pw_bluetooth: Add Host API Doxygen docs

Add Host API Doxygen docs to pw_bluetooth docs.

Rename Central::Scan type to Central::ScanHandle because the name
conflicts with Central::Scan(), and Doxygen throws an error.

Change-Id: I4a5bab1887997ef104ea20d2f0d1c08f55fd91fe
Reviewed-by: Ali Saeed <>
Reviewed-by: Anthony DiGirolamo <>
Commit-Queue: Ben Lawson <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index a45ec50..ca399d0 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -111,6 +111,12 @@
   # All sources with doxygen comment blocks.
+  "$dir_pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/host.h",
+  "$dir_pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/central.h",
+  "$dir_pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/peripheral.h",
+  "$dir_pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/connection.h",
+  "$dir_pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/client.h",
+  "$dir_pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/server.h",
diff --git a/pw_bluetooth/docs.rst b/pw_bluetooth/docs.rst
index 62bad33..428f625 100644
--- a/pw_bluetooth/docs.rst
+++ b/pw_bluetooth/docs.rst
@@ -17,6 +17,76 @@
 is the entry point from which all other APIs are exposed. Currently, only Low
 Energy APIs exist.
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::Host
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::low_energy::Central
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::low_energy::Peripheral
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::low_energy::AdvertisedPeripheral
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::low_energy::Connection
+   :members:
+.. doxygenstruct:: pw::bluetooth::low_energy::ConnectionOptions
+   :members:
+.. doxygenstruct:: pw::bluetooth::low_energy::RequestedConnectionParameters
+   :members:
+.. doxygenstruct:: pw::bluetooth::low_energy::ConnectionParameters
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::gatt::Server
+   :members:
+.. doxygenstruct:: pw::bluetooth::gatt::LocalServiceInfo
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::gatt::LocalService
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::gatt::LocalServiceDelegate
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::gatt::Client
+   :members:
+.. doxygenclass:: pw::bluetooth::gatt::RemoteService
+   :members:
 This module contains callback-heavy APIs. Callbacks must not call back into the
diff --git a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/client.h b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/client.h
index a8346f8..e12de22 100644
--- a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/client.h
+++ b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/client.h
@@ -27,86 +27,86 @@
 namespace pw::bluetooth::gatt {
-// Represents a GATT service on a remote GATT server.
-// Clients should call `SetErrorCallback` before using in order to handle fatal
-// errors.
+/// Represents a GATT service on a remote GATT server.
+/// Clients should call `SetErrorCallback` before using in order to handle fatal
+/// errors.
 class RemoteService {
   enum class RemoteServiceError {
-    // The service has been modified or removed.
+    /// The service has been modified or removed.
     kServiceRemoved = 0,
-    // The peer serving this service has disconnected.
+    /// The peer serving this service has disconnected.
     kPeerDisconnected = 1,
-  // Wrapper around a possible truncated value received from the server.
+  /// Wrapper around a possible truncated value received from the server.
   struct ReadValue {
-    // Characteristic or descriptor handle.
+    /// Characteristic or descriptor handle.
     Handle handle;
-    // The value of the characteristic or descriptor.
+    /// The value of the characteristic or descriptor.
     Vector<std::byte> value;
-    // True if `value` might be truncated (the buffer was completely filled by
-    // the server and the read was a short read).  `ReadCharacteristic` or
-    // `ReadDescriptor` should be used to read the complete value.
+    /// True if `value` might be truncated (the buffer was completely filled by
+    /// the server and the read was a short read).  `ReadCharacteristic` or
+    /// `ReadDescriptor` should be used to read the complete value.
     bool maybe_truncated;
-  // A result returned by `ReadByType`.
+  /// A result returned by `ReadByType`.
   struct ReadByTypeResult {
-    // Characteristic or descriptor handle.
+    /// Characteristic or descriptor handle.
     Handle handle;
-    // The value of the characteristic or descriptor, if it was read
-    // successfully, or an error explaining why the value could not be read.
+    /// The value of the characteristic or descriptor, if it was read
+    /// successfully, or an error explaining why the value could not be read.
     Result<Error, ReadValue> result;
-  // Represents the supported options to read a long characteristic or
-  // descriptor value from a server. Long values are those that may not fit in a
-  // single message (longer than 22 bytes).
+  /// Represents the supported options to read a long characteristic or
+  /// descriptor value from a server. Long values are those that may not fit in
+  /// a single message (longer than 22 bytes).
   struct LongReadOptions {
-    // The byte to start the read at. Must be less than the length of the
-    // value.
+    /// The byte to start the read at. Must be less than the length of the
+    /// value.
     uint16_t offset = 0;
-    // The maximum number of bytes to read.
+    /// The maximum number of bytes to read.
     uint16_t max_bytes = kMaxValueLength;
-  // Represents the supported write modes for writing characteristics &
-  // descriptors to the server.
+  /// Represents the supported write modes for writing characteristics &
+  /// descriptors to the server.
   enum class WriteMode : uint8_t {
-    // Wait for a response from the server before returning but do not verify
-    // the echo response. Supported for both characteristics and descriptors.
+    /// Wait for a response from the server before returning but do not verify
+    /// the echo response. Supported for both characteristics and descriptors.
     kDefault = 0,
-    // Every value blob is verified against an echo response from the server.
-    // The procedure is aborted if a value blob has not been reliably delivered
-    // to the peer. Only supported for characteristics.
+    /// Every value blob is verified against an echo response from the server.
+    /// The procedure is aborted if a value blob has not been reliably delivered
+    /// to the peer. Only supported for characteristics.
     kReliable = 1,
-    // Delivery will not be confirmed before returning. Writing without a
-    // response is only supported for short characteristics with the
-    // `WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE` property. The value must fit into a single
-    // message. It is guaranteed that at least 20 bytes will fit into a single
-    // message. If the value does not fit, a `kFailure` error will be produced.
-    // The value will be written at offset 0. Only supported for
-    // characteristics.
+    /// Delivery will not be confirmed before returning. Writing without a
+    /// response is only supported for short characteristics with the
+    /// `WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE` property. The value must fit into a single
+    /// message. It is guaranteed that at least 20 bytes will fit into a single
+    /// message. If the value does not fit, a `kFailure` error will be produced.
+    /// The value will be written at offset 0. Only supported for
+    /// characteristics.
     kWithoutResponse = 2,
-  // Represents the supported options to write a characteristic/descriptor value
-  // to a server.
+  /// Represents the supported options to write a characteristic/descriptor
+  /// value to a server.
   struct WriteOptions {
-    // The mode of the write operation. For descriptors, only
-    // `WriteMode::kDefault` is supported
+    /// The mode of the write operation. For descriptors, only
+    /// `WriteMode::kDefault` is supported
     WriteMode mode = WriteMode::kDefault;
-    // Request a write starting at the byte indicated.
-    // Must be 0 if `mode` is `WriteMode.kWithoutResponse`.
+    /// Request a write starting at the byte indicated.
+    /// Must be 0 if `mode` is `WriteMode.kWithoutResponse`.
     uint16_t offset = 0;
@@ -114,181 +114,193 @@
   using ReadCallback = Function<void(Result<ReadValue>)>;
   using NotificationCallback = Function<void(ReadValue)>;
-  // Set a callback that will be called when there is an error with this
-  // RemoteService, after which this RemoteService will be invalid.
+  /// Set a callback that will be called when there is an error with this
+  /// RemoteService, after which this RemoteService will be invalid.
   void SetErrorCallback(Function<void(RemoteServiceError)>&& error_callback);
-  // Calls `characteristic_callback` with the characteristics and descriptors in
-  // this service.
+  /// Calls `characteristic_callback` with the characteristics and descriptors
+  /// in this service.
   void DiscoverCharacteristics(
       Function<void(Characteristic)>&& characteristic_callback);
-  // Reads characteristics and descriptors with the specified type. This method
-  // is useful for reading values before discovery has completed, thereby
-  // reducing latency.
-  // `uuid` - The UUID of the characteristics/descriptors to read.
-  // `result_callback` - Results are returned via this callback. Results may be
-  //   empty if no matching values are read. If reading a value results in a
-  //   permission error, the handle and error will be included.
-  //
-  // This may fail with the following errors:
-  // kInvalidParameters: if `uuid` refers to an internally reserved descriptor
-  //     type (e.g. the Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor).
-  // kTooManyResults: More results were read than can fit
-  //    in a Vector. Consider reading characteristics/descriptors individually
-  //    after performing discovery.
-  // kFailure: The server returned an error not specific to a single result.
+  /// Reads characteristics and descriptors with the specified type. This method
+  /// is useful for reading values before discovery has completed, thereby
+  /// reducing latency.
+  /// @param uuid The UUID of the characteristics/descriptors to read.
+  /// @param result_callback Results are returned via this callback. Results may
+  /// be empty if no matching values are read. If reading a value results in a
+  /// permission error, the handle and error will be included.
+  ///
+  /// This may fail with the following errors:
+  /// - kInvalidParameters: if `uuid` refers to an internally reserved
+  /// descriptor type (e.g. the Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor).
+  /// - kTooManyResults: More results were read than can fit in a Vector.
+  /// Consider reading characteristics/descriptors individually after performing
+  /// discovery.
+  /// - kFailure: The server returned an error not specific to a single result.
   void ReadByType(Uuid uuid, ReadByTypeCallback&& result_callback);
-  // Reads the value of a characteristic.
-  // `handle` - The handle of the characteristic to be read.
-  // `options` - If null, a short read will be performed, which may be truncated
-  //     to what fits in a single message (at least 22 bytes). If long read
-  //     options are present, performs a long read with the indicated options.
-  // `result_callback` - called with the result of the read and the value of the
-  //     characteristic if successful.
-  //
-  // This may fail with the following errors:
-  // kInvalidHandle - if `handle` is invalid
-  // kInvalidParameters - if `options is invalid
-  // kReadNotPermitted or kInsufficient* if the server rejects the request.
-  // kFailure if the server returns an error not covered by the above errors.
+  /// Reads the value of a characteristic.
+  /// @param handle The handle of the characteristic to be read.
+  /// @param options If null, a short read will be performed, which may be
+  /// truncated to what fits in a single message (at least 22 bytes). If long
+  /// read options are present, performs a long read with the indicated options.
+  /// @param result_callback called with the result of the read and the value of
+  /// the characteristic if successful.
+  /// @retval kInvalidHandle `handle` is invalid.
+  /// @retval kInvalidParameters `options` is invalid.
+  /// @retval kReadNotPermitted The server rejected the request.
+  /// @retval kInsufficient* The server rejected the request.
+  /// @retval kFailure The server returned an error not covered by the above.
   void ReadCharacteristic(Handle handle,
                           std::optional<LongReadOptions> options,
                           ReadCallback&& result_callback);
-  // Writes `value` to the characteristic with `handle` using the provided
-  // `options`.  It is not recommended to send additional writes while a write
-  // is already in progress (the server may receive simultaneous writes in any
-  // order).
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `handle` - Handle of the characteristic to be written to
-  // `value` - The value to be written.
-  // `options` - Options that apply to the write.
-  //
-  // This may fail with the following errors:
-  // kInvalidHandle - if `handle` is invalid
-  // kInvalidParameters - if `options is invalid
-  // kWriteNotPermitted or kInsufficient* if the server rejects the request.
-  // kFailure if the server returns an error not covered by the above errors.
+  /// Writes `value` to the characteristic with `handle` using the provided
+  /// `options`.  It is not recommended to send additional writes while a write
+  /// is already in progress (the server may receive simultaneous writes in any
+  /// order).
+  ///
+  /// @param handle Handle of the characteristic to be written to
+  /// @param value The value to be written.
+  /// @param options Options that apply to the write.
+  /// @param result_callback Returns a result upon completion of the write.
+  /// @retval kInvalidHandle `handle` is invalid.
+  /// @retval kInvalidParameters`options is invalid.
+  /// @retval kWriteNotPermitted The server rejected the request.
+  /// @retval kInsufficient* The server rejected the request.
+  /// @retval kFailure The server returned an error not covered by the above
+  /// errors.
   void WriteCharacteristic(Handle handle,
                            span<const std::byte> value,
                            WriteOptions options,
                            Function<void(Result<Error>)>&& result_callback);
-  // Reads the value of the characteristic descriptor with `handle` and
-  // returns it in the reply.
-  // `handle` - The descriptor handle to read.
-  // `options` - Options that apply to the read.
-  // `result_callback` - Returns a result containing the value of the descriptor
-  //     on success.
-  //
-  // This may fail with the following errors:
-  // `kInvalidHandle` - if `handle` is invalid.
-  // `kInvalidParameters` - if `options` is invalid.
-  // `kReadNotPermitted` or `INSUFFICIENT_*` - if the server rejects the read
-  // request. `kFailure` - if the server returns an error.
+  /// Reads the value of the characteristic descriptor with `handle` and
+  /// returns it in the reply.
+  /// @param handle The descriptor handle to read.
+  /// @param options Options that apply to the read.
+  /// @param result_callback Returns a result containing the value of the
+  /// descriptor on success.
+  /// @retval kInvalidHandle `handle` is invalid.
+  /// @retval kInvalidParameters`options` is invalid.
+  /// @retval kReadNotPermitted
+  /// @retval kInsufficient* The server rejected the request.
+  /// @retval kFailure The server returned an error not covered by the above
+  /// errors.
   void ReadDescriptor(Handle handle,
                       std::optional<LongReadOptions> options,
                       ReadCallback&& result_callback);
+  /// Writes `value` to the descriptor with `handle` using the provided
+  /// `options`.  It is not recommended to send additional writes while a write
+  /// is already in progress (the server may receive simultaneous writes in any
+  /// order).
+  ///
+  /// @param handle Handle of the descriptor to be written to
+  /// @param value The value to be written.
+  /// @param options Options that apply to the write.
+  /// @param result_callback Returns a result upon completion of the write.
+  /// @retval kInvalidHandle `handle` is invalid.
+  /// @retval kInvalidParameters `options is invalid
+  /// @retval kWriteNotPermitted The server rejected the request.
+  /// @retval kInsufficient* The server rejected the request.
+  /// @retval kFailure The server returned an error not covered by the above
+  /// errors.
   void WriteDescriptor(Handle handle,
                        span<const std::byte> value,
                        WriteOptions options,
                        Function<void(Result<Error>)>&& result_callback);
-  // Subscribe to notifications & indications from the characteristic with
-  // the given `handle`.
-  //
-  // Either notifications or indications will be enabled depending on
-  // characteristic properties. Indications will be preferred if they are
-  // supported. This operation fails if the characteristic does not have the
-  // "notify" or "indicate" property.
-  //
-  // A write request will be issued to configure the characteristic for
-  // notifications/indications if it contains a Client Characteristic
-  // Configuration descriptor. This method fails if an error occurs while
-  // writing to the descriptor.
-  //
-  // On success, `notification_callback` will be called when
-  // the peer sends a notification or indication. Indications are
-  // automatically confirmed.
-  //
-  // Subscriptions can be canceled with `StopNotifications`.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `handle` - the handle of the characteristic to subscribe to.
-  // `notification_callback` - will be called with the values of
-  //     notifications/indications when received.
-  // `result_callback` - called with the result of enabling
-  //     notifications/indications.
-  //
-  // This may fail with the following errors:
-  // `kFailure` - the characteristic does not support notifications or
-  //     indications.
-  // `kInvalidHandle` - `handle` is invalid.
-  // `kWriteNotPermitted`or `kInsufficient*` - descriptor write error.
+  /// Subscribe to notifications & indications from the characteristic with
+  /// the given `handle`.
+  ///
+  /// Either notifications or indications will be enabled depending on
+  /// characteristic properties. Indications will be preferred if they are
+  /// supported. This operation fails if the characteristic does not have the
+  /// "notify" or "indicate" property.
+  ///
+  /// A write request will be issued to configure the characteristic for
+  /// notifications/indications if it contains a Client Characteristic
+  /// Configuration descriptor. This method fails if an error occurs while
+  /// writing to the descriptor.
+  ///
+  /// On success, `notification_callback` will be called when
+  /// the peer sends a notification or indication. Indications are
+  /// automatically confirmed.
+  ///
+  /// Subscriptions can be canceled with `StopNotifications`.
+  ///
+  /// @param handle the handle of the characteristic to subscribe to.
+  /// @param notification_callback will be called with the values of
+  /// notifications/indications when received.
+  /// @param result_callback called with the result of enabling
+  /// notifications/indications.
+  /// @retval kFailure The characteristic does not support notifications or
+  /// indications.
+  /// @retval kInvalidHandle `handle` is invalid.
+  /// @retval kWriteNotPermitted CCC descriptor write error.
+  /// @retval Insufficient* CCC descriptor write error.
   void RegisterNotificationCallback(
       Handle handle,
       NotificationCallback&& notification_callback,
       Function<void(Result<Error>)>&& result_callback);
-  // Stops notifications for the characteristic with the given `handle`.
+  /// Stops notifications for the characteristic with the given `handle`.
   void StopNotifications(Handle handle);
-  // Disconnect from the remote service. This method is called by the
-  // ~RemoteService::Ptr() when it goes out of scope, the API client should
-  // never call this method.
+  /// Disconnect from the remote service. This method is called by the
+  /// ~RemoteService::Ptr() when it goes out of scope, the API client should
+  /// never call this method.
   void Disconnect();
-  // Movable RemoteService smart pointer. The remote server will remain
-  // connected until the returned RemoteService::Ptr is destroyed.
+  /// Movable RemoteService smart pointer. The remote server will remain
+  /// connected until the returned RemoteService::Ptr is destroyed.
   using Ptr = internal::RaiiPtr<RemoteService, &RemoteService::Disconnect>;
-// Represents a GATT client that interacts with services on a GATT server.
+/// Represents a GATT client that interacts with services on a GATT server.
 class Client {
-  // Represents a remote GATT service.
+  /// Represents a remote GATT service.
   struct RemoteServiceInfo {
-    // Uniquely identifies this GATT service.
+    /// Uniquely identifies this GATT service.
     Handle handle;
-    // Indicates whether this is a primary or secondary service.
+    /// Indicates whether this is a primary or secondary service.
     bool primary;
-    // The UUID that identifies the type of this service.
-    // There may be multiple services with the same UUID.
+    /// The UUID that identifies the type of this service.
+    /// There may be multiple services with the same UUID.
     Uuid type;
   virtual ~Client() = default;
-  // Enumerates existing services found on the peer that this Client represents,
-  // and provides a stream of updates thereafter. Results can be filtered by
-  // specifying a list of UUIDs in `uuids`. To further interact with services,
-  // clients must obtain a RemoteService protocol by calling ConnectToService().
-  // `uuid_allowlist` - The allowlist of UUIDs to filter services with.
-  // `updated_callback` - Will be called with services that are
-  //     updated/modified.
-  // `removed_callback` - Called with the handles of services
-  //     that have been removed. Note that handles may be reused.
+  /// Enumerates existing services found on the peer that this Client
+  /// represents, and provides a stream of updates thereafter. Results can be
+  /// filtered by specifying a list of UUIDs in `uuids`. To further interact
+  /// with services, clients must obtain a RemoteService protocol by calling
+  /// ConnectToService(). `uuid_allowlist` - The allowlist of UUIDs to filter
+  /// services with. `updated_callback` - Will be called with services that are
+  ///     updated/modified.
+  /// `removed_callback` - Called with the handles of services
+  ///     that have been removed. Note that handles may be reused.
   virtual void WatchServices(
       Vector<Uuid> uuid_allowlist,
       Function<void(RemoteServiceInfo)>&& updated_callback,
       Function<void(Handle)>&& removed_callback) = 0;
-  // Stops service watching if started by `WatchServices`.
+  /// Stops service watching if started by `WatchServices`.
   virtual void StopWatchingServices();
-  // Connects to a RemoteService. Only 1 connection per service is allowed.
-  // `handle` - the handle of the service to connect to.
-  //
-  // This may fail with the following errors:
-  // kInvalidParameters - `handle` does not correspond to a known service.
+  /// Connects to a RemoteService. Only 1 connection per service is allowed.
+  /// `handle` - the handle of the service to connect to.
+  ///
+  /// This may fail with the following errors:
+  /// kInvalidParameters - `handle` does not correspond to a known service.
   virtual Result<Error, RemoteService::Ptr> ConnectToService(Handle handle) = 0;
diff --git a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/server.h b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/server.h
index 3cf6fc0..4dc719d 100644
--- a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/server.h
+++ b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/gatt/server.h
@@ -28,208 +28,207 @@
 namespace pw::bluetooth::gatt {
-// Parameters for registering a local GATT service.
+/// Parameters for registering a local GATT service.
 struct LocalServiceInfo {
-  // A unique (within a Server) handle identifying this service.
+  /// A unique (within a Server) handle identifying this service.
   Handle handle;
-  // Indicates whether this is a primary or secondary service.
+  /// Indicates whether this is a primary or secondary service.
   bool primary;
-  // The UUID that identifies the type of this service.
-  // There may be multiple services with the same UUID.
+  /// The UUID that identifies the type of this service.
+  /// There may be multiple services with the same UUID.
   Uuid type;
-  // The characteristics of this service.
+  /// The characteristics of this service.
   span<const Characteristic> characteristics;
-  // Handles of other services that are included by this service.
+  /// Handles of other services that are included by this service.
   span<const Handle> includes;
-// Interface for serving a local GATT service. This is implemented by the API
-// client.
+/// Interface for serving a local GATT service. This is implemented by the API
+/// client.
 class LocalServiceDelegate {
   virtual ~LocalServiceDelegate() = default;
-  // Called when there is a fatal error related to this service that forces the
-  // service to close. LocalServiceDelegate methods will no longer be called.
-  // This invalidates the associated LocalService. It is OK to destroy both
-  // `LocalServiceDelegate` and the associated `LocalService::Ptr` from within
-  // this method.
+  /// Called when there is a fatal error related to this service that forces the
+  /// service to close. LocalServiceDelegate methods will no longer be called.
+  /// This invalidates the associated LocalService. It is OK to destroy both
+  /// `LocalServiceDelegate` and the associated `LocalService::Ptr` from within
+  /// this method.
   virtual void OnError(Error error) = 0;
-  // This notifies the current configuration of a particular
-  // characteristic/descriptor for a particular peer. It will be called when the
-  // peer GATT client changes the configuration.
-  //
-  // The Bluetooth stack maintains the state of each peer's configuration across
-  // reconnections. As such, this method will also be called when a peer
-  // connects for each characteristic with the initial, persisted state of the
-  // newly-connected peer's configuration. However, clients should not rely on
-  // this state being persisted indefinitely by the Bluetooth stack.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `peer_id` - The PeerId of the GATT client associated with this particular
-  //     CCC.
-  // `handle` - The handle of the characteristic associated with the `notify`
-  //     and `indicate` parameters.
-  // `notify` - True if the client has enabled notifications, false otherwise.
-  // `indicate` - True if the client has enabled indications, false otherwise.
+  /// This notifies the current configuration of a particular
+  /// characteristic/descriptor for a particular peer. It will be called when
+  /// the peer GATT client changes the configuration.
+  ///
+  /// The Bluetooth stack maintains the state of each peer's configuration
+  /// across reconnections. As such, this method will also be called when a peer
+  /// connects for each characteristic with the initial, persisted state of the
+  /// newly-connected peer's configuration. However, clients should not rely on
+  /// this state being persisted indefinitely by the Bluetooth stack.
+  ///
+  /// @param peer_id The PeerId of the GATT client associated with this
+  /// particular CCC.
+  /// @param handle The handle of the characteristic associated with the
+  /// `notify` and `indicate` parameters.
+  /// @param notify True if the client has enabled notifications, false
+  /// otherwise.
+  /// @param indicate True if the client has enabled indications, false
+  /// otherwise.
   virtual void CharacteristicConfiguration(PeerId peer_id,
                                            Handle handle,
                                            bool notify,
                                            bool indicate) = 0;
-  // Called when a peer requests to read the value of a characteristic or
-  // descriptor. It is guaranteed that the peer satisfies the permissions
-  // associated with this attribute.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `peer_id` - The PeerId of the GATT client making the read request.
-  // `handle` - The handle of the requested descriptor/characteristic.
-  // `offset` - The offset at which to start reading the requested value.
-  // `result_callback` - Called with the value of the characteristic on success,
-  //     or an Error on failure. The value will be truncated to fit in the MTU
-  //     if necessary. It is OK to call `result_callback` in `ReadValue`.
+  /// Called when a peer requests to read the value of a characteristic or
+  /// descriptor. It is guaranteed that the peer satisfies the permissions
+  /// associated with this attribute.
+  ///
+  /// @param peer_id The PeerId of the GATT client making the read request.
+  /// @param handle The handle of the requested descriptor/characteristic.
+  /// @param offset The offset at which to start reading the requested value.
+  /// @param result_callback Called with the value of the characteristic on
+  /// success, or an Error on failure. The value will be truncated to fit in the
+  /// MTU if necessary. It is OK to call `result_callback` in `ReadValue`.
   virtual void ReadValue(PeerId peer_id,
                          Handle handle,
                          uint32_t offset,
                          Function<void(Result<Error, span<const std::byte>>)>&&
                              result_callback) = 0;
-  // Called when a peer issues a request to write the value of a characteristic
-  // or descriptor. It is guaranteed that the peer satisfies the permissions
-  // associated with this attribute.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `peer_id` - The PeerId of the GATT client making the write request.
-  // `handle` - The handle of the requested descriptor/characteristic.
-  // `offset` - The offset at which to start writing the requested value. If the
-  //     offset is 0, any existing value should be overwritten by the new value.
-  //     Otherwise, the existing value between offset:(offset + len(value))
-  //     should be changed to `value`.
-  // `value` - The new value for the descriptor/characteristic.
-  // `status_callback` - Called with the result of the write.
+  /// Called when a peer issues a request to write the value of a characteristic
+  /// or descriptor. It is guaranteed that the peer satisfies the permissions
+  /// associated with this attribute.
+  ///
+  /// @param peer_id The PeerId of the GATT client making the write request.
+  /// @param handle The handle of the requested descriptor/characteristic.
+  /// @param offset The offset at which to start writing the requested value. If
+  /// the offset is 0, any existing value should be overwritten by the new
+  /// value. Otherwise, the existing value between `offset:(offset +
+  /// len(value))` should be changed to `value`.
+  /// @param value The new value for the descriptor/characteristic.
+  /// @param status_callback Called with the result of the write.
   virtual void WriteValue(PeerId peer_id,
                           Handle handle,
                           uint32_t offset,
                           span<const std::byte> value,
                           Function<void(Result<Error>)>&& status_callback) = 0;
-  // Called when the MTU of a peer is updated. Also called for peers that are
-  // already connected when the server is published. This method is safe to
-  // ignore if you do not care about the MTU. It is intended for use cases where
-  // throughput needs to be optimized.
+  /// Called when the MTU of a peer is updated. Also called for peers that are
+  /// already connected when the server is published. This method is safe to
+  /// ignore if you do not care about the MTU. It is intended for use cases
+  /// where throughput needs to be optimized.
   virtual void MtuUpdate(PeerId peer_id, uint16_t mtu) = 0;
-// Interface provided by the backend to interact with a published service.
-// LocalService is valid for the lifetime of a published GATT service. It is
-// used to control the service and send notifications/indications.
+/// Interface provided by the backend to interact with a published service.
+/// LocalService is valid for the lifetime of a published GATT service. It is
+/// used to control the service and send notifications/indications.
 class LocalService {
-  // The parameters used to signal a characteristic value change from a
-  // LocalService to a peer.
+  /// The parameters used to signal a characteristic value change from a
+  /// LocalService to a peer.
   struct ValueChangedParameters {
-    // The PeerIds of the peers to signal. The LocalService should respect the
-    // Characteristic Configuration associated with a peer+handle when deciding
-    // whether to signal it. If empty, all peers are signalled.
+    /// The PeerIds of the peers to signal. The LocalService should respect the
+    /// Characteristic Configuration associated with a peer+handle when deciding
+    /// whether to signal it. If empty, all peers are signalled.
     span<const PeerId> peer_ids;
-    // The handle of the characteristic value being signaled.
+    /// The handle of the characteristic value being signaled.
     Handle handle;
-    // The new value for the descriptor/characteristic.
+    /// The new value for the descriptor/characteristic.
     span<const std::byte> value;
   virtual ~LocalService() = default;
-  // Sends a notification to peers. Notifications should be used instead of
-  // indications when the service does *not* require peer confirmation of the
-  // update.
-  //
-  // Notifications should not be sent to peers which have not enabled
-  // notifications on a particular characteristic - if they are sent, they will
-  // not be propagated. The Bluetooth stack will track this configuration for
-  // the lifetime of the service.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `parameters` - The parameters associated with the changed characteristic.
-  // `completion_callback` - Called when the notification has been sent.
-  //     Additional values should not be notified until this callback is called.
+  /// Sends a notification to peers. Notifications should be used instead of
+  /// indications when the service does *not* require peer confirmation of the
+  /// update.
+  ///
+  /// Notifications should not be sent to peers which have not enabled
+  /// notifications on a particular characteristic - if they are sent, they will
+  /// not be propagated. The Bluetooth stack will track this configuration for
+  /// the lifetime of the service.
+  ///
+  /// @param parameters The parameters associated with the changed
+  /// characteristic.
+  /// @param completion_callback Called when the notification has been sent.
+  /// Additional values should not be notified until this callback is called.
   virtual void NotifyValue(const ValueChangedParameters& parameters,
                            Closure&& completion_callback) = 0;
-  // Sends an indication to peers. Indications should be used instead of
-  // notifications when the service *does* require peer confirmation of the
-  // update.
-  //
-  // Indications should not be sent to peers which have not enabled indications
-  // on a particular characteristic - if they are sent, they will not be
-  // propagated. The Bluetooth stack will track this configuration for the
-  // lifetime of the service.
-  //
-  // If any of the peers in `update.peer_ids` fails to confirm the indication
-  // within the ATT transaction timeout (30 seconds per Bluetooth 5.2 Vol. 4
-  // Part G 3.3.3), the link between the peer and the local adapter will be
-  // closed.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `parameters` - The parameters associated with the changed characteristic.
-  // `confirmation` - When all the peers listed in `parameters.peer_ids` have
-  //     confirmed the indication, `confirmation` is called. If the
-  //     implementation wishes to receive indication confirmations on a per-peer
-  //     basis, they should send this event with a single PeerId in
-  //     `parameters.peer_ids`. Additional values should not be indicated until
-  //     this callback is called.
+  /// Sends an indication to peers. Indications should be used instead of
+  /// notifications when the service *does* require peer confirmation of the
+  /// update.
+  ///
+  /// Indications should not be sent to peers which have not enabled indications
+  /// on a particular characteristic - if they are sent, they will not be
+  /// propagated. The Bluetooth stack will track this configuration for the
+  /// lifetime of the service.
+  ///
+  /// If any of the peers in `update.peer_ids` fails to confirm the indication
+  /// within the ATT transaction timeout (30 seconds per Bluetooth 5.2 Vol. 4
+  /// Part G 3.3.3), the link between the peer and the local adapter will be
+  /// closed.
+  ///
+  /// @param parameters The parameters associated with the changed
+  /// characteristic.
+  /// @param confirmation When all the peers listed in `parameters.peer_ids`
+  /// have confirmed the indication, `confirmation` is called. If the
+  /// implementation wishes to receive indication confirmations on a per-peer
+  /// basis, they should send this event with a single PeerId in
+  /// `parameters.peer_ids`. Additional values should not be indicated until
+  /// this callback is called.
   virtual void IndicateValue(const ValueChangedParameters& parameters,
                              Function<void(Result<Error>)>&& confirmation) = 0;
-  // Unpublish the local service. This method is called by the
-  // ~LocalService::Ptr() when it goes out of scope, the API client should never
-  // call this method.
+  /// Unpublish the local service. This method is called by the
+  /// ~LocalService::Ptr() when it goes out of scope, the API client should
+  /// never call this method.
   virtual void UnpublishService() = 0;
-  // Movable LocalService smart pointer. When the LocalService::Ptr object is
-  // destroyed the service will be unpublished.
+  /// Movable LocalService smart pointer. When the LocalService::Ptr object is
+  /// destroyed the service will be unpublished.
   using Ptr = internal::RaiiPtr<LocalService, &LocalService::UnpublishService>;
-// Interface for a GATT server that serves many GATT services.
+/// Interface for a GATT server that serves many GATT services.
 class Server {
   enum class PublishServiceError {
     kInternalError = 0,
-    // The service handle provided was not unique.
+    /// The service handle provided was not unique.
     kInvalidHandle = 1,
-    // Invalid service UUID provided.
+    /// Invalid service UUID provided.
     kInvalidUuid = 2,
-    // Invalid service characteristics provided.
+    /// Invalid service characteristics provided.
     kInvalidCharacteristics = 3,
-    // Invalid service includes provided.
+    /// Invalid service includes provided.
     kInvalidIncludes = 4,
-  // The Result passed by PublishService.
+  /// The Result passed by PublishService.
   using PublishServiceResult = Result<PublishServiceError, LocalService::Ptr>;
   virtual ~Server() = default;
-  // Publishes the service defined by `info` and implemented by `delegate` so
-  // that it is available to all remote peers.
-  //
-  // The caller must assign distinct handles to the characteristics and
-  // descriptors listed in `info`. These identifiers will be used in requests
-  // sent to `delegate`. On success, a `LocalService::Ptr` is returned. When the
-  // `LocalService::Ptr` is destroyed or an error occurs
-  // (LocalServiceDelegate.OnError), the service will be unpublished.
+  /// Publishes the service defined by `info` and implemented by `delegate` so
+  /// that it is available to all remote peers.
+  ///
+  /// The caller must assign distinct handles to the characteristics and
+  /// descriptors listed in `info`. These identifiers will be used in requests
+  /// sent to `delegate`. On success, a `LocalService::Ptr` is returned. When
+  /// the `LocalService::Ptr` is destroyed or an error occurs
+  /// (LocalServiceDelegate.OnError), the service will be unpublished.
   virtual void PublishService(
       const LocalServiceInfo& info,
       LocalServiceDelegate* delegate,
diff --git a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/host.h b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/host.h
index 6fa0ad2..d5f3f30 100644
--- a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/host.h
+++ b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/host.h
@@ -32,162 +32,162 @@
 namespace pw::bluetooth {
-// Host is the entrypoint API for interacting with a Bluetooth host stack. Host
-// is an abstract class that is implemented by a host stack implementation.
+/// Host is the entrypoint API for interacting with a Bluetooth host stack. Host
+/// is an abstract class that is implemented by a host stack implementation.
 class Host {
-  // Represents the persistent configuration of a single Host instance. This is
-  // used for identity representation in advertisements & bonding secrets
-  // recall.
+  /// Represents the persistent configuration of a single Host instance. This is
+  /// used for identity representation in advertisements & bonding secrets
+  /// recall.
   struct PersistentData {
-    // The local Identity Resolving Key used by a Host to generate Resolvable
-    // Private Addresses when privacy is enabled. May be absent for hosts that
-    // do not use LE privacy, or that only use Non-Resolvable Private Addresses.
-    //
-    // NOTE: This key is distributed to LE peers during pairing procedures. The
-    // client must take care to assign an IRK that consistent with the local
-    // Host identity.
+    /// The local Identity Resolving Key used by a Host to generate Resolvable
+    /// Private Addresses when privacy is enabled. May be absent for hosts that
+    /// do not use LE privacy, or that only use Non-Resolvable Private
+    /// Addresses.
+    ///
+    /// NOTE: This key is distributed to LE peers during pairing procedures. The
+    /// client must take care to assign an IRK that consistent with the local
+    /// Host identity.
     std::optional<Key> identity_resolving_key;
-    // All bonds that use a public identity address must contain the same local
-    // address.
+    /// All bonds that use a public identity address must contain the same local
+    /// address.
     span<const low_energy::BondData> bonds;
-  // The security level required for this pairing. This corresponds to the
-  // security levels defined in the Security Manager Protocol in Core spec v5.3,
-  // Vol 3, Part H, Section 2.3.1
+  /// The security level required for this pairing. This corresponds to the
+  /// security levels defined in the Security Manager Protocol in Core spec
+  /// v5.3, Vol 3, Part H, Section 2.3.1
   enum class PairingSecurityLevel : uint8_t {
-    // Encrypted without person-in-the-middle protection (unauthenticated)
+    /// Encrypted without person-in-the-middle protection (unauthenticated)
-    // Encrypted with person-in-the-middle protection (authenticated), although
-    // this level of security does not fully protect against passive
-    // eavesdroppers
+    /// Encrypted with person-in-the-middle protection (authenticated), although
+    /// this level of security does not fully protect against passive
+    /// eavesdroppers
-    // Encrypted with person-in-the-middle protection (authenticated).
-    // This level of security fully protects against eavesdroppers.
+    /// Encrypted with person-in-the-middle protection (authenticated).
+    /// This level of security fully protects against eavesdroppers.
-  // Whether or not the device should form a bluetooth bond during the pairing
-  // prodecure. As described in Core Spec v5.2, Vol 3, Part C, Sec 4.3
+  /// Whether or not the device should form a bluetooth bond during the pairing
+  /// prodecure. As described in Core Spec v5.2, Vol 3, Part C, Sec 4.3
   enum class BondableMode : uint8_t {
-    // The device will form a bond during pairing with peers
+    /// The device will form a bond during pairing with peers
-    // The device will not form a bond during pairing with peers
+    /// The device will not form a bond during pairing with peers
-  // Parameters that give a caller more fine-grained control over the pairing
-  // process.
+  /// Parameters that give a caller more fine-grained control over the pairing
+  /// process.
   struct PairingOptions {
-    // Determines the Security Manager security level to pair with.
+    /// Determines the Security Manager security level to pair with.
     PairingSecurityLevel security_level = PairingSecurityLevel::kAuthenticated;
-    // Indicated whether the device should form a bond or not during pairing. If
-    // not present, interpreted as bondable mode.
+    /// Indicated whether the device should form a bond or not during pairing.
+    /// If not present, interpreted as bondable mode.
     BondableMode bondable_mode = BondableMode::kBondable;
-  // `Close` should complete before `Host` is destroyed.
+  /// `Close()` should complete before `Host` is destroyed.
   virtual ~Host() = default;
-  // Initializes the host stack. Vendor specific controller initialization (e.g.
-  // loading firmware) must be done before initializing `Host`.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `controller` - Pointer to a concrete `Controller` that the host stack
-  //     should use to communicate with the controller.
-  // `data` - Data to persist from a previous instance of `Host`.
-  // `on_initialization_complete` - Called when initialization is complete.
-  //     Other methods should not be called until initialization completes.
+  /// Initializes the host stack. Vendor specific controller initialization
+  /// (e.g. loading firmware) must be done before initializing `Host`.
+  ///
+  /// @param controller Pointer to a concrete `Controller` that the host stack
+  /// should use to communicate with the controller.
+  /// @param data Data to persist from a previous instance of `Host`.
+  /// @param on_initialization_complete Called when initialization is complete.
+  /// Other methods should not be called until initialization completes.
   virtual void Initialize(
       Controller* controller,
       PersistentData data,
       Function<void(Status)>&& on_initialization_complete) = 0;
-  // Safely shuts down the host, ending all active Bluetooth procedures:
-  // - All objects/pointers associated with this host are destroyed/invalidated
-  //   and all connections disconnected.
-  // - All scanning and advertising procedures are stopped.
-  //
-  // The Host may send events or call callbacks as procedures get terminated.
-  // `callback` will be called once all procedures have terminated.
+  /// Safely shuts down the host, ending all active Bluetooth procedures:
+  /// - All objects/pointers associated with this host are destroyed/invalidated
+  ///   and all connections disconnected.
+  /// - All scanning and advertising procedures are stopped.
+  ///
+  /// The Host may send events or call callbacks as procedures get terminated.
+  /// @param callback Will be called once all procedures have terminated.
   virtual void Close(Closure callback) = 0;
-  // Returns a pointer to the Central API, which is used to scan and connect to
-  // peers.
+  /// Returns a pointer to the Central API, which is used to scan and connect to
+  /// peers.
   virtual low_energy::Central* Central() = 0;
-  // Returns a pointer to the Peripheral API, which is used to advertise and
-  // accept connections from peers.
+  /// Returns a pointer to the Peripheral API, which is used to advertise and
+  /// accept connections from peers.
   virtual low_energy::Peripheral* Peripheral() = 0;
-  // Returns a pointer to the GATT Server API, which is used to publish GATT
-  // services.
+  /// Returns a pointer to the GATT Server API, which is used to publish GATT
+  /// services.
   virtual gatt::Server* GattServer() = 0;
-  // Deletes a peer from the Bluetooth host. If the peer is connected, it will
-  // be disconnected. `peer_id` will no longer refer to any peer.
-  //
-  // Returns `OK` after no peer exists that's identified by `peer_id` (even
-  // if it didn't exist), `ABORTED` if the peer could not be disconnected or
-  // deleted and still exists.
+  /// Deletes a peer from the Bluetooth host. If the peer is connected, it will
+  /// be disconnected. `peer_id` will no longer refer to any peer.
+  ///
+  /// Returns `OK` after no peer exists that's identified by `peer_id` (even
+  /// if it didn't exist), `ABORTED` if the peer could not be disconnected or
+  /// deleted and still exists.
   virtual Status ForgetPeer(PeerId peer_id) = 0;
-  // Enable or disable the LE privacy feature. When enabled, the host will use a
-  // private device address in all LE procedures. When disabled, the public
-  // identity address will be used instead (which is the default).
+  /// Enable or disable the LE privacy feature. When enabled, the host will use
+  /// a private device address in all LE procedures. When disabled, the public
+  /// identity address will be used instead (which is the default).
   virtual void EnablePrivacy(bool enabled) = 0;
-  // Set the GAP LE Security Mode of the host. Only encrypted,
-  // connection-based security modes are supported, i.e. Mode 1 and Secure
-  // Connections Only mode. If the security mode is set to Secure Connections
-  // Only, any existing encrypted connections which do not meet the security
-  // requirements of Secure Connections Only mode will be disconnected.
+  /// Set the GAP LE Security Mode of the host. Only encrypted,
+  /// connection-based security modes are supported, i.e. Mode 1 and Secure
+  /// Connections Only mode. If the security mode is set to Secure Connections
+  /// Only, any existing encrypted connections which do not meet the security
+  /// requirements of Secure Connections Only mode will be disconnected.
   virtual void SetSecurityMode(low_energy::SecurityMode security_mode) = 0;
-  // Assigns the pairing delegate that will respond to authentication challenges
-  // using the given I/O capabilities. Calling this method cancels any on-going
-  // pairing procedure started using a previous delegate. Pairing requests will
-  // be rejected if no PairingDelegate has been assigned.
+  /// Assigns the pairing delegate that will respond to authentication
+  /// challenges using the given I/O capabilities. Calling this method cancels
+  /// any on-going pairing procedure started using a previous delegate. Pairing
+  /// requests will be rejected if no PairingDelegate has been assigned.
   virtual void SetPairingDelegate(InputCapability input,
                                   OutputCapability output,
                                   PairingDelegate* pairing_delegate) = 0;
-  // NOTE: This is intended to satisfy test scenarios that require pairing
-  // procedures to be initiated without relying on service access. In normal
-  // operation, Bluetooth security is enforced during service access.
-  //
-  // Initiates pairing to the peer with the supplied `peer_id` and `options`.
-  // Returns an error if no connected peer with `peer_id` is found or the
-  // pairing procedure fails.
-  //
-  // If `options` specifies a higher security level than the current pairing,
-  // this method attempts to raise the security level. Otherwise this method has
-  // no effect and returns success.
-  //
-  // Returns the following errors via `callback`:
-  // `NOT_FOUND` - The peer `peer_id` was not found.
-  // `ABORTED` - The pairing procedure failed.
+  /// NOTE: This is intended to satisfy test scenarios that require pairing
+  /// procedures to be initiated without relying on service access. In normal
+  /// operation, Bluetooth security is enforced during service access.
+  ///
+  /// Initiates pairing to the peer with the supplied `peer_id` and `options`.
+  /// Returns an error if no connected peer with `peer_id` is found or the
+  /// pairing procedure fails.
+  ///
+  /// If `options` specifies a higher security level than the current pairing,
+  /// this method attempts to raise the security level. Otherwise this method
+  /// has no effect and returns success.
+  ///
+  /// Returns the following errors via `callback`:
+  /// `NOT_FOUND` - The peer `peer_id` was not found.
+  /// `ABORTED` - The pairing procedure failed.
   virtual void Pair(PeerId peer_id,
                     PairingOptions options,
                     Function<void(Status)>&& callback) = 0;
-  // Configures a callback to be called when new bond data for a peer has been
-  // created. This data should be persisted and used to initialize Host in the
-  // future. New bond data may be received for an already bonded peer, in which
-  // case the new data should overwrite the old data.
+  /// Configures a callback to be called when new bond data for a peer has been
+  /// created. This data should be persisted and used to initialize Host in the
+  /// future. New bond data may be received for an already bonded peer, in which
+  /// case the new data should overwrite the old data.
   virtual void SetBondDataCallback(
       Function<void(low_energy::BondData)>&& callback) = 0;
-  // Looks up the `PeerId` corresponding to `address`. If `address` does not
-  // correspond to a known peer, a new `PeerId` will be generated for the
-  // address. If a `PeerId` cannot be generated, std::nullopt will be returned.
+  /// Looks up the `PeerId` corresponding to `address`. If `address` does not
+  /// correspond to a known peer, a new `PeerId` will be generated for the
+  /// address. If a `PeerId` cannot be generated, std::nullopt will be returned.
   virtual std::optional<PeerId> PeerIdFromAddress(Address address) = 0;
-  // Looks up the Address corresponding to `peer_id`. Returns null if `peer_id`
-  // does not correspond to a known peer.
+  /// Looks up the Address corresponding to `peer_id`. Returns null if `peer_id`
+  /// does not correspond to a known peer.
   virtual std::optional<Address> DeviceAddressFromPeerId(PeerId peer_id) = 0;
diff --git a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/central.h b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/central.h
index 2753feb..391e691 100644
--- a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/central.h
+++ b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/central.h
@@ -27,104 +27,105 @@
 namespace pw::bluetooth::low_energy {
-// Represents the LE central role. Used to scan and connect to peripherals.
+/// Represents the LE central role. Used to scan and connect to peripherals.
 class Central {
-  // Represents an ongoing LE scan.
-  class Scan {
+  /// Represents an ongoing LE scan.
+  class ScanHandle {
+    /// Possible errors that can cause a scan to stop prematurely.
     enum class ScanError : uint8_t { kCanceled = 0 };
-    virtual ~Scan() = 0;
+    virtual ~ScanHandle() = 0;
-    // Set a callback that will be called if the scan is stopped due to an error
-    // in the BLE stack.
+    /// Set a callback that will be called if the scan is stopped due to an
+    /// error in the BLE stack.
     virtual void SetErrorCallback(Function<void(ScanError)>&& callback) = 0;
-    // Stop the current scan. This method is called by the ~Scan::Ptr() when it
-    // goes out of scope, the API client should never call this method.
+    /// Stop the current scan. This method is called by the ~ScanHandle::Ptr()
+    /// when it goes out of scope, the API client should never call this method.
     virtual void StopScan() = 0;
-    // Movable Scan smart pointer. The controller will continue scanning until
-    // the returned Scan::Ptr is destroyed.
-    using Ptr = internal::RaiiPtr<Scan, &Scan::StopScan>;
+    /// Movable ScanHandle smart pointer. The controller will continue scanning
+    /// until the ScanHandle::Ptr is destroyed.
+    using Ptr = internal::RaiiPtr<ScanHandle, &ScanHandle::StopScan>;
-  // Filter parameters for use during a scan. A discovered peer only matches the
-  // filter if it satisfies all of the present filter parameters.
+  /// Filter parameters for use during a scan. A discovered peer only matches
+  /// the filter if it satisfies all of the present filter parameters.
   struct ScanFilter {
-    // Filter based on advertised service UUID.
+    /// Filter based on advertised service UUID.
     std::optional<Uuid> service_uuid;
-    // Filter based on service data containing the given UUID.
+    /// Filter based on service data containing the given UUID.
     std::optional<Uuid> service_data_uuid;
-    // Filter based on a manufacturer identifier present in the manufacturer
-    // data. If this filter parameter is set, then the advertising payload must
-    // contain manufacturer specific data with the provided company identifier
-    // to satisfy this filter. Manufacturer identifiers can be found at
-    //
+    /// Filter based on a manufacturer identifier present in the manufacturer
+    /// data. If this filter parameter is set, then the advertising payload must
+    /// contain manufacturer specific data with the provided company identifier
+    /// to satisfy this filter. Manufacturer identifiers can be found at
+    ///
     std::optional<uint16_t> manufacturer_id;
-    // Filter based on whether or not a device is connectable. For example, a
-    // client that is only interested in peripherals that it can connect to can
-    // set this to true. Similarly a client can scan only for broadcasters by
-    // setting this to false.
+    /// Filter based on whether or not a device is connectable. For example, a
+    /// client that is only interested in peripherals that it can connect to can
+    /// set this to true. Similarly a client can scan only for broadcasters by
+    /// setting this to false.
     std::optional<bool> connectable;
-    // Filter results based on a portion of the advertised device name.
-    // Substring matches are allowed.
-    // The name length must be at most pw::bluetooth::kMaxDeviceNameLength.
+    /// Filter results based on a portion of the advertised device name.
+    /// Substring matches are allowed.
+    /// The name length must be at most pw::bluetooth::kMaxDeviceNameLength.
     std::optional<std::string_view> name;
-    // Filter results based on the path loss of the radio wave. A device that
-    // matches this filter must satisfy the following:
-    //   1. Radio transmission power level and received signal strength must be
-    //      available for the path loss calculation.
-    //   2. The calculated path loss value must be less than, or equal to,
-    //      `max_path_loss`.
-    //
-    // NOTE: This field is calculated using the RSSI and TX Power information
-    // obtained from advertising and scan response data during a scan procedure.
-    // It should NOT be confused with information for an active connection
-    // obtained using the "Path Loss Reporting" feature.
+    /// Filter results based on the path loss of the radio wave. A device that
+    /// matches this filter must satisfy the following:
+    ///   1. Radio transmission power level and received signal strength must be
+    ///      available for the path loss calculation.
+    ///   2. The calculated path loss value must be less than, or equal to,
+    ///      `max_path_loss`.
+    ///
+    /// @note This field is calculated using the RSSI and TX Power information
+    /// obtained from advertising and scan response data during a scan
+    /// procedure. It should NOT be confused with information for an active
+    /// connection obtained using the "Path Loss Reporting" feature.
     std::optional<uint8_t> max_path_loss;
-  // Parameters used during a scan.
+  /// Parameters used during a scan.
   struct ScanOptions {
-    // List of filters for use during a scan. A peripheral that satisfies any of
-    // these filters will be reported. At least 1 filter must be specified.
-    // While not recommended, clients that require that all peripherals be
-    // reported can specify an empty filter.
+    /// List of filters for use during a scan. A peripheral that satisfies any
+    /// of these filters will be reported. At least 1 filter must be specified.
+    /// While not recommended, clients that require that all peripherals be
+    /// reported can specify an empty filter.
     Vector<ScanFilter> filters;
-    // The time interval between scans.
-    // Time = N * 0.625ms
-    // Range: 0x0004 (2.5ms) - 10.24ms (0x4000)
-    // Default: 10ms
+    /// The time interval between scans.
+    /// - Time = N * 0.625ms
+    /// - Range: 0x0004 (2.5ms) - 10.24ms (0x4000)
+    /// - Default: 10ms
     uint16_t interval = 0x0010;
-    // The duration of the scan. The window must be less than or equal to the
-    // interval.
-    // Time = N * 0.625ms
-    // Range: 0x0004 (2.5ms) - 10.24ms (0x4000)
-    // Default: 10ms
+    /// The duration of the scan. The window must be less than or equal to the
+    /// interval.
+    /// - Time = N * 0.625ms
+    /// - Range: 0x0004 (2.5ms) - 10.24ms (0x4000)
+    /// - Default: 10ms
     uint16_t window = 0x0010;
-  // Information obtained from advertising and scan response data broadcast by a
-  // peer.
+  /// Information obtained from advertising and scan response data broadcast by
+  /// a peer.
   struct ScanData {
-    // The radio transmit power level.
-    // NOTE: This field should NOT be confused with the "connection TX Power
-    // Level" of a peer that is currently connected to the system obtained via
-    // the "Transmit Power reporting" feature.
+    /// The radio transmit power level.
+    /// @note This field should NOT be confused with the "connection TX Power
+    /// Level" of a peer that is currently connected to the system obtained via
+    /// the "Transmit Power reporting" feature.
     std::optional<uint8_t> tx_power;
-    // The appearance of the device.
+    /// The appearance of the device.
     std::optional<Appearance> appearance;
     Vector<Uuid> service_uuids;
@@ -133,122 +134,121 @@
     Vector<ManufacturerData> manufacturer_data;
-    // String representing a URI to be advertised, as defined in IETF STD
-    // 66: Each entry should be a UTF-8
-    // string including the scheme. For more information, see
-    // for
-    // allowed schemes; NOTE: Bluetooth advertising compresses schemas over the
-    // air to save space. See
-    //
+    /// String representing a URI to be advertised, as defined in IETF STD 66:
+    /// Each entry should be a UTF-8 string
+    /// including the scheme. For more information, see
+    /// for
+    /// allowed schemes;
+    /// @note Bluetooth advertising compresses schemas over the air to save
+    /// space. See
+    ///
     Vector<std::string_view> uris;
-    // The time when this scan data was received.
+    /// The time when this scan data was received.
     chrono::SystemClock::time_point timestamp;
   struct ScanResult {
-    // ScanResult is non-copyable becuase strings are only valid in the
-    // result callback.
+    /// ScanResult is non-copyable because strings are only valid in the result
+    /// callback.
     ScanResult(const ScanResult&) = delete;
     ScanResult& operator=(const ScanResult&) = delete;
-    // Uniquely identifies this peer on the current system.
+    /// Uniquely identifies this peer on the current system.
     PeerId peer_id;
-    // Whether or not this peer is connectable. Non-connectable peers are
-    // typically in the LE broadcaster role.
+    /// Whether or not this peer is connectable. Non-connectable peers are
+    /// typically in the LE broadcaster role.
     bool connectable;
-    // The last observed signal strength of this peer. This field is only
-    // present for a peer that is broadcasting. The RSSI can be stale if the
-    // peer has not been advertising.
-    //
-    // NOTE: This field should NOT be confused with the "connection RSSI" of a
-    // peer that is currently connected to the system.
+    /// The last observed signal strength of this peer. This field is only
+    /// present for a peer that is broadcasting. The RSSI can be stale if the
+    /// peer has not been advertising.
+    ///
+    /// @note This field should NOT be confused with the "connection RSSI" of a
+    /// peer that is currently connected to the system.
     std::optional<uint8_t> rssi;
-    // Information from advertising and scan response data broadcast by this
-    // peer. This contains the advertising data last received from the peer.
+    /// Information from advertising and scan response data broadcast by this
+    /// peer. This contains the advertising data last received from the peer.
     ScanData scan_data;
-    // The name of this peer. The name is often obtained during a scan procedure
-    // and can get updated during the name discovery procedure following a
-    // connection.
-    //
-    // This field is present if the name is known.
+    /// The name of this peer. The name is often obtained during a scan
+    /// procedure and can get updated during the name discovery procedure
+    /// following a connection.
+    ///
+    /// This field is present if the name is known.
     std::optional<std::string_view> name;
-    // Timestamp of when the information in this `ScanResult` was last updated.
+    /// Timestamp of when the information in this `ScanResult` was last updated.
     chrono::SystemClock::time_point last_updated;
-  // Possible errors returned by `Connect`.
+  /// Possible errors returned by `Connect`.
   enum class ConnectError : uint8_t {
-    // The peer ID is unknown.
+    /// The peer ID is unknown.
-    // The `ConnectionOptions` were invalid.
+    /// The `ConnectionOptions` were invalid.
-    // A connection to the peer already exists.
+    /// A connection to the peer already exists.
-    // A connection could not be established.
+    /// A connection could not be established.
   enum class StartScanError : uint8_t {
-    // A scan is already in progress. Only 1 scan may be active at a time.
+    /// A scan is already in progress. Only 1 scan may be active at a time.
-    // Some of the scan options are invalid.
+    /// Some of the scan options are invalid.
-    // An internal error occurred and a scan could not be started.
+    /// An internal error occurred and a scan could not be started.
-  // The Result type returned by Connect() via the passed callback.
+  /// The Result type returned by Connect() via the passed callback.
   using ConnectResult = Result<ConnectError, Connection::Ptr>;
   virtual ~Central() = default;
-  // Connect to the peer with the given identifier.
-  //
-  // The requested `Connection` represents the client's interest in the LE
-  // connection to the peer. Destroying the `Connection` will disconnect from
-  // the peer. Only 1 connection per peer may exist at a time.
-  //
-  // The `Connection` will be closed by the system if the connection to the peer
-  // is lost or an error occurs, as indicated by `Connection.OnError`.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `id` - Identifier of the peer to initiate a connection to.
-  // `options` - Options used to configure the connection.
-  // `callback` - Called when a connection is successfully established, or an
-  //     error occurs.
-  //
-  // Possible errors are documented in `ConnectError`.
+  /// Connect to the peer with the given identifier.
+  ///
+  /// The requested `Connection` represents the client's interest in the LE
+  /// connection to the peer. Destroying the `Connection` will disconnect from
+  /// the peer. Only 1 connection per peer may exist at a time.
+  ///
+  /// The `Connection` will be closed by the system if the connection to the
+  /// peer is lost or an error occurs, as indicated by `Connection.OnError`.
+  ///
+  /// @param peer_id Identifier of the peer to initiate a connection to.
+  /// @param options Options used to configure the connection.
+  /// @param callback Called when a connection is successfully established, or
+  /// an error occurs.
+  ///
+  /// Possible errors are documented in `ConnectError`.
   virtual void Connect(PeerId peer_id,
                        ConnectionOptions options,
                        Function<void(ConnectResult)>&& callback) = 0;
-  // Scans for nearby LE peripherals and broadcasters. The lifetime of the scan
-  // session is tied to the returned `Scan` object. Once a scan is started,
-  // `scan_result_callback` will be called with scan results. Only 1 scan may be
-  // active at a time. It is OK to destroy the `Scan::Ptr` object in
-  // `scan_result_callback` to stop scanning (no more results will be returned).
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `options`  - Options used to configure the scan session.
-  // `scan_result_callback` - If scanning starts successfully,called for LE
-  //     peers that satisfy the filters indicated in `options`. The initial
-  //     calls may report recently discovered peers. Subsequent calls will
-  //     be made only when peers have been scanned or updated since the last
-  //     call.
-  // `scan_started_callback` - Called with a `Scan` object if the
-  //     scan successfully starts, or a `ScanError` otherwise.
+  /// Scans for nearby LE peripherals and broadcasters. The lifetime of the scan
+  /// session is tied to the returned `ScanHandle` object. Once a scan is
+  /// started, `scan_result_callback` will be called with scan results. Only 1
+  /// scan may be active at a time. It is OK to destroy the `ScanHandle::Ptr`
+  /// object in `scan_result_callback` to stop scanning (no more results will be
+  /// returned).
+  ///
+  /// @param options Options used to configure the scan session.
+  /// @param scan_result_callback If scanning starts successfully,called for LE
+  /// peers that satisfy the filters indicated in `options`. The initial calls
+  /// may report recently discovered peers. Subsequent calls will be made only
+  /// when peers have been scanned or updated since the last call.
+  /// @param scan_started_callback Called with a `ScanHandle` object if the scan
+  /// successfully starts, or a `ScanError` otherwise.
   virtual void Scan(ScanOptions options,
                     Function<void(ScanResult)>&& scan_result_callback,
-                    Function<void(Result<StartScanError, Scan::Ptr>)>&&
+                    Function<void(Result<StartScanError, ScanHandle::Ptr>)>&&
                         scan_started_callback) = 0;
diff --git a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/connection.h b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/connection.h
index e7d823f..d310953 100644
--- a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/connection.h
+++ b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/connection.h
@@ -19,84 +19,84 @@
 namespace pw::bluetooth::low_energy {
-// Actual connection parameters returned by the controller.
+/// Actual connection parameters returned by the controller.
 struct ConnectionParameters {
-  // The connection interval indicates the frequency of link layer connection
-  // events over which data channel PDUs can be transmitted. See Core Spec v5.3,
-  // Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more information on the link layer
-  // connection events.
-  // Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
-  // Time: N * 1.25 ms
-  // Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
+  /// The connection interval indicates the frequency of link layer connection
+  /// events over which data channel PDUs can be transmitted. See Core Spec
+  /// v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more information on the link layer
+  /// connection events.
+  /// - Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
+  /// - Time: N * 1.25 ms
+  /// - Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
   uint16_t interval;
-  // The maximum allowed peripheral connection latency in number of connection
-  // events. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.2.
-  // Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3
+  /// The maximum allowed peripheral connection latency in number of connection
+  /// events. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.2.
+  /// - Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3
   uint16_t latency;
-  // This defines the maximum time between two received data packet PDUs
-  // before the connection is considered lost. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part
-  // B, Section 4.5.2.
-  // Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80
-  // Time: N * 10 ms
-  // Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
+  /// This defines the maximum time between two received data packet PDUs
+  /// before the connection is considered lost. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part
+  /// B, Section 4.5.2.
+  /// - Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80
+  /// - Time: N * 10 ms
+  /// - Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
   uint16_t supervision_timeout;
-// Connection parameters that either the local device or a peer device are
-// requesting.
+/// Connection parameters that either the local device or a peer device are
+/// requesting.
 struct RequestedConnectionParameters {
-  // Minimum value for the connection interval. This shall be less than or equal
-  // to `max_interval`. The connection interval indicates the frequency of link
-  // layer connection events over which data channel PDUs can be transmitted.
-  // See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more information on
-  // the link layer connection events.
-  // Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
-  // Time: N * 1.25 ms
-  // Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
+  /// Minimum value for the connection interval. This shall be less than or
+  /// equal to `max_interval`. The connection interval indicates the frequency
+  /// of link layer connection events over which data channel PDUs can be
+  /// transmitted. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more
+  /// information on the link layer connection events.
+  /// - Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
+  /// - Time: N * 1.25 ms
+  /// - Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
   uint16_t min_interval;
-  // Maximum value for the connection interval. This shall be greater than or
-  // equal to `min_interval`. The connection interval indicates the frequency
-  // of link layer connection events over which data channel PDUs can be
-  // transmitted.  See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more
-  // information on the link layer connection events.
-  // Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
-  // Time: N * 1.25 ms
-  // Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
+  /// Maximum value for the connection interval. This shall be greater than or
+  /// equal to `min_interval`. The connection interval indicates the frequency
+  /// of link layer connection events over which data channel PDUs can be
+  /// transmitted.  See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.1 for more
+  /// information on the link layer connection events.
+  /// - Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
+  /// - Time: N * 1.25 ms
+  /// - Time Range: 7.5 ms to 4 s.
   uint16_t max_interval;
-  // Maximum peripheral latency for the connection in number of connection
-  // events. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.2.
-  // Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3
+  /// Maximum peripheral latency for the connection in number of connection
+  /// events. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part B, Section 4.5.2.
+  /// - Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3
   uint16_t max_latency;
-  // This defines the maximum time between two received data packet PDUs
-  // before the connection is considered lost. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part
-  // B, Section 4.5.2.
-  // Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80
-  // Time: N * 10 ms
-  // Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
+  /// This defines the maximum time between two received data packet PDUs
+  /// before the connection is considered lost. See Core Spec v5.3, Vol 6, Part
+  /// B, Section 4.5.2.
+  /// - Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80
+  /// - Time: N * 10 ms
+  /// - Time Range: 100 ms to 32 s
   uint16_t supervision_timeout;
-// Represents parameters that are set on a per-connection basis.
+/// Represents parameters that are set on a per-connection basis.
 struct ConnectionOptions {
-  // When true, the connection operates in bondable mode. This means pairing
-  // will form a bond, or persist across disconnections, if the peer is also
-  // in bondable mode. When false, the connection operates in non-bondable
-  // mode, which means the local device only allows pairing that does not form
-  // a bond.
+  /// When true, the connection operates in bondable mode. This means pairing
+  /// will form a bond, or persist across disconnections, if the peer is also
+  /// in bondable mode. When false, the connection operates in non-bondable
+  /// mode, which means the local device only allows pairing that does not form
+  /// a bond.
   bool bondable_mode = true;
-  // When present, service discovery performed following the connection is
-  // restricted to primary services that match this field. Otherwise, by
-  // default all available services are discovered.
+  /// When present, service discovery performed following the connection is
+  /// restricted to primary services that match this field. Otherwise, by
+  /// default all available services are discovered.
   std::optional<Uuid> service_filter;
-  // When present, specifies the initial connection parameters. Otherwise, the
-  // connection parameters will be selected by the implementation.
+  /// When present, specifies the initial connection parameters. Otherwise, the
+  /// connection parameters will be selected by the implementation.
   std::optional<RequestedConnectionParameters> parameters;
@@ -107,66 +107,66 @@
 /// represents. Destroying the object results in a disconnection.
 class Connection {
-  // Possible errors when updating the connection parameters.
+  /// Possible errors when updating the connection parameters.
   enum class ConnectionParameterUpdateError : uint8_t {
-  // Possible reasons a connection was disconnected.
+  /// Possible reasons a connection was disconnected.
   enum class DisconnectReason : uint8_t {
-    // This usually indicates that the link supervision timeout expired.
+    /// This usually indicates that the link supervision timeout expired.
-  // If a disconnection has not occurred, destroying this object will result in
-  // disconnection.
+  /// If a disconnection has not occurred, destroying this object will result in
+  /// disconnection.
   virtual ~Connection() = default;
-  // Sets a callback that will be called when the peer disconnects or there is a
-  // connection error that causes a disconnection. This should be configured by
-  // the client immediately after establishing the connection. `callback` will
-  // not be called for disconnections initiated by the client (e.g. by
-  // destroying `Connection`). It is OK to destroy this object from within
-  // `callback`.
+  /// Sets a callback that will be called when the peer disconnects or there is
+  /// a connection error that causes a disconnection. This should be configured
+  /// by the client immediately after establishing the connection. `callback`
+  /// will not be called for disconnections initiated by the client (e.g. by
+  /// destroying `Connection`). It is OK to destroy this object from within
+  /// `callback`.
   virtual void SetDisconnectCallback(
       Function<void(DisconnectReason)>&& callback) = 0;
-  // Returns a GATT client to the connected peer that is valid for the lifetime
-  // of this connection. The client is valid for the lifetime of this
-  // connection.
+  /// Returns a GATT client to the connected peer that is valid for the lifetime
+  /// of this connection. The client is valid for the lifetime of this
+  /// connection.
   virtual gatt::Client* GattClient() = 0;
-  // Returns the current ATT Maximum Transmission Unit. By subtracting ATT
-  // headers from the MTU, the maximum payload size of messages can be
-  // calculated.
+  /// Returns the current ATT Maximum Transmission Unit. By subtracting ATT
+  /// headers from the MTU, the maximum payload size of messages can be
+  /// calculated.
   virtual uint16_t AttMtu() = 0;
-  // Sets a callback that will be called with the new ATT MTU whenever it is
-  // updated.
+  /// Sets a callback that will be called with the new ATT MTU whenever it is
+  /// updated.
   virtual void SetAttMtuChangeCallback(Function<void(uint16_t)> callback) = 0;
-  // Returns the current connection parameters.
+  /// Returns the current connection parameters.
   virtual ConnectionParameters Parameters() = 0;
-  // Requests an update to the connection parameters. `callback` will be called
-  // with the result of the request.
+  /// Requests an update to the connection parameters. `callback` will be called
+  /// with the result of the request.
   virtual void RequestConnectionParameterUpdate(
       RequestedConnectionParameters parameters,
       Function<void(Result<ConnectionParameterUpdateError>)>&& callback) = 0;
-  // Request to disconnect this connection. This method is called by the
-  // ~Connection::Ptr() when it goes out of scope, the API client should never
-  // call this method.
+  /// Request to disconnect this connection. This method is called by the
+  /// ~Connection::Ptr() when it goes out of scope, the API client should never
+  /// call this method.
   virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
-  // Movable Connection smart pointer. When Connection::Ptr is destroyed the
-  // Connection will disconnect automatically.
+  /// Movable Connection smart pointer. When Connection::Ptr is destroyed the
+  /// Connection will disconnect automatically.
   using Ptr = internal::RaiiPtr<Connection, &Connection::Disconnect>;
diff --git a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/peripheral.h b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/peripheral.h
index 23c56d1..34c88fc 100644
--- a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/peripheral.h
+++ b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/low_energy/peripheral.h
@@ -26,130 +26,133 @@
 namespace pw::bluetooth::low_energy {
-// `AdvertisedPeripheral` instances are valid for the duration of advertising.
+/// `AdvertisedPeripheral` instances are valid for the duration of advertising.
 class AdvertisedPeripheral {
   virtual ~AdvertisedPeripheral() = default;
-  // Set a callback that will be called when an error occurs and advertising
-  // has been stopped (invalidating this object). It is OK to destroy the
-  // `AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr` object from within `callback`.
+  /// Set a callback that will be called when an error occurs and advertising
+  /// has been stopped (invalidating this object). It is OK to destroy the
+  /// `AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr` object from within `callback`.
   virtual void SetErrorCallback(Closure callback) = 0;
-  // For connectable advertisements, this callback will be called when an LE
-  // central connects to the advertisement. It is recommended to set this
-  // callback immediately after advertising starts to avoid dropping
-  // connections.
-  //
-  // The returned Connection can be used to interact with the peer. It also
-  // represents a peripheral's ownership over the connection: the client can
-  // drop the object to request a disconnection. Similarly, the Connection
-  // error handler is called by the system to indicate that the connection to
-  // the peer has been lost. While connections are exclusive among peripherals,
-  // they may be shared with centrals.
-  //
-  // If advertising is not stopped, this callback may be called with multiple
-  // connections over the lifetime of an advertisement. It is OK to destroy
-  // the `AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr` object from within `callback` in order to
-  // stop advertising.
+  /// For connectable advertisements, this callback will be called when an LE
+  /// central connects to the advertisement. It is recommended to set this
+  /// callback immediately after advertising starts to avoid dropping
+  /// connections.
+  ///
+  /// The returned Connection can be used to interact with the peer. It also
+  /// represents a peripheral's ownership over the connection: the client can
+  /// drop the object to request a disconnection. Similarly, the Connection
+  /// error handler is called by the system to indicate that the connection to
+  /// the peer has been lost. While connections are exclusive among peripherals,
+  /// they may be shared with centrals.
+  ///
+  /// If advertising is not stopped, this callback may be called with multiple
+  /// connections over the lifetime of an advertisement. It is OK to destroy
+  /// the `AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr` object from within `callback` in order to
+  /// stop advertising.
   virtual void SetConnectionCallback(
       Function<void(Connection::Ptr)>&& callback) = 0;
-  // Stop advertising. This method is called by the ~AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr()
-  // when it goes out of scope, the API client should never call this method.
+  /// Stop advertising. This method is called by the
+  /// ~AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr() when it goes out of scope, the API client
+  /// should never call this method.
   virtual void StopAdvertising() = 0;
-  // Movable AdvertisedPeripheral smart pointer. The peripheral will continue
-  // advertising until the returned AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr is destroyed.
+  /// Movable AdvertisedPeripheral smart pointer. The peripheral will continue
+  /// advertising until the returned AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr is destroyed.
   using Ptr = internal::RaiiPtr<AdvertisedPeripheral,
-// Represents the LE Peripheral role, which advertises and is connected to.
+/// Represents the LE Peripheral role, which advertises and is connected to.
 class Peripheral {
-  // The range of the time interval between advertisements. Shorter intervals
-  // result in faster discovery at the cost of higher power consumption. The
-  // exact interval used is determined by the Bluetooth controller.
-  // Time = N * 0.625ms.
-  // Time range: 0x0020 (20ms) - 0x4000 (10.24s)
+  /// The range of the time interval between advertisements. Shorter intervals
+  /// result in faster discovery at the cost of higher power consumption. The
+  /// exact interval used is determined by the Bluetooth controller.
+  /// - Time = N * 0.625ms.
+  /// - Time range: 0x0020 (20ms) - 0x4000 (10.24s)
   struct AdvertisingIntervalRange {
-    uint16_t min = 0x0800;  // 1.28s
-    uint16_t max = 0x0800;  // 1.28s
+    /// Default: 1.28s
+    uint16_t min = 0x0800;
+    /// Default: 1.28s
+    uint16_t max = 0x0800;
-  // Represents the parameters for configuring advertisements.
+  /// Represents the parameters for configuring advertisements.
   struct AdvertisingParameters {
-    // The fields that will be encoded in the data section of advertising
-    // packets.
+    /// The fields that will be encoded in the data section of advertising
+    /// packets.
     AdvertisingData data;
-    // The fields that are to be sent in a scan response packet. Clients may use
-    // this to send additional data that does not fit inside an advertising
-    // packet on platforms that do not support the advertising data length
-    // extensions.
-    //
-    // If present advertisements will be configured to be scannable.
+    /// The fields that are to be sent in a scan response packet. Clients may
+    /// use this to send additional data that does not fit inside an advertising
+    /// packet on platforms that do not support the advertising data length
+    /// extensions.
+    ///
+    /// If present advertisements will be configured to be scannable.
     std::optional<AdvertisingData> scan_response;
-    // See `AdvertisingIntervalRange` documentation.
+    /// See `AdvertisingIntervalRange` documentation.
     AdvertisingIntervalRange interval_range;
-    // If present, the controller will broadcast connectable advertisements
-    // which allow peers to initiate connections to the Peripheral. The fields
-    // of `ConnectionOptions` will configure any connections set up from
-    // advertising.
+    /// If present, the controller will broadcast connectable advertisements
+    /// which allow peers to initiate connections to the Peripheral. The fields
+    /// of `ConnectionOptions` will configure any connections set up from
+    /// advertising.
     std::optional<ConnectionOptions> connection_options;
-  // Errors returned by `Advertise`.
+  /// Errors returned by `Advertise`.
   enum class AdvertiseError {
-    // The operation or parameters requested are not supported on the current
-    // hardware.
+    /// The operation or parameters requested are not supported on the current
+    /// hardware.
     kNotSupported = 1,
-    // The provided advertising data exceeds the maximum allowed length when
-    // encoded.
+    /// The provided advertising data exceeds the maximum allowed length when
+    /// encoded.
     kAdvertisingDataTooLong = 2,
-    // The provided scan response data exceeds the maximum allowed length when
-    // encoded.
+    /// The provided scan response data exceeds the maximum allowed length when
+    /// encoded.
     kScanResponseDataTooLong = 3,
-    // The requested parameters are invalid.
+    /// The requested parameters are invalid.
     kInvalidParameters = 4,
-    // This may be called if the maximum number of simultaneous advertisements
-    // has already been reached.
+    /// This may be called if the maximum number of simultaneous advertisements
+    /// has already been reached.
     kNotEnoughAdvertisingSlots = 5,
-    // Advertising could not be initiated due to a hardware or system error.
+    /// Advertising could not be initiated due to a hardware or system error.
     kFailed = 6,
+  /// Callback for `Advertise()` method.
   using AdvertiseCallback =
       Function<void(Result<AdvertiseError, AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr>)>;
   virtual ~Peripheral() = default;
-  // Start advertising continuously as a LE peripheral. If advertising cannot
-  // be initiated then `result_callback` will be called with an error. Once
-  // started, advertising can be stopped by destroying the returned
-  // `AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr`.
-  //
-  // If the system supports multiple advertising, this may be called as many
-  // times as there are advertising slots. To reconfigure an advertisement,
-  // first close the original advertisement and then initiate a new
-  // advertisement.
-  //
-  // Parameters:
-  // `parameters` - Parameters used while configuring the advertising
-  //     instance.
-  // `result_callback` - Called once advertising has started or failed. On
-  //     success, called with an `AdvertisedPeripheral` that models the lifetime
-  //     of the advertisement. Destroying it will stop advertising.
+  /// Start advertising continuously as a LE peripheral. If advertising cannot
+  /// be initiated then `result_callback` will be called with an error. Once
+  /// started, advertising can be stopped by destroying the returned
+  /// `AdvertisedPeripheral::Ptr`.
+  ///
+  /// If the system supports multiple advertising, this may be called as many
+  /// times as there are advertising slots. To reconfigure an advertisement,
+  /// first close the original advertisement and then initiate a new
+  /// advertisement.
+  ///
+  /// @param parameters Parameters used while configuring the advertising
+  /// instance.
+  /// @param result_callback Called once advertising has started or failed. On
+  /// success, called with an `AdvertisedPeripheral` that models the lifetime of
+  /// the advertisement. Destroying it will stop advertising.
   virtual void Advertise(const AdvertisingParameters& parameters,
                          AdvertiseCallback&& result_callback) = 0;
diff --git a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/types.h b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/types.h
index 3639bbf..d969b62 100644
--- a/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/types.h
+++ b/pw_bluetooth/public/pw_bluetooth/types.h
@@ -98,4 +98,4 @@
   kSportsActivityLocationAndNavPod = 5188,
-}  // namespace pw::bluetooth
\ No newline at end of file
+}  // namespace pw::bluetooth