Register custom test category markers.

Since around pytest 3.6 it's been possible to register custom
markers, and since version 4.5.0 pytest warns about any which
are not registered. Register a list of such markers, extracted
from those warnings, so they don't clutter the test output.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 04ac784..107659b 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -16,12 +16,54 @@
 from jinja2 import Environment
-def pytest_ignore_collect(path, config):
+def pytest_ignore_collect(path):
     if 'async' in path.basename and not have_async_gen:
         return True
     return False
+def pytest_configure(config):
+    '''Register custom marks for test categories.'''
+    custom_markers = [
+        'api',
+        'byte_code_cache',
+        'core_tags',
+        'debug',
+        'escapeUrlizeTarget',
+        'ext',
+        'extended',
+        'filter',
+        'for_loop',
+        'helpers',
+        'if_condition',
+        'imports',
+        'includes',
+        'inheritance',
+        'lexer',
+        'lexnparse',
+        'loaders',
+        'lowlevel',
+        'lrucache',
+        'lstripblocks',
+        'macros',
+        'meta',
+        'moduleloader',
+        'parser',
+        'regression',
+        'sandbox',
+        'set',
+        'streaming',
+        'syntax',
+        'test_tests',
+        'tokenstream',
+        'undefined',
+        'utils',
+        'with_',
+    ]
+    for mark in custom_markers:
+        config.addinivalue_line('markers', mark + ': test category')
 def env():
     '''returns a new environment.