blob: b8d784bd187eccef7ac8dfeacf4bc188896ae7a5 [file] [log] [blame]
# test file for block super support
import jdebug
from jinja2 import Environment, DictLoader
env = Environment(loader=DictLoader({
'a': '''\
<title>{{ title|e }}</title>
{% block body %}Default{% endblock %}
'b': '''
{% set foo = 42 %}
'c': '''
{% extends 'a' %}
{% if true %}
{% set title = "foo" %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'b' %}
{% include 'tools' %}
{% block body %}
hehe, this comes from b: {{ foo }}
Say hello to the former block content:
{{ say_hello(super()) }}
{% endblock %}
'tools': '''
{% macro say_hello name -%}
Hello {{ name }}!
{%- endmacro %}
tmpl = env.get_template('c')
print tmpl.render()