blob: 097e4a3a7f2d6b6dfb22e5902092f40a96d48acb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Pigweed Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
// the License.
#pragma once
#include "pw_bytes/span.h"
#include "pw_result/result.h"
#include "pw_ring_buffer/prefixed_entry_ring_buffer.h"
#include "pw_status/status.h"
namespace pw {
namespace multisink {
class Drain;
// An asynchronous single-writer multi-reader queue that ensures readers can
// poll for dropped message counts, which is useful for logging or similar
// scenarios where readers need to be aware of the input message sequence.
// TODO(pwbug/342): Support notifying readers when the queue is readable,
// rather than requiring them to poll to check for new entries.
// TODO(pwbug/343): Add thread-safety, separate from the thread-safety work
// planned for the underlying ring buffer.
class MultiSink {
// Constructs a multisink using a ring buffer backed by the provided buffer.
MultiSink(ByteSpan buffer) : ring_buffer_(true), sequence_id_(0) {
// Write an entry to the multisink. If available space is less than the
// size of the entry, the internal ring buffer will push the oldest entries
// out to make space, so long as the entry is not larger than the buffer.
// The sequence ID of the multisink will always increment as a result of
// calling HandleEntry, regardless of whether pushing the entry succeeds.
// Return values:
// Ok - Entry was successfully pushed to the ring buffer.
// InvalidArgument - Size of data to write is zero bytes.
// OutOfRange - Size of data is greater than buffer size.
// FailedPrecondition - Buffer was not initialized.
Status HandleEntry(ConstByteSpan entry) {
return ring_buffer_.PushBack(entry, sequence_id_++);
// Notifies the multisink of messages dropped before ingress. The writer
// may use this to signal to readers that an entry (or entries) failed
// before being sent to the multisink (e.g. the writer failed to encode
// the message). This API increments the sequence ID of the multisink by
// the provided `drop_count`.
void HandleDropped(uint32_t drop_count = 1) { sequence_id_ += drop_count; }
// Attach a drain to the multisink. Drains may not be associated with more
// than one multisink at a time. Entries pushed before the drain was attached
// are not seen by the drain, so drains should be attached before entries
// are pushed.
// Return values:
// Ok - Drain was successfully attached.
// InvalidArgument - Drain is currently associated with another multisink.
Status AttachDrain(Drain& drain);
// Detaches a drain from the multisink. Drains may only be detached if they
// were previously attached to this multisink.
// Return values:
// Ok - Drain was successfully detached.
// InvalidArgument - Drain is not currently associated with this multisink.
Status DetachDrain(Drain& drain);
// Removes all data from the internal buffer. The multisink's sequence ID is
// not modified, so readers may interpret this event as droppping entries.
void Clear() { ring_buffer_.Clear(); }
friend Drain;
// Gets an entry from the provided drain and unpacks sequence ID information.
// Drains use this API to strip away sequence ID information for drop
// calculation.
// Returns:
// Ok - An entry was successfully read from the multisink. The `sequence_id`
// is set to the ID encoded in the oldest entry.
// FailedPrecondition - The drain is not attached to a multisink.
// ResourceExhausted - The provided buffer was not large enough to store
// the next available entry.
// DataLoss - An entry was read from the multisink, but did not contains an
// encoded sequence ID.
static Result<ConstByteSpan> GetEntry(Drain& drain,
ByteSpan buffer,
uint32_t& sequence_id_out);
ring_buffer::PrefixedEntryRingBufferMulti ring_buffer_;
uint32_t sequence_id_ = 0;
} // namespace multisink
} // namespace pw