blob: 9e1319e09f8f0a7b4331e74c7a41db2a38097ae2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
# the License.
"""General purpose tools for running presubmit checks."""
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shlex
import subprocess
from typing import (
import pw_cli.color
from pw_presubmit.presubmit_context import PRESUBMIT_CONTEXT
_LOG: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_COLOR = pw_cli.color.colors()
def colorize_diff_line(line: str) -> str:
if line.startswith('--- ') or line.startswith('+++ '):
return _COLOR.bold_white(line)
if line.startswith('-'):
if line.startswith('+'):
if line.startswith('@@ '):
return _COLOR.cyan(line)
return line
def colorize_diff(lines: Iterable[str]) -> str:
"""Takes a diff str or list of str lines and returns a colorized version."""
if isinstance(lines, str):
lines = lines.splitlines(True)
return ''.join(colorize_diff_line(line) for line in lines)
def plural(
singular: str,
these: bool = False,
number: bool = True,
are: bool = False,
exist: bool = False,
) -> str:
"""Returns the singular or plural form of a word based on a count.
items_or_count: Number of items or a collection of items
singular: Singular form of the name of the item
count_format: .format()-style specification for items_or_count
these: Prefix the string with "this" or "these", depending on number
number: Include the number in the return string (e.g., "3 things" vs.
are: Suffix the string with "is" or "are", depending on number
exist: Suffix the string with "exists" or "exist", depending on number
count = len(items_or_count)
except TypeError:
count = items_or_count
prefix = ('this ' if count == 1 else 'these ') if these else ''
num = f'{count:{count_format}} ' if number else ''
suffix = ''
if are and exist:
raise ValueError(f'cannot combine are ({are}) and exist ({exist})')
if are:
suffix = ' is' if count == 1 else ' are'
if exist:
suffix = ' exists' if count == 1 else ' exist'
if singular.endswith('y'):
result = f'{singular[:-1]}{"y" if count == 1 else "ies"}'
elif singular.endswith('s'):
result = f'{singular}{"" if count == 1 else "es"}'
result = f'{singular}{"" if count == 1 else "s"}'
return f'{prefix}{num}{result}{suffix}'
def make_box(section_alignments: Sequence[str]) -> str:
indices = [i + 1 for i in range(len(section_alignments))]
top_sections = '{2}'.join('{1:{1}^{width%d}}' % i for i in indices)
mid_sections = '{5}'.join(
'{section%d:%s{width%d}}' % (i, section_alignments[i - 1], i)
for i in indices
bot_sections = '{9}'.join('{8:{8}^{width%d}}' % i for i in indices)
return ''.join(
def file_summary(
paths: Iterable[Path],
levels: int = 2,
max_lines: int = 12,
max_types: int = 3,
pad: str = ' ',
pad_start: str = ' ',
pad_end: str = ' ',
) -> List[str]:
"""Summarizes a list of files by the file types in each directory."""
# Count the file types in each directory.
all_counts: Dict[Any, Counter] = defaultdict(Counter)
for path in paths:
parent = path.parents[max(len(path.parents) - levels, 0)]
all_counts[parent][path.suffix] += 1
# If there are too many lines, condense directories with the fewest files.
if len(all_counts) > max_lines:
counts = sorted(
all_counts.items(), key=lambda item: -sum(item[1].values())
counts, others = (
sorted(counts[: max_lines - 1]),
counts[max_lines - 1 :],
f'({plural(others, "other")})',
sum((c for _, c in others), Counter()),
counts = sorted(all_counts.items())
width = max(len(str(d)) + len(os.sep) for d, _ in counts) if counts else 0
width += len(pad_start)
# Prepare the output.
output = []
for path, files in counts:
total = sum(files.values())
del files[''] # Never display no-extension files individually.
if files:
extensions = files.most_common(max_types)
other_extensions = total - sum(count for _, count in extensions)
if other_extensions:
extensions.append(('other', other_extensions))
types = ' (' + ', '.join(f'{c} {e}' for e, c in extensions) + ')'
types = ''
root = f'{path}{os.sep}{pad_start}'.ljust(width, pad)
output.append(f'{root}{pad_end}{plural(total, "file")}{types}')
return output
def relative_paths(paths: Iterable[Path], start: Path) -> Iterable[Path]:
"""Returns relative Paths calculated with os.path.relpath."""
for path in paths:
yield Path(os.path.relpath(path, start))
def exclude_paths(
exclusions: Iterable[Pattern[str]],
paths: Iterable[Path],
relative_to: Optional[Path] = None,
) -> Iterable[Path]:
"""Excludes paths based on a series of regular expressions."""
if relative_to:
relpath = lambda path: Path(os.path.relpath(path, relative_to))
relpath = lambda path: path
for path in paths:
if not any( for e in exclusions):
yield path
def _truncate(value, length: int = 60) -> str:
value = str(value)
return (value[: length - 5] + '[...]') if len(value) > length else value
def format_command(args: Sequence, kwargs: dict) -> Tuple[str, str]:
attr = ', '.join(f'{k}={_truncate(v)}' for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items()))
return attr, ' '.join(shlex.quote(str(arg)) for arg in args)
def log_run(
args, ignore_dry_run: bool = False, **kwargs
) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
"""Logs a command then runs it with
Takes the same arguments as The command is only executed if
dry-run is not enabled.
if ctx:
if not ignore_dry_run:
ctx.append_check_command(*args, **kwargs)
if ctx.dry_run and not ignore_dry_run:
# Return an empty CompletedProcess
empty_proc: subprocess.CompletedProcess = (
subprocess.CompletedProcess('', 0)
empty_proc.stdout = b''
empty_proc.stderr = b''
return empty_proc
_LOG.debug('[COMMAND] %s\n%s', *format_command(args, kwargs))
return, **kwargs)
def flatten(*items) -> Iterator:
"""Yields items from a series of items and nested iterables.
This function is used to flatten arbitrarily nested lists. str and bytes
are kept intact.
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, and not isinstance(
item, (str, bytes, bytearray)
yield from flatten(*item)
yield item