Add libprotobuf-cpp-lite-rtti target for the platform.

When linking against libprotobuf-lite, if your program is compiled with
-frtti, you need the typeinfo for google::protobuf::MessageLite. On the
other hand, if your program is compiled with -fno-rtti, you need
libprotobuf-lite to be compiled with -DGOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI so the
library headers don't attempt to use the type information.

To allow old programs compiled with -fno-rtti and new programs compiled
with -frtti coexists, this patch introduces a new target
libprotobuf-cpp-lite-rtti enabling -frtti on libprotobuf-cpp-lite
similar to the existing libprotobuf-cpp-full-gnustl-rtti.

Bug: 23084776
Change-Id: I28d435485b9cb2509dfecb0d0e70f0db150687d2
Test: `mma external/protobuf`

(cherry picked from commit a4e6f5be2813d8369dbaabe8eda497f5ed72a570)
diff --git a/ b/
index ea8cedb..a107f3b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -310,6 +310,28 @@
+# C++ lite library + rtti (libc++ flavored for the platform)
+# =======================================================
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE := libprotobuf-cpp-lite-rtti
+LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+    $(LOCAL_PATH)/android \
+    $(LOCAL_PATH)/src
+LOCAL_RTTI_FLAG := -frtti
 # C++ full library
 # =======================================================
 protobuf_cc_full_src_files := \