blob: 8af7af6b426ad2315cac09e24247b36fa6f75b00 [file] [log] [blame]
How to Contribute
We'd love to accept your patches and contributions to this project.
There are a few guidelines described in our
`Contribution Guide <>`__
that you need to follow.
To summarize here: when contributing, please:
* Sign Contributor License Agreement
* Before making changes, file an issue
* Fork this repository and use github pull requests for all submissions
* Follow
`Contributor Code of Conduct
and `Community Guidelines <>`__
* Follow `Google Python Style Guide <>`__
and `this commit authoring style <>`__
* Don't forget to write tests and update documentation!
Setup Notes
Please follow these steps after forking and cloning the repository
to make sure you can modify code and run tests with confidence::
# From the root dir of the cloned repository:
# Create Virtual Environment called env (you may choose your own name)
python3 -m venv env
# Activate virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
# Install this library as editable install
# (see
python3 -m pip install -e .
# Install nox
python3 -m pip install nox
We use `nox <>`__ to instrument our tests.
To test your changes, run unit tests with ``nox``::
# Run tests for all supported versions of Python and oauth2client:
# Run tests for Python 3.7:
nox -s unit-3.7
# Run lint
nox -s lint
.. note::
The unit tests and system tests are described in the
```` file in this directory. Nox will automatically
handle constriction of new virtual environments and installation
of the required test dependencies.
For more information about Nox, including command-line usage, consult
`nox documentation <>`__.