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<h1><a href="orkut_v2.html">Orkut API</a> . <a href="orkut_v2.communityFollow.html">communityFollow</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#delete">delete(communityId, userId)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Removes a user from the followers of a community.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#insert">insert(communityId, userId)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Adds a user as a follower of a community.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="delete">delete(communityId, userId)</code>
<pre>Removes a user from the followers of a community.
communityId: integer, ID of the community. (required)
userId: string, ID of the user. (required)
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="insert">insert(communityId, userId)</code>
<pre>Adds a user as a follower of a community.
communityId: integer, ID of the community. (required)
userId: string, ID of the user. (required)
An object of the form:
"communityMembershipStatus": { # Status and permissions of the user related to the community.
"status": "A String", # The status of the current link between the community and the user.
"isFollowing": True or False, # Whether the user is following this community.
"isRestoreAvailable": True or False, # Whether the restore operation is available for the community.
"isModerator": True or False, # Whether the session user is a community moderator.
"kind": "orkut#communityMembershipStatus", # Kind of this item. Always orkut#communityMembershipStatus.
"isCoOwner": True or False, # Whether the session user is a community co-owner.
"canCreatePoll": True or False, # Whether the user can create a poll in this community.
"canShout": True or False, # Whether the user can perform a shout operation in this community.
"isOwner": True or False, # Whether the session user is the community owner.
"canCreateTopic": True or False, # Whether the user can create a topic in this community.
"isTakebackAvailable": True or False, # Whether the take-back operation is available for the community.
"person": { # Description of the community member.
"name": { # An object that encapsulates the individual components of a person's name.
"givenName": "A String", # The given name (first name) of this person.
"familyName": "A String", # The family name (last name) of this person.
"url": "A String", # The person's profile url. This is adapted from Google+ and was originaly introduced as extra OpenSocial convenience fields.
"gender": "A String", # The person's gender. Values include "male", "female", and "other".
"image": { # The person's profile photo. This is adapted from Google+ and was originaly introduced as extra OpenSocial convenience fields.
"url": "A String", # The URL of the person's profile photo.
"birthday": "A String", # The person's date of birth, represented as YYYY-MM-DD.
"id": "A String", # The person's opensocial ID.
"kind": "orkut#communityMembers", # Kind of this item. Always orkut#communityMembers.