blob: 68a53835e8b4f2844b72c222d6e049bd6ef99adb [file] [log] [blame]
Jinja Changelog
Version 1.1
(codename to be selected, release date unknown)
- blocks now support ``{{ super() }}`` to render the parent output.
- debugging system improved, smaller filesize for the cached files.
Debugging works now well for any module using linecache.
- ``{{ debug() }}`` can now be used to get a list of filters and
- the template lexer keeps not track of brace, parenthesis and
bracket balance in order to not break variable tags apart if they
are configured to look like this: ``${expr}``. This also fixes
the problem with nested dicts in variable expressions.
- added whitespace management system for the template designer.
- some small bugfixes.
- improved security system regarding function calls and variable
assignment in for loops.
- added `lipsum` function to generate random text.
- strings without unicode characters are processed as binary strings now
to workaround problems with `datetime.strftime` which only accepts
binary strings.
- it's now possible to use newlines in string literals
- developer friendly traceback is now toggleable
- silent variable name failure is now toggleable
- fixed issue with old-style classes not implementing `__getitem__`
(thanks to Axel Böhm for discovering that bug)
- added a bunch of new docstrings to the Jinja classes. Makes fun now to
use pydoc :-)
- fixed severe memcaching bug. Formerly it wasn't possible to use memcaching
without enabling disk cache.
- fixed a bug that allowed users to override the special names `_`, `true` etc.
- added `batch` and `slice` filters for batching or slicing sequences
- added `sum`, `abs` and `round` filters. This fixes #238
- added `striptags` and `xmlattr` filters for easier SGML/XML processing
- the trans tag does not need explicit naming for variables with the same
name any more. You can now use ``{% trans foo %}`` instead of the verbose
version ``{% trans foo=foo %}``.
- reimplemented Buffet plugin so that it works at least for pylons
- added `Environment.get_translations_for_string`
- fixed a bug in the parser that didn't unescape keyword arguments. (thanks
to Alexey Melchakov for reporting)
- You can now use the environment to just tokenize a template. This can
be useful for syntax highlighting or other purposes.
- added optional c-implementation of the context baseclass.
- implemented `{% call %}` - unsure if this makes it into the final release.
Version 1.0
(released Mar 23, 2007)
- Initial release