blob: 85565830d9b8b05091d5e58bc93a40c78128bf8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include "puffin/src/include/puffin/common.h"
#include "puffin/src/puff_data.h"
namespace puffin {
// An abstract class for writing data into a puffed buffer. Data can be
// literals, lengths, distances, or metadata. Extensions of this class can
// define how the puffed data should reside in the puffed buffer.
class PuffWriterInterface {
virtual ~PuffWriterInterface() = default;
// Inserts data. This function does not need to check for the validity of data
// . e.g. length > 285, etc.
// |pd| IN The data to put into the puffed buffer. |pd.type|
// defines the type of the data.
// Returns false if it fails.
virtual bool Insert(const PuffData& pd) = 0;
// Fluesh any buffer or internal state to the output.
// Returns false if it fails.
virtual bool Flush() = 0;
// Returns the number of bytes processed and written into the puff buffer.
virtual size_t Size() = 0;
class BufferPuffWriter : public PuffWriterInterface {
// Sets the parameters of puff buffer.
// |puff_buf| IN The input puffed stream. It is owned by the caller and must
// be valid during the lifetime of the object.
// |puff_size| IN The size of the puffed stream.
BufferPuffWriter(uint8_t* puff_buf, size_t puff_size)
: puff_buf_out_(puff_buf),
state_(State::kWritingNonLiteral) {}
~BufferPuffWriter() override = default;
bool Insert(const PuffData& pd) override;
bool Flush() override;
size_t Size() override;
// Flushes the literals into the output and resets the state.
bool FlushLiterals();
// The pointer to the puffed stream. This should not be deallocated.
uint8_t* puff_buf_out_;
// The size of the puffed buffer.
size_t puff_size_;
// The offset to the next data in the buffer.
size_t index_;
// Marks where the length of data should be written after the |index_| has
// moved forward.
size_t len_index_;
// The number of literals currently been written (or cached).
size_t cur_literals_length_;
// States when writing into the puffed buffer.
enum class State {
kWritingNonLiteral = 0,
} state_;
} // namespace puffin
#endif // SRC_PUFF_WRITER_H_