blob: 4949fcd3975b8fb54864ab969f71faa69999d30c [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1><a href="coordinate_v1.html">Google Maps Coordinate API</a> . <a href="">jobs</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#get">get(teamId, jobId)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Retrieves a job, including all the changes made to the job.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#insert">insert(teamId, address, lat, lng, title, body, customerName=None, assignee=None, customerPhoneNumber=None, note=None, customField=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Inserts a new job. Only the state field of the job should be set.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#list">list(teamId, pageToken=None, minModifiedTimestampMs=None, maxResults=None, omitJobChanges=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Retrieves jobs created or modified since the given timestamp.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#patch">patch(teamId, jobId, body, customerName=None, assignee=None, customerPhoneNumber=None, lng=None, note=None, title=None, progress=None, address=None, lat=None, customField=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Updates a job. Fields that are set in the job state will be updated. This method supports patch semantics.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#update">update(teamId, jobId, body, customerName=None, assignee=None, customerPhoneNumber=None, lng=None, note=None, title=None, progress=None, address=None, lat=None, customField=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Updates a job. Fields that are set in the job state will be updated.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="get">get(teamId, jobId)</code>
<pre>Retrieves a job, including all the changes made to the job.
teamId: string, Team ID (required)
jobId: string, Job number (required)
An object of the form:
{ # A job.
"kind": "coordinate#job", # Identifies this object as a job.
"jobChange": [ # List of job changes since it was created. The first change corresponds to the state of the job when it was created.
{ # Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
"timestamp": "A String", # Time at which this change was applied.
"kind": "coordinate#jobChange", # Identifies this object as a job change.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Change applied to the job. Only the fields that were changed are set.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"id": "A String", # Job id.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Current job state.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="insert">insert(teamId, address, lat, lng, title, body, customerName=None, assignee=None, customerPhoneNumber=None, note=None, customField=None)</code>
<pre>Inserts a new job. Only the state field of the job should be set.
teamId: string, Team ID (required)
address: string, Job address as newline (Unix) separated string (required)
lat: number, The latitude coordinate of this job's location. (required)
lng: number, The longitude coordinate of this job's location. (required)
title: string, Job title (required)
body: object, The request body. (required)
The object takes the form of:
{ # A job.
"kind": "coordinate#job", # Identifies this object as a job.
"jobChange": [ # List of job changes since it was created. The first change corresponds to the state of the job when it was created.
{ # Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
"timestamp": "A String", # Time at which this change was applied.
"kind": "coordinate#jobChange", # Identifies this object as a job change.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Change applied to the job. Only the fields that were changed are set.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"id": "A String", # Job id.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Current job state.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
customerName: string, Customer name
assignee: string, Assignee email address, or empty string to unassign.
customerPhoneNumber: string, Customer phone number
note: string, Job note as newline (Unix) separated string
customField: string, Sets the value of custom fields. To set a custom field, pass the field id (from /team/teamId/custom_fields), a URL escaped '=' character, and the desired value as a parameter. For example, customField=12%3DAlice. Repeat the parameter for each custom field. Note that '=' cannot appear in the parameter value. Specifying an invalid, or inactive enum field will result in an error 500. (repeated)
An object of the form:
{ # A job.
"kind": "coordinate#job", # Identifies this object as a job.
"jobChange": [ # List of job changes since it was created. The first change corresponds to the state of the job when it was created.
{ # Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
"timestamp": "A String", # Time at which this change was applied.
"kind": "coordinate#jobChange", # Identifies this object as a job change.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Change applied to the job. Only the fields that were changed are set.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"id": "A String", # Job id.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Current job state.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="list">list(teamId, pageToken=None, minModifiedTimestampMs=None, maxResults=None, omitJobChanges=None)</code>
<pre>Retrieves jobs created or modified since the given timestamp.
teamId: string, Team ID (required)
pageToken: string, Continuation token
minModifiedTimestampMs: string, Minimum time a job was modified in milliseconds since epoch.
maxResults: integer, Maximum number of results to return in one page.
omitJobChanges: boolean, Whether to omit detail job history information.
An object of the form:
{ # Response from a List Jobs request.
"nextPageToken": "A String", # A token to provide to get the next page of results.
"items": [ # Jobs in the collection.
{ # A job.
"kind": "coordinate#job", # Identifies this object as a job.
"jobChange": [ # List of job changes since it was created. The first change corresponds to the state of the job when it was created.
{ # Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
"timestamp": "A String", # Time at which this change was applied.
"kind": "coordinate#jobChange", # Identifies this object as a job change.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Change applied to the job. Only the fields that were changed are set.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"id": "A String", # Job id.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Current job state.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"kind": "coordinate#jobList", # Identifies this object as a list of jobs.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
<pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="patch">patch(teamId, jobId, body, customerName=None, assignee=None, customerPhoneNumber=None, lng=None, note=None, title=None, progress=None, address=None, lat=None, customField=None)</code>
<pre>Updates a job. Fields that are set in the job state will be updated. This method supports patch semantics.
teamId: string, Team ID (required)
jobId: string, Job number (required)
body: object, The request body. (required)
The object takes the form of:
{ # A job.
"kind": "coordinate#job", # Identifies this object as a job.
"jobChange": [ # List of job changes since it was created. The first change corresponds to the state of the job when it was created.
{ # Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
"timestamp": "A String", # Time at which this change was applied.
"kind": "coordinate#jobChange", # Identifies this object as a job change.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Change applied to the job. Only the fields that were changed are set.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"id": "A String", # Job id.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Current job state.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
customerName: string, Customer name
assignee: string, Assignee email address, or empty string to unassign.
customerPhoneNumber: string, Customer phone number
lng: number, The longitude coordinate of this job's location.
note: string, Job note as newline (Unix) separated string
title: string, Job title
progress: string, Job progress
Allowed values
COMPLETED - Completed
IN_PROGRESS - In progress
NOT_ACCEPTED - Not accepted
NOT_STARTED - Not started
OBSOLETE - Obsolete
address: string, Job address as newline (Unix) separated string
lat: number, The latitude coordinate of this job's location.
customField: string, Sets the value of custom fields. To set a custom field, pass the field id (from /team/teamId/custom_fields), a URL escaped '=' character, and the desired value as a parameter. For example, customField=12%3DAlice. Repeat the parameter for each custom field. Note that '=' cannot appear in the parameter value. Specifying an invalid, or inactive enum field will result in an error 500. (repeated)
An object of the form:
{ # A job.
"kind": "coordinate#job", # Identifies this object as a job.
"jobChange": [ # List of job changes since it was created. The first change corresponds to the state of the job when it was created.
{ # Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
"timestamp": "A String", # Time at which this change was applied.
"kind": "coordinate#jobChange", # Identifies this object as a job change.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Change applied to the job. Only the fields that were changed are set.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"id": "A String", # Job id.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Current job state.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="update">update(teamId, jobId, body, customerName=None, assignee=None, customerPhoneNumber=None, lng=None, note=None, title=None, progress=None, address=None, lat=None, customField=None)</code>
<pre>Updates a job. Fields that are set in the job state will be updated.
teamId: string, Team ID (required)
jobId: string, Job number (required)
body: object, The request body. (required)
The object takes the form of:
{ # A job.
"kind": "coordinate#job", # Identifies this object as a job.
"jobChange": [ # List of job changes since it was created. The first change corresponds to the state of the job when it was created.
{ # Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
"timestamp": "A String", # Time at which this change was applied.
"kind": "coordinate#jobChange", # Identifies this object as a job change.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Change applied to the job. Only the fields that were changed are set.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"id": "A String", # Job id.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Current job state.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
customerName: string, Customer name
assignee: string, Assignee email address, or empty string to unassign.
customerPhoneNumber: string, Customer phone number
lng: number, The longitude coordinate of this job's location.
note: string, Job note as newline (Unix) separated string
title: string, Job title
progress: string, Job progress
Allowed values
COMPLETED - Completed
IN_PROGRESS - In progress
NOT_ACCEPTED - Not accepted
NOT_STARTED - Not started
OBSOLETE - Obsolete
address: string, Job address as newline (Unix) separated string
lat: number, The latitude coordinate of this job's location.
customField: string, Sets the value of custom fields. To set a custom field, pass the field id (from /team/teamId/custom_fields), a URL escaped '=' character, and the desired value as a parameter. For example, customField=12%3DAlice. Repeat the parameter for each custom field. Note that '=' cannot appear in the parameter value. Specifying an invalid, or inactive enum field will result in an error 500. (repeated)
An object of the form:
{ # A job.
"kind": "coordinate#job", # Identifies this object as a job.
"jobChange": [ # List of job changes since it was created. The first change corresponds to the state of the job when it was created.
{ # Change to a job. For example assigning the job to a different worker.
"timestamp": "A String", # Time at which this change was applied.
"kind": "coordinate#jobChange", # Identifies this object as a job change.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Change applied to the job. Only the fields that were changed are set.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.
"id": "A String", # Job id.
"state": { # Current state of a job. # Current job state.
"kind": "coordinate#jobState", # Identifies this object as a job state.
"customerName": "A String", # Customer name.
"title": "A String", # Job title.
"note": [ # Note added to the job.
"A String",
"assignee": "A String", # Email address of the assignee, or the string "DELETED_USER" if the account is no longer available.
"customerPhoneNumber": "A String", # Customer phone number.
"location": { # Location of a job. # Job location.
"lat": 3.14, # Latitude.
"kind": "coordinate#location", # Identifies this object as a location.
"addressLine": [ # Address.
"A String",
"lng": 3.14, # Longitude.
"progress": "A String", # Job progress.
"customFields": { # Collection of custom fields. # Custom fields.
"kind": "coordinate#customFields", # Identifies this object as a collection of custom fields.
"customField": [ # Collection of custom fields.
{ # Custom field.
"kind": "coordinate#customField", # Identifies this object as a custom field.
"customFieldId": "A String", # Custom field id.
"value": "A String", # Custom field value.