blob: 92a8f8c38ec836f5d806003a9e07cc56aa0f0132 [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1><a href="playmoviespartner_v1.html">Google Play Movies Partner API</a> . <a href="playmoviespartner_v1.accounts.html">accounts</a> . <a href="playmoviespartner_v1.accounts.avails.html">avails</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#get">get(accountId, availId, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Get an Avail given its avail group id and avail id.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#list">list(accountId, pphNames=None, pageSize=None, territories=None, altIds=None, x__xgafv=None, title=None, studioNames=None, pageToken=None, videoIds=None, altId=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">List Avails owned or managed by the partner. See _Authentication and Authorization rules_ and _List methods rules_ for more information about this method.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="get">get(accountId, availId, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Get an Avail given its avail group id and avail id.
accountId: string, REQUIRED. See _General rules_ for more information about this field. (required)
availId: string, REQUIRED. Avail ID. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
An object of the form:
{ # An Avail describes the Availability Window of a specific Edit in a given country, which means the period Google is allowed to sell or rent the Edit. Avails are exposed in EMA format Version 1.6b (available at Studios can see the Avails for the Titles they own. Post-production houses cannot see any Avails.
"pphNames": [ # Name of the post-production houses that manage the Avail. Not part of EMA Specs.
"A String",
"licenseType": "A String", # Type of transaction.
"captionIncluded": True or False, # Communicating if caption file will be delivered.
"releaseDate": "A String", # Release date of the Title in earliest released territory. Typically it is just the year, but it is free-form as per EMA spec. Examples: "1979", "Oct 2014"
"episodeAltId": "A String", # Other identifier referring to the episode, as defined by partner. Only available on TV avails. Example: "rs_googlers_s1_3".
"episodeTitleInternalAlias": "A String", # OPTIONAL.TV Only. Title used by involved parties to refer to this episode. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "Coding at Google".
"availId": "A String", # ID internally generated by Google to uniquely identify an Avail. Not part of EMA Specs.
"end": "A String", # End of term in YYYY-MM-DD format in the timezone of the country of the Avail. "Open" if no end date is available. Example: "2019-02-17"
"altId": "A String", # Other identifier referring to the Edit, as defined by partner. Example: "GOOGLER_2006"
"seriesAltId": "A String", # Other identifier referring to the series, as defined by partner. Only available on TV avails. Example: "rs_googlers".
"start": "A String", # Start of term in YYYY-MM-DD format in the timezone of the country of the Avail. Example: "2013-05-14".
"titleInternalAlias": "A String", # Title used by involved parties to refer to this content. Example: "Googlers, The". Only available on Movie Avails.
"seasonTitleInternalAlias": "A String", # Title used by involved parties to refer to this season. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "Googlers, The".
"territory": "A String", # ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the country or territory of this Avail. For Avails, we use Territory in lieu of Country to comply with EMA specifications. But please note that Territory and Country identify the same thing. Example: "US".
"productId": "A String", # Edit Identifier. This should be the Edit Level EIDR. Example: "10.2340/1489-49A2-3956-4B2D-FE16-6"
"storeLanguage": "A String", # Spoken language of the intended audience. Language shall be encoded in accordance with RFC 5646. Example: "fr".
"seasonNumber": "A String", # The number assigned to the season within a series. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "1".
"episodeNumber": "A String", # The number assigned to the episode within a season. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "3".
"formatProfile": "A String", # Indicates the format profile covered by the transaction.
"priceValue": "A String", # Value to be applied to the pricing type. Example: "4" or "2.99"
"videoId": "A String", # Google-generated ID identifying the video linked to this Avail, once delivered. Not part of EMA Specs. Example: 'gtry456_xc'
"ratingReason": "A String", # Value representing the rating reason. Rating reasons should be formatted as per [EMA ratings spec]( and comma-separated for inclusion of multiple reasons. Example: "L, S, V"
"captionExemption": "A String", # Communicating an exempt category as defined by FCC regulations. It is not required for non-US Avails. Example: "1"
"workType": "A String", # Work type as enumerated in EMA.
"ratingValue": "A String", # Value representing the rating. Ratings should be formatted as per Example: "PG"
"displayName": "A String", # The name of the studio that owns the Edit referred in the Avail. This is the equivalent of `studio_name` in other resources, but it follows the EMA nomenclature. Example: "Google Films".
"seasonAltId": "A String", # Other identifier referring to the season, as defined by partner. Only available on TV avails. Example: "rs_googlers_s1".
"contentId": "A String", # Title Identifier. This should be the Title Level EIDR. Example: "10.5240/1489-49A2-3956-4B2D-FE16-5".
"ratingSystem": "A String", # Rating system applied to the version of title within territory of Avail. Rating systems should be formatted as per [EMA ratings spec]( Example: "MPAA"
"encodeId": "A String", # Manifestation Identifier. This should be the Manifestation Level EIDR. Example: "10.2340/1489-49A2-3956-4B2D-FE16-7"
"seriesTitleInternalAlias": "A String", # Title used by involved parties to refer to this series. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "Googlers, The".
"suppressionLiftDate": "A String", # First date an Edit could be publically announced as becoming available at a specific future date in territory of Avail. *Not* the Avail start date or pre-order start date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. Only available for pre-orders. Example: "2012-12-10"
"priceType": "A String", # Type of pricing that should be applied to this Avail based on how the partner classify them. Example: "Tier", "WSP", "SRP", or "Category".
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="list">list(accountId, pphNames=None, pageSize=None, territories=None, altIds=None, x__xgafv=None, title=None, studioNames=None, pageToken=None, videoIds=None, altId=None)</code>
<pre>List Avails owned or managed by the partner. See _Authentication and Authorization rules_ and _List methods rules_ for more information about this method.
accountId: string, REQUIRED. See _General rules_ for more information about this field. (required)
pphNames: string, See _List methods rules_ for info about this field. (repeated)
pageSize: integer, See _List methods rules_ for info about this field.
territories: string, Filter Avails that match (case-insensitive) any of the given country codes, using the "ISO 3166-1 alpha-2" format (examples: "US", "us", "Us"). (repeated)
altIds: string, Filter Avails that match (case-insensitive) any of the given partner-specific custom ids. (repeated)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
title: string, Filter that matches Avails with a `title_internal_alias`, `series_title_internal_alias`, `season_title_internal_alias`, or `episode_title_internal_alias` that contains the given case-insensitive title.
studioNames: string, See _List methods rules_ for info about this field. (repeated)
pageToken: string, See _List methods rules_ for info about this field.
videoIds: string, Filter Avails that match any of the given `video_id`s. (repeated)
altId: string, Filter Avails that match a case-insensitive, partner-specific custom id. NOTE: this field is deprecated and will be removed on V2; `alt_ids` should be used instead.
An object of the form:
{ # Response to the 'ListAvails' method.
"nextPageToken": "A String", # See _List methods rules_ for info about this field.
"totalSize": 42, # See _List methods rules_ for more information about this field.
"avails": [ # List of Avails that match the request criteria.
{ # An Avail describes the Availability Window of a specific Edit in a given country, which means the period Google is allowed to sell or rent the Edit. Avails are exposed in EMA format Version 1.6b (available at Studios can see the Avails for the Titles they own. Post-production houses cannot see any Avails.
"pphNames": [ # Name of the post-production houses that manage the Avail. Not part of EMA Specs.
"A String",
"licenseType": "A String", # Type of transaction.
"captionIncluded": True or False, # Communicating if caption file will be delivered.
"releaseDate": "A String", # Release date of the Title in earliest released territory. Typically it is just the year, but it is free-form as per EMA spec. Examples: "1979", "Oct 2014"
"episodeAltId": "A String", # Other identifier referring to the episode, as defined by partner. Only available on TV avails. Example: "rs_googlers_s1_3".
"episodeTitleInternalAlias": "A String", # OPTIONAL.TV Only. Title used by involved parties to refer to this episode. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "Coding at Google".
"availId": "A String", # ID internally generated by Google to uniquely identify an Avail. Not part of EMA Specs.
"end": "A String", # End of term in YYYY-MM-DD format in the timezone of the country of the Avail. "Open" if no end date is available. Example: "2019-02-17"
"altId": "A String", # Other identifier referring to the Edit, as defined by partner. Example: "GOOGLER_2006"
"seriesAltId": "A String", # Other identifier referring to the series, as defined by partner. Only available on TV avails. Example: "rs_googlers".
"start": "A String", # Start of term in YYYY-MM-DD format in the timezone of the country of the Avail. Example: "2013-05-14".
"titleInternalAlias": "A String", # Title used by involved parties to refer to this content. Example: "Googlers, The". Only available on Movie Avails.
"seasonTitleInternalAlias": "A String", # Title used by involved parties to refer to this season. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "Googlers, The".
"territory": "A String", # ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code for the country or territory of this Avail. For Avails, we use Territory in lieu of Country to comply with EMA specifications. But please note that Territory and Country identify the same thing. Example: "US".
"productId": "A String", # Edit Identifier. This should be the Edit Level EIDR. Example: "10.2340/1489-49A2-3956-4B2D-FE16-6"
"storeLanguage": "A String", # Spoken language of the intended audience. Language shall be encoded in accordance with RFC 5646. Example: "fr".
"seasonNumber": "A String", # The number assigned to the season within a series. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "1".
"episodeNumber": "A String", # The number assigned to the episode within a season. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "3".
"formatProfile": "A String", # Indicates the format profile covered by the transaction.
"priceValue": "A String", # Value to be applied to the pricing type. Example: "4" or "2.99"
"videoId": "A String", # Google-generated ID identifying the video linked to this Avail, once delivered. Not part of EMA Specs. Example: 'gtry456_xc'
"ratingReason": "A String", # Value representing the rating reason. Rating reasons should be formatted as per [EMA ratings spec]( and comma-separated for inclusion of multiple reasons. Example: "L, S, V"
"captionExemption": "A String", # Communicating an exempt category as defined by FCC regulations. It is not required for non-US Avails. Example: "1"
"workType": "A String", # Work type as enumerated in EMA.
"ratingValue": "A String", # Value representing the rating. Ratings should be formatted as per Example: "PG"
"displayName": "A String", # The name of the studio that owns the Edit referred in the Avail. This is the equivalent of `studio_name` in other resources, but it follows the EMA nomenclature. Example: "Google Films".
"seasonAltId": "A String", # Other identifier referring to the season, as defined by partner. Only available on TV avails. Example: "rs_googlers_s1".
"contentId": "A String", # Title Identifier. This should be the Title Level EIDR. Example: "10.5240/1489-49A2-3956-4B2D-FE16-5".
"ratingSystem": "A String", # Rating system applied to the version of title within territory of Avail. Rating systems should be formatted as per [EMA ratings spec]( Example: "MPAA"
"encodeId": "A String", # Manifestation Identifier. This should be the Manifestation Level EIDR. Example: "10.2340/1489-49A2-3956-4B2D-FE16-7"
"seriesTitleInternalAlias": "A String", # Title used by involved parties to refer to this series. Only available on TV Avails. Example: "Googlers, The".
"suppressionLiftDate": "A String", # First date an Edit could be publically announced as becoming available at a specific future date in territory of Avail. *Not* the Avail start date or pre-order start date. Format is YYYY-MM-DD. Only available for pre-orders. Example: "2012-12-10"
"priceType": "A String", # Type of pricing that should be applied to this Avail based on how the partner classify them. Example: "Tier", "WSP", "SRP", or "Category".
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
<pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.