blob: 3cf15db0330df9f11ee8074397e8cfc6451a31ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
package dev.pigweed.pw_rpc;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Arrays;
/** Represents an RPC service: a collection of related methods. */
public class Service {
private final String name;
private final int id;
private final ImmutableMap<Integer, Method> methods;
public Service(String name, Method.Builder... methodBuilders) { = name; = Ids.calculate(name); -> m.setService(this));
this.methods = ImmutableMap.copyOf(
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Method::id, m -> m)));
/** Returns the fully qualified name of this service (package.Service). */
public final String name() {
return name;
/** Returns the methods in this service. */
public final ImmutableCollection<Method> getMethods() {
return methods.values();
final int id() {
return id;
final Method method(String name) {
return methods.get(Ids.calculate(name));
final Method method(int id) {
return methods.get(id);
public final String toString() {
return name();
// TODO(b/293361955): Remove deprecated methods.
* Declares a unary service method.
* @param name The method name within the service, e.g. "MyMethod" for my_pkg.MyService.MyMethod.
* @param request Parser for the request protobuf, e.g. MyRequestProto.parser()
* @param response Parser for the response protobuf, e.g. MyResponseProto.parser()
* @return Method.Builder, for internal use by the Service class only
public static Method.Builder unaryMethod(
String name, Parser<? extends MessageLite> request, Parser<? extends MessageLite> response) {
return Method.builder()
* Declares a unary service method.
* @deprecated Pass `ProtobufType.parser()` instead of `ProtobufType.class`.
public static Method.Builder unaryMethod(
String name, Class<? extends MessageLite> request, Class<? extends MessageLite> response) {
return unaryMethod(name, getParser(request), getParser(response));
* Declares a server streaming service method.
* @param name The method name within the service, e.g. "MyMethod" for my_pkg.MyService.MyMethod.
* @param request Parser for the request protobuf, e.g. MyRequestProto.parser()
* @param response Parser for the response protobuf, e.g. MyResponseProto.parser()
* @return Method.Builder, for internal use by the Service class only
public static Method.Builder serverStreamingMethod(
String name, Parser<? extends MessageLite> request, Parser<? extends MessageLite> response) {
return Method.builder()
* Declares a server streaming service method.
* @deprecated Pass `ProtobufType.parser()` instead of `ProtobufType.class`.
public static Method.Builder serverStreamingMethod(
String name, Class<? extends MessageLite> request, Class<? extends MessageLite> response) {
return serverStreamingMethod(name, getParser(request), getParser(response));
* Declares a client streaming service method.
* @param name The method name within the service, e.g. "MyMethod" for my_pkg.MyService.MyMethod.
* @param request Parser for the request protobuf, e.g. MyRequestProto.parser()
* @param response Parser for the response protobuf, e.g. MyResponseProto.parser()
* @return Method.Builder, for internal use by the Service class only
public static Method.Builder clientStreamingMethod(
String name, Parser<? extends MessageLite> request, Parser<? extends MessageLite> response) {
return Method.builder()
* Declares a client streaming service method.
* @deprecated Pass `ProtobufType.parser()` instead of `ProtobufType.class`.
public static Method.Builder clientStreamingMethod(
String name, Class<? extends MessageLite> request, Class<? extends MessageLite> response) {
return clientStreamingMethod(name, getParser(request), getParser(response));
* Declares a bidirectional streaming service method.
* @param name The method name within the service, e.g. "MyMethod" for my_pkg.MyService.MyMethod.
* @param request Parser for the request protobuf, e.g. MyRequestProto.parser()
* @param response Parser for the response protobuf, e.g. MyResponseProto.parser()
* @return Method.Builder, for internal use by the Service class only
public static Method.Builder bidirectionalStreamingMethod(
String name, Parser<? extends MessageLite> request, Parser<? extends MessageLite> response) {
return Method.builder()
* Declares a bidirectional streaming service method.
* @deprecated Pass `ProtobufType.parser()` instead of `ProtobufType.class`.
public static Method.Builder bidirectionalStreamingMethod(
String name, Class<? extends MessageLite> request, Class<? extends MessageLite> response) {
return bidirectionalStreamingMethod(name, getParser(request), getParser(response));
* Gets the Parser from a protobuf class using reflection.
* This function is provided for backwards compatibility with the deprecated service API that
* takes a class object instead of a protobuf parser object.
private static Parser<? extends MessageLite> getParser(Class<? extends MessageLite> messageType) {
try {
return (Parser<? extends MessageLite>) messageType.getMethod("parser").invoke(null);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new LinkageError(
String.format("Service method was created with %s, which does not have parser() method; "
+ "either the class is not a generated protobuf class "
+ "or the parser() method was optimized out (see b/293361955)",