blob: bf39285863435dbca1466ac5f724eebf9ff7b4d8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Common credentials classes and constructors."""
from __future__ import print_function
import contextlib
import datetime
import json
import os
import threading
import warnings
import httplib2
import oauth2client
import oauth2client.client
from oauth2client import service_account
from oauth2client import tools # for gflags declarations
import six
from six.moves import http_client
from six.moves import urllib
from import exceptions
from import util
# App Engine does not support ctypes which are required for the
# monotonic time used in fasteners. Conversely, App Engine does
# not support colocated concurrent processes, so process locks
# are not needed.
import fasteners
except ImportError as import_error:
server_env = os.environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '')
if not (server_env.startswith('Development') or
server_env.startswith('Google App Engine')):
raise import_error
# Note: we try the oauth2client imports two ways, to accomodate layout
# changes in oauth2client 2.0+. We can remove these once we no longer
# support oauth2client < 2.0.
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,ungrouped-imports
from oauth2client.contrib import gce
except ImportError:
from oauth2client import gce
from oauth2client.contrib import multiprocess_file_storage
except ImportError:
from oauth2client.contrib import multistore_file
except ImportError:
from oauth2client import multistore_file
import gflags
FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
except ImportError:
FLAGS = None
__all__ = [
# Lock when accessing the cache file to avoid resource contention.
cache_file_lock = threading.Lock()
def SetCredentialsCacheFileLock(lock):
global cache_file_lock # pylint: disable=global-statement
cache_file_lock = lock
# List of additional methods we use when attempting to construct
# credentials. Users can register their own methods here, which we try
# before the defaults.
def _RegisterCredentialsMethod(method, position=None):
"""Register a new method for fetching credentials.
This new method should be a function with signature:
client_info, **kwds -> Credentials or None
This method can be used as a decorator, unless position needs to
be supplied.
Note that method must *always* accept arbitrary keyword arguments.
method: New credential-fetching method.
position: (default: None) Where in the list of methods to
add this; if None, we append. In all but rare cases,
this should be either 0 or None.
method, for use as a decorator.
if position is None:
position = len(_CREDENTIALS_METHODS)
position = min(position, len(_CREDENTIALS_METHODS))
_CREDENTIALS_METHODS.insert(position, method)
return method
def GetCredentials(package_name, scopes, client_id, client_secret, user_agent,
api_key=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
client=None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Attempt to get credentials, using an oauth dance as the last resort."""
scopes = util.NormalizeScopes(scopes)
client_info = {
'client_id': client_id,
'client_secret': client_secret,
'scope': ' '.join(sorted(scopes)),
'user_agent': user_agent or '%s-generated/0.1' % package_name,
credentials = method(client_info, **kwds)
if credentials is not None:
return credentials
credentials_filename = credentials_filename or os.path.expanduser(
credentials = CredentialsFromFile(credentials_filename, client_info,
if credentials is not None:
return credentials
raise exceptions.CredentialsError('Could not create valid credentials')
def ServiceAccountCredentialsFromFile(filename, scopes, user_agent=None):
"""Use the credentials in filename to create a token for scopes."""
filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
# We have two options, based on our version of oauth2client.
if oauth2client.__version__ > '1.5.2':
# oauth2client >= 2.0.0
credentials = (
filename, scopes=scopes))
if credentials is not None:
if user_agent is not None:
credentials.user_agent = user_agent
return credentials
# oauth2client < 2.0.0
with open(filename) as keyfile:
service_account_info = json.load(keyfile)
account_type = service_account_info.get('type')
if account_type != oauth2client.client.SERVICE_ACCOUNT:
raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
'Invalid service account credentials: %s' % (filename,))
# pylint: disable=protected-access
credentials = service_account._ServiceAccountCredentials(
scopes=scopes, user_agent=user_agent)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
return credentials
def ServiceAccountCredentialsFromP12File(
service_account_name, private_key_filename, scopes, user_agent):
"""Create a new credential from the named .p12 keyfile."""
private_key_filename = os.path.expanduser(private_key_filename)
scopes = util.NormalizeScopes(scopes)
if oauth2client.__version__ > '1.5.2':
# oauth2client >= 2.0.0
credentials = (
service_account_name, private_key_filename, scopes=scopes))
if credentials is not None:
credentials.user_agent = user_agent
return credentials
# oauth2client < 2.0.0
with open(private_key_filename, 'rb') as key_file:
return oauth2client.client.SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(
service_account_name,, scopes,
def _GceMetadataRequest(relative_url, use_metadata_ip=False):
"""Request the given url from the GCE metadata service."""
if use_metadata_ip:
base_url = os.environ.get('GCE_METADATA_IP', '')
base_url = os.environ.get(
url = 'http://' + base_url + '/computeMetadata/v1/' + relative_url
# Extra header requirement can be found here:
headers = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}
request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.ProxyHandler({}))
response =
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
raise exceptions.CommunicationError(
'Could not reach metadata service: %s' % e.reason)
return response
class GceAssertionCredentials(gce.AppAssertionCredentials):
"""Assertion credentials for GCE instances."""
def __init__(self, scopes=None, service_account_name='default', **kwds):
"""Initializes the credentials instance.
scopes: The scopes to get. If None, whatever scopes that are
available to the instance are used.
service_account_name: The service account to retrieve the scopes
**kwds: Additional keyword args.
# If there is a connectivity issue with the metadata server,
# detection calls may fail even if we've already successfully
# identified these scopes in the same execution. However, the
# available scopes don't change once an instance is created,
# so there is no reason to perform more than one query.
self.__service_account_name = six.ensure_text(
cached_scopes = None
cache_filename = kwds.get('cache_filename')
if cache_filename:
cached_scopes = self._CheckCacheFileForMatch(
cache_filename, scopes)
scopes = cached_scopes or self._ScopesFromMetadataServer(scopes)
if cache_filename and not cached_scopes:
self._WriteCacheFile(cache_filename, scopes)
# We check the scopes above, but don't need them again after
# this point. Newer versions of oauth2client let us drop them
# here, but since we support older versions as well, we just
# catch and squelch the warning.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
super(GceAssertionCredentials, self).__init__(scope=scopes, **kwds)
def Get(cls, *args, **kwds):
return cls(*args, **kwds)
except exceptions.Error:
return None
def _CheckCacheFileForMatch(self, cache_filename, scopes):
"""Checks the cache file to see if it matches the given credentials.
cache_filename: Cache filename to check.
scopes: Scopes for the desired credentials.
List of scopes (if cache matches) or None.
creds = { # Credentials metadata dict.
'scopes': sorted(list(scopes)) if scopes else None,
'svc_acct_name': self.__service_account_name,
cache_file = _MultiProcessCacheFile(cache_filename)
cached_creds_str = cache_file.LockedRead()
if not cached_creds_str:
return None
cached_creds = json.loads(cached_creds_str)
if creds['svc_acct_name'] == cached_creds['svc_acct_name']:
if creds['scopes'] in (None, cached_creds['scopes']):
return cached_creds['scopes']
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
# Treat exceptions as a cache miss.
def _WriteCacheFile(self, cache_filename, scopes):
"""Writes the credential metadata to the cache file.
This does not save the credentials themselves (CredentialStore class
optionally handles that after this class is initialized).
cache_filename: Cache filename to check.
scopes: Scopes for the desired credentials.
# Credentials metadata dict.
scopes = sorted([six.ensure_text(scope) for scope in scopes])
creds = {'scopes': scopes,
'svc_acct_name': self.__service_account_name}
creds_str = json.dumps(creds)
cache_file = _MultiProcessCacheFile(cache_filename)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
# Treat exceptions as a cache miss.
def _ScopesFromMetadataServer(self, scopes):
"""Returns instance scopes based on GCE metadata server."""
if not util.DetectGce():
raise exceptions.ResourceUnavailableError(
'GCE credentials requested outside a GCE instance')
if not self.GetServiceAccount(self.__service_account_name):
raise exceptions.ResourceUnavailableError(
'GCE credentials requested but service account '
'%s does not exist.' % self.__service_account_name)
if scopes:
scope_ls = util.NormalizeScopes(scopes)
instance_scopes = self.GetInstanceScopes()
if scope_ls > instance_scopes:
raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
'Instance did not have access to scopes %s' % (
sorted(list(scope_ls - instance_scopes)),))
scopes = self.GetInstanceScopes()
return scopes
def GetServiceAccount(self, account):
relative_url = 'instance/service-accounts'
response = _GceMetadataRequest(relative_url)
response_lines = [six.ensure_str(line).rstrip(u'/\n\r')
for line in response.readlines()]
return account in response_lines
def GetInstanceScopes(self):
relative_url = 'instance/service-accounts/{0}/scopes'.format(
response = _GceMetadataRequest(relative_url)
return util.NormalizeScopes(six.ensure_str(scope).strip()
for scope in response.readlines())
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def _refresh(self, do_request):
"""Refresh self.access_token.
This function replaces AppAssertionCredentials._refresh, which
does not use the credential store and is therefore poorly
suited for multi-threaded scenarios.
do_request: A function matching httplib2.Http.request's signature.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials._refresh(self, do_request)
# pylint: enable=protected-access
def _do_refresh_request(self, unused_http_request):
"""Refresh self.access_token by querying the metadata server.
If is initialized, store acquired credentials there.
relative_url = 'instance/service-accounts/{0}/token'.format(
response = _GceMetadataRequest(relative_url)
except exceptions.CommunicationError:
self.invalid = True
content = six.ensure_str(
credential_info = json.loads(content)
except ValueError:
raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
'Could not parse response as JSON: %s' % content)
self.access_token = credential_info['access_token']
if 'expires_in' in credential_info:
expires_in = int(credential_info['expires_in'])
self.token_expiry = (
datetime.timedelta(seconds=expires_in) +
self.token_expiry = None
self.invalid = False
def to_json(self):
# OAuth2Client made gce.AppAssertionCredentials unserializable as of
# v3.0, but we need those credentials to be serializable for use with
# this library, so we use AppAssertionCredentials' parent's to_json
# method.
# pylint: disable=bad-super-call
return super(gce.AppAssertionCredentials, self).to_json()
def from_json(cls, json_data):
data = json.loads(json_data)
kwargs = {}
if 'cache_filename' in data.get('kwargs', []):
kwargs['cache_filename'] = data['kwargs']['cache_filename']
# Newer versions of GceAssertionCredentials don't have a "scope"
# attribute.
scope_list = None
if 'scope' in data:
scope_list = [data['scope']]
credentials = GceAssertionCredentials(scopes=scope_list, **kwargs)
if 'access_token' in data:
credentials.access_token = data['access_token']
if 'token_expiry' in data:
credentials.token_expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(
data['token_expiry'], oauth2client.client.EXPIRY_FORMAT)
if 'invalid' in data:
credentials.invalid = data['invalid']
return credentials
def serialization_data(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
'Cannot serialize credentials for GCE service accounts.')
# TODO(craigcitro): Currently, we can't even *load*
# `oauth2client.appengine` without being on appengine, because of how
# it handles imports. Fix that by splitting that module into
# GAE-specific and GAE-independent bits, and guarding imports.
class GaeAssertionCredentials(oauth2client.client.AssertionCredentials):
"""Assertion credentials for Google App Engine apps."""
def __init__(self, scopes, **kwds):
if not util.DetectGae():
raise exceptions.ResourceUnavailableError(
'GCE credentials requested outside a GCE instance')
self._scopes = list(util.NormalizeScopes(scopes))
super(GaeAssertionCredentials, self).__init__(None, **kwds)
def Get(cls, *args, **kwds):
return cls(*args, **kwds)
except exceptions.Error:
return None
def from_json(cls, json_data):
data = json.loads(json_data)
return GaeAssertionCredentials(data['_scopes'])
def _refresh(self, _):
"""Refresh self.access_token.
_: (ignored) A function matching httplib2.Http.request's signature.
# pylint: disable=import-error
from google.appengine.api import app_identity
token, _ = app_identity.get_access_token(self._scopes)
except app_identity.Error as e:
raise exceptions.CredentialsError(str(e))
self.access_token = token
def sign_blob(self, blob):
"""Cryptographically sign a blob (of bytes).
This method is provided to support a common interface, but
the actual key used for a Google Compute Engine service account
is not available, so it can't be used to sign content.
blob: bytes, Message to be signed.
NotImplementedError, always.
raise NotImplementedError(
'Compute Engine service accounts cannot sign blobs')
def _GetRunFlowFlags(args=None):
"""Retrieves command line flags based on gflags module."""
# There's one rare situation where gsutil will not have argparse
# available, but doesn't need anything depending on argparse anyway,
# since they're bringing their own credentials. So we just allow this
# to fail with an ImportError in those cases.
# TODO(craigcitro): Move this import back to the top when we drop
# python 2.6 support (eg when gsutil does).
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[tools.argparser])
# Get command line argparse flags.
flags, _ = parser.parse_known_args(args=args)
# Allow `gflags` and `argparse` to be used side-by-side.
if hasattr(FLAGS, 'auth_host_name'):
flags.auth_host_name = FLAGS.auth_host_name
if hasattr(FLAGS, 'auth_host_port'):
flags.auth_host_port = FLAGS.auth_host_port
if hasattr(FLAGS, 'auth_local_webserver'):
flags.noauth_local_webserver = (not FLAGS.auth_local_webserver)
return flags
# TODO(craigcitro): Switch this from taking a path to taking a stream.
def CredentialsFromFile(path, client_info, oauth2client_args=None):
"""Read credentials from a file."""
user_agent = client_info['user_agent']
scope_key = client_info['scope']
if not isinstance(scope_key, six.string_types):
scope_key = ':'.join(scope_key)
storage_key = client_info['client_id'] + user_agent + scope_key
credential_store = multiprocess_file_storage.MultiprocessFileStorage(
path, storage_key)
credential_store = multistore_file.get_credential_storage_custom_string_key( # noqa
path, storage_key)
if hasattr(FLAGS, 'auth_local_webserver'):
FLAGS.auth_local_webserver = False
credentials = credential_store.get()
if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
print('Generating new OAuth credentials ...')
for _ in range(20):
# If authorization fails, we want to retry, rather than let this
# cascade up and get caught elsewhere. If users want out of the
# retry loop, they can ^C.
flow = oauth2client.client.OAuth2WebServerFlow(**client_info)
flags = _GetRunFlowFlags(args=oauth2client_args)
credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, credential_store, flags)
except (oauth2client.client.FlowExchangeError, SystemExit) as e:
# Here SystemExit is "no credential at all", and the
# FlowExchangeError is "invalid" -- usually because
# you reused a token.
print('Invalid authorization: %s' % (e,))
except httplib2.HttpLib2Error as e:
print('Communication error: %s' % (e,))
raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
'Communication error creating credentials: %s' % e)
return credentials
class _MultiProcessCacheFile(object):
"""Simple multithreading and multiprocessing safe cache file.
Notes on behavior:
* the fasteners.InterProcessLock object cannot reliably prevent threads
from double-acquiring a lock. A threading lock is used in addition to
the InterProcessLock. The threading lock is always acquired first and
released last.
* The interprocess lock will not deadlock. If a process can not acquire
the interprocess lock within `_lock_timeout` the call will return as
a cache miss or unsuccessful cache write.
* App Engine environments cannot be process locked because (1) the runtime
does not provide monotonic time and (2) different processes may or may
not share the same machine. Because of this, process locks are disabled
and locking is only guaranteed to protect against multithreaded access.
_lock_timeout = 1
_encoding = 'utf-8'
_thread_lock = threading.Lock()
def __init__(self, filename):
self._file = None
self._filename = filename
self._process_lock_getter = self._ProcessLockAcquired
self._process_lock = fasteners.InterProcessLock(
self._process_lock_getter = self._DummyLockAcquired
self._process_lock = None
def _ProcessLockAcquired(self):
"""Context manager for process locks with timeout."""
is_locked = self._process_lock.acquire(timeout=self._lock_timeout)
yield is_locked
if is_locked:
def _DummyLockAcquired(self):
"""Lock context manager for environments without process locks."""
yield True
def LockedRead(self):
"""Acquire an interprocess lock and dump cache contents.
This method safely acquires the locks then reads a string
from the cache file. If the file does not exist and cannot
be created, it will return None. If the locks cannot be
acquired, this will also return None.
cache data - string if present, None on failure.
file_contents = None
with self._thread_lock:
if not self._EnsureFileExists():
return None
with self._process_lock_getter() as acquired_plock:
if not acquired_plock:
return None
with open(self._filename, 'rb') as f:
file_contents =
return file_contents
def LockedWrite(self, cache_data):
"""Acquire an interprocess lock and write a string.
This method safely acquires the locks then writes a string
to the cache file. If the string is written successfully
the function will return True, if the write fails for any
reason it will return False.
cache_data: string or bytes to write.
bool: success
if isinstance(cache_data, six.text_type):
cache_data = cache_data.encode(encoding=self._encoding)
with self._thread_lock:
if not self._EnsureFileExists():
return False
with self._process_lock_getter() as acquired_plock:
if not acquired_plock:
return False
with open(self._filename, 'wb') as f:
return True
def _EnsureFileExists(self):
"""Touches a file; returns False on error, True on success."""
if not os.path.exists(self._filename):
old_umask = os.umask(0o177)
open(self._filename, 'a+b').close()
except OSError:
return False
return True
# TODO(craigcitro): Push this into oauth2client.
def GetUserinfo(credentials, http=None): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Get the userinfo associated with the given credentials.
This is dependent on the token having either the or
userinfo.profile scope for the given token.
credentials: (oauth2client.client.Credentials) incoming credentials
http: (httplib2.Http, optional) http instance to use
The email address for this token, or None if the required scopes
aren't available.
http = http or httplib2.Http()
url = _GetUserinfoUrl(credentials)
# We ignore communication woes here (i.e. SSL errors, socket
# timeout), as handling these should be done in a common location.
response, content = http.request(url)
if response.status == http_client.BAD_REQUEST:
url = _GetUserinfoUrl(credentials)
response, content = http.request(url)
return json.loads(content or '{}') # Save ourselves from an empty reply.
def _GetUserinfoUrl(credentials):
url_root = ''
query_args = {'access_token': credentials.access_token}
return '?'.join((url_root, urllib.parse.urlencode(query_args)))
def _GetServiceAccountCredentials(
client_info, service_account_name=None, service_account_keyfile=None,
service_account_json_keyfile=None, **unused_kwds):
"""Returns ServiceAccountCredentials from give file."""
if ((service_account_name and not service_account_keyfile) or
(service_account_keyfile and not service_account_name)):
raise exceptions.CredentialsError(
'Service account name or keyfile provided without the other')
scopes = client_info['scope'].split()
user_agent = client_info['user_agent']
# Use the .json credentials, if provided.
if service_account_json_keyfile:
return ServiceAccountCredentialsFromFile(
service_account_json_keyfile, scopes, user_agent=user_agent)
# Fall back to .p12 if there's no .json credentials.
if service_account_name is not None:
return ServiceAccountCredentialsFromP12File(
service_account_name, service_account_keyfile, scopes, user_agent)
def _GetGaeServiceAccount(client_info, **unused_kwds):
scopes = client_info['scope'].split(' ')
return GaeAssertionCredentials.Get(scopes=scopes)
def _GetGceServiceAccount(client_info, **unused_kwds):
scopes = client_info['scope'].split(' ')
return GceAssertionCredentials.Get(scopes=scopes)
def _GetApplicationDefaultCredentials(
client_info, skip_application_default_credentials=False,
"""Returns ADC with right scopes."""
scopes = client_info['scope'].split()
if skip_application_default_credentials:
return None
gc = oauth2client.client.GoogleCredentials
with cache_file_lock:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# We've already done our own check for GAE/GCE
# credentials, we don't want to pay for checking again.
credentials = gc._implicit_credentials_from_files()
except oauth2client.client.ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError:
return None
# If we got back a non-service account credential, we need to use
# a heuristic to decide whether or not the application default
# credential will work for us. We assume that if we're requesting
# cloud-platform, our scopes are a subset of cloud scopes, and the
# ADC will work.
cp = ''
if credentials is None:
return None
if not isinstance(credentials, gc) or cp in scopes:
return credentials.create_scoped(scopes)
return None