blob: 04c77c46cc93c63f5e48cc0e251af6b4c9bc8c59 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _target-raspberry-pi-pico:
Raspberry Pi Pico
.. warning::
This target is in an early state and is under active development. Usability
is not very polished, and many features/configuration options that work in
upstream Pi Pico CMake build have not yet been ported to the GN build.
To use this target, Pigweed must be set up to build against the Raspberry Pi
Pico SDK. This can be downloaded via ``pw package``, and then the build must be
manually configured to point to the location of the downloaded SDK.
.. code-block:: sh
pw package install pico_sdk
gn args out
# Add this line.
PICO_SRC_DIR = getenv("PW_PACKAGE_ROOT") + "/pico_sdk"
On linux, you may need to update your udev rules at
``/etc/udev/rules.d/49-pico.rules`` to include the following:
.. code-block:: none
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", MODE:="0666"
KERNEL=="ttyACM*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", MODE:="0666"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE:="0666"
KERNEL=="ttyACM*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE:="0666"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="000a", MODE:="0666"
KERNEL=="ttyACM*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2e8a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="000a", MODE:="0666"
The Pi Pico is configured to output logs and test results over USB serial at a
baud rate of 115200.
Once the pico SDK is configured, the Pi Pico will build as part of the default
GN build:
.. code-block:: sh
ninja -C out
Pigweed's build will produce ELF and UF2 files for each unit test built for the
Pi Pico.
Flashing the Pi Pico is two easy steps:
#. While holding the button on the Pi Pico, connect the Pico to your computer
via the micro USB port.
#. Copy the desired UF2 firmware image to the RPI-RP2 volume that enumerated
when you connected the Pico.
Unlike some other targets, the RP2040 does not automatically run tests on boot.
To run a test, flash it to the RP2040 and connect to the serial port and then
press the spacebar to start the test:
.. code-block:: none
$ python -m --raw /dev/ttyACM0 115200
--- Miniterm on /dev/cu.usbmodem142401 115200,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---INF [==========] Running all tests.
INF [ RUN ] Status.Default
INF [ OK ] Status.Default
INF [ RUN ] Status.ConstructWithStatusCode
INF [ OK ] Status.ConstructWithStatusCode
INF [ RUN ] Status.AssignFromStatusCode
INF [ OK ] Status.AssignFromStatusCode
INF [ RUN ] Status.Ok_OkIsTrue
INF [ OK ] Status.Ok_OkIsTrue
INF [ RUN ] Status.NotOk_OkIsFalse
INF [ OK ] Status.NotOk_OkIsFalse
INF [ RUN ] Status.Code
INF [ OK ] Status.Code
INF [ RUN ] Status.EqualCodes
INF [ OK ] Status.EqualCodes
INF [ RUN ] Status.IsError
INF [ OK ] Status.IsError
INF [ RUN ] Status.IsNotError
INF [ OK ] Status.IsNotError
INF [ RUN ] Status.Strings
INF [ OK ] Status.Strings
INF [ RUN ] Status.UnknownString
INF [ OK ] Status.UnknownString
INF [ RUN ] Status.Update
INF [ OK ] Status.Update
INF [ RUN ] StatusCLinkage.CallCFunctionWithStatus
INF [ OK ] StatusCLinkage.CallCFunctionWithStatus
INF [ RUN ] StatusCLinkage.TestStatusFromC
INF [ OK ] StatusCLinkage.TestStatusFromC
INF [ RUN ] StatusCLinkage.TestStatusStringsFromC
INF [ OK ] StatusCLinkage.TestStatusStringsFromC
INF [==========] Done running all tests.
INF [ PASSED ] 15 test(s).
This is done because the serial port enumerated by the Pi Pico goes away on
reboot, so it's not safe to run tests until the port has fully enumerated and
a terminal has connected. To avoid races, the Pico will just wait until it
receives the space character (0x20) as a signal to start running the tests.
The RP2040 does not yet provide an automated test runner with build system
Automated test runner
This target supports automatically running on-device tests as part of the GN
build thanks to a custom ``pw_unit_test_AUTOMATIC_RUNNER`` script.
Step 1: Start test server
To allow Ninja to properly serialize tests to run on device, Ninja will send
test requests to a server running in the background. The first step is to launch
this server. By default, the script will attempt to automatically detect an
attached Pi Pico running an application with USB serial enabled, then using
it for testing. To override this behavior, provide a custom server configuration
file with ``--server-config``.
.. code-block:: sh
$ python -m rp2040_utils.unit_test_server
.. tip::
If the server can't find any attached devices, ensure your Pi Pico is
already running an application that utilizes USB serial.
.. Warning::
If you connect or disconnect any boards, you'll need to restart the test
server for hardware changes to take effect.
Step 2: Configure GN
By default, this hardware target has incremental testing disabled. Enabling the
``pw_targets_ENABLE_RP2040_TEST_RUNNER`` build arg tells GN to send requests to
a running ``rp2040_utils.unit_test_server``.
.. code-block:: sh
$ gn args out
# Modify and save the args file to use pw_target_runner.
pw_targets_ENABLE_RP2040_TEST_RUNNER = true
Step 3: Build changes
Now, whenever you run ``ninja -C out pi_pico``, all tests affected by changes
since the last build will be rebuilt and then run on the attached device.
Alternatively, you may use ``pw watch`` to set up Pigweed to trigger
builds/tests whenever changes to source files are detected.