blob: 55c465cc16e3fa110b1af1662b8026d9fdd7e9ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#include "pw_allocator/split_free_list_allocator.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "pw_allocator/block.h"
#include "pw_bytes/alignment.h"
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_containers/vector.h"
namespace pw::allocator {
namespace {
// Test fixture.
class SplitFreeListAllocatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
static constexpr size_t kCapacity = 256;
using BlockType = Block<uint16_t, kCapacity>;
static constexpr size_t kMaxSize = kCapacity - BlockType::kBlockOverhead;
static constexpr size_t kThreshold = 64;
static constexpr size_t kNumPtrs = 16;
void SetUp() override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
ptrs_[i] = nullptr;
span_ = ByteSpan(, buffer_.size());
ASSERT_EQ(allocator_.Init(span_, kThreshold), OkStatus());
// This method simply ensures the memory is usable by writing to it.
void UseMemory(void* ptr, size_t size) { memset(ptr, 0x5a, size); }
void TearDown() override {
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
if (ptrs_[i] != nullptr) {
// `SplitFreeListAllocator::Deallocate` doesn't actually use the layout,
// as the information it needs is encoded in the blocks.
allocator_.Deallocate(ptrs_[i], Layout::Of<void*>());
alignas(BlockType) std::array<std::byte, kCapacity> buffer_;
ByteSpan span_;
SplitFreeListAllocator<BlockType> allocator_;
// Tests can store allocations in this array to have them automatically
// freed in `TearDown`, including on ASSERT failure. If pointers are manually
// deallocated, they should be set to null in the array.
void* ptrs_[kNumPtrs];
// Unit tests.
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, InitUnaligned) {
// The test fixture uses aligned memory to make it easier to reason about
// allocations, but that isn't strictly required.
SplitFreeListAllocator<Block<>> unaligned;
EXPECT_EQ(unaligned.Init(span_.subspan(1), kThreshold), OkStatus());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, AllocateLarge) {
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
EXPECT_LT(ptrs_[0], + buffer_.size());
UseMemory(ptrs_[0], layout.size());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, AllocateSmall) {
// Returned pointer should not be from the beginning, but should still be in
// range. Exact pointer depends on allocator's minimum allocation size.
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<uint8_t>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
EXPECT_LT(ptrs_[0], + buffer_.size());
UseMemory(ptrs_[0], layout.size());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, AllocateTooLarge) {
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(Layout::Of<std::byte[kCapacity * 2]>());
EXPECT_EQ(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, AllocateLargeAlignment) {
constexpr size_t kSize = sizeof(uint32_t);
constexpr size_t kAlignment = 64;
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.AllocateUnchecked(kSize, kAlignment);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptrs_[0]) % kAlignment, 0U);
UseMemory(ptrs_[0], kSize);
ptrs_[1] = allocator_.AllocateUnchecked(kSize, kAlignment);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[1], nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptrs_[1]) % kAlignment, 0U);
UseMemory(ptrs_[0], kSize);
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, AllocateFromUnaligned) {
SplitFreeListAllocator<Block<>> unaligned;
ASSERT_EQ(unaligned.Init(span_.subspan(1), kThreshold), OkStatus());
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold + 8]>();
void* ptr = unaligned.Allocate(layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptr, nullptr);
UseMemory(ptr, layout.size());
unaligned.Deallocate(ptr, layout);
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, AllocateAlignmentFailure) {
// Determine the total number of available bytes.
auto base = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(;
uintptr_t addr = AlignUp(base, BlockType::kAlignment);
size_t outer_size = buffer_.size() - (addr - base);
// The first block is large....
addr += BlockType::kBlockOverhead + kThreshold;
// The next block is not aligned...
constexpr size_t kAlignment = 128;
uintptr_t next = AlignUp(addr + BlockType::kBlockOverhead, kAlignment / 4);
if (next % kAlignment == 0) {
next += kAlignment / 4;
// And the last block consumes the remaining space.
// size_t outer_size = allocator_.begin()->OuterSize();
size_t inner_size1 = next - addr;
size_t inner_size2 = kThreshold * 2;
size_t inner_size3 =
outer_size - (BlockType::kBlockOverhead * 3 + inner_size1 + inner_size2);
// Allocate all the blocks.
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.AllocateUnchecked(inner_size1, 1);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
ptrs_[1] = allocator_.AllocateUnchecked(inner_size2, 1);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[1], nullptr);
ptrs_[2] = allocator_.AllocateUnchecked(inner_size3, 1);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[2], nullptr);
// If done correctly, the second block's usable space should be unaligned.
EXPECT_NE(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptrs_[1]) % kAlignment, 0U);
// Free the second region. This leaves an unaligned region available.
allocator_.DeallocateUnchecked(ptrs_[1], inner_size2, 1);
ptrs_[1] = nullptr;
// The allocator should be unable to create an aligned region..
ptrs_[3] = allocator_.AllocateUnchecked(inner_size2, kAlignment);
EXPECT_EQ(ptrs_[3], nullptr);
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, DeallocateNull) {
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<uint8_t>();
allocator_.Deallocate(nullptr, layout);
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, DeallocateShuffled) {
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[32]>();
// Allocate until the pool is exhausted.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
ptrs_[i] = allocator_.Allocate(layout);
if (ptrs_[i] == nullptr) {
// Mix up the order of allocations.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
if (i % 2 == 0 && i + 1 < kNumPtrs) {
std::swap(ptrs_[i], ptrs_[i + 1]);
if (i % 3 == 0 && i + 2 < kNumPtrs) {
std::swap(ptrs_[i], ptrs_[i + 2]);
// Deallocate everything.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPtrs; ++i) {
allocator_.Deallocate(ptrs_[i], layout);
ptrs_[i] = nullptr;
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, QueryLargeValid) {
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold * 2]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(layout);
EXPECT_EQ(allocator_.Query(ptrs_[0], layout), OkStatus());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, QuerySmallValid) {
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<uint8_t>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(layout);
EXPECT_EQ(allocator_.Query(ptrs_[0], layout), OkStatus());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, QueryInvalidPtr) {
constexpr Layout layout = Layout::Of<SplitFreeListAllocatorTest>();
EXPECT_EQ(allocator_.Query(this, layout), Status::OutOfRange());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeNull) {
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<uint8_t>();
size_t new_size = 1;
EXPECT_FALSE(allocator_.Resize(nullptr, old_layout, new_size));
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeSame) {
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<uint32_t>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
constexpr Layout new_layout = Layout::Of<uint32_t>();
EXPECT_TRUE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[0], old_layout, new_layout.size()));
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
UseMemory(ptrs_[0], new_layout.size());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeLargeSmaller) {
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kMaxSize]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
// Shrinking always succeeds.
constexpr Layout new_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold]>();
EXPECT_TRUE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[0], old_layout, new_layout.size()));
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
UseMemory(ptrs_[0], new_layout.size());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeLargeLarger) {
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
// Nothing after ptr, so `Resize` should succeed.
constexpr Layout new_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kMaxSize]>();
EXPECT_TRUE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[0], old_layout, new_layout.size()));
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
UseMemory(ptrs_[0], new_layout.size());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeLargeLargerFailure) {
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
ptrs_[1] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[1], nullptr);
// Memory after ptr is already allocated, so `Resize` should fail.
EXPECT_FALSE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[0], old_layout, kMaxSize));
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeLargeSmallerAcrossThreshold) {
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
// Shrinking succeeds, and the pointer is unchanged even though it is now
// below the threshold.
constexpr Layout new_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold / 4]>();
EXPECT_TRUE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[0], old_layout, new_layout.size()));
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
UseMemory(ptrs_[0], new_layout.size());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeSmallSmaller) {
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<uint32_t>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
// Shrinking always succeeds.
constexpr Layout new_layout = Layout::Of<uint8_t>();
EXPECT_TRUE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[0], old_layout, new_layout.size()));
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeSmallLarger) {
// First, allocate a trailing block.
constexpr Layout layout1 = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold / 4]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(layout1);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
// Next allocate the memory to be resized.
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold / 4]>();
ptrs_[1] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[1], nullptr);
// Now free the trailing block.
allocator_.Deallocate(ptrs_[0], layout1);
ptrs_[0] = nullptr;
// And finally, resize. Since the memory after the block is available and big
// enough, `Resize` should succeed.
constexpr Layout new_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold / 2]>();
EXPECT_TRUE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[1], old_layout, new_layout.size()));
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[1], nullptr);
UseMemory(ptrs_[1], new_layout.size());
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeSmallLargerFailure) {
// First, allocate a trailing block.
constexpr Layout layout1 = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold / 4]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(layout1);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
// Next allocate the memory to be resized.
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold / 4]>();
ptrs_[1] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[1], nullptr);
// Now free the trailing block.
allocator_.Deallocate(ptrs_[0], layout1);
ptrs_[0] = nullptr;
// And finally, resize. Since the memory after the block is available but not
// big enough, `Resize` should fail.
size_t new_size = 48;
EXPECT_FALSE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[1], old_layout, new_size));
TEST_F(SplitFreeListAllocatorTest, ResizeSmallLargerAcrossThreshold) {
// First, allocate several trailing block.
constexpr Layout layout1 = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold / 2]>();
ptrs_[0] = allocator_.Allocate(layout1);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[0], nullptr);
ptrs_[1] = allocator_.Allocate(layout1);
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[1], nullptr);
// Next allocate the memory to be resized.
constexpr Layout old_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold / 4]>();
ptrs_[2] = allocator_.Allocate(old_layout);
EXPECT_NE(ptrs_[2], nullptr);
// Now free the trailing blocks.
allocator_.Deallocate(ptrs_[0], layout1);
ptrs_[0] = nullptr;
allocator_.Deallocate(ptrs_[1], layout1);
ptrs_[1] = nullptr;
// Growing succeeds, and the pointer is unchanged even though it is now
// above the threshold.
constexpr Layout new_layout = Layout::Of<std::byte[kThreshold]>();
EXPECT_TRUE(allocator_.Resize(ptrs_[2], old_layout, new_layout.size()));
ASSERT_NE(ptrs_[2], nullptr);
UseMemory(ptrs_[2], new_layout.size());
} // namespace
} // namespace pw::allocator