Updated 'documentation'
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index e6c9de0..e6e9823 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -9,3 +9,25 @@
 >>> tmpl = Markup("<em>%s</em>")
 >>> tmpl % "Peter > Lustig"
 Markup(u'<em>Peter &gt; Lustig</em>')
+If you want to make an object unicode that is not yet unicode
+but don't want to lose the taint information, you can use the
+`soft_unicode` function:
+>>> from markupsafe import soft_unicode
+>>> soft_unicode(42)
+>>> soft_unicode(Markup('foo'))
+Objects can customize their HTML markup equivalent by overriding
+the `__html__` function:
+>>> class Foo(object):
+...  def __html__(self):
+...   return '<strong>Nice</strong>'
+>>> escape(Foo())
+>>> Markup(Foo())