blob: df3b9674018336361b83f2058d99c6dc274747be [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- encoding: utf8 -*-
# -- BASED-ON:
# VERSION: parse 1.12.0
# Same as original file but uses bundled :mod:`parse_type.parse` module
# instead of :mod:`parse` module
# NOTE: Part of the tests are/were providd by jenisys.
# -- ORIGINAL-CODE STARTS-HERE ------------------------------------------------
'''Test suite for
This code is copyright 2011 Inc (
See the end of the source file for the license of use.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
from datetime import datetime, time
from decimal import Decimal
import re
import os
PARSE_MODULE = os.environ.get("PARSE_TYPE_PARSE_MODULE", "parse_type.parse")
if PARSE_MODULE.startswith("parse_type"):
# -- USE VENDOR MODULE: parse_type.parse (probably older that original)
from parse_type import parse
import parse
class TestPattern(unittest.TestCase):
def _test_expression(self, format, expression):
self.assertEqual(parse.Parser(format)._expression, expression)
def test_braces(self):
# pull a simple string out of another string
self._test_expression('{{ }}', r'\{ \}')
def test_fixed(self):
# pull a simple string out of another string
self._test_expression('{}', r'(.+?)')
self._test_expression('{} {}', r'(.+?) (.+?)')
def test_named(self):
# pull a named string out of another string
self._test_expression('{name}', r'(?P<name>.+?)')
self._test_expression('{name} {other}',
r'(?P<name>.+?) (?P<other>.+?)')
def test_named_typed(self):
# pull a named string out of another string
self._test_expression('{name:w}', r'(?P<name>\w+)')
self._test_expression('{name:w} {other:w}',
r'(?P<name>\w+) (?P<other>\w+)')
def test_beaker(self):
# skip some trailing whitespace
self._test_expression('{:<}', r'(.+?) *')
def test_left_fill(self):
# skip some trailing periods
self._test_expression('{:.<}', r'(.+?)\.*')
def test_bird(self):
# skip some trailing whitespace
self._test_expression('{:>}', r' *(.+?)')
def test_center(self):
# skip some surrounding whitespace
self._test_expression('{:^}', r' *(.+?) *')
def test_format_variety(self):
def _(fmt, matches):
d = parse.extract_format(fmt, {'spam': 'spam'})
for k in matches:
self.assertEqual(d.get(k), matches[k],
'm["%s"]=%r, expect %r' % (k, d.get(k), matches[k]))
for t in '%obxegfdDwWsS':
_(t, dict(type=t))
_('10' + t, dict(type=t, width='10'))
_('05d', dict(type='d', width='5', zero=True))
_('<', dict(align='<'))
_('.<', dict(align='<', fill='.'))
_('>', dict(align='>'))
_('.>', dict(align='>', fill='.'))
_('^', dict(align='^'))
_('.^', dict(align='^', fill='.'))
_('x=d', dict(type='d', align='=', fill='x'))
_('d', dict(type='d'))
_('ti', dict(type='ti'))
_('spam', dict(type='spam'))
_('.^010d', dict(type='d', width='10', align='^', fill='.',
_('.2f', dict(type='f', precision='2'))
_('10.2f', dict(type='f', width='10', precision='2'))
def test_dot_separated_fields(self):
# this should just work and provide the named value
res = parse.parse('{}_{}_{simple}', 'a_b_c')
assert res.named[''] == 'a'
assert res.named[''] == 'b'
assert res.named['simple'] == 'c'
def test_dict_style_fields(self):
res = parse.parse('{hello[world]}_{hello[foo][baz]}_{simple}', 'a_b_c')
assert res.named['hello']['world'] == 'a'
assert res.named['hello']['foo']['baz'] == 'b'
assert res.named['simple'] == 'c'
def test_dot_separated_fields_name_collisions(self):
# this should just work and provide the named value
res = parse.parse('{a_.b}_{a__b}_{a._b}_{a___b}', 'a_b_c_d')
assert res.named['a_.b'] == 'a'
assert res.named['a__b'] == 'b'
assert res.named['a._b'] == 'c'
assert res.named['a___b'] == 'd'
def test_invalid_groupnames_are_handled_gracefully(self):
self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, parse.parse,
"{hello['world']}", "doesn't work")
class TestResult(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fixed_access(self):
r = parse.Result((1, 2), {}, None)
self.assertEqual(r[0], 1)
self.assertEqual(r[1], 2)
self.assertRaises(IndexError, r.__getitem__, 2)
self.assertRaises(KeyError, r.__getitem__, 'spam')
def test_named_access(self):
r = parse.Result((), {'spam': 'ham'}, None)
self.assertEqual(r['spam'], 'ham')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, r.__getitem__, 'ham')
self.assertRaises(IndexError, r.__getitem__, 0)
def test_contains(self):
r = parse.Result(('cat',), {'spam': 'ham'}, None)
self.assertTrue('spam' in r)
self.assertTrue('cat' not in r)
self.assertTrue('ham' not in r)
class TestParse(unittest.TestCase):
def test_no_match(self):
# string does not match format
self.assertEqual(parse.parse('{{hello}}', 'hello'), None)
def test_nothing(self):
# do no actual parsing
r = parse.parse('{{hello}}', '{hello}')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ())
self.assertEqual(r.named, {})
def test_no_evaluate_result(self):
# pull a fixed value out of string
match = parse.parse('hello {}', 'hello world', evaluate_result=False)
r = match.evaluate_result()
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('world', ))
def test_regular_expression(self):
# match an actual regular expression
s = r'^(hello\s[wW]{}!+.*)$'
e = s.replace('{}', 'orld')
r = parse.parse(s, e)
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('orld',))
e = s.replace('{}', '.*?')
r = parse.parse(s, e)
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('.*?',))
def test_question_mark(self):
# issue9: make sure a ? in the parse string is handled correctly
r = parse.parse('"{}"?', '"teststr"?')
self.assertEqual(r[0], 'teststr')
def test_pipe(self):
# issue22: make sure a | in the parse string is handled correctly
r = parse.parse('| {}', '| teststr')
self.assertEqual(r[0], 'teststr')
def test_unicode(self):
# issue29: make sure unicode is parsable
r = parse.parse('{}', u't€ststr')
self.assertEqual(r[0], u't€ststr')
def test_hexadecimal(self):
# issue42: make sure bare hexadecimal isn't matched as "digits"
r = parse.parse('{:d}', 'abcdef')
def test_fixed(self):
# pull a fixed value out of string
r = parse.parse('hello {}', 'hello world')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('world', ))
def test_left(self):
# pull left-aligned text out of string
r = parse.parse('{:<} world', 'hello world')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('hello', ))
def test_right(self):
# pull right-aligned text out of string
r = parse.parse('hello {:>}', 'hello world')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('world', ))
def test_center(self):
# pull center-aligned text out of string
r = parse.parse('hello {:^} world', 'hello there world')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('there', ))
def test_typed(self):
# pull a named, typed values out of string
r = parse.parse('hello {:d} {:w}', 'hello 12 people')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, (12, 'people'))
r = parse.parse('hello {:w} {:w}', 'hello 12 people')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('12', 'people'))
def test_precision(self):
# pull a float out of a string
r = parse.parse('Pi = {:.7f}', 'Pi = 3.1415926')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, (3.1415926, ))
r = parse.parse('Pi/10 = {:8.5f}', 'Pi/10 = 0.31415')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, (0.31415, ))
def test_precision_fail(self):
# floats must have a leading zero
r = parse.parse('Pi/10 = {:8.5f}', 'Pi/10 = .31415')
self.assertEqual(r, None)
def test_custom_type(self):
# use a custom type
r = parse.parse('{:shouty} {:spam}', 'hello world',
dict(shouty=lambda s: s.upper(),
spam=lambda s: ''.join(reversed(s))))
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('HELLO', 'dlrow'))
r = parse.parse('{:d}', '12', dict(d=lambda s: int(s) * 2))
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, (24,))
r = parse.parse('{:d}', '12')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, (12,))
def test_typed_fail(self):
# pull a named, typed values out of string
self.assertEqual(parse.parse('hello {:d} {:w}', 'hello people 12'),
def test_named(self):
# pull a named value out of string
r = parse.parse('hello {name}', 'hello world')
self.assertEqual(r.named, {'name': 'world'})
def test_named_repeated(self):
# test a name may be repeated
r = parse.parse('{n} {n}', 'x x')
self.assertEqual(r.named, {'n': 'x'})
def test_named_repeated_type(self):
# test a name may be repeated with type conversion
r = parse.parse('{n:d} {n:d}', '1 1')
self.assertEqual(r.named, {'n': 1})
def test_named_repeated_fail_value(self):
# test repeated name fails if value mismatches
r = parse.parse('{n} {n}', 'x y')
self.assertEqual(r, None)
def test_named_repeated_type_fail_value(self):
# test repeated name with type conversion fails if value mismatches
r = parse.parse('{n:d} {n:d}', '1 2')
self.assertEqual(r, None)
def test_named_repeated_type_mismatch(self):
# test repeated name with mismatched type
self.assertRaises(parse.RepeatedNameError, parse.compile,
'{n:d} {n:w}')
def test_mixed(self):
# pull a fixed and named values out of string
r = parse.parse('hello {} {name} {} {spam}',
'hello world and other beings')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('world', 'other'))
self.assertEqual(r.named, dict(name='and', spam='beings'))
def test_named_typed(self):
# pull a named, typed values out of string
r = parse.parse('hello {number:d} {things}', 'hello 12 people')
self.assertEqual(r.named, dict(number=12, things='people'))
r = parse.parse('hello {number:w} {things}', 'hello 12 people')
self.assertEqual(r.named, dict(number='12', things='people'))
def test_named_aligned_typed(self):
# pull a named, typed values out of string
r = parse.parse('hello {number:<d} {things}', 'hello 12 people')
self.assertEqual(r.named, dict(number=12, things='people'))
r = parse.parse('hello {number:>d} {things}', 'hello 12 people')
self.assertEqual(r.named, dict(number=12, things='people'))
r = parse.parse('hello {number:^d} {things}',
'hello 12 people')
self.assertEqual(r.named, dict(number=12, things='people'))
def test_multiline(self):
r = parse.parse('hello\n{}\nworld', 'hello\nthere\nworld')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[0], 'there')
def test_spans(self):
# test the string sections our fields come from
string = 'hello world'
r = parse.parse('hello {}', string)
self.assertEqual(r.spans, {0: (6, 11)})
start, end = r.spans[0]
self.assertEqual(string[start:end], r.fixed[0])
string = 'hello world'
r = parse.parse('hello {:>}', string)
self.assertEqual(r.spans, {0: (10, 15)})
start, end = r.spans[0]
self.assertEqual(string[start:end], r.fixed[0])
string = 'hello 0x12 world'
r = parse.parse('hello {val:x} world', string)
self.assertEqual(r.spans, {'val': (6, 10)})
start, end = r.spans['val']
self.assertEqual(string[start:end], '0x%x' % r.named['val'])
string = 'hello world and other beings'
r = parse.parse('hello {} {name} {} {spam}', string)
self.assertEqual(r.spans, {0: (6, 11), 'name': (12, 15),
1: (16, 21), 'spam': (22, 28)})
def test_numbers(self):
# pull a numbers out of a string
def y(fmt, s, e, str_equals=False):
p = parse.compile(fmt)
r = p.parse(s)
if r is None:'%r (%r) did not match %r' % (fmt, p._expression, s))
r = r.fixed[0]
if str_equals:
self.assertEqual(str(r), str(e),
'%r found %r in %r, not %r' % (fmt, r, s, e))
self.assertEqual(r, e,
'%r found %r in %r, not %r' % (fmt, r, s, e))
def n(fmt, s, e):
if parse.parse(fmt, s) is not None:'%r matched %r' % (fmt, s))
y('a {:d} b', 'a 0 b', 0)
y('a {:d} b', 'a 12 b', 12)
y('a {:5d} b', 'a 12 b', 12)
y('a {:5d} b', 'a -12 b', -12)
y('a {:d} b', 'a -12 b', -12)
y('a {:d} b', 'a +12 b', 12)
y('a {:d} b', 'a 12 b', 12)
y('a {:d} b', 'a 0b1000 b', 8)
y('a {:d} b', 'a 0o1000 b', 512)
y('a {:d} b', 'a 0x1000 b', 4096)
y('a {:d} b', 'a 0xabcdef b', 0xabcdef)
y('a {:%} b', 'a 100% b', 1)
y('a {:%} b', 'a 50% b', .5)
y('a {:%} b', 'a 50.1% b', .501)
y('a {:n} b', 'a 100 b', 100)
y('a {:n} b', 'a 1,000 b', 1000)
y('a {:n} b', 'a 1.000 b', 1000)
y('a {:n} b', 'a -1,000 b', -1000)
y('a {:n} b', 'a 10,000 b', 10000)
y('a {:n} b', 'a 100,000 b', 100000)
n('a {:n} b', 'a 100,00 b', None)
y('a {:n} b', 'a 100.000 b', 100000)
y('a {:n} b', 'a 1.000.000 b', 1000000)
y('a {:f} b', 'a 12.0 b', 12.0)
y('a {:f} b', 'a -12.1 b', -12.1)
y('a {:f} b', 'a +12.1 b', 12.1)
n('a {:f} b', 'a 12 b', None)
y('a {:e} b', 'a 1.0e10 b', 1.0e10)
y('a {:e} b', 'a 1.0E10 b', 1.0e10)
y('a {:e} b', 'a 1.10000e10 b', 1.1e10)
y('a {:e} b', 'a 1.0e-10 b', 1.0e-10)
y('a {:e} b', 'a 1.0e+10 b', 1.0e10)
# can't actually test this one on values 'cos nan != nan
y('a {:e} b', 'a nan b', float('nan'), str_equals=True)
y('a {:e} b', 'a NAN b', float('nan'), str_equals=True)
y('a {:e} b', 'a inf b', float('inf'))
y('a {:e} b', 'a +inf b', float('inf'))
y('a {:e} b', 'a -inf b', float('-inf'))
y('a {:e} b', 'a INF b', float('inf'))
y('a {:e} b', 'a +INF b', float('inf'))
y('a {:e} b', 'a -INF b', float('-inf'))
y('a {:g} b', 'a 1 b', 1)
y('a {:g} b', 'a 1e10 b', 1e10)
y('a {:g} b', 'a 1.0e10 b', 1.0e10)
y('a {:g} b', 'a 1.0E10 b', 1.0e10)
y('a {:b} b', 'a 1000 b', 8)
y('a {:b} b', 'a 0b1000 b', 8)
y('a {:o} b', 'a 12345670 b', int('12345670', 8))
y('a {:o} b', 'a 0o12345670 b', int('12345670', 8))
y('a {:x} b', 'a 1234567890abcdef b', 0x1234567890abcdef)
y('a {:x} b', 'a 1234567890ABCDEF b', 0x1234567890ABCDEF)
y('a {:x} b', 'a 0x1234567890abcdef b', 0x1234567890abcdef)
y('a {:x} b', 'a 0x1234567890ABCDEF b', 0x1234567890ABCDEF)
y('a {:05d} b', 'a 00001 b', 1)
y('a {:05d} b', 'a -00001 b', -1)
y('a {:05d} b', 'a +00001 b', 1)
y('a {:02d} b', 'a 10 b', 10)
y('a {:=d} b', 'a 000012 b', 12)
y('a {:x=5d} b', 'a xxx12 b', 12)
y('a {:x=5d} b', 'a -xxx12 b', -12)
def test_hex_looks_like_binary_issue65(self):
r = parse.parse('a {:x} b', 'a 0B b')
self.assertEqual(r[0], 11)
r = parse.parse('a {:x} b', 'a 0B1 b')
self.assertEqual(r[0], 1)
def test_two_datetimes(self):
r = parse.parse('a {:ti} {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16 2012-08-01 b')
self.assertEqual(len(r.fixed), 2)
self.assertEqual(r[0], datetime(1997, 7, 16))
self.assertEqual(r[1], datetime(2012, 8, 1))
def test_datetimes(self):
def y(fmt, s, e, tz=None):
p = parse.compile(fmt)
r = p.parse(s)
if r is None:'%r (%r) did not match %r' % (fmt, p._expression, s))
r = r.fixed[0]
self.assertEqual(r, e,
'%r found %r in %r, not %r' % (fmt, r, s, e))
except ValueError:'%r found %r in %r, not %r' % (fmt, r, s, e))
if tz is not None:
self.assertEqual(r.tzinfo, tz,
'%r found TZ %r in %r, not %r' % (fmt, r.tzinfo, s, e))
def n(fmt, s, e):
if parse.parse(fmt, s) is not None:'%r matched %r' % (fmt, s))
utc = parse.FixedTzOffset(0, 'UTC')
aest = parse.FixedTzOffset(10 * 60, '+1000')
tz60 = parse.FixedTzOffset(60, '+01:00')
# ISO 8660 variants
# YYYY-MM-DD (eg 1997-07-16)
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16 b', datetime(1997, 7, 16))
# YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16 19:20 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 0))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 0))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20Z b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, tzinfo=utc))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20+0100 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, tzinfo=tz60))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, tzinfo=tz60))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20 +01:00 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, tzinfo=tz60))
# YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16 19:20:30 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20:30 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20:30Z b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30, tzinfo=utc))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30, tzinfo=tz60))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20:30 +01:00 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30, tzinfo=tz60))
# YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16 19:20:30.500000 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30, 500000))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20:30.500000 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30, 500000))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20:30.5Z b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30, 500000, tzinfo=utc))
y('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20:30.5+01:00 b',
datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 30, 500000, tzinfo=tz60))
aest_d = datetime(2011, 11, 21, 10, 21, 36, tzinfo=aest)
dt = datetime(2011, 11, 21, 10, 21, 36)
dt00 = datetime(2011, 11, 21, 10, 21)
d = datetime(2011, 11, 21)
# te RFC2822 e-mail format datetime
y('a {:te} b', 'a Mon, 21 Nov 2011 10:21:36 +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:te} b', 'a Mon, 21 Nov 2011 10:21:36 +10:00 b', aest_d)
y('a {:te} b', 'a 21 Nov 2011 10:21:36 +1000 b', aest_d)
# tg global (day/month) format datetime
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21/11/2011 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21/11/2011 10:21:36 AM +10:00 b', aest_d)
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21-11-2011 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21/11/2011 10:21:36 +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21/11/2011 10:21:36 b', dt)
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21/11/2011 10:21 b', dt00)
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21-11-2011 b', d)
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21-Nov-2011 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:tg} b', 'a 21-November-2011 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', aest_d)
# ta US (month/day) format datetime
y('a {:ta} b', 'a 11/21/2011 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a 11/21/2011 10:21:36 AM +10:00 b', aest_d)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a 11-21-2011 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a 11/21/2011 10:21:36 +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a 11/21/2011 10:21:36 b', dt)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a 11/21/2011 10:21 b', dt00)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a 11-21-2011 b', d)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a Nov-21-2011 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a November-21-2011 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:ta} b', 'a November-21-2011 b', d)
# ts Linux System log format datetime
y('a {:ts} b', 'a Nov 21 10:21:36 b', datetime(, 11, 21, 10, 21, 36))
y('a {:ts} b', 'a Nov 1 10:21:36 b', datetime(, 11, 1, 10, 21, 36))
y('a {:ts} b', 'a Nov 1 03:21:36 b', datetime(, 11, 1, 3, 21, 36))
# th HTTP log format date/time datetime
y('a {:th} b', 'a 21/Nov/2011:10:21:36 +1000 b', aest_d)
y('a {:th} b', 'a 21/Nov/2011:10:21:36 +10:00 b', aest_d)
d = datetime(2011, 11, 21, 10, 21, 36)
# tc ctime() format datetime
y('a {:tc} b', 'a Mon Nov 21 10:21:36 2011 b', d)
t530 = parse.FixedTzOffset(-5 * 60 - 30, '-5:30')
t830 = parse.FixedTzOffset(-8 * 60 - 30, '-8:30')
# tt Time time
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 AM +1000 b', time(10, 21, 36, tzinfo=aest))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 AM +10:00 b', time(10, 21, 36, tzinfo=aest))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 AM b', time(10, 21, 36))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 PM b', time(22, 21, 36))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 b', time(10, 21, 36))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21 b', time(10, 21))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 PM -5:30 b', time(22, 21, 36, tzinfo=t530))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 PM -530 b', time(22, 21, 36, tzinfo=t530))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 PM -05:30 b', time(22, 21, 36, tzinfo=t530))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 PM -0530 b', time(22, 21, 36, tzinfo=t530))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 PM -08:30 b', time(22, 21, 36, tzinfo=t830))
y('a {:tt} b', 'a 10:21:36 PM -0830 b', time(22, 21, 36, tzinfo=t830))
def test_datetime_group_count(self):
# test we increment the group count correctly for datetimes
r = parse.parse('{:ti} {}', '1972-01-01 spam')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[1], 'spam')
r = parse.parse('{:tg} {}', '1-1-1972 spam')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[1], 'spam')
r = parse.parse('{:ta} {}', '1-1-1972 spam')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[1], 'spam')
r = parse.parse('{:th} {}', '21/Nov/2011:10:21:36 +1000 spam')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[1], 'spam')
r = parse.parse('{:te} {}', '21 Nov 2011 10:21:36 +1000 spam')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[1], 'spam')
r = parse.parse('{:tc} {}', 'Mon Nov 21 10:21:36 2011 spam')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[1], 'spam')
r = parse.parse('{:tt} {}', '10:21 spam')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[1], 'spam')
def test_mixed_types(self):
# stress-test: pull one of everything out of a string
r = parse.parse('''
letters: {:w}
non-letters: {:W}
whitespace: "{:s}"
non-whitespace: \t{:S}\n
digits: {:d} {:d}
non-digits: {:D}
numbers with thousands: {:n}
fixed-point: {:f}
floating-point: {:e}
general numbers: {:g} {:g}
binary: {:b}
octal: {:o}
hex: {:x}
ISO 8601 e.g. {:ti}
RFC2822 e.g. {:te}
Global e.g. {:tg}
US e.g. {:ta}
ctime() e.g. {:tc}
HTTP e.g. {:th}
time: {:tt}
final value: {}
letters: abcdef_GHIJLK
non-letters: !@#%$ *^%
whitespace: " \t\n"
non-whitespace: \tabc\n
digits: 12345 0b1011011
non-digits: abcdef
numbers with thousands: 1,000
fixed-point: 100.2345
floating-point: 1.1e-10
general numbers: 1 1.1
binary: 0b1000
octal: 0o1000
hex: 0x1000
ISO 8601 e.g. 1972-01-20T10:21:36Z
RFC2822 e.g. Mon, 20 Jan 1972 10:21:36 +1000
Global e.g. 20/1/1972 10:21:36 AM +1:00
US e.g. 1/20/1972 10:21:36 PM +10:30
ctime() e.g. Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973
HTTP e.g. 21/Nov/2011:00:07:11 +0000
time: 10:21:36 PM -5:30
final value: spam
self.assertNotEqual(r, None)
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[22], 'spam')
def test_mixed_type_variant(self):
r = parse.parse('''
letters: {:w}
non-letters: {:W}
whitespace: "{:s}"
non-whitespace: \t{:S}\n
digits: {:d}
non-digits: {:D}
numbers with thousands: {:n}
fixed-point: {:f}
floating-point: {:e}
general numbers: {:g} {:g}
binary: {:b}
octal: {:o}
hex: {:x}
ISO 8601 e.g. {:ti}
RFC2822 e.g. {:te}
Global e.g. {:tg}
US e.g. {:ta}
ctime() e.g. {:tc}
HTTP e.g. {:th}
time: {:tt}
final value: {}
letters: abcdef_GHIJLK
non-letters: !@#%$ *^%
whitespace: " \t\n"
non-whitespace: \tabc\n
digits: 0xabcdef
non-digits: abcdef
numbers with thousands: 1.000.000
fixed-point: 0.00001
floating-point: NAN
general numbers: 1.1e10 nan
binary: 0B1000
octal: 0O1000
hex: 0X1000
ISO 8601 e.g. 1972-01-20T10:21:36Z
RFC2822 e.g. Mon, 20 Jan 1972 10:21:36 +1000
Global e.g. 20/1/1972 10:21:36 AM +1:00
US e.g. 1/20/1972 10:21:36 PM +10:30
ctime() e.g. Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973
HTTP e.g. 21/Nov/2011:00:07:11 +0000
time: 10:21:36 PM -5:30
final value: spam
self.assertNotEqual(r, None)
self.assertEqual(r.fixed[21], 'spam')
def test_too_many_fields(self):
# Python 3.5 removed the limit of 100 named groups in a regular expression,
# so only test for the exception if the limit exists.
re.compile("".join("(?P<n{n}>{n}-)".format(n=i) for i in range(101)))
except AssertionError:
p = parse.compile('{:ti}' * 15)
self.assertRaises(parse.TooManyFields, p.parse, '')
def test_letters(self):
res = parse.parse('{:l}', '')
res = parse.parse('{:l}', 'sPaM')
self.assertEqual(res.fixed, ('sPaM', ))
res = parse.parse('{:l}', 'sP4M')
res = parse.parse('{:l}', 'sP_M')
class TestSearch(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
# basic search() test
r ='a {} c', ' a b c ')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, ('b',))
def test_multiline(self):
# multiline search() test
r ='age: {:d}\n', 'name: Rufus\nage: 42\ncolor: red\n')
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, (42,))
def test_pos(self):
# basic search() test
r ='a {} c', ' a b c ', 2)
self.assertEqual(r, None)
def test_no_evaluate_result(self):
match ='age: {:d}\n', 'name: Rufus\nage: 42\ncolor: red\n', evaluate_result=False)
r = match.evaluate_result()
self.assertEqual(r.fixed, (42,))
class TestFindall(unittest.TestCase):
def test_findall(self):
# basic findall() test
s = ''.join(r.fixed[0] for r in parse.findall(">{}<",
"<p>some <b>bold</b> text</p>"))
self.assertEqual(s, "some bold text")
def test_no_evaluate_result(self):
# basic findall() test
s = ''.join(m.evaluate_result().fixed[0] for m in parse.findall(">{}<",
"<p>some <b>bold</b> text</p>", evaluate_result=False))
self.assertEqual(s, "some bold text")
class TestBugs(unittest.TestCase):
def test_named_date_issue7(self):
r = parse.parse('on {date:ti}', 'on 2012-09-17')
self.assertEqual(r['date'], datetime(2012, 9, 17, 0, 0, 0))
# fix introduced regressions
r = parse.parse('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20 b')
self.assertEqual(r[0], datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, 0))
r = parse.parse('a {:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20Z b')
utc = parse.FixedTzOffset(0, 'UTC')
self.assertEqual(r[0], datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, tzinfo=utc))
r = parse.parse('a {date:ti} b', 'a 1997-07-16T19:20Z b')
self.assertEqual(r['date'], datetime(1997, 7, 16, 19, 20, tzinfo=utc))
def test_dotted_type_conversion_pull_8(self):
# test pull request 8 which fixes type conversion related to dotted
# names being applied correctly
r = parse.parse('{a.b:d}', '1')
self.assertEqual(r['a.b'], 1)
r = parse.parse('{a_b:w} {a.b:d}', '1 2')
self.assertEqual(r['a_b'], '1')
self.assertEqual(r['a.b'], 2)
def test_pm_overflow_issue16(self):
r = parse.parse('Meet at {:tg}', 'Meet at 1/2/2011 12:45 PM')
self.assertEqual(r[0], datetime(2011, 2, 1, 12, 45))
def test_pm_handling_issue57(self):
r = parse.parse('Meet at {:tg}', 'Meet at 1/2/2011 12:15 PM')
self.assertEqual(r[0], datetime(2011, 2, 1, 12, 15))
r = parse.parse('Meet at {:tg}', 'Meet at 1/2/2011 12:15 AM')
self.assertEqual(r[0], datetime(2011, 2, 1, 0, 15))
def test_user_type_with_group_count_issue60(self):
@parse.with_pattern(r'((\w+))', regex_group_count=2)
def parse_word_and_covert_to_uppercase(text):
return text.strip().upper()
def parse_number(text):
return int(text)
# -- CASE: Use named (OK)
type_map = dict(Name=parse_word_and_covert_to_uppercase,
r = parse.parse('Hello {name:Name} {number:Number}',
'Hello Alice 42', extra_types=type_map)
self.assertEqual(r.named, dict(name='ALICE', number=42))
# -- CASE: Use unnamed/fixed (problematic)
r = parse.parse('Hello {:Name} {:Number}',
'Hello Alice 42', extra_types=type_map)
self.assertEqual(r[0], 'ALICE')
self.assertEqual(r[1], 42)
def test_unmatched_brace_doesnt_match(self):
r = parse.parse("{who.txt", "hello")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestParseType(unittest.TestCase):
def assert_match(self, parser, text, param_name, expected):
result = parser.parse(text)
self.assertEqual(result[param_name], expected)
def assert_mismatch(self, parser, text, param_name):
result = parser.parse(text)
self.assertTrue(result is None)
def assert_fixed_match(self, parser, text, expected):
result = parser.parse(text)
self.assertEqual(result.fixed, expected)
def assert_fixed_mismatch(self, parser, text):
result = parser.parse(text)
self.assertEqual(result, None)
def test_pattern_should_be_used(self):
def parse_number(text):
return int(text)
parse_number.pattern = r"\d+" = "Number" # For testing only.
extra_types = { parse_number}
format = "Value is {number:Number} and..."
parser = parse.Parser(format, extra_types)
self.assert_match(parser, "Value is 42 and...", "number", 42)
self.assert_match(parser, "Value is 00123 and...", "number", 123)
self.assert_mismatch(parser, "Value is ALICE and...", "number")
self.assert_mismatch(parser, "Value is -123 and...", "number")
def test_pattern_should_be_used2(self):
def parse_yesno(text):
return parse_yesno.mapping[text.lower()]
parse_yesno.mapping = {
"yes": True, "no": False,
"on": True, "off": False,
"true": True, "false": False,
parse_yesno.pattern = r"|".join(parse_yesno.mapping.keys()) = "YesNo" # For testing only.
extra_types = { parse_yesno}
format = "Answer: {answer:YesNo}"
parser = parse.Parser(format, extra_types)
# -- ENSURE: Known enum values are correctly extracted.
for value_name, value in parse_yesno.mapping.items():
text = "Answer: %s" % value_name
self.assert_match(parser, text, "answer", value)
# -- IGNORE-CASE: In parsing, calls type converter function !!!
self.assert_match(parser, "Answer: YES", "answer", True)
self.assert_mismatch(parser, "Answer: __YES__", "answer")
def test_with_pattern(self):
ab_vals = dict(a=1, b=2)
def ab(text):
return ab_vals[text]
parser = parse.Parser('test {result:ab}', {'ab': ab})
self.assert_match(parser, 'test a', 'result', 1)
self.assert_match(parser, 'test b', 'result', 2)
self.assert_mismatch(parser, "test c", "result")
def test_with_pattern_and_regex_group_count(self):
# -- SPECIAL-CASE: Regex-grouping is used in user-defined type
# NOTE: Missing or wroung regex_group_counts cause problems
# with parsing following params.
@parse.with_pattern(r'(meter|kilometer)', regex_group_count=1)
def parse_unit(text):
return text.strip()
def parse_number(text):
return int(text)
type_converters = dict(Number=parse_number, Unit=parse_unit)
# -- CASE: Unnamed-params (affected)
parser = parse.Parser('test {:Unit}-{:Number}', type_converters)
self.assert_fixed_match(parser, 'test meter-10', ('meter', 10))
self.assert_fixed_match(parser, 'test kilometer-20', ('kilometer', 20))
self.assert_fixed_mismatch(parser, 'test liter-30')
# -- CASE: Named-params (uncritical; should not be affected)
# REASON: Named-params have additional, own grouping.
parser2 = parse.Parser('test {unit:Unit}-{value:Number}', type_converters)
self.assert_match(parser2, 'test meter-10', 'unit', 'meter')
self.assert_match(parser2, 'test meter-10', 'value', 10)
self.assert_match(parser2, 'test kilometer-20', 'unit', 'kilometer')
self.assert_match(parser2, 'test kilometer-20', 'value', 20)
self.assert_mismatch(parser2, 'test liter-30', 'unit')
def test_with_pattern_and_wrong_regex_group_count_raises_error(self):
# Regex-grouping is used in user-defined type, but wrong value is provided.
@parse.with_pattern(r'(meter|kilometer)', regex_group_count=1)
def parse_unit(text):
return text.strip()
def parse_number(text):
return int(text)
# -- CASE: Unnamed-params (affected)
(None, ValueError),
(0, ValueError),
(2, IndexError),
for bad_regex_group_count, error_class in BAD_REGEX_GROUP_COUNTS_AND_ERRORS:
parse_unit.regex_group_count = bad_regex_group_count # -- OVERRIDE-HERE
type_converters = dict(Number=parse_number, Unit=parse_unit)
parser = parse.Parser('test {:Unit}-{:Number}', type_converters)
self.assertRaises(error_class, parser.parse, 'test meter-10')
def test_with_pattern_and_regex_group_count_is_none(self):
# -- CORNER-CASE: Increase code-coverage.
data_values = dict(a=1, b=2)
def parse_data(text):
return data_values[text]
parse_data.regex_group_count = None # ENFORCE: None
# -- CASE: Unnamed-params
parser = parse.Parser('test {:Data}', {'Data': parse_data})
self.assert_fixed_match(parser, 'test a', (1,))
self.assert_fixed_match(parser, 'test b', (2,))
self.assert_fixed_mismatch(parser, 'test c')
# -- CASE: Named-params
parser2 = parse.Parser('test {value:Data}', {'Data': parse_data})
self.assert_match(parser2, 'test a', 'value', 1)
self.assert_match(parser2, 'test b', 'value', 2)
self.assert_mismatch(parser2, 'test c', 'value')
def test_case_sensitivity(self):
r = parse.parse('SPAM {} SPAM', 'spam spam spam')
self.assertEqual(r[0], 'spam')
self.assertEqual(parse.parse('SPAM {} SPAM', 'spam spam spam', case_sensitive=True), None)
def test_decimal_value(self):
value = Decimal('5.5')
str_ = 'test {}'.format(value)
parser = parse.Parser('test {:F}')
self.assertEqual(parser.parse(str_)[0], value)
def test_width_str(self):
res = parse.parse('{:.2}{:.2}', 'look')
self.assertEqual(res.fixed, ('lo', 'ok'))
res = parse.parse('{:2}{:2}', 'look')
self.assertEqual(res.fixed, ('lo', 'ok'))
res = parse.parse('{:4}{}', 'look at that')
self.assertEqual(res.fixed, ('look', ' at that'))
def test_width_constraints(self):
res = parse.parse('{:4}', 'looky')
self.assertEqual(res.fixed, ('looky', ))
res = parse.parse('{:4.4}', 'looky')
res = parse.parse('{:4.4}', 'ook')
res = parse.parse('{:4}{:.4}', 'look at that')
self.assertEqual(res.fixed, ('look at ', 'that'))
def test_width_multi_int(self):
res = parse.parse('{:02d}{:02d}', '0440')
self.assertEqual(res.fixed, (4, 40))
res = parse.parse('{:03d}{:d}', '04404')
self.assertEqual(res.fixed, (44, 4))
def test_width_empty_input(self):
res = parse.parse('{:.2}', '')
res = parse.parse('{:2}', 'l')
res = parse.parse('{:2d}', '')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Copyright (c) 2011 Inc (
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# vim: set filetype=python ts=4 sw=4 et si tw=75