blob: 1f7cb9620040a8f68dea54701a776afa151c487c [file] [log] [blame]
.. bpo: 41004
.. date: 2020-06-29-16-02-29
.. nonce: ovF0KZ
.. release date: 2020-06-29
.. section: Security
The __hash__() methods of ipaddress.IPv4Interface and
ipaddress.IPv6Interface incorrectly generated constant hash values of 32 and
128 respectively. This resulted in always causing hash collisions. The fix
uses hash() to generate hash values for the tuple of (address, mask length,
network address).
.. bpo: 39073
.. date: 2020-03-15-01-28-36
.. nonce: 6Szd3i
.. section: Security
Disallow CR or LF in email.headerregistry.Address arguments to guard against
header injection attacks.
.. bpo: 41094
.. date: 2020-06-23-23-26-42
.. nonce: zEIJse
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix decoding errors with audit when open files with non-ASCII names on
non-UTF-8 locale.
.. bpo: 41056
.. date: 2020-06-21-19-53-33
.. nonce: IDu_EK
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fixes a reference to deallocated stack space during startup when
constructing sys.path involving a relative symlink when code was supplied
via -c. (discovered via Coverity)
.. bpo: 35975
.. date: 2020-06-20-17-21-07
.. nonce: UDHCHp
.. section: Core and Builtins
Stefan Behnel reported that cf_feature_version is used even when
PyCF_ONLY_AST is not set. This is against the intention and against the
documented behavior, so it's been fixed.
.. bpo: 40957
.. date: 2020-06-12-12-21-54
.. nonce: Z8n6I6
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix refleak in _Py_fopen_obj() when PySys_Audit() fails
.. bpo: 40870
.. date: 2020-06-05-12-48-28
.. nonce: 9cd2sk
.. section: Core and Builtins
Raise :exc:`ValueError` when validating custom AST's where the constants
``True``, ``False`` and ``None`` are used within a :class:`ast.Name` node.
.. bpo: 40826
.. date: 2020-06-01-20-31-07
.. nonce: XCI4M2
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix GIL usage in :c:func:`PyOS_Readline`: lock the GIL to set an exception
and pass the Python thread state when checking if there is a pending signal.
.. bpo: 40824
.. date: 2020-05-30-14-37-18
.. nonce: XR3V5s
.. section: Core and Builtins
Unexpected errors in calling the ``__iter__`` method are no longer masked by
``TypeError`` in the :keyword:`in` operator and functions
:func:`~operator.contains`, :func:`~operator.indexOf` and
:func:`~operator.countOf` of the :mod:`operator` module.
.. bpo: 40663
.. date: 2020-05-17-20-38-12
.. nonce: u2aiZf
.. section: Core and Builtins
Correctly generate annotations where parentheses are omitted but required
(e.g: ``Type[(str, int, *other))]``.
.. bpo: 41138
.. date: 2020-06-27-13-51-36
.. nonce: bIpf7g
.. section: Library
Fixed the :mod:`trace` module CLI for Python source files with non-UTF-8
.. bpo: 31938
.. date: 2020-06-22-20-08-40
.. nonce: EVuko9
.. section: Library
Fix default-value signatures of several functions in the :mod:`select`
module - by Anthony Sottile.
.. bpo: 41068
.. date: 2020-06-22-10-25-39
.. nonce: _bX2BW
.. section: Library
Fixed reading files with non-ASCII names from ZIP archive directly after
writing them.
.. bpo: 41058
.. date: 2020-06-20-21-03-55
.. nonce: gztdZy
.. section: Library
:func:`pdb.find_function` now correctly determines the source file encoding.
.. bpo: 41056
.. date: 2020-06-20-18-35-43
.. nonce: Garcle
.. section: Library
Fix a NULL pointer dereference within the ssl module during a MemoryError in
the keylog callback. (discovered by Coverity)
.. bpo: 41048
.. date: 2020-06-20-10-16-57
.. nonce: hEXB-B
.. section: Library
:func:`mimetypes.read_mime_types` function reads the rule file using UTF-8
encoding, not the locale encoding. Patch by Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy.
.. bpo: 40448
.. date: 2020-06-15-12-22-53
.. nonce: 1dk8Bu
.. section: Library
:mod:`ensurepip` now disables the use of `pip` cache when installing the
bundled versions of `pip` and `setuptools`. Patch by Krzysztof Konopko.
.. bpo: 40855
.. date: 2020-06-12-10-44-15
.. nonce: jSot83
.. section: Library
The standard deviation and variance functions in the statistics module were
ignoring their mu and xbar arguments.
.. bpo: 40807
.. date: 2020-06-04-16-25-15
.. nonce: yYyLWx
.. section: Library
Stop codeop._maybe_compile, used by code.InteractiveInterpreter (and IDLE).
from from emitting each warning three times.
.. bpo: 40834
.. date: 2020-05-31-15-52-18
.. nonce: MO9_hb
.. section: Library
Fix truncate when sending str object with_xxsubinterpreters.channel_send.
.. bpo: 38488
.. date: 2020-05-28-16-51-00
.. nonce: hFQNgA
.. section: Library
Update ensurepip to install pip 20.1.1 and setuptools 47.1.0.
.. bpo: 40767
.. date: 2020-05-27-21-27-01
.. nonce: L5MnVV
.. section: Library
:mod:`webbrowser` now properly finds the default browser in pure Wayland
systems by checking the WAYLAND_DISPLAY environment variable. Patch
contributed by Jérémy Attali.
.. bpo: 40795
.. date: 2020-05-27-17-00-18
.. nonce: eZSnHA
.. section: Library
:mod:`ctypes` module: If ctypes fails to convert the result of a callback or
if a ctypes callback function raises an exception, sys.unraisablehook is now
called with an exception set. Previously, the error was logged into stderr
by :c:func:`PyErr_Print`.
.. bpo: 30008
.. date: 2020-05-25-22-18-38
.. nonce: CKC3td
.. section: Library
Fix :mod:`ssl` code to be compatible with OpenSSL 1.1.x builds that use
``no-deprecated`` and ``--api=1.1.0``.
.. bpo: 40614
.. date: 2020-05-18-22-41-02
.. nonce: 8j3kmq
.. section: Library
:func:`ast.parse` will not parse self documenting expressions in f-strings
when passed ``feature_version`` is less than ``(3, 8)``.
.. bpo: 40626
.. date: 2020-05-18-17-29-30
.. nonce: NeZufF
.. section: Library
Add h5 file extension as MIME Type application/x-hdf5, as per HDF Group
recommendation for HDF5 formatted data files. Patch contributed by Mark
.. bpo: 25872
.. date: 2020-05-14-13-25-36
.. nonce: 5D5538
.. section: Library
:mod:`linecache` could crash with a :exc:`KeyError` when accessed from
multiple threads. Fix by Michael Graczyk.
.. bpo: 40597
.. date: 2020-05-11-19-17-23
.. nonce: 4SGfgm
.. section: Library
If text content lines are longer than policy.max_line_length, always use a
content-encoding to make sure they are wrapped.
.. bpo: 40515
.. date: 2020-05-06-13-51-19
.. nonce: TUCvYB
.. section: Library
The :mod:`ssl` and :mod:`hashlib` modules now actively check that OpenSSL is
build with thread support. Python 3.7.0 made thread support mandatory and no
longer works safely with a no-thread builds.
.. bpo: 13097
.. date: 2020-05-06-02-01-25
.. nonce: Wh5xSK
.. section: Library
``ctypes`` now raises an ``ArgumentError`` when a callback is invoked with
more than 1024 arguments.
.. bpo: 40457
.. date: 2020-05-02-17-17-37
.. nonce: EXReI1
.. section: Library
The ssl module now support OpenSSL builds without TLS 1.0 and 1.1 methods.
.. bpo: 39830
.. date: 2020-03-23-05-21-13
.. nonce: IkqU1Y
.. section: Library
Add :class:`zipfile.Path` to ``__all__`` in the :mod:`zipfile` module.
.. bpo: 40025
.. date: 2020-03-21-05-26-38
.. nonce: DTLtyq
.. section: Library
Raise TypeError when _generate_next_value_ is defined after members. Patch
by Ethan Onstott.
.. bpo: 39244
.. date: 2020-02-23-15-09-47
.. nonce: aBK5IM
.. section: Library
Fixed :class:`multiprocessing.context.get_all_start_methods` to properly
return the default method first on macOS.
.. bpo: 39040
.. date: 2019-12-15-18-47-20
.. nonce: tKa0Qs
.. section: Library
Fix parsing of invalid mime headers parameters by collapsing whitespace
between encoded words in a bare-quote-string.
.. bpo: 35714
.. date: 2019-10-25-23-45-49
.. nonce: fw3xb7
.. section: Library
:exc:`struct.error` is now raised if there is a null character in a
:mod:`struct` format string.
.. bpo: 36290
.. date: 2019-03-17-19-01-53
.. nonce: 7VXo_K
.. section: Library
AST nodes are now raising :exc:`TypeError` on conflicting keyword arguments.
Patch contributed by Rémi Lapeyre.
.. bpo: 29620
.. date: 2018-08-21-16-20-33
.. nonce: xxx666
.. section: Library
:func:`~unittest.TestCase.assertWarns` no longer raises a
``RuntimeException`` when accessing a module's ``__warningregistry__``
causes importation of a new module, or when a new module is imported in
another thread. Patch by Kernc.
.. bpo: 34226
.. date: 2018-07-29-12-14-54
.. nonce: BE7zbu
.. section: Library
Fix `cgi.parse_multipart` without content_length. Patch by Roger Duran
.. bpo: 41085
.. date: 2020-06-23-12-02-45
.. nonce: JZKsyz
.. section: Tests
Fix integer overflow in the :meth:`array.array.index` method on 64-bit
Windows for index larger than ``2**31``.
.. bpo: 38377
.. date: 2020-06-17-18-00-21
.. nonce: jfg4TH
.. section: Tests
On Linux, skip tests using multiprocessing if the current user cannot create
a file in ``/dev/shm/`` directory. Add the
:func:`` function to
the :mod:`` module.
.. bpo: 41009
.. date: 2020-06-17-17-27-07
.. nonce: Rvn6OQ
.. section: Tests
Fix use of ``support.require_{linux|mac|freebsd}_version()`` decorators as
class decorator.
.. bpo: 41003
.. date: 2020-06-17-15-07-14
.. nonce: tiH_Fy
.. section: Tests
Fix ``test_copyreg`` when ``numpy`` is installed: ``test.pickletester`` now
saves/restores warnings filters when importing ``numpy``, to ignore filters
installed by ``numpy``.
.. bpo: 40964
.. date: 2020-06-12-20-46-23
.. nonce: OBzf2c
.. section: Tests
Disable remote :mod:`imaplib` tests, host is blocking
incoming connections.
.. bpo: 40055
.. date: 2020-05-15-01-21-44
.. nonce: Xp4aP9
.. section: Tests
distutils.tests now saves/restores warnings filters to leave them unchanged.
Importing tests imports docutils which imports pkg_resources which adds a
warnings filter.
.. bpo: 34401
.. date: 2018-08-20-09-38-52
.. nonce: eGxMPm
.. section: Tests
Make test_gdb properly run on HP-UX. Patch by Michael Osipov.
.. bpo: 40204
.. date: 2020-06-25-06-59-13
.. nonce: GpD04D
.. section: Build
Pin Sphinx version to 2.3.1 in ``Doc/Makefile``.
.. bpo: 40653
.. date: 2020-05-17-03-33-00
.. nonce: WI8UGn
.. section: Build
Move _dirnameW out of HAVE_SYMLINK to fix a potential compiling issue.
.. bpo: 41074
.. date: 2020-06-24-21-30-42
.. nonce: gaQc3C
.. section: Windows
Fixed support of non-ASCII names in functions :func:`msilib.OpenDatabase`
and :func:`msilib.init_database` and non-ASCII SQL in method
.. bpo: 40164
.. date: 2020-06-12-13-13-44
.. nonce: SPrSn5
.. section: Windows
Updates Windows OpenSSL to 1.1.1g
.. bpo: 39631
.. date: 2020-05-19-14-43-33
.. nonce: Z5yXam
.. section: Windows
Changes the registered MIME type for ``.py`` files on Windows to
``text/x-python`` instead of ``text/plain``.
.. bpo: 40677
.. date: 2020-05-19-04-11-12
.. nonce: qQbLW8
.. section: Windows
Manually define IO_REPARSE_TAG_APPEXECLINK in case some old Windows SDK
doesn't have it.
.. bpo: 40650
.. date: 2020-05-17-00-08-13
.. nonce: 4euMtU
.. section: Windows
Include winsock2.h in pytime.c for timeval.
.. bpo: 39148
.. date: 2020-03-23-19-07-55
.. nonce: W1YJEb
.. section: Windows
Add IPv6 support to :mod:`asyncio` datagram endpoints in ProactorEventLoop.
Change the raised exception for unknown address families to ValueError as
it's not coming from Windows API.
.. bpo: 39580
.. date: 2020-06-25-06-09-00
.. nonce: N_vJ9h
.. section: macOS
Avoid opening Finder window if running installer from the command line.
Patch contributed by Rick Heil.
.. bpo: 41100
.. date: 2020-06-24-13-51-57
.. nonce: mcHdc5
.. section: macOS
Fix configure error when building on macOS 11. Note that the current Python
release was released shortly after the first developer preview of macOS 11
(Big Sur); there are other known issues with building and running on the
developer preview. Big Sur is expected to be fully supported in a future
bugfix release of Python 3.8.x and with 3.9.0.
.. bpo: 41005
.. date: 2020-06-17-13-45-15
.. nonce: zZegdV
.. section: macOS
fixed an XDG settings issue not allowing macos to open browser in
.. bpo: 40741
.. date: 2020-06-07-20-10-56
.. nonce: 80A2BW
.. section: macOS
Update macOS installer to use SQLite 3.32.2.
.. bpo: 41144
.. date: 2020-06-27-17-02-00
.. nonce: JoFGIX
.. section: IDLE
Make Open Module open a special module such as os.path.
.. bpo: 39885
.. date: 2020-05-29-18-21-58
.. nonce: zB_-bN
.. section: IDLE
Make context menu Cut and Copy work again when right-clicking within a
.. bpo: 40723
.. date: 2020-05-24-06-19-43
.. nonce: AJLd4U
.. section: IDLE
Make test_idle pass when run after import.
.. bpo: 40479
.. date: 2020-05-15-17-48-25
.. nonce: B1gBl-
.. section: Tools/Demos
Update multissltest helper to test with latest OpenSSL 1.0.2, 1.1.0, 1.1.1,
and 3.0.0-alpha.
.. bpo: 40163
.. date: 2020-04-03-08-32-31
.. nonce: lX8K4B
.. section: Tools/Demos
Fix multissltest tool. OpenSSL has changed download URL for old releases.
The multissltest tool now tries to download from current and old download