blob: c1f6c2bf0e8c14476762ca2b9b13aaa8c09064b0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""PwPtPythonPane class."""
import asyncio
import functools
import io
import logging
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
import ptpython.repl # type: ignore
from ptpython.layout import CompletionVisualisation # type: ignore
from ptpython.completer import CompletePrivateAttributes # type: ignore
import pw_console.helpers
_LOG = logging.getLogger(__package__)
class PwPtPythonRepl(ptpython.repl.PythonRepl):
"""A ptpython repl class with changes to code execution and output related
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
history_filename=(Path.home() / '.pw_console_history').as_posix(),
# Use python_toolkit default color depth.
# color_depth=ColorDepth.DEPTH_8_BIT, # 256 Colors
# Change some ptpython.repl defaults.
self.show_status_bar = False
self.show_exit_confirmation = False
self.complete_private_attributes = (
# Function signature that shows args, kwargs, and types under the cursor
# of the input window.
self.show_signature: bool = True
# Docstring of the current completed function that appears at the bottom
# of the input window.
self.show_docstring: bool = False
# Turn off the completion menu in ptpython. The CompletionsMenu in
# ConsoleApp.root_container will handle this.
self.completion_visualisation: CompletionVisualisation = (
# Additional state variables.
self.repl_pane = None
self._last_result = None
def __pt_container__(self):
"""Return the prompt_toolkit root container for class."""
return self.ptpython_layout.root_container
def set_repl_pane(self, repl_pane):
"""Update the parent pw_console.ReplPane reference."""
self.repl_pane = repl_pane
def _save_result(self, formatted_text):
"""Save the last repl execution result."""
unformatted_result = pw_console.helpers.remove_formatting(
self._last_result = unformatted_result
def clear_last_result(self):
"""Erase the last repl execution result."""
self._last_result = None
def _update_output_buffer(self):
def show_result(self, result):
"""Format and save output results.
This function is called from the _run_user_code() function which is
always run from the user code thread, within
formatted_result = self._format_result_output(result)
def _handle_exception(self, e: BaseException) -> None:
"""Format and save output results.
This function is called from the _run_user_code() function which is
always run from the user code thread, within
formatted_result = self._format_exception_output(e)
def user_code_complete_callback(self, input_text, future):
"""Callback to run after user repl code is finished."""
# If there was an exception it will be saved in self._last_result
result = self._last_result
# _last_result consumed, erase for the next run.
stdout_contents = None
stderr_contents = None
if future.result():
future_result = future.result()
stdout_contents = future_result['stdout']
stderr_contents = future_result['stderr']
result_value = future_result['result']
if result_value is not None:
formatted_result = self._format_result_output(result_value)
result = pw_console.helpers.remove_formatting(formatted_result)
# Job is finished, append the last result.
self.repl_pane.append_result_to_executed_code(input_text, future,
result, stdout_contents,
# Rebuild output buffer.
# Trigger a prompt_toolkit application redraw.
async def _run_user_code(self, text):
"""Run user code and capture stdout+err.
This fuction should be run in a separate thread from the main
prompt_toolkit application."""
# NOTE: This function runs in a separate thread using the asyncio event
# loop defined by self.repl_pane.application.user_code_loop. Patching
# stdout here will not effect the stdout used by prompt_toolkit and the
# main user interface.
# Patch stdout and stderr to capture repl print() statements.
original_stdout = sys.stdout
original_stderr = sys.stderr
temp_out = io.StringIO()
temp_err = io.StringIO()
sys.stdout = temp_out
sys.stderr = temp_err
# Run user repl code
result = await self.run_and_show_expression_async(text)
# Always restore original stdout and stderr
sys.stdout = original_stdout
sys.stderr = original_stderr
# Save the captured output
stdout_contents = temp_out.getvalue()
stderr_contents = temp_err.getvalue()
return {
'stdout': stdout_contents,
'stderr': stderr_contents,
'result': result
def _accept_handler(self, buff: Buffer) -> bool:
"""Function executed when pressing enter in the ptpython.repl.PythonRepl
input buffer."""
# Do nothing if no text is entered.
if len(buff.text) == 0:
return False
# Execute the repl code in the the separate user_code thread loop.
future = asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
# This function will be executed in a separate thread.
# Using this asyncio event loop.
# Run user_code_complete_callback() when done.
done_callback = functools.partial(self.user_code_complete_callback,
# Save the input text and future object.
self.repl_pane.append_executed_code(buff.text, future)
# Rebuild the parent ReplPane output buffer.
# TODO(tonymd): Return True if exception is found?
# Don't keep input for now. Return True to keep input text.
return False