_support`
std::forward_list<std::string> static_strings; // Stores the std::strings backing detail::c_str()
PyTypeObject *static_property_type;
PyTypeObject *default_metaclass;
PyObject *instance_base;
#if defined(WITH_THREAD)
PyInterpreterState *istate = nullptr;
~internals() {
// This destructor is called *after* Py_Finalize() in finalize_interpreter().
// That *SHOULD BE* fine. The following details what happens whe PyThread_tss_free is called.
// PYBIND11_TLS_FREE is PyThread_tss_free on python 3.7+. On older python, it does nothing.
// PyThread_tss_free calls PyThread_tss_delete and PyMem_RawFree.
// PyThread_tss_delete just calls TlsFree (on Windows) or pthread_key_delete (on *NIX). Neither
// of those have anything to do with CPython internals.
// PyMem_RawFree *requires* that the `tstate` be allocated with the CPython allocator.
/// Additional type information which does not fit into the PyTypeObject.
/// Changes to this struct also require bumping `PYBIND11_INTERNALS_VERSION`.
struct type_info {
PyTypeObject *type;
const std::type_info *cpptype;
size_t type_size, type_align, holder_size_in_ptrs;
void *(*operator_new)(size_t);
void (*init_instance)(instance *, const void *);
void (*dealloc)(value_and_holder &v_h);
std::vector<PyObject *(*)(PyObject *, PyTypeObject *)> implicit_conversions;
std::vector<std::pair<const std::type_info *, void *(*)(void *)>> implicit_casts;
std::vector<bool (*)(PyObject *, void *&)> *direct_conversions;
buffer_info *(*get_buffer)(PyObject *, void *) = nullptr;
void *get_buffer_data = nullptr;
void *(*module_local_load)(PyObject *, const type_info *) = nullptr;
/* A simple type never occurs as a (direct or indirect) parent
* of a class that makes use of multiple inheritance */
bool simple_type : 1;
/* True if there is no multiple inheritance in this type's inheritance tree */
bool simple_ancestors : 1;
/* for base vs derived holder_type checks */
bool default_holder : 1;
/* true if this is a type registered with py::module_local */
bool module_local : 1;
/// Tracks the `internals` and `type_info` ABI version independent of the main library version
/// On MSVC, debug and release builds are not ABI-compatible!
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG)
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_TYPE "_debug"
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_TYPE ""
/// Let's assume that different compilers are ABI-incompatible.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_msvc"
#elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_icc"
#elif defined(__clang__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_clang"
#elif defined(__PGI)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_pgi"
#elif defined(__MINGW32__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_mingw"
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_gcc_cygwin"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_gcc"
# define PYBIND11_COMPILER_TYPE "_unknown"
#if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB "_libcpp"
#elif defined(__GLIBCXX__) || defined(__GLIBCPP__)
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB "_libstdcpp"
# define PYBIND11_STDLIB ""
/// On Linux/OSX, changes in __GXX_ABI_VERSION__ indicate ABI incompatibility.
#if defined(__GXX_ABI_VERSION)
# define PYBIND11_BUILD_ABI ""
#if defined(WITH_THREAD)
# define PYBIND11_INTERNALS_KIND "_without_thread"
#define PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID "__pybind11_internals_v" \
#define PYBIND11_MODULE_LOCAL_ID "__pybind11_module_local_v" \
/// Each module locally stores a pointer to the `internals` data. The data
/// itself is shared among modules with the same `PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID`.
inline internals **&get_internals_pp() {
static internals **internals_pp = nullptr;
return internals_pp;
inline void translate_exception(std::exception_ptr p) {
try {
if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
} catch (error_already_set &e) { e.restore(); return;
} catch (const builtin_exception &e) { e.set_error(); return;
} catch (const std::bad_alloc &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::domain_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::invalid_argument &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::length_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::out_of_range &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::range_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::overflow_error &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, e.what()); return;
} catch (const std::exception &e) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.what()); return;
} catch (...) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Caught an unknown exception!");
#if !defined(__GLIBCXX__)
inline void translate_local_exception(std::exception_ptr p) {
try {
if (p) std::rethrow_exception(p);
} catch (error_already_set &e) { e.restore(); return;
} catch (const builtin_exception &e) { e.set_error(); return;
/// Return a reference to the current `internals` data
PYBIND11_NOINLINE inline internals &get_internals() {
auto **&internals_pp = get_internals_pp();
if (internals_pp && *internals_pp)
return **internals_pp;
// Ensure that the GIL is held since we will need to make Python calls.
// Cannot use py::gil_scoped_acquire here since that constructor calls get_internals.
struct gil_scoped_acquire_local {
gil_scoped_acquire_local() : state (PyGILState_Ensure()) {}
~gil_scoped_acquire_local() { PyGILState_Release(state); }
const PyGILState_STATE state;
} gil;
constexpr auto *id = PYBIND11_INTERNALS_ID;
auto builtins = handle(PyEval_GetBuiltins());
if (builtins.contains(id) && isinstance<capsule>(builtins[id])) {
internals_pp = static_cast<internals **>(capsule(builtins[id]));
// We loaded builtins through python's builtins, which means that our `error_already_set`
// and `builtin_exception` may be different local classes than the ones set up in the
// initial exception translator, below, so add another for our local exception classes.
// libstdc++ doesn't require this (types there are identified only by name)
#if !defined(__GLIBCXX__)
} else {
if (!internals_pp) internals_pp = new internals*();
auto *&internals_ptr = *internals_pp;
internals_ptr = new internals();
#if defined(WITH_THREAD)
PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03070000
internals_ptr->tstate = PyThread_tss_alloc();
if (!internals_ptr->tstate || PyThread_tss_create(internals_ptr->tstate))
pybind11_fail("get_internals: could not successfully initialize the TSS key!");
PyThread_tss_set(internals_ptr->tstate, tstate);
internals_ptr->tstate = PyThread_create_key();
if (internals_ptr->tstate == -1)
pybind11_fail("get_internals: could not successfully initialize the TLS key!");
PyThread_set_key_value(internals_ptr->tstate, tstate);
internals_ptr->istate = tstate->interp;
builtins[id] = capsule(internals_pp);
internals_ptr->static_property_type = make_static_property_type();
internals_ptr->default_metaclass = make_default_metaclass();
internals_ptr->instance_base = make_object_base_type(internals_ptr->default_metaclass);
return **internals_pp;
/// Works like `internals.registered_types_cpp`, but for module-local registered types:
inline type_map<type_info *> &registered_local_types_cpp() {
static type_map<type_info *> locals{};
return locals;
/// Constructs a std::string with the given arguments, stores it in `internals`, and returns its
/// `c_str()`. Such strings objects have a long storage duration -- the internal strings are only
/// cleared when the program exits or after interpreter shutdown (when embedding), and so are
/// suitable for c-style strings needed by Python internals (such as PyTypeObject's tp_name).
template <typename... Args>
const char *c_str(Args &&...args) {
auto &strings = get_internals().static_strings;
return strings.front().c_str();
/// Returns a named pointer that is shared among all extension modules (using the same
/// pybind11 version) running in the current interpreter. Names starting with underscores
/// are reserved for internal usage. Returns `nullptr` if no matching entry was found.
inline PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *get_shared_data(const std::string &name) {
auto &internals = detail::get_internals();
auto it = internals.shared_data.find(name);
return it != internals.shared_data.end() ? it->second : nullptr;
/// Set the shared data that can be later recovered by `get_shared_data()`.
inline PYBIND11_NOINLINE void *set_shared_data(const std::string &name, void *data) {
detail::get_internals().shared_data[name] = data;
return data;
/// Returns a typed reference to a shared data entry (by using `get_shared_data()`) if
/// such entry exists. Otherwise, a new object of default-constructible type `T` is
/// added to the shared data under the given name and a reference to it is returned.
template<typename T>
T &get_or_create_shared_data(const std::string &name) {
auto &internals = detail::get_internals();
auto it = internals.shared_data.find(name);
T *ptr = (T *) (it != internals.shared_data.end() ? it->second : nullptr);
if (!ptr) {
ptr = new T();
internals.shared_data[name] = ptr;
return *ptr;