blob: 3ad4914423c889465dd8cd5f32fd4de5578c2b90 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _jinja-extensions:
.. module:: jinja2.ext
Jinja2 supports extensions that can add extra filters, tests, globals or even
extend the parser. The main motivation of extensions is it to move often used
code into a reusable class like adding support for internationalization.
Adding Extensions
Extensions are added to the Jinja2 environment at creation time. Once the
environment is created additional extensions cannot be added. To add an
extension pass a list of extension classes or import paths to the
`environment` parameter of the :class:`Environment` constructor. The following
example creates a Jinja2 environment with the i18n extension loaded::
jinja_env = Environment(extensions=['jinja.ext.i18n'])
Built-in Extensions
.. _i18n-extension:
The i18n extension can be used in combination with `gettext`_ or `babel`_.
If the i18n extension is enabled Jinja2 provides a `trans` statement that
marks the wrapped string as translatable and calls `gettext`.
After enabling dummy `_`, `gettext` and `ngettext` functions are added to
the template globals. A internationalized application has to override those
methods with more useful versions.
For a web application that is available in multiple languages but gives all
the users the same language (for example a multilingual forum software
installed for a French community) may load the translations once and add the
translation methods to the environment at environment generation time::
translations = get_gettext_translations()
env = Environment(extensions=['jinja.ext.i18n'])
The `get_gettext_translations` function would return the translator for the
current configuration. Keep in mind that Jinja2 uses unicode internally so
you must pass the `ugettext` and `ungettext` functions to the template.
The default `_` function injected by the extension calls `gettext`
If you want to pass the gettext function into the context at render time
because you don't know the language/translations earlier and the optimizer
is enabled (which it is per default), you have to unregister the `gettext`
and `ugettext` functions first::
del env.globals['gettext'], env.globals['ugettext']
Jinja2 also provides a way to extract recognized strings. For one the
`jinja.ext` module provides a function that can return all the occurences
of gettext calls in a node (as returned by :meth:`Environment.parse`):
.. autofunction:: extract_from_ast
If `babel`_ is installed :ref:`the babel integration <babel-integration>`
can be used to.
The usage of the `i18n` extension for template designers is covered as part
:ref:`of the template documentation <i18n-in-templates>`.
.. _gettext:
.. _babel:
.. _writing-extensions:
Writing Extensions