blob: bfdcdb2197c3262211a49473aa9c966a29719553 [file] [log] [blame]
import asyncio
import pytest
from jinja2 import DictLoader
from jinja2 import Environment
from jinja2 import Template
from jinja2.asyncsupport import auto_aiter
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplatesNotFound
from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError
def run(coro):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
return loop.run_until_complete(coro)
def test_basic_async():
t = Template(
"{% for item in [1, 2, 3] %}[{{ item }}]{% endfor %}", enable_async=True
async def func():
return await t.render_async()
rv = run(func())
assert rv == "[1][2][3]"
def test_await_on_calls():
t = Template("{{ async_func() + normal_func() }}", enable_async=True)
async def async_func():
return 42
def normal_func():
return 23
async def func():
return await t.render_async(async_func=async_func, normal_func=normal_func)
rv = run(func())
assert rv == "65"
def test_await_on_calls_normal_render():
t = Template("{{ async_func() + normal_func() }}", enable_async=True)
async def async_func():
return 42
def normal_func():
return 23
rv = t.render(async_func=async_func, normal_func=normal_func)
assert rv == "65"
def test_await_and_macros():
t = Template(
"{% macro foo(x) %}[{{ x }}][{{ async_func() }}]{% endmacro %}{{ foo(42) }}",
async def async_func():
return 42
async def func():
return await t.render_async(async_func=async_func)
rv = run(func())
assert rv == "[42][42]"
def test_async_blocks():
t = Template(
"{% block foo %}<Test>{% endblock %}{{ }}",
async def func():
return await t.render_async()
rv = run(func())
assert rv == "<Test><Test>"
def test_async_generate():
t = Template("{% for x in [1, 2, 3] %}{{ x }}{% endfor %}", enable_async=True)
rv = list(t.generate())
assert rv == ["1", "2", "3"]
def test_async_iteration_in_templates():
t = Template("{% for x in rng %}{{ x }}{% endfor %}", enable_async=True)
async def async_iterator():
for item in [1, 2, 3]:
yield item
rv = list(t.generate(rng=async_iterator()))
assert rv == ["1", "2", "3"]
def test_async_iteration_in_templates_extended():
t = Template(
"{% for x in rng %}{{ loop.index0 }}/{{ x }}{% endfor %}", enable_async=True
stream = t.generate(rng=auto_aiter(range(1, 4)))
assert next(stream) == "0"
assert "".join(stream) == "/11/22/3"
def test_env_async():
env = Environment(
module="{% macro test() %}[{{ foo }}|{{ bar }}]{% endmacro %}",
header="[{{ foo }}|{{ 23 }}]",
o_printer="({{ o }})",
env.globals["bar"] = 23
return env
class TestAsyncImports:
def test_context_imports(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% import "module" as m %}{{ m.test() }}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string(
'{% import "module" as m without context %}{{ m.test() }}'
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string(
'{% import "module" as m with context %}{{ m.test() }}'
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[42|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% from "module" import test %}{{ test() }}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string(
'{% from "module" import test without context %}{{ test() }}'
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string(
'{% from "module" import test with context %}{{ test() }}'
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[42|23]"
def test_trailing_comma(self, test_env_async):
test_env_async.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, baz with context %}')
test_env_async.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, baz, with context %}')
test_env_async.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, with context %}')
test_env_async.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, with, context %}')
test_env_async.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, with with context %}')
def test_exports(self, test_env_async):
m = run(
{% macro toplevel() %}...{% endmacro %}
{% macro __private() %}...{% endmacro %}
{% set variable = 42 %}
{% for item in [1] %}
{% macro notthere() %}{% endmacro %}
{% endfor %}
assert run(m.toplevel()) == "..."
assert not hasattr(m, "__missing")
assert m.variable == 42
assert not hasattr(m, "notthere")
class TestAsyncIncludes:
def test_context_include(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% include "header" %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[42|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% include "header" with context %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[42|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% include "header" without context %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[|23]"
def test_choice_includes(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% include ["missing", "header"] %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[42|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string(
'{% include ["missing", "missing2"] ignore missing %}'
assert t.render(foo=42) == ""
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% include ["missing", "missing2"] %}')
pytest.raises(TemplateNotFound, t.render)
with pytest.raises(TemplatesNotFound) as e:
assert e.value.templates == ["missing", "missing2"]
assert == "missing2"
def test_includes(t, **ctx):
ctx["foo"] = 42
assert t.render(ctx) == "[42|23]"
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% include ["missing", "header"] %}')
t = test_env_async.from_string("{% include x %}")
test_includes(t, x=["missing", "header"])
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% include [x, "header"] %}')
test_includes(t, x="missing")
t = test_env_async.from_string("{% include x %}")
test_includes(t, x="header")
t = test_env_async.from_string("{% include x %}")
test_includes(t, x="header")
t = test_env_async.from_string("{% include [x] %}")
test_includes(t, x="header")
def test_include_ignoring_missing(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% include "missing" %}')
pytest.raises(TemplateNotFound, t.render)
for extra in "", "with context", "without context":
t = test_env_async.from_string(
'{% include "missing" ignore missing ' + extra + " %}"
assert t.render() == ""
def test_context_include_with_overrides(self, test_env_async):
env = Environment(
main="{% for item in [1, 2, 3] %}{% include 'item' %}{% endfor %}",
item="{{ item }}",
assert env.get_template("main").render() == "123"
def test_unoptimized_scopes(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
{% macro outer(o) %}
{% macro inner() %}
{% include "o_printer" %}
{% endmacro %}
{{ inner() }}
{% endmacro %}
{{ outer("FOO") }}
assert t.render().strip() == "(FOO)"
def test_unoptimized_scopes_autoescape(self):
env = Environment(
loader=DictLoader(dict(o_printer="({{ o }})",)),
t = env.from_string(
{% macro outer(o) %}
{% macro inner() %}
{% include "o_printer" %}
{% endmacro %}
{{ inner() }}
{% endmacro %}
{{ outer("FOO") }}
assert t.render().strip() == "(FOO)"
class TestAsyncForLoop:
def test_simple(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string("{% for item in seq %}{{ item }}{% endfor %}")
assert tmpl.render(seq=list(range(10))) == "0123456789"
def test_else(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for item in seq %}XXX{% else %}...{% endfor %}"
assert tmpl.render() == "..."
def test_empty_blocks(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"<{% for item in seq %}{% else %}{% endfor %}>"
assert tmpl.render() == "<>"
"transform", [lambda x: x, iter, reversed, lambda x: (i for i in x), auto_aiter]
def test_context_vars(self, test_env_async, transform):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for item in seq %}{{ loop.index }}|{{ loop.index0 }}"
"|{{ loop.revindex }}|{{ loop.revindex0 }}|{{ loop.first }}"
"|{{ loop.last }}|{{ loop.length }}\n{% endfor %}"
out = t.render(seq=transform([42, 24]))
assert out == "1|0|2|1|True|False|2\n2|1|1|0|False|True|2\n"
def test_cycling(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"""{% for item in seq %}{{
loop.cycle('<1>', '<2>') }}{% endfor %}{%
for item in seq %}{{ loop.cycle(*through) }}{% endfor %}"""
output = tmpl.render(seq=list(range(4)), through=("<1>", "<2>"))
assert output == "<1><2>" * 4
def test_lookaround(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"""{% for item in seq -%}
{{ loop.previtem|default('x') }}-{{ item }}-{{
loop.nextitem|default('x') }}|
{%- endfor %}"""
output = tmpl.render(seq=list(range(4)))
assert output == "x-0-1|0-1-2|1-2-3|2-3-x|"
def test_changed(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"""{% for item in seq -%}
{{ loop.changed(item) }},
{%- endfor %}"""
output = tmpl.render(seq=[None, None, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4])
assert output == "True,False,True,True,False,True,True,False,False,"
def test_scope(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string("{% for item in seq %}{% endfor %}{{ item }}")
output = tmpl.render(seq=list(range(10)))
assert not output
def test_varlen(self, test_env_async):
def inner():
yield from range(5)
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for item in iter %}{{ item }}{% endfor %}"
output = tmpl.render(iter=inner())
assert output == "01234"
def test_noniter(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string("{% for item in none %}...{% endfor %}")
pytest.raises(TypeError, tmpl.render)
def test_recursive(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"""{% for item in seq recursive -%}
[{{ item.a }}{% if item.b %}<{{ loop(item.b) }}>{% endif %}]
{%- endfor %}"""
assert (
dict(a=1, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=2, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=3, b=[dict(a="a")]),
== "[1<[1][2]>][2<[1][2]>][3<[a]>]"
def test_recursive_lookaround(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"""{% for item in seq recursive -%}
[{{ loop.previtem.a if loop.previtem is defined else 'x' }}.{{
item.a }}.{{ loop.nextitem.a if loop.nextitem is defined else 'x'
}}{% if item.b %}<{{ loop(item.b) }}>{% endif %}]
{%- endfor %}"""
assert (
dict(a=1, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=2, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=3, b=[dict(a="a")]),
== "[x.1.2<[x.1.2][1.2.x]>][1.2.3<[x.1.2][1.2.x]>][2.3.x<[x.a.x]>]"
def test_recursive_depth0(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for item in seq recursive %}[{{ loop.depth0 }}:{{ item.a }}"
"{% if item.b %}<{{ loop(item.b) }}>{% endif %}]{% endfor %}"
assert (
dict(a=1, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=2, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=3, b=[dict(a="a")]),
== "[0:1<[1:1][1:2]>][0:2<[1:1][1:2]>][0:3<[1:a]>]"
def test_recursive_depth(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for item in seq recursive %}[{{ loop.depth }}:{{ item.a }}"
"{% if item.b %}<{{ loop(item.b) }}>{% endif %}]{% endfor %}"
assert (
dict(a=1, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=2, b=[dict(a=1), dict(a=2)]),
dict(a=3, b=[dict(a="a")]),
== "[1:1<[2:1][2:2]>][1:2<[2:1][2:2]>][1:3<[2:a]>]"
def test_looploop(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"""{% for row in table %}
{%- set rowloop = loop -%}
{% for cell in row -%}
[{{ rowloop.index }}|{{ loop.index }}]
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}"""
assert tmpl.render(table=["ab", "cd"]) == "[1|1][1|2][2|1][2|2]"
def test_reversed_bug(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for i in items %}{{ i }}"
"{% if not loop.last %}"
",{% endif %}{% endfor %}"
assert tmpl.render(items=reversed([3, 2, 1])) == "1,2,3"
def test_loop_errors(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"""{% for item in [1] if loop.index
== 0 %}...{% endfor %}"""
pytest.raises(UndefinedError, tmpl.render)
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"""{% for item in [] %}...{% else
%}{{ loop }}{% endfor %}"""
assert tmpl.render() == ""
def test_loop_filter(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for item in range(10) if item is even %}[{{ item }}]{% endfor %}"
assert tmpl.render() == "[0][2][4][6][8]"
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
{%- for item in range(10) if item is even %}[{{
loop.index }}:{{ item }}]{% endfor %}"""
assert tmpl.render() == "[1:0][2:2][3:4][4:6][5:8]"
def test_scoped_special_var(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for s in seq %}[{{ loop.first }}{% for c in s %}"
"|{{ loop.first }}{% endfor %}]{% endfor %}"
assert t.render(seq=("ab", "cd")) == "[True|True|False][False|True|False]"
def test_scoped_loop_var(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for x in seq %}{{ loop.first }}"
"{% for y in seq %}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}"
assert t.render(seq="ab") == "TrueFalse"
t = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for x in seq %}{% for y in seq %}"
"{{ loop.first }}{% endfor %}{% endfor %}"
assert t.render(seq="ab") == "TrueFalseTrueFalse"
def test_recursive_empty_loop_iter(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
{%- for item in foo recursive -%}{%- endfor -%}
assert t.render(dict(foo=[])) == ""
def test_call_in_loop(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
{%- macro do_something() -%}
[{{ caller() }}]
{%- endmacro %}
{%- for i in [1, 2, 3] %}
{%- call do_something() -%}
{{ i }}
{%- endcall %}
{%- endfor -%}
assert t.render() == "[1][2][3]"
def test_scoping_bug(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
{%- for item in foo %}...{{ item }}...{% endfor %}
{%- macro item(a) %}...{{ a }}...{% endmacro %}
{{- item(2) -}}
assert t.render(foo=(1,)) == "...1......2..."
def test_unpacking(self, test_env_async):
tmpl = test_env_async.from_string(
"{% for a, b, c in [[1, 2, 3]] %}{{ a }}|{{ b }}|{{ c }}{% endfor %}"
assert tmpl.render() == "1|2|3"
def test_recursive_loop_filter(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
{%- for page in [site.root] if page.url != this recursive %}
<url><loc>{{ page.url }}</loc></url>
{{- loop(page.children) }}
{%- endfor %}
sm = t.render(
site={"root": {"url": "/", "children": [{"url": "/foo"}, {"url": "/bar"}]}},
lines = [x.strip() for x in sm.splitlines() if x.strip()]
assert lines == [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
'<urlset xmlns="">',
def test_nonrecursive_loop_filter(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string(
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
{%- for page in items if page.url != this %}
<url><loc>{{ page.url }}</loc></url>
{%- endfor %}
sm = t.render(
this="/foo", items=[{"url": "/"}, {"url": "/foo"}, {"url": "/bar"}]
lines = [x.strip() for x in sm.splitlines() if x.strip()]
assert lines == [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
'<urlset xmlns="">',
def test_bare_async(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string('{% extends "header" %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == "[42|23]"
def test_awaitable_property_slicing(self, test_env_async):
t = test_env_async.from_string("{% for x in a.b[:1] %}{{ x }}{% endfor %}")
assert t.render(a=dict(b=[1, 2, 3])) == "1"
def test_namespace_awaitable(test_env_async):
async def _test():
t = test_env_async.from_string(
'{% set ns = namespace(foo="Bar") %}{{ }}'
actual = await t.render_async()
assert actual == "Bar"