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<% extends 'layout/base.tmpl' %>
<% set title = 'FAQ' %>
<% set active_page = 'faq' %>
<% block content %>
<h1>Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
Here a list of frequently asked questions.
<h2>Why the Name?</h2>
The name Jinja was chosen because it's the name of a Japanese temple and
temple and template share a similar pronunciation.
<h2>How fast is it?</h2>
I really hate benchmarks especially since they don't reflect much. The
performance of a template depends on many factors and you would have to
benchmark different engines in differen situations. However Jinja isn't
slow. The benchmarks from the testsuite show that Jinja is about twice
as fast as Django templates and about three times as slow as
<a href="">mako</a>. That's not bad for a
sandboxed template engine that has to sanitize template input on the fly.
If you really need the best performance of a template engine consider
using mako.
<h2>What happened to Jinja &lt; 1?</h2>
Before Jinja 1 there was a template engine too with the same name. Beside
the name and the same maintainer those two projects don't share a single
line of code. If you have an application using Jinja &lt; 1 you should try
to make it Jinja 1 compatible. If that's not possible, the old project is
still available as
<a href="">0.9-maint</a>
in the Jinja subversion repository.
<h2>Why should I use Jinja?</h2>
There are dozens of template engines for Python, many of them try to
achieve different things. If you are looking for a XML based template
engine have a look at <a href="">genshi</a>,
if you want a bleezing fast template engine with the full range of
python constructs have a look at mako. If you want sandboxed templates
you probably want to check out Jinja.
<% endblock %>