blob: 8f39a966b88226e8a08c314910a96de72ddaaa0a [file] [log] [blame]
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# To generate html docs locally:
# Recommend doing this from a virtual environment:
# $ sudo apt-get install virtualenv python3-venv
# $ virtualenv myproject # or python3 -m venv myproject
# $ source myproject/bin/activate
# Then install sphinx packages (if running locally)
# $ pip install m2r2
# $ pip install sphinxcontrib-apidoc
# $ pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
# from the environment for the first two.
SOURCEDIR = ../absl
RSTDIR = source
HTMLDIR = build
HTMLDIR = build
# If you change the apidoc_excluded_paths, you need to update
# the excluded paths in APIDOC_EXCLUDE too. The paths are relative
# to the docs/ directory (if you want to filter out absl/tests you need
# to use "../*/tests".)
APIDOC_EXCLUDE = ../*/*/tests/* ../*/tests/*
SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
SPHINXAPIDOC ?= sphinx-apidoc
# Build .rst files for all Python sources in SOURCEDIR.
# This rule isn't called by readthedocs, its only used for manual testing.
# Run after "make rstfiles"
# You can review sphinx generated files in docs/build directory.