blob: 176285fa31c6e2c9c6dd10d5575144d48882e06b [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is part of pyasn1-modules software.
# Created by Russ Housley
# Copyright (c) 2019, Vigil Security, LLC
# License:
import sys
from pyasn1.codec.der.decoder import decode as der_decode
from pyasn1.codec.der.encoder import encode as der_encode
from pyasn1_modules import pem
from pyasn1_modules import rfc5652
from pyasn1_modules import rfc6031
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
class SymmetricKeyPkgTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
key_pkg_pem_text = """\
def setUp(self):
self.asn1Spec = rfc5652.ContentInfo()
def testDerCodec(self):
substrate = pem.readBase64fromText(self.key_pkg_pem_text)
asn1Object, rest = der_decode(substrate, asn1Spec=self.asn1Spec)
assert not rest
assert asn1Object.prettyPrint()
assert der_encode(asn1Object) == substrate
assert asn1Object['contentType'] in rfc5652.cmsContentTypesMap
asn1Spec = rfc5652.cmsContentTypesMap[asn1Object['contentType']]
skp, rest = der_decode(asn1Object['content'], asn1Spec=asn1Spec)
assert not rest
assert skp.prettyPrint()
assert der_encode(skp) == asn1Object['content']
for attr in skp['sKeyPkgAttrs']:
assert attr['attrType'] in rfc6031.sKeyPkgAttributesMap.keys()
for osk in skp['sKeys']:
for attr in osk['sKeyAttrs']:
assert attr['attrType'] in rfc6031.sKeyAttributesMap.keys()
def testOpenTypes(self):
substrate = pem.readBase64fromText(self.key_pkg_pem_text)
asn1Object, rest = der_decode(substrate,
assert not rest
assert asn1Object.prettyPrint()
assert der_encode(asn1Object) == substrate
assert asn1Object['contentType'] in rfc5652.cmsContentTypesMap
assert asn1Object['content'].hasValue()
keypkg = asn1Object['content']
assert keypkg['version'] == rfc6031.KeyPkgVersion().subtype(value='v1')
for attr in keypkg['sKeyPkgAttrs']:
assert attr['attrType'] in rfc6031.sKeyPkgAttributesMap.keys()
assert attr['attrValues'][0].prettyPrint()[:2] != '0x'
# decodeOpenTypes=True did not decode if the value is shown in hex ...
if attr['attrType'] == rfc6031.id_pskc_manufacturer:
attr['attrValues'][0] == 'Vigil Security LLC'
for osk in keypkg['sKeys']:
for attr in osk['sKeyAttrs']:
assert attr['attrType'] in rfc6031.sKeyAttributesMap.keys()
assert attr['attrValues'][0].prettyPrint()[:2] != '0x'
# decodeOpenTypes=True did not decode if the value is shown in hex ...
if attr['attrType'] == rfc6031.id_pskc_issuer:
attr['attrValues'][0] == ''
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromModule(sys.modules[__name__])
if __name__ == '__main__':