blob: 8914b1bc95ccab5b748bc7ac1b3c03e209c61f1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
import { LogSource } from '../log-source';
import { LogEntry, FieldData, Severity } from '../shared/interfaces';
import log_data from './log_data.json';
interface LevelToSeverity {
[level: number]: Severity;
export class JsonLogSource extends LogSource {
private intervalId: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null;
private logIndex: number = 0;
private previousLogTime: number = 0;
private logLevelToSeverity: LevelToSeverity = {
10: Severity.DEBUG,
20: Severity.INFO,
21: Severity.INFO,
30: Severity.WARNING,
40: Severity.ERROR,
50: Severity.CRITICAL,
70: Severity.CRITICAL,
private nonAdditionalDataFields = [
constructor() {
start(): void {
const getInterval = () => {
// Get the current log time
const next_log_time = Number(log_data[this.logIndex].time);
const wait_ms = 1000 * (next_log_time - this.previousLogTime);
return Math.round(wait_ms);
const readLogEntry = () => {
const logEntry = this.readLogEntryFromJson();
this.emitEvent('logEntry', logEntry);
const nextInterval = getInterval();
setTimeout(readLogEntry, nextInterval);
stop(): void {
if (this.intervalId) {
this.intervalId = null;
private updateLogTime(): void {
this.previousLogTime = Number(log_data[this.logIndex].time);
private updateLogIndex(): void {
this.logIndex += 1;
if (this.logIndex >= log_data.length) {
this.logIndex = 0;
readLogEntryFromJson(): LogEntry {
const data = log_data[this.logIndex];
const host_log_time = new Date(0); // Date set to epoch seconds 0
const host_log_epoch_seconds = Number(data.time);
const host_log_epoch_milliseconds = Math.trunc(
1000 * (host_log_epoch_seconds - Math.trunc(host_log_epoch_seconds)),
const fields: Array<FieldData> = [
{ key: 'severity', value: this.logLevelToSeverity[data.levelno] },
{ key: 'time', value: host_log_time },
Object.keys(data.fields).forEach((columnName) => {
if (this.nonAdditionalDataFields.indexOf(columnName) === -1) {
// @ts-ignore
fields.push({ key: columnName, value: data.fields[columnName] });
fields.push({ key: 'message', value: data.message });
fields.push({ key: 'py_file', value: data.py_file || '' });
fields.push({ key: 'py_logger', value: data.py_logger || '' });
const logEntry: LogEntry = {
severity: this.logLevelToSeverity[data.levelno],
timestamp: new Date(),
fields: fields,
return logEntry;