blob: 68fc06a55ed321b4bfd83c68c317186cfe9840c9 [file] [log] [blame]
tasks/_vendor: Bundled vendor parts -- needed by tasks
This directory contains bundled archives that may be needed to run the tasks.
Especially, it contains an executable "" archive.
This archive can be used when invoke is not installed.
To execute invoke from the bundled ZIP archive::
python -m tasks/_vendor/ --help
python -m tasks/_vendor/ --version
Example for a local "bin/invoke" script in a UNIX like platform environment::
# RUN INVOKE: From bundled ZIP file.
HERE=$(dirname $0)
python ${HERE}/../tasks/_vendor/ $*
Example for a local "bin/invoke.cmd" script in a Windows environment::
@echo off
REM ==========================================================================
REM RUN INVOKE: From bundled ZIP file.
REM ==========================================================================
set HERE=%~dp0
if not defined PYTHON set PYTHON=python
%PYTHON% %HERE%../tasks/_vendor/ "%*"