blob: eef6e47034fc6d29de607c195bbcc0b012925888 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/method_union.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/nanopb_method.h"
#include "pw_rpc/internal/raw_method_union.h"
namespace pw::rpc::internal {
// Method union which holds either a nanopb or a raw method.
class NanopbMethodUnion : public MethodUnion {
constexpr NanopbMethodUnion(RawMethod&& method)
: impl_({.raw = std::move(method)}) {}
constexpr NanopbMethodUnion(NanopbMethod&& method)
: impl_({.nanopb = std::move(method)}) {}
constexpr const Method& method() const { return impl_.method; }
constexpr const RawMethod& raw_method() const { return impl_.raw; }
constexpr const NanopbMethod& nanopb_method() const { return impl_.nanopb; }
union {
Method method;
RawMethod raw;
NanopbMethod nanopb;
} impl_;
// Specialization for a nanopb unary method.
template <typename T, typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct MethodTraits<Status (T::*)(
ServerContext&, const RequestType&, ResponseType&)> {
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kUnary;
using Service = T;
using Implementation = NanopbMethod;
using Request = RequestType;
using Response = ResponseType;
// Specialization for a nanopb server streaming method.
template <typename T, typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct MethodTraits<void (T::*)(
ServerContext&, const RequestType&, ServerWriter<ResponseType>&)> {
static constexpr MethodType kType = MethodType::kServerStreaming;
using Service = T;
using Implementation = NanopbMethod;
using Request = RequestType;
using Response = ResponseType;
template <auto method>
constexpr bool kIsNanopb =
std::is_same_v<MethodImplementation<method>, NanopbMethod>;
// Deduces the type of an implemented nanopb service method from its signature,
// and returns the appropriate Method object to invoke it.
template <auto method>
constexpr NanopbMethod GetNanopbMethodFor(
uint32_t id,
NanopbMessageDescriptor request_fields,
NanopbMessageDescriptor response_fields) {
"GetNanopbMethodFor should only be called on nanopb RPC methods");
using Traits = MethodTraits<decltype(method)>;
using ServiceImpl = typename Traits::Service;
if constexpr (Traits::kType == MethodType::kUnary) {
constexpr auto invoker = +[](ServerCall& call,
const typename Traits::Request& request,
typename Traits::Response& response) {
return (static_cast<ServiceImpl&>(call.service()).*method)(
call.context(), request, response);
return NanopbMethod::Unary<invoker>(id, request_fields, response_fields);
if constexpr (Traits::kType == MethodType::kServerStreaming) {
constexpr auto invoker =
+[](ServerCall& call,
const typename Traits::Request& request,
ServerWriter<typename Traits::Response>& writer) {
call.context(), request, writer);
return NanopbMethod::ServerStreaming<invoker>(
id, request_fields, response_fields);
constexpr auto fake_invoker =
+[](ServerCall&, const int&, ServerWriter<int>&) {};
return NanopbMethod::ServerStreaming<fake_invoker>(0, nullptr, nullptr);
// Returns either a raw or nanopb method object, depending on an implemented
// function's signature.
template <auto method>
constexpr auto GetNanopbOrRawMethodFor(
uint32_t id,
[[maybe_unused]] NanopbMessageDescriptor request_fields,
[[maybe_unused]] NanopbMessageDescriptor response_fields) {
if constexpr (kIsRaw<method>) {
return GetRawMethodFor<method>(id);
} else {
return GetNanopbMethodFor<method>(id, request_fields, response_fields);
} // namespace pw::rpc::internal