blob: 47aec22d160f7962746553006e658c718d829373 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2005, Google Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Utility functions and classes used by the Google C++ testing framework.
// Author: (Zhanyong Wan)
// This file contains purely Google Test's internal implementation. Please
// GTEST_IMPLEMENTATION_ is defined to 1 iff the current translation unit is
// part of Google Test's implementation; otherwise it's undefined.
// A user is trying to include this from his code - just say no.
#error "gtest-internal-inl.h is part of Google Test's internal implementation."
#error "It must not be included except by Google Test itself."
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#include <errno.h>
#endif // !_WIN32_WCE
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // For strtoll/_strtoul64/malloc/free.
#include <string.h> // For memmove.
#include <string>
#include <gtest/internal/gtest-port.h>
#include <windows.h> // For DWORD.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gtest/gtest-spi.h>
namespace testing {
// Declares the flags.
// We don't want the users to modify this flag in the code, but want
// Google Test's own unit tests to be able to access it. Therefore we
// declare it here as opposed to in gtest.h.
namespace internal {
// The value of GetTestTypeId() as seen from within the Google Test
// library. This is solely for testing GetTestTypeId().
extern const TypeId kTestTypeIdInGoogleTest;
// Names of the flags (needed for parsing Google Test flags).
const char kAlsoRunDisabledTestsFlag[] = "also_run_disabled_tests";
const char kBreakOnFailureFlag[] = "break_on_failure";
const char kCatchExceptionsFlag[] = "catch_exceptions";
const char kColorFlag[] = "color";
const char kFilterFlag[] = "filter";
const char kListTestsFlag[] = "list_tests";
const char kOutputFlag[] = "output";
const char kPrintTimeFlag[] = "print_time";
const char kRandomSeedFlag[] = "random_seed";
const char kRepeatFlag[] = "repeat";
const char kShuffleFlag[] = "shuffle";
const char kThrowOnFailureFlag[] = "throw_on_failure";
// A valid random seed must be in [1, kMaxRandomSeed].
const int kMaxRandomSeed = 99999;
// Returns the current time in milliseconds.
TimeInMillis GetTimeInMillis();
// Returns a random seed in range [1, kMaxRandomSeed] based on the
// given --gtest_random_seed flag value.
inline int GetRandomSeedFromFlag(Int32 random_seed_flag) {
const unsigned int raw_seed = (random_seed_flag == 0) ?
static_cast<unsigned int>(GetTimeInMillis()) :
static_cast<unsigned int>(random_seed_flag);
// Normalizes the actual seed to range [1, kMaxRandomSeed] such that
// it's easy to type.
const int normalized_seed =
static_cast<int>((raw_seed - 1U) %
static_cast<unsigned int>(kMaxRandomSeed)) + 1;
return normalized_seed;
// Returns the first valid random seed after 'seed'. The behavior is
// undefined if 'seed' is invalid. The seed after kMaxRandomSeed is
// considered to be 1.
inline int GetNextRandomSeed(int seed) {
GTEST_CHECK_(1 <= seed && seed <= kMaxRandomSeed)
<< "Invalid random seed " << seed << " - must be in [1, "
<< kMaxRandomSeed << "].";
const int next_seed = seed + 1;
return (next_seed > kMaxRandomSeed) ? 1 : next_seed;
// This class saves the values of all Google Test flags in its c'tor, and
// restores them in its d'tor.
class GTestFlagSaver {
// The c'tor.
GTestFlagSaver() {
also_run_disabled_tests_ = GTEST_FLAG(also_run_disabled_tests);
break_on_failure_ = GTEST_FLAG(break_on_failure);
catch_exceptions_ = GTEST_FLAG(catch_exceptions);
color_ = GTEST_FLAG(color);
death_test_style_ = GTEST_FLAG(death_test_style);
death_test_use_fork_ = GTEST_FLAG(death_test_use_fork);
filter_ = GTEST_FLAG(filter);
internal_run_death_test_ = GTEST_FLAG(internal_run_death_test);
list_tests_ = GTEST_FLAG(list_tests);
output_ = GTEST_FLAG(output);
print_time_ = GTEST_FLAG(print_time);
random_seed_ = GTEST_FLAG(random_seed);
repeat_ = GTEST_FLAG(repeat);
shuffle_ = GTEST_FLAG(shuffle);
throw_on_failure_ = GTEST_FLAG(throw_on_failure);
// The d'tor is not virtual. DO NOT INHERIT FROM THIS CLASS.
~GTestFlagSaver() {
GTEST_FLAG(also_run_disabled_tests) = also_run_disabled_tests_;
GTEST_FLAG(break_on_failure) = break_on_failure_;
GTEST_FLAG(catch_exceptions) = catch_exceptions_;
GTEST_FLAG(color) = color_;
GTEST_FLAG(death_test_style) = death_test_style_;
GTEST_FLAG(death_test_use_fork) = death_test_use_fork_;
GTEST_FLAG(filter) = filter_;
GTEST_FLAG(internal_run_death_test) = internal_run_death_test_;
GTEST_FLAG(list_tests) = list_tests_;
GTEST_FLAG(output) = output_;
GTEST_FLAG(print_time) = print_time_;
GTEST_FLAG(random_seed) = random_seed_;
GTEST_FLAG(repeat) = repeat_;
GTEST_FLAG(shuffle) = shuffle_;
GTEST_FLAG(throw_on_failure) = throw_on_failure_;
// Fields for saving the original values of flags.
bool also_run_disabled_tests_;
bool break_on_failure_;
bool catch_exceptions_;
String color_;
String death_test_style_;
bool death_test_use_fork_;
String filter_;
String internal_run_death_test_;
bool list_tests_;
String output_;
bool print_time_;
bool pretty_;
internal::Int32 random_seed_;
internal::Int32 repeat_;
bool shuffle_;
bool throw_on_failure_;
// Converts a Unicode code point to a narrow string in UTF-8 encoding.
// code_point parameter is of type UInt32 because wchar_t may not be
// wide enough to contain a code point.
// The output buffer str must containt at least 32 characters.
// The function returns the address of the output buffer.
// If the code_point is not a valid Unicode code point
// (i.e. outside of Unicode range U+0 to U+10FFFF) it will be output
// as '(Invalid Unicode 0xXXXXXXXX)'.
char* CodePointToUtf8(UInt32 code_point, char* str);
// Converts a wide string to a narrow string in UTF-8 encoding.
// The wide string is assumed to have the following encoding:
// UTF-16 if sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 (on Windows, Cygwin, Symbian OS)
// UTF-32 if sizeof(wchar_t) == 4 (on Linux)
// Parameter str points to a null-terminated wide string.
// Parameter num_chars may additionally limit the number
// of wchar_t characters processed. -1 is used when the entire string
// should be processed.
// If the string contains code points that are not valid Unicode code points
// (i.e. outside of Unicode range U+0 to U+10FFFF) they will be output
// as '(Invalid Unicode 0xXXXXXXXX)'. If the string is in UTF16 encoding
// and contains invalid UTF-16 surrogate pairs, values in those pairs
// will be encoded as individual Unicode characters from Basic Normal Plane.
String WideStringToUtf8(const wchar_t* str, int num_chars);
// Returns the number of active threads, or 0 when there is an error.
size_t GetThreadCount();
// Reads the GTEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE environment variable, and creates the file
// if the variable is present. If a file already exists at this location, this
// function will write over it. If the variable is present, but the file cannot
// be created, prints an error and exits.
void WriteToShardStatusFileIfNeeded();
// Checks whether sharding is enabled by examining the relevant
// environment variable values. If the variables are present,
// but inconsistent (e.g., shard_index >= total_shards), prints
// an error and exits. If in_subprocess_for_death_test, sharding is
// disabled because it must only be applied to the original test
// process. Otherwise, we could filter out death tests we intended to execute.
bool ShouldShard(const char* total_shards_str, const char* shard_index_str,
bool in_subprocess_for_death_test);
// Parses the environment variable var as an Int32. If it is unset,
// returns default_val. If it is not an Int32, prints an error and
// and aborts.
Int32 Int32FromEnvOrDie(const char* env_var, Int32 default_val);
// Given the total number of shards, the shard index, and the test id,
// returns true iff the test should be run on this shard. The test id is
// some arbitrary but unique non-negative integer assigned to each test
// method. Assumes that 0 <= shard_index < total_shards.
bool ShouldRunTestOnShard(int total_shards, int shard_index, int test_id);
// Vector is an ordered container that supports random access to the
// elements.
// We cannot use std::vector, as Visual C++ 7.1's implementation of
// STL has problems compiling when exceptions are disabled. There is
// a hack to work around the problems, but we've seen cases where the
// hack fails to work.
// The element type must support copy constructor and operator=.
template <typename E> // E is the element type.
class Vector {
// Creates an empty Vector.
Vector() : elements_(NULL), capacity_(0), size_(0) {}
// D'tor.
virtual ~Vector() { Clear(); }
// Clears the Vector.
void Clear() {
if (elements_ != NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
delete elements_[i];
elements_ = NULL;
capacity_ = size_ = 0;
// Gets the number of elements.
int size() const { return size_; }
// Adds an element to the end of the Vector. A copy of the element
// is created using the copy constructor, and then stored in the
// Vector. Changes made to the element in the Vector doesn't affect
// the source object, and vice versa.
void PushBack(const E& element) { Insert(element, size_); }
// Adds an element to the beginning of this Vector.
void PushFront(const E& element) { Insert(element, 0); }
// Removes an element from the beginning of this Vector. If the
// result argument is not NULL, the removed element is stored in the
// memory it points to. Otherwise the element is thrown away.
// Returns true iff the vector wasn't empty before the operation.
bool PopFront(E* result) {
if (size_ == 0)
return false;
if (result != NULL)
*result = GetElement(0);
return true;
// Inserts an element at the given index. It's the caller's
// responsibility to ensure that the given index is in the range [0,
// size()].
void Insert(const E& element, int index) {
MoveElements(index, size_ - index, index + 1);
elements_[index] = new E(element);
// Erases the element at the specified index, or aborts the program if the
// index is not in range [0, size()).
void Erase(int index) {
GTEST_CHECK_(0 <= index && index < size_)
<< "Invalid Vector index " << index << ": must be in range [0, "
<< (size_ - 1) << "].";
delete elements_[index];
MoveElements(index + 1, size_ - index - 1, index);
// Returns the number of elements that satisfy a given predicate.
// The parameter 'predicate' is a Boolean function or functor that
// accepts a 'const E &', where E is the element type.
template <typename P> // P is the type of the predicate function/functor
int CountIf(P predicate) const {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
if (predicate(*(elements_[i]))) {
return count;
// Applies a function/functor to each element in the Vector. The
// parameter 'functor' is a function/functor that accepts a 'const
// E &', where E is the element type. This method does not change
// the elements.
template <typename F> // F is the type of the function/functor
void ForEach(F functor) const {
for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
// Returns the first node whose element satisfies a given predicate,
// or NULL if none is found. The parameter 'predicate' is a
// function/functor that accepts a 'const E &', where E is the
// element type. This method does not change the elements.
template <typename P> // P is the type of the predicate function/functor.
const E* FindIf(P predicate) const {
for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
if (predicate(*elements_[i])) {
return elements_[i];
return NULL;
template <typename P>
E* FindIf(P predicate) {
for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
if (predicate(*elements_[i])) {
return elements_[i];
return NULL;
// Returns the i-th element of the Vector, or aborts the program if i
// is not in range [0, size()).
const E& GetElement(int i) const {
GTEST_CHECK_(0 <= i && i < size_)
<< "Invalid Vector index " << i << ": must be in range [0, "
<< (size_ - 1) << "].";
return *(elements_[i]);
// Returns a mutable reference to the i-th element of the Vector, or
// aborts the program if i is not in range [0, size()).
E& GetMutableElement(int i) {
GTEST_CHECK_(0 <= i && i < size_)
<< "Invalid Vector index " << i << ": must be in range [0, "
<< (size_ - 1) << "].";
return *(elements_[i]);
// Returns the i-th element of the Vector, or default_value if i is not
// in range [0, size()).
E GetElementOr(int i, E default_value) const {
return (i < 0 || i >= size_) ? default_value : *(elements_[i]);
// Swaps the i-th and j-th elements of the Vector. Crashes if i or
// j is invalid.
void Swap(int i, int j) {
GTEST_CHECK_(0 <= i && i < size_)
<< "Invalid first swap element " << i << ": must be in range [0, "
<< (size_ - 1) << "].";
GTEST_CHECK_(0 <= j && j < size_)
<< "Invalid second swap element " << j << ": must be in range [0, "
<< (size_ - 1) << "].";
E* const temp = elements_[i];
elements_[i] = elements_[j];
elements_[j] = temp;
// Performs an in-place shuffle of a range of this Vector's nodes.
// 'begin' and 'end' are element indices as an STL-style range;
// i.e. [begin, end) are shuffled, where 'end' == size() means to
// shuffle to the end of the Vector.
void ShuffleRange(internal::Random* random, int begin, int end) {
GTEST_CHECK_(0 <= begin && begin <= size_)
<< "Invalid shuffle range start " << begin << ": must be in range [0, "
<< size_ << "].";
GTEST_CHECK_(begin <= end && end <= size_)
<< "Invalid shuffle range finish " << end << ": must be in range ["
<< begin << ", " << size_ << "].";
// Fisher-Yates shuffle, from
for (int range_width = end - begin; range_width >= 2; range_width--) {
const int last_in_range = begin + range_width - 1;
const int selected = begin + random->Generate(range_width);
Swap(selected, last_in_range);
// Performs an in-place shuffle of this Vector's nodes.
void Shuffle(internal::Random* random) {
ShuffleRange(random, 0, size());
// Returns a copy of this Vector.
Vector* Clone() const {
Vector* const clone = new Vector;
for (int i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
return clone;
// Makes sure this Vector's capacity is at least the given value.
void Reserve(int new_capacity) {
if (new_capacity <= capacity_)
capacity_ = new_capacity;
elements_ = static_cast<E**>(
realloc(elements_, capacity_*sizeof(elements_[0])));
// Grows the buffer if it is not big enough to hold one more element.
void GrowIfNeeded() {
if (size_ < capacity_)
// Exponential bump-up is necessary to ensure that inserting N
// elements is O(N) instead of O(N^2). The factor 3/2 means that
// no more than 1/3 of the slots are wasted.
const int new_capacity = 3*(capacity_/2 + 1);
GTEST_CHECK_(new_capacity > capacity_) // Does the new capacity overflow?
<< "Cannot grow a Vector with " << capacity_ << " elements already.";
// Moves the give consecutive elements to a new index in the Vector.
void MoveElements(int source, int count, int dest) {
memmove(elements_ + dest, elements_ + source, count*sizeof(elements_[0]));
E** elements_;
int capacity_; // The number of elements allocated for elements_.
int size_; // The number of elements; in the range [0, capacity_].
// We disallow copying Vector.
}; // class Vector
// A function for deleting an object. Handy for being used as a
// functor.
template <typename T>
static void Delete(T * x) {
delete x;
// A predicate that checks the key of a TestProperty against a known key.
// TestPropertyKeyIs is copyable.
class TestPropertyKeyIs {
// Constructor.
// TestPropertyKeyIs has NO default constructor.
explicit TestPropertyKeyIs(const char* key)
: key_(key) {}
// Returns true iff the test name of test property matches on key_.
bool operator()(const TestProperty& test_property) const {
return String(test_property.key()).Compare(key_) == 0;
String key_;
class TestInfoImpl {
TestInfoImpl(TestInfo* parent, const char* test_case_name,
const char* name, const char* test_case_comment,
const char* comment, TypeId fixture_class_id,
internal::TestFactoryBase* factory);
// Returns true if this test should run.
bool should_run() const { return should_run_; }
// Sets the should_run member.
void set_should_run(bool should) { should_run_ = should; }
// Returns true if this test is disabled. Disabled tests are not run.
bool is_disabled() const { return is_disabled_; }
// Sets the is_disabled member.
void set_is_disabled(bool is) { is_disabled_ = is; }
// Returns true if this test matches the filter specified by the user.
bool matches_filter() const { return matches_filter_; }
// Sets the matches_filter member.
void set_matches_filter(bool matches) { matches_filter_ = matches; }
// Returns the test case name.
const char* test_case_name() const { return test_case_name_.c_str(); }
// Returns the test name.
const char* name() const { return name_.c_str(); }
// Returns the test case comment.
const char* test_case_comment() const { return test_case_comment_.c_str(); }
// Returns the test comment.
const char* comment() const { return comment_.c_str(); }
// Returns the ID of the test fixture class.
TypeId fixture_class_id() const { return fixture_class_id_; }
// Returns the test result.
TestResult* result() { return &result_; }
const TestResult* result() const { return &result_; }
// Creates the test object, runs it, records its result, and then
// deletes it.
void Run();
// Clears the test result.
void ClearResult() { result_.Clear(); }
// Clears the test result in the given TestInfo object.
static void ClearTestResult(TestInfo * test_info) {
// These fields are immutable properties of the test.
TestInfo* const parent_; // The owner of this object
const String test_case_name_; // Test case name
const String name_; // Test name
const String test_case_comment_; // Test case comment
const String comment_; // Test comment
const TypeId fixture_class_id_; // ID of the test fixture class
bool should_run_; // True iff this test should run
bool is_disabled_; // True iff this test is disabled
bool matches_filter_; // True if this test matches the
// user-specified filter.
internal::TestFactoryBase* const factory_; // The factory that creates
// the test object
// This field is mutable and needs to be reset before running the
// test for the second time.
TestResult result_;
// Class UnitTestOptions.
// This class contains functions for processing options the user
// specifies when running the tests. It has only static members.
// In most cases, the user can specify an option using either an
// environment variable or a command line flag. E.g. you can set the
// test filter using either GTEST_FILTER or --gtest_filter. If both
// the variable and the flag are present, the latter overrides the
// former.
class UnitTestOptions {
// Functions for processing the gtest_output flag.
// Returns the output format, or "" for normal printed output.
static String GetOutputFormat();
// Returns the absolute path of the requested output file, or the
// default (test_detail.xml in the original working directory) if
// none was explicitly specified.
static String GetAbsolutePathToOutputFile();
// Functions for processing the gtest_filter flag.
// Returns true iff the wildcard pattern matches the string. The
// first ':' or '\0' character in pattern marks the end of it.
// This recursive algorithm isn't very efficient, but is clear and
// works well enough for matching test names, which are short.
static bool PatternMatchesString(const char *pattern, const char *str);
// Returns true iff the user-specified filter matches the test case
// name and the test name.
static bool FilterMatchesTest(const String &test_case_name,
const String &test_name);
// Function for supporting the gtest_catch_exception flag.
// Returns EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER if Google Test should handle the
// given SEH exception, or EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH otherwise.
// This function is useful as an __except condition.
static int GTestShouldProcessSEH(DWORD exception_code);
// Returns true if "name" matches the ':' separated list of glob-style
// filters in "filter".
static bool MatchesFilter(const String& name, const char* filter);
// Returns the current application's name, removing directory path if that
// is present. Used by UnitTestOptions::GetOutputFile.
FilePath GetCurrentExecutableName();
// The role interface for getting the OS stack trace as a string.
class OsStackTraceGetterInterface {
OsStackTraceGetterInterface() {}
virtual ~OsStackTraceGetterInterface() {}
// Returns the current OS stack trace as a String. Parameters:
// max_depth - the maximum number of stack frames to be included
// in the trace.
// skip_count - the number of top frames to be skipped; doesn't count
// against max_depth.
virtual String CurrentStackTrace(int max_depth, int skip_count) = 0;
// UponLeavingGTest() should be called immediately before Google Test calls
// user code. It saves some information about the current stack that
// CurrentStackTrace() will use to find and hide Google Test stack frames.
virtual void UponLeavingGTest() = 0;
// A working implementation of the OsStackTraceGetterInterface interface.
class OsStackTraceGetter : public OsStackTraceGetterInterface {
OsStackTraceGetter() : caller_frame_(NULL) {}
virtual String CurrentStackTrace(int max_depth, int skip_count);
virtual void UponLeavingGTest();
// This string is inserted in place of stack frames that are part of
// Google Test's implementation.
static const char* const kElidedFramesMarker;
Mutex mutex_; // protects all internal state
// We save the stack frame below the frame that calls user code.
// We do this because the address of the frame immediately below
// the user code changes between the call to UponLeavingGTest()
// and any calls to CurrentStackTrace() from within the user code.
void* caller_frame_;
// Information about a Google Test trace point.
struct TraceInfo {
const char* file;
int line;
String message;
// This is the default global test part result reporter used in UnitTestImpl.
// This class should only be used by UnitTestImpl.
class DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporter
: public TestPartResultReporterInterface {
explicit DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporter(UnitTestImpl* unit_test);
// Implements the TestPartResultReporterInterface. Reports the test part
// result in the current test.
virtual void ReportTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result);
UnitTestImpl* const unit_test_;
// This is the default per thread test part result reporter used in
// UnitTestImpl. This class should only be used by UnitTestImpl.
class DefaultPerThreadTestPartResultReporter
: public TestPartResultReporterInterface {
explicit DefaultPerThreadTestPartResultReporter(UnitTestImpl* unit_test);
// Implements the TestPartResultReporterInterface. The implementation just
// delegates to the current global test part result reporter of *unit_test_.
virtual void ReportTestPartResult(const TestPartResult& result);
UnitTestImpl* const unit_test_;
// The private implementation of the UnitTest class. We don't protect
// the methods under a mutex, as this class is not accessible by a
// user and the UnitTest class that delegates work to this class does
// proper locking.
class UnitTestImpl {
explicit UnitTestImpl(UnitTest* parent);
virtual ~UnitTestImpl();
// There are two different ways to register your own TestPartResultReporter.
// You can register your own repoter to listen either only for test results
// from the current thread or for results from all threads.
// By default, each per-thread test result repoter just passes a new
// TestPartResult to the global test result reporter, which registers the
// test part result for the currently running test.
// Returns the global test part result reporter.
TestPartResultReporterInterface* GetGlobalTestPartResultReporter();
// Sets the global test part result reporter.
void SetGlobalTestPartResultReporter(
TestPartResultReporterInterface* reporter);
// Returns the test part result reporter for the current thread.
TestPartResultReporterInterface* GetTestPartResultReporterForCurrentThread();
// Sets the test part result reporter for the current thread.
void SetTestPartResultReporterForCurrentThread(
TestPartResultReporterInterface* reporter);
// Gets the number of successful test cases.
int successful_test_case_count() const;
// Gets the number of failed test cases.
int failed_test_case_count() const;
// Gets the number of all test cases.
int total_test_case_count() const;
// Gets the number of all test cases that contain at least one test
// that should run.
int test_case_to_run_count() const;
// Gets the number of successful tests.
int successful_test_count() const;
// Gets the number of failed tests.
int failed_test_count() const;
// Gets the number of disabled tests.
int disabled_test_count() const;
// Gets the number of all tests.
int total_test_count() const;
// Gets the number of tests that should run.
int test_to_run_count() const;
// Gets the elapsed time, in milliseconds.
TimeInMillis elapsed_time() const { return elapsed_time_; }
// Returns true iff the unit test passed (i.e. all test cases passed).
bool Passed() const { return !Failed(); }
// Returns true iff the unit test failed (i.e. some test case failed
// or something outside of all tests failed).
bool Failed() const {
return failed_test_case_count() > 0 || ad_hoc_test_result()->Failed();
// Gets the i-th test case among all the test cases. i can range from 0 to
// total_test_case_count() - 1. If i is not in that range, returns NULL.
const TestCase* GetTestCase(int i) const {
const int index = test_case_indices_.GetElementOr(i, -1);
return index < 0 ? NULL : test_cases_.GetElement(i);
// Gets the i-th test case among all the test cases. i can range from 0 to
// total_test_case_count() - 1. If i is not in that range, returns NULL.
TestCase* GetMutableTestCase(int i) {
const int index = test_case_indices_.GetElementOr(i, -1);
return index < 0 ? NULL : test_cases_.GetElement(index);
// Provides access to the event listener list.
TestEventListeners* listeners() { return &listeners_; }
// Returns the TestResult for the test that's currently running, or
// the TestResult for the ad hoc test if no test is running.
TestResult* current_test_result();
// Returns the TestResult for the ad hoc test.
const TestResult* ad_hoc_test_result() const { return &ad_hoc_test_result_; }
// Sets the OS stack trace getter.
// Does nothing if the input and the current OS stack trace getter
// are the same; otherwise, deletes the old getter and makes the
// input the current getter.
void set_os_stack_trace_getter(OsStackTraceGetterInterface* getter);
// Returns the current OS stack trace getter if it is not NULL;
// otherwise, creates an OsStackTraceGetter, makes it the current
// getter, and returns it.
OsStackTraceGetterInterface* os_stack_trace_getter();
// Returns the current OS stack trace as a String.
// The maximum number of stack frames to be included is specified by
// the gtest_stack_trace_depth flag. The skip_count parameter
// specifies the number of top frames to be skipped, which doesn't
// count against the number of frames to be included.
// For example, if Foo() calls Bar(), which in turn calls
// CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(1), Foo() will be included in the
// trace but Bar() and CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop() won't.
String CurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(int skip_count);
// Finds and returns a TestCase with the given name. If one doesn't
// exist, creates one and returns it.
// Arguments:
// test_case_name: name of the test case
// set_up_tc: pointer to the function that sets up the test case
// tear_down_tc: pointer to the function that tears down the test case
TestCase* GetTestCase(const char* test_case_name,
const char* comment,
Test::SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc,
Test::TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc);
// Adds a TestInfo to the unit test.
// Arguments:
// set_up_tc: pointer to the function that sets up the test case
// tear_down_tc: pointer to the function that tears down the test case
// test_info: the TestInfo object
void AddTestInfo(Test::SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc,
Test::TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc,
TestInfo * test_info) {
// In order to support thread-safe death tests, we need to
// remember the original working directory when the test program
// was first invoked. We cannot do this in RUN_ALL_TESTS(), as
// the user may have changed the current directory before calling
// RUN_ALL_TESTS(). Therefore we capture the current directory in
// AddTestInfo(), which is called to register a TEST or TEST_F
// before main() is reached.
if (original_working_dir_.IsEmpty()) {
<< "Failed to get the current working directory.";
// Returns ParameterizedTestCaseRegistry object used to keep track of
// value-parameterized tests and instantiate and register them.
internal::ParameterizedTestCaseRegistry& parameterized_test_registry() {
return parameterized_test_registry_;
// Sets the TestCase object for the test that's currently running.
void set_current_test_case(TestCase* current_test_case) {
current_test_case_ = current_test_case;
// Sets the TestInfo object for the test that's currently running. If
// current_test_info is NULL, the assertion results will be stored in
// ad_hoc_test_result_.
void set_current_test_info(TestInfo* current_test_info) {
current_test_info_ = current_test_info;
// Registers all parameterized tests defined using TEST_P and
// INSTANTIATE_TEST_P, creating regular tests for each test/parameter
// combination. This method can be called more then once; it has
// guards protecting from registering the tests more then once.
// If value-parameterized tests are disabled, RegisterParameterizedTests
// is present but does nothing.
void RegisterParameterizedTests();
// Runs all tests in this UnitTest object, prints the result, and
// returns 0 if all tests are successful, or 1 otherwise. If any
// exception is thrown during a test on Windows, this test is
// considered to be failed, but the rest of the tests will still be
// run. (We disable exceptions on Linux and Mac OS X, so the issue
// doesn't apply there.)
int RunAllTests();
// Clears the results of all tests, including the ad hoc test.
void ClearResult() {
enum ReactionToSharding {
// Matches the full name of each test against the user-specified
// filter to decide whether the test should run, then records the
// result in each TestCase and TestInfo object.
// If shard_tests == HONOR_SHARDING_PROTOCOL, further filters tests
// based on sharding variables in the environment.
// Returns the number of tests that should run.
int FilterTests(ReactionToSharding shard_tests);
// Prints the names of the tests matching the user-specified filter flag.
void ListTestsMatchingFilter();
const TestCase* current_test_case() const { return current_test_case_; }
TestInfo* current_test_info() { return current_test_info_; }
const TestInfo* current_test_info() const { return current_test_info_; }
// Returns the vector of environments that need to be set-up/torn-down
// before/after the tests are run.
internal::Vector<Environment*>* environments() { return &environments_; }
internal::Vector<Environment*>* environments_in_reverse_order() {
return &environments_in_reverse_order_;
// Getters for the per-thread Google Test trace stack.
internal::Vector<TraceInfo>* gtest_trace_stack() {
return gtest_trace_stack_.pointer();
const internal::Vector<TraceInfo>* gtest_trace_stack() const {
return gtest_trace_stack_.pointer();
void InitDeathTestSubprocessControlInfo() {
// Returns a pointer to the parsed --gtest_internal_run_death_test
// flag, or NULL if that flag was not specified.
// This information is useful only in a death test child process.
// Must not be called before a call to InitGoogleTest.
const InternalRunDeathTestFlag* internal_run_death_test_flag() const {
return internal_run_death_test_flag_.get();
// Returns a pointer to the current death test factory.
internal::DeathTestFactory* death_test_factory() {
return death_test_factory_.get();
void SuppressTestEventsIfInSubprocess();
friend class ReplaceDeathTestFactory;
// Initializes the event listener performing XML output as specified by
// UnitTestOptions. Must not be called before InitGoogleTest.
void ConfigureXmlOutput();
// Performs initialization dependent upon flag values obtained in
// ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly. Is called from InitGoogleTest after the call to
// ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly. In case a user neglects to call InitGoogleTest
// this function is also called from RunAllTests. Since this function can be
// called more than once, it has to be idempotent.
void PostFlagParsingInit();
// Gets the random seed used at the start of the current test iteration.
int random_seed() const { return random_seed_; }
// Gets the random number generator.
internal::Random* random() { return &random_; }
// Shuffles all test cases, and the tests within each test case,
// making sure that death tests are still run first.
void ShuffleTests();
// Restores the test cases and tests to their order before the first shuffle.
void UnshuffleTests();
friend class ::testing::UnitTest;
// The UnitTest object that owns this implementation object.
UnitTest* const parent_;
// The working directory when the first TEST() or TEST_F() was
// executed.
internal::FilePath original_working_dir_;
// The default test part result reporters.
DefaultGlobalTestPartResultReporter default_global_test_part_result_reporter_;
// Points to (but doesn't own) the global test part result reporter.
TestPartResultReporterInterface* global_test_part_result_repoter_;
// Protects read and write access to global_test_part_result_reporter_.
internal::Mutex global_test_part_result_reporter_mutex_;
// Points to (but doesn't own) the per-thread test part result reporter.
// The vector of environments that need to be set-up/torn-down
// before/after the tests are run. environments_in_reverse_order_
// simply mirrors environments_ in reverse order.
internal::Vector<Environment*> environments_;
internal::Vector<Environment*> environments_in_reverse_order_;
// The vector of TestCases in their original order. It owns the
// elements in the vector.
internal::Vector<TestCase*> test_cases_;
// Provides a level of indirection for the test case list to allow
// easy shuffling and restoring the test case order. The i-th
// element of this vector is the index of the i-th test case in the
// shuffled order.
internal::Vector<int> test_case_indices_;
// ParameterizedTestRegistry object used to register value-parameterized
// tests.
internal::ParameterizedTestCaseRegistry parameterized_test_registry_;
// Indicates whether RegisterParameterizedTests() has been called already.
bool parameterized_tests_registered_;
// Index of the last death test case registered. Initially -1.
int last_death_test_case_;
// This points to the TestCase for the currently running test. It
// changes as Google Test goes through one test case after another.
// When no test is running, this is set to NULL and Google Test
// stores assertion results in ad_hoc_test_result_. Initially NULL.
TestCase* current_test_case_;
// This points to the TestInfo for the currently running test. It
// changes as Google Test goes through one test after another. When
// no test is running, this is set to NULL and Google Test stores
// assertion results in ad_hoc_test_result_. Initially NULL.
TestInfo* current_test_info_;
// Normally, a user only writes assertions inside a TEST or TEST_F,
// or inside a function called by a TEST or TEST_F. Since Google
// Test keeps track of which test is current running, it can
// associate such an assertion with the test it belongs to.
// If an assertion is encountered when no TEST or TEST_F is running,
// Google Test attributes the assertion result to an imaginary "ad hoc"
// test, and records the result in ad_hoc_test_result_.
TestResult ad_hoc_test_result_;
// The list of event listeners that can be used to track events inside
// Google Test.
TestEventListeners listeners_;
// The OS stack trace getter. Will be deleted when the UnitTest
// object is destructed. By default, an OsStackTraceGetter is used,
// but the user can set this field to use a custom getter if that is
// desired.
OsStackTraceGetterInterface* os_stack_trace_getter_;
// True iff PostFlagParsingInit() has been called.
bool post_flag_parse_init_performed_;
// The random number seed used at the beginning of the test run.
int random_seed_;
// Our random number generator.
internal::Random random_;
// How long the test took to run, in milliseconds.
TimeInMillis elapsed_time_;
// The decomposed components of the gtest_internal_run_death_test flag,
// parsed when RUN_ALL_TESTS is called.
internal::scoped_ptr<InternalRunDeathTestFlag> internal_run_death_test_flag_;
internal::scoped_ptr<internal::DeathTestFactory> death_test_factory_;
// A per-thread stack of traces created by the SCOPED_TRACE() macro.
internal::ThreadLocal<internal::Vector<TraceInfo> > gtest_trace_stack_;
}; // class UnitTestImpl
// Convenience function for accessing the global UnitTest
// implementation object.
inline UnitTestImpl* GetUnitTestImpl() {
return UnitTest::GetInstance()->impl();
// Internal helper functions for implementing the simple regular
// expression matcher.
bool IsInSet(char ch, const char* str);
bool IsDigit(char ch);
bool IsPunct(char ch);
bool IsRepeat(char ch);
bool IsWhiteSpace(char ch);
bool IsWordChar(char ch);
bool IsValidEscape(char ch);
bool AtomMatchesChar(bool escaped, char pattern, char ch);
bool ValidateRegex(const char* regex);
bool MatchRegexAtHead(const char* regex, const char* str);
bool MatchRepetitionAndRegexAtHead(
bool escaped, char ch, char repeat, const char* regex, const char* str);
bool MatchRegexAnywhere(const char* regex, const char* str);
// Parses the command line for Google Test flags, without initializing
// other parts of Google Test.
void ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly(int* argc, char** argv);
void ParseGoogleTestFlagsOnly(int* argc, wchar_t** argv);
// Returns the message describing the last system error, regardless of the
// platform.
String GetLastErrnoDescription();
// Provides leak-safe Windows kernel handle ownership.
class AutoHandle {
AutoHandle() : handle_(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {}
explicit AutoHandle(HANDLE handle) : handle_(handle) {}
~AutoHandle() { Reset(); }
HANDLE Get() const { return handle_; }
void Reset() { Reset(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); }
void Reset(HANDLE handle) {
if (handle != handle_) {
if (handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
handle_ = handle;
HANDLE handle_;
// Attempts to parse a string into a positive integer pointed to by the
// number parameter. Returns true if that is possible.
// GTEST_HAS_DEATH_TEST implies that we have ::std::string, so we can use
// it here.
template <typename Integer>
bool ParseNaturalNumber(const ::std::string& str, Integer* number) {
// Fail fast if the given string does not begin with a digit;
// this bypasses strtoXXX's "optional leading whitespace and plus
// or minus sign" semantics, which are undesirable here.
if (str.empty() || !isdigit(str[0])) {
return false;
errno = 0;
char* end;
// BiggestConvertible is the largest integer type that system-provided
// string-to-number conversion routines can return.
#if GTEST_OS_WINDOWS && !defined(__GNUC__)
// MSVC and C++ Builder define __int64 instead of the standard long long.
typedef unsigned __int64 BiggestConvertible;
const BiggestConvertible parsed = _strtoui64(str.c_str(), &end, 10);
typedef unsigned long long BiggestConvertible; // NOLINT
const BiggestConvertible parsed = strtoull(str.c_str(), &end, 10);
#endif // GTEST_OS_WINDOWS && !defined(__GNUC__)
const bool parse_success = *end == '\0' && errno == 0;
// TODO( Convert this to compile time assertion when it is
// available.
GTEST_CHECK_(sizeof(Integer) <= sizeof(parsed));
const Integer result = static_cast<Integer>(parsed);
if (parse_success && static_cast<BiggestConvertible>(result) == parsed) {
*number = result;
return true;
return false;
// TestResult contains some private methods that should be hidden from
// Google Test user but are required for testing. This class allow our tests
// to access them.
class TestResultAccessor {
static void RecordProperty(TestResult* test_result,
const TestProperty& property) {
static void ClearTestPartResults(TestResult* test_result) {
static const Vector<testing::TestPartResult>& test_part_results(
const TestResult& test_result) {
return test_result.test_part_results();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace testing