blob: a9108a55d52feca0d1833dfcac65ab0649caf3d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include "pw_protobuf/encoder.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/internal/codegen.h"
#include "pw_protobuf/stream_decoder.h"
#include "pw_span/span.h"
#include "pw_stream/null_stream.h"
namespace pw::rpc {
using PwpbMessageDescriptor =
const span<const protobuf::internal::MessageField>*;
// Serializer/deserializer for a pw_protobuf message.
class PwpbSerde {
explicit constexpr PwpbSerde(PwpbMessageDescriptor table) : table_(table) {}
PwpbSerde(const PwpbSerde&) = default;
PwpbSerde& operator=(const PwpbSerde&) = default;
// Encodes a pw_protobuf struct to the serialized wire format.
template <typename Message>
StatusWithSize Encode(const Message& message, ByteSpan buffer) const {
return Encoder(buffer).Write(as_bytes(span(&message, 1)), table_);
// Calculates the encoded size of the provided protobuf struct without
// actually encoding it.
template <typename Message>
StatusWithSize EncodedSizeBytes(const Message& message) const {
// TODO(b/269515470): Use kScratchBufferSizeBytes instead of a fixed size.
std::array<std::byte, 64> scratch_buffer;
stream::CountingNullStream output;
StreamEncoder encoder(output, scratch_buffer);
const Status result = encoder.Write(as_bytes(span(&message, 1)), *table_);
// TODO(b/269633514): Add 16 to the encoded size because pw_protobuf
// sometimes fails to encode to buffers that exactly fit the output.
return StatusWithSize(result, output.bytes_written() + 16);
// Decodes a serialized protobuf into a pw_protobuf message struct.
template <typename Message>
Status Decode(ConstByteSpan buffer, Message& message) const {
return Decoder(buffer).Read(as_writable_bytes(span(&message, 1)), table_);
class Encoder : public protobuf::MemoryEncoder {
constexpr Encoder(ByteSpan buffer) : protobuf::MemoryEncoder(buffer) {}
StatusWithSize Write(ConstByteSpan message, PwpbMessageDescriptor table) {
const Status status = protobuf::MemoryEncoder::Write(message, *table);
return StatusWithSize(status, size());
class StreamEncoder : public protobuf::StreamEncoder {
constexpr StreamEncoder(stream::Writer& writer, ByteSpan buffer)
: protobuf::StreamEncoder(writer, buffer) {}
using protobuf::StreamEncoder::Write; // Make this method public
class Decoder : public protobuf::StreamDecoder {
constexpr Decoder(ConstByteSpan buffer)
: protobuf::StreamDecoder(reader_), reader_(buffer) {}
Status Read(ByteSpan message, PwpbMessageDescriptor table) {
return protobuf::StreamDecoder::Read(message, *table);
stream::MemoryReader reader_;
PwpbMessageDescriptor table_;
// Serializer/deserializer for pw_protobuf request and response message structs
// within an RPC method.
class PwpbMethodSerde {
constexpr PwpbMethodSerde(PwpbMessageDescriptor request_table,
PwpbMessageDescriptor response_table)
: request_serde_(request_table), response_serde_(response_table) {}
PwpbMethodSerde(const PwpbMethodSerde&) = delete;
PwpbMethodSerde& operator=(const PwpbMethodSerde&) = delete;
const PwpbSerde& request() const { return request_serde_; }
const PwpbSerde& response() const { return response_serde_; }
PwpbSerde request_serde_;
PwpbSerde response_serde_;
} // namespace pw::rpc