blob: 9cd483e8a3bbe521000716c64cb8975baaa75a1f [file] [log] [blame]
.. bpo: 15535
.. date: 9067
.. nonce: UcBEvl
.. release date: 2013-05-12
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fixed regression in the pickling of named tuples by removing the __dict__
property introduced in 2.7.4.
.. bpo: 17857
.. date: 9066
.. nonce: 7cCKDk
.. section: Core and Builtins
Prevent build failures with pre-3.5.0 versions of sqlite3, such as was
shipped with Centos 5 and Mac OS X 10.4.
.. bpo: 17703
.. date: 9065
.. nonce: eLf2tu
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fix a regression where an illegal use of Py_DECREF() after interpreter
finalization can cause a crash.
.. bpo: 16447
.. date: 9064
.. nonce: Nqypja
.. section: Core and Builtins
Fixed potential segmentation fault when setting __name__ on a class.
.. bpo: 17610
.. date: 9063
.. nonce: QpIzEB
.. section: Core and Builtins
Don't rely on non-standard behavior of the C qsort() function.
.. bpo: 17979
.. date: 9062
.. nonce: l6BtNx
.. section: Library
Fixed the re module in build with --disable-unicode.
.. bpo: 17606
.. date: 9061
.. nonce: yNd47F
.. section: Library
Fixed support of encoded byte strings in the XMLGenerator .characters() and
ignorableWhitespace() methods. Original patch by Sebastian Ortiz Vasquez.
.. bpo: 16601
.. date: 9060
.. nonce: _FiBrB
.. section: Library
Restarting iteration over tarfile no more continues from where it left off.
Patch by Michael Birtwell.
.. bpo: 16584
.. date: 9059
.. nonce: 6yyCuX
.. section: Library
in filecomp._cmp, catch IOError as well as os.error. Patch by Till Maas.
.. bpo: 17926
.. date: 9058
.. nonce: nv5fLf
.. section: Library
Fix dbm.__contains__ on 64-bit big-endian machines.
.. bpo: 19267
.. date: 9057
.. nonce: SXv-Bh
.. section: Library
Fix support of multibyte encoding (ex: UTF-16) in the logging module.
.. bpo: 17918
.. date: 9056
.. nonce: qtEN-L
.. section: Library
When using SSLSocket.accept(), if the SSL handshake failed on the new
socket, the socket would linger indefinitely. Thanks to Peter Saveliev for
.. bpo: 17289
.. date: 9055
.. nonce: NPHOks
.. section: Library
The readline module now plays nicer with external modules or applications
changing the rl_completer_word_break_characters global variable. Initial
patch by Bradley Froehle.
.. bpo: 12181
.. date: 9054
.. nonce: Dq2moC
.. section: Library
select module: Fix struct kevent definition on OpenBSD 64-bit platforms.
Patch by Federico Schwindt.
.. bpo: 14173
.. date: 9053
.. nonce: mZM9Pr
.. section: Library
Avoid crashing when reading a signal handler during interpreter shutdown.
.. bpo: 16316
.. date: 9052
.. nonce: AOkxPd
.. section: Library
mimetypes now recognizes the .xz and .txz (.tar.xz) extensions.
.. bpo: 17192
.. date: 9051
.. nonce: F-vIFl
.. section: Library
Restore the patch for Issue #10309 which was ommitted in 2.7.4 when updating
the bundled version of libffi used by ctypes.
.. bpo: 17843
.. date: 9050
.. nonce: 9IBe9A
.. section: Library
Removed test data file that was triggering false-positive virus warnings
with certain antivirus software.
.. bpo: 17353
.. date: 9049
.. nonce: 6Wiqfl
.. section: Library
Plistlib emitted empty data tags with deeply nested datastructures
.. bpo: 11714
.. date: 9048
.. nonce: EZxzYl
.. section: Library
Use 'with' statements to assure a Semaphore releases a condition variable.
Original patch by Thomas Rachel.
.. bpo: 17795
.. date: 9047
.. nonce: IgVwMv
.. section: Library
Reverted backwards-incompatible change in SysLogHandler with Unix domain
.. bpo: 17555
.. date: 9046
.. nonce: 9klJCB
.. section: Library
Fix ForkAwareThreadLock so that size of after fork registry does not grow
exponentially with generation of process.
.. bpo: 17710
.. date: 9045
.. nonce: p-amHh
.. section: Library
Fix cPickle raising a SystemError on bogus input.
.. bpo: 17341
.. date: 9044
.. nonce: DI-1AO
.. section: Library
Include the invalid name in the error messages from re about invalid group
.. bpo: 17016
.. date: 9043
.. nonce: lQnMI8
.. section: Library
Get rid of possible pointer wraparounds and integer overflows in the re
module. Patch by Nickolai Zeldovich.
.. bpo: 17536
.. date: 9042
.. nonce: E6rcrn
.. section: Library
Add to webbrowser's browser list: xdg-open, gvfs-open, www-browser,
x-www-browser, chromium browsers, iceweasel, iceape.
.. bpo: 17656
.. date: 9041
.. nonce: wtQq2x
.. section: Library
Fix extraction of zip files with unicode member paths.
.. bpo: 17666
.. date: 9040
.. nonce: L8Gq8u
.. section: Library
Fix reading gzip files with an extra field.
.. bpo: 13150
.. date: 9039
.. nonce: fW-wYi
.. section: Library
sysconfig no longer parses the Makefile and config.h files when imported,
instead doing it at build time. This makes importing sysconfig faster and
reduces Python startup time by 20%. (See also: bpo-17512)
.. bpo: 13163
.. date: 9038
.. nonce: oHSKa5
.. section: Library
Rename operands in smtplib.SMTP._get_socket to correct names; fixes
otherwise misleading output in tracebacks and when when debug is on.
.. bpo: 17526
.. date: 9037
.. nonce: wiYvlk
.. section: Library
fix an IndexError raised while passing code without filename to
inspect.findsource(). Initial patch by Tyler Doyle.
.. bpo: 17547
.. date: 9036
.. nonce: yVllRd
.. section: Build
In configure, explicitly pass -Wformat for the benefit for GCC 4.8.
.. bpo: 17682
.. date: 9035
.. nonce: UJyp1a
.. section: Build
Add the _io module to Modules/Setup.dist (commented out).
.. bpo: 17086
.. date: 9034
.. nonce: PPxAFs
.. section: Build
Search the include and library directories provided by the compiler.
.. bpo: 17928
.. date: 9033
.. nonce: y6tiT2
.. section: Tests
Fix test_structmembers on 64-bit big-endian machines.
.. bpo: 17883
.. date: 9032
.. nonce: SrO_uE
.. section: Tests
Fix buildbot testing of Tkinter on Windows. Patch by Zachary Ware.
.. bpo: 7855
.. date: 9031
.. nonce: ZbX91d
.. section: Tests
Add tests for ctypes/winreg for issues found in IronPython. Initial patch by
Dino Viehland.
.. bpo: 17712
.. date: 9030
.. nonce: RqkHUB
.. section: Tests
Fix test_gdb failures on Ubuntu 13.04.
.. bpo: 17065
.. date: 9029
.. nonce: rql8lF
.. section: Tests
Use process-unique key for winreg tests to avoid failures if test is run
multiple times in parallel (eg: on a buildbot host).
.. bpo: 17838
.. date: 9028
.. nonce: -DDdhT
.. section: IDLE
Allow sys.stdin to be reassigned.
.. bpo: 14735
.. date: 9027
.. nonce: lbbw49
.. section: IDLE
Update IDLE docs to omit "Control-z on Windows".
.. bpo: 17585
.. date: 9026
.. nonce: oXlcVX
.. section: IDLE
Fixed IDLE regression. Now closes when using exit() or quit().
.. bpo: 17657
.. date: 9025
.. nonce: rGfxNo
.. section: IDLE
Show full Tk version in IDLE's about dialog. Patch by Todd Rovito.
.. bpo: 17613
.. date: 9024
.. nonce: MfAJ31
.. section: IDLE
Prevent traceback when removing syntax colorizer in IDLE.
.. bpo: 1207589
.. date: 9023
.. nonce: wqzkjh
.. section: IDLE
Backwards-compatibility patch for right-click menu in IDLE.
.. bpo: 16887
.. date: 9022
.. nonce: -tb-0g
.. section: IDLE
IDLE now accepts Cancel in tabify/untabify dialog box.
.. bpo: 14254
.. date: 9021
.. nonce: heeMG-
.. section: IDLE
IDLE now handles readline correctly across shell restarts.
.. bpo: 17614
.. date: 9020
.. nonce: 9pmpYW
.. section: IDLE
IDLE no longer raises exception when quickly closing a file.
.. bpo: 6698
.. date: 9019
.. nonce: fXoiv2
.. section: IDLE
IDLE now opens just an editor window when configured to do so.
.. bpo: 8900
.. date: 9018
.. nonce: jkW99r
.. section: IDLE
Using keyboard shortcuts in IDLE to open a file no longer raises an
.. bpo: 6649
.. date: 9017
.. nonce: uwGice
.. section: IDLE
Fixed missing exit status in IDLE. Patch by Guilherme Polo.
.. bpo: 17390
.. date: 9016
.. nonce: o3w4vc
.. section: IDLE
Display Python version on Idle title bar. Initial patch by Edmond Burnett.
.. bpo: 15940
.. date: 9015
.. nonce: XL62xu
.. section: Documentation
Specify effect of locale on time functions.
.. bpo: 6696
.. date: 9014
.. nonce: -aRVrf
.. section: Documentation
add documentation for the Profile objects, and improve profile/cProfile
docs. Patch by Tom Pinckney.