blob: f444f0075abef78ddd06f530fe251701ee1ec4e3 [file] [log] [blame]
Here are some typical recipes for the usage of Jinja templates.
Alternating Rows
If you want to have different styles for each row of a table or
list you can use the ``cycle`` tag:
.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
{% for row in sequence %}
<li class="{% cycle 'even', 'odd' %}">{{ row|e }}</li>
{% endfor %}
``cycle`` can take an unlimited amount of strings. Each time this
tag is encountered the next item from the list is rendered.
If you pass it just one argument it's meant to be a sequence.
Active Menu Item
Often you want to have a navigation bar with an active navigation
item. This is really simple to achieve. Because ``set`` tags outside
of ``blocks`` are global you can do something like this:
.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
{% set navigation_bar = [
('/', 'index', 'Index'),
('/downloads/', 'downloads', 'Downloads'),
('/about/', 'about', 'About')
] %}
<ul id="navigation">
{% for href, id, caption in navigation_bar %}
<li{% if id == active_page %} class="active"{% endif
%}><a href="{{ href|e }}">{{ caption|e }}</a>/li>
{% endfor %}
.. sourcecode:: jinja
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% set active_page = "index" %}