blob: afb07e59847be0a109dcc35c74ba6d201f784cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
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<h1><a href="adexchangebuyer_v1_4.html">Ad Exchange Buyer API</a> . <a href="">deals</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#get">get(dealId)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Gets the requested deal.</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="get">get(dealId)</code>
<pre>Gets the requested deal.
dealId: string, A parameter (required)
An object of the form:
"status": "A String", # The status of this negotiation.
"buyerEmailContacts": [ # The buyer party's contact email.
"A String",
"labelNames": [ # A list of label names applicable to this negotiation.
"A String",
"billedBuyer": { # The billed buyer; Specified by a buyer buying through an intermediary.
"buyer": {
"enabledForPreferredDeals": True or False,
"displayName": "A String",
"customerId": 42,
"enabledForInterestTargetingDeals": True or False,
"sponsorAccountId": 42,
"id": 42,
"accountId": 42,
"webProperty": {
"enabledForPreferredDeals": True or False,
"name": "A String",
"syndicationProduct": "A String",
"allowInterestTargetedAds": True or False,
"siteUrls": [
"A String",
"propertyCode": "A String",
"id": 42,
"customerId": 42,
"name": "A String",
"buyerSellerRole": "A String",
"kind": "adexchangebuyer#negotiation",
"offerId": "A String", # The ID of this negotiation's original offer.
"negotiationRounds": [ # The series of negotiation rounds for this negotiation.
"kind": "adexchangebuyer#negotiationRound",
"terms": { # The detailed terms proposed in this negotiation round.
"finalizeAutomatically": True or False, # If true, the offer will finalize automatically when accepted.
"inventorySegmentTargeting": { # The inventory segment targeting for the offer.
"positiveIcmInterests": [
"A String",
"positiveInventorySlots": [
"A String",
"negativeSiteUrls": [
"A String",
"positiveIcmBrands": [
"A String",
"negativeXfpPlacements": [
"A String",
"positiveVideoAdPositionSegments": [
"A String",
"negativeIcmInterests": [
"A String",
"negativeAudienceSegments": [
"A String",
"positiveOperatingSystems": [
"A String",
"negativeOperatingSystems": [
"A String",
"negativeIcmBrands": [
"A String",
"positiveLocations": [
"A String",
"negativeMobileApps": [
"A String",
"positiveDeviceCategories": [
"A String",
"negativeAdSizes": [
"width": 42,
"height": 42,
"negativeInventorySlots": [
"A String",
"negativeVideoAdPositionSegments": [
"A String",
"negativeVideoDurationSegments": [
"A String",
"positiveSizes": [
"A String",
"positiveXfpAdSlots": [
"A String",
"positiveKeyValues": [
"keyName": "A String",
"value": "A String",
"positiveSiteUrls": [
"A String",
"positiveMobileApps": [
"A String",
"negativeKeyValues": [
"keyName": "A String",
"value": "A String",
"negativeSizes": [
"A String",
"positiveOperatingSystemVersions": [
"A String",
"negativeLocations": [
"A String",
"positiveAdSizes": [
"width": 42,
"height": 42,
"negativeOperatingSystemVersions": [
"A String",
"positiveXfpPlacements": [
"A String",
"negativeXfpAdSlots": [
"A String",
"positiveVideoDurationSegments": [
"A String",
"positiveAudienceSegments": [
"A String",
"negativeDeviceCategories": [
"A String",
"positiveAdTypeSegments": [
"A String",
"negativeAdTypeSegments": [
"A String",
"endDate": { # The end date for the offer.
"timeZoneId": "A String",
"hour": 42,
"month": 42,
"second": 42,
"year": 42,
"day": 42,
"minute": 42,
"termsAttributes": [ # A list of terms attributes.
"A String",
"startDate": { # The start date for the offer.
"timeZoneId": "A String",
"hour": 42,
"month": 42,
"second": 42,
"year": 42,
"day": 42,
"minute": 42,
"buyerBillingType": "A String", # The buyer billing type.
"estimatedImpressionsPerDay": "A String", # The estimated daily impressions for the offer.
"monetizerType": "A String", # The monetizer type.
"targetByDealId": True or False, # Whether to target by deal id.
"adSlots": [ # The particular ad slots targeted by the offer.
"name": "A String",
"description": "A String",
"channelId": 42,
"channelCode": "A String",
"webPropertyId": 42,
"size": "A String",
"advertisers": [ # A list of advertisers for this offer.
"brands": [
"advertiserId": "A String",
"id": "A String",
"name": "A String",
"status": "A String",
"id": "A String",
"name": "A String",
"minimumSpendMicros": "A String", # The minimum spend for the offer.
"targetingAllAdSlots": True or False, # If true, the offer targets all ad slots.
"creativeReviewPolicy": "A String", # Whether to use publisher review policy or AdX review policy.
"audienceSegmentDescription": "A String", # A description of the audience segment for the offer.
"dealPremium": { # The premium terms.
"micros": "A String",
"currencyCode": "A String",
"creativeBlockingLevel": "A String", # Whether to use or ignore publisher blocking rules.
"audienceSegment": { # The audience segment for the offer.
"numCookies": "A String",
"description": "A String",
"name": "A String",
"id": "A String",
"description": "A String", # A description for these terms.
"billingTerms": "A String", # The billing terms.
"semiTransparent": True or False, # Whether this offer is semi-transparent.
"minimumTrueLooks": "A String", # The minimum true looks for the offer.
"cpm": { # The cpm terms.
"micros": "A String",
"currencyCode": "A String",
"isReservation": True or False, # Whether the offer is a reservation.
"descriptiveName": "A String", # A descriptive name for these terms.
"urls": [ # The urls applicable to the offer.
"A String",
"estimatedSpend": { # The estimated spend for the offer.
"micros": "A String",
"currencyCode": "A String",
"negotiationId": "A String", # The ID of the negotiation to which this negotiation round applies.
"roundNumber": "A String", # The number of this negotiation round, in sequence.
"notes": "A String", # Notes regarding this negotiation round.
"originatorRole": "A String", # The role, either buyer or seller, initiating this negotiation round.
"dbmPartnerId": "A String", # Stores DBM partner ID for use by DBM
"editHistory": { # The edit history of this negotiation round.
"createdTimeStamp": "A String",
"createdByLoginName": "A String",
"lastUpdatedByLoginName": "A String",
"lastUpdateTimeStamp": "A String",
"action": "A String", # The action performed by this negotiation round.
"negotiationId": "A String", # The unique ID of this negotiation.
"negotiationState": "A String", # The state of this negotiation.
"buyer": { # Details of the buyer party in this negotiation.
"buyer": {
"enabledForPreferredDeals": True or False,
"displayName": "A String",
"customerId": 42,
"enabledForInterestTargetingDeals": True or False,
"sponsorAccountId": 42,
"id": 42,
"accountId": 42,
"webProperty": {
"enabledForPreferredDeals": True or False,
"name": "A String",
"syndicationProduct": "A String",
"allowInterestTargetedAds": True or False,
"siteUrls": [
"A String",
"propertyCode": "A String",
"id": 42,
"customerId": 42,
"name": "A String",
"buyerSellerRole": "A String",
"stats": { # The stats for this negotiation.
"revenue": {
"micros": "A String",
"currencyCode": "A String",
"bids": "A String",
"impressions": "A String",
"requests": "A String",
"goodBids": "A String",
"spend": {
"micros": "A String",
"currencyCode": "A String",
"externalDealId": "A String", # For finalized negotiations, the ID of the finalized deal.
"seller": { # Details of the seller party in this negotiation.
"buyer": {
"enabledForPreferredDeals": True or False,
"displayName": "A String",
"customerId": 42,
"enabledForInterestTargetingDeals": True or False,
"sponsorAccountId": 42,
"id": 42,
"accountId": 42,
"webProperty": {
"enabledForPreferredDeals": True or False,
"name": "A String",
"syndicationProduct": "A String",
"allowInterestTargetedAds": True or False,
"siteUrls": [
"A String",
"propertyCode": "A String",
"id": 42,
"customerId": 42,
"name": "A String",
"buyerSellerRole": "A String",
"dealType": "A String", # The type of this deal.
"sellerEmailContacts": [ # The seller party's contact email.
"A String",