deduplicate MapField implementation
diff --git a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/Collections/MapField.cs b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/Collections/MapField.cs
index 579a6d5..1dc9213 100644
--- a/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/Collections/MapField.cs
+++ b/csharp/src/Google.Protobuf/Collections/MapField.cs
@@ -424,13 +424,15 @@
         /// <param name="codec">Codec describing how the key/value pairs are encoded</param>

         public void AddEntriesFrom(CodedInputStream input, Codec codec)


-            var adapter = new Codec.MessageAdapter(codec);

-            do

+            ParseContext.Initialize(input, out ParseContext ctx);

+            try


-                adapter.Reset();

-                input.ReadMessage(adapter);

-                this[adapter.Key] = adapter.Value;

-            } while (input.MaybeConsumeTag(codec.MapTag));

+                AddEntriesFrom(ref ctx, codec);

+            }

+            finally

+            {

+                ctx.CopyStateTo(input);

+            }



         /// <summary>

@@ -665,35 +667,13 @@

                 public void MergeFrom(CodedInputStream input)


-                    uint tag;

-                    while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0)

-                    {

-                        if (tag == codec.keyCodec.Tag)

-                        {

-                            Key = codec.keyCodec.Read(input);

-                        }

-                        else if (tag == codec.valueCodec.Tag)

-                        {

-                            Value = codec.valueCodec.Read(input);

-                        }

-                        else 

-                        {

-                            input.SkipLastField();

-                        }

-                    }


-                    // Corner case: a map entry with a key but no value, where the value type is a message.

-                    // Read it as if we'd seen an input stream with no data (i.e. create a "default" message).

-                    if (Value == null)

-                    {

-                        Value = codec.valueCodec.Read(new CodedInputStream(ZeroLengthMessageStreamData));

-                    }

+                    // Message adapter is an internal class and we know that all the parsing will happen via InternalMergeFrom.

+                    throw new NotImplementedException();




                 public void InternalMergeFrom(ref ParseContext ctx)


-                    // TODO(jtattermusch): deduplicate code

                     uint tag;

                     while ((tag = ctx.ReadTag()) != 0)
